and love what you see in the world and create fun games too and
and then to hate what id what you'd love to be
i guess i dont see that god who is soo silly
like allowing atrocities like being cute and stuff
I found men3es clothes in my mom car and at my local dumpster and put it on becausethe boy smell, what what do u think of that is. would atht would thIs be gay??
this is an accurate depiction of what happens when you call admin cute, it melts his brain and makes him do stupid things like crossdress and and ummm... Hmmhhhggfghtg uhhhh
the blood moon's out wyd
imma pray
what it feels like to post on [s4s]
Most trans girls sound like either rapists or retards when trying to rizz other people
I ran out of good yuri animes to watch. Do any of you know a good yuri anime?
watch me watch ssss gridman
More squishies should buy a maid outfit with matching mary janes and white sheer tights!
please post in my thread, but everyone has to say something interesting, thank you
i hate all of you
genuine hate
you should all live happily. i love all of you. every single one of you.
you're dead wrong if u think ur not included. you, reading this right now, YOU are included in the list of people i absolutely fucking love and wish to see happy, fulfilled and hopeful.
Your Fortune: Godly Luck
feels like i'm condemned, from head to toe
will God keep forgiving me? i don't know
i try to convince myself that i know better, i'm a learned man
but God tells me only in the ways of flesh, true holiness i don't understand
i'll succumb to this nausea; i'm sick of myself, but it's a small price to pay
for living in sin, against His holy way
Lord, i beg for forgiveness, for today and tomorrow
because only you know that the promises i make are hollow
i receive my saviour, our reigning king, our lord Jesus Christ
because it was for us, the lost and damned, that he paid the ultimate price
and i pray tonight that you help lead me back to your flock
i'm so lost and scared, and only you are my rock, amen.
feeling kinda cute today c:
Turns out Madoka Magica has a spin-off series with three seasons
Do you wear a bra as a trans girl?
watch me play silent hill 2
You should all kill urselves, i hate all of you. Every single one of you.
cat got spayed today and i brought her home but she was really disoriented and kept trying to crawl out of her bed despite not even being able to stand upright so i put her back into the carrier but she still struggles to get up and keeps bumping her head into the carrier walls and then just slumps forward and lies in uncomfortable positions until trying again
i'm distressed about her apparent discomfort but i'm afraid of leaving her outside unmonitored while she's this groggy
have gay sex and film it just for fun
I got shoulder checked by a terrier today
ever since i got a job i've started gaining weight
i weighted myself today and somehow i've gained almost 10 kg in less than two years how do i stop this
proof that yukari is a raging lesbian: there was no such thing as 'thigh gap' in the past, she is the one who a gap in the thighs of every woman just so their pussies are more easily accessed
What will you do when you hit the wall and nobody wants to fuck you anymore?
happythoughts says i am a 50 year old house wife living in the body of a 30 year old german guy
I woke up in the middle of the night and immediately went on a rudeposting crusade wtf i'm just as hurt as you are about it idk why i'm still allowed to be here anymore they have the power to shut me up when i accidentally post a gif associated with Magick, they have the power to stop me from ip switching, they have the power to hit me with a rangeban, they have the power to send an army of bot spammers to my threads to intimidate me, they have the power to accuse me of breaking US law, they have proved it to me multiple times but they only ever apply it for the most inoffensive bullshit, fuck you s4s wtf, the ghouls who run this place play nice but they went all of us to suffer, they want You to suffer the most. This is a cry for help.
Just found out Madoka Magica had a sequel movie called Rebellion. I watched it and it was really trippy, confusing and kinda gay.
I want a cutter gf that lets me lick her blood
I'm too retarded to use makeup properly. I can only pull off eyeliner and nail polish without looking like a clown.
i make like 10 threads a day and theyre all just me expressing how gay i am. i do not talk about anything else. i do not think about anything else. its all trans femboy gay gay gay men dressed like women feminine men homosexuality gay gay gay. what is the cause of my brain tumor?
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
Would you date a trans girl that likes wearing diapers?
some of you in this very board
ess4ess moment
this boi is autistic
watch me play silent hill 4: the room
I have it under good authority that the public discord server for needy streamer overload is full of annoying menhera brats (male) bottomfeeding the dregs and bits n pieces of denpa and jirai-kei culture that spill onto the english speaking internet.
thread theme:
i know that smiles of urs jamEs
I'm really drunk right now.
I love all of you faggots here
however I'M normally schizoid and never feel emotions.
A dude expresses constantly that he's going to kill himself and my choice is to put him into a quantum superposition of both dead and alive because that's easier for me to process.
I love him really and want to be with him however I am still extremely selfish and want to spend many hours of the day alone by myself. I don't feel emotional empathy.
Even though I know cognitively that someone is going through a bad time I don't feel those emotions myself and then I feel inadequate that I can't console him properly.
Am I toxic?
Is it gay to want to wear this and make my house like this??
how i sleep knowing i'm putting money on a bosnian family's table
from time to time i check this website, am i welcome here?
I will make my depression and sadness be known.
Yuri cowboy anime set in Mexico
I got banned munch is back
hey person who streamed some kind of miku rhythm game moments ago, i wanted to ask you in the chat but you ended the stream just as i was typing , when i woke up and joined the stream maybe some 15-20 minutes ago you were playing a song that i recognized and it was very catchy but i can't remember the name of it and it's in my head now and it won't go away do you know which song it was please help
I dreamt about having a slutty tummy again, I'm so hungry
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
This anime is just Evangelion but for girls
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i have an extra vps doing nothing
would anyone be interested in a minecraft server...
how do i swallow cum? i think its gross but i think if i dont it'd be a bad blowie
This could be us, but your testosterone levels are 558 ng/dL
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead
I'm getting too old for random hook-ups. I just want a husband to sleep next to at night.
Where can I find a husband as a trans girl?
I look like this and say this
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead
>another image completely deleted off the internet
>not one of the niggerfaggots running a booru decided to keep it up
I just finished the Nichijou anime and manga. Turns out none of the overarching plot points or romance subplots get resolved. What even was the point of all this?
<b>How to Prevent Dangerous Imbalance and Extend Equipment Lifespan?</b>
Vibration issues in industrial machinery lead to increased wear, higher energy costs, and unexpected failures. <b>Balanset-1A</b> is a professional portable balancer and vibration analyzer designed to detect and correct imbalance in rotors, fans, turbines, and other rotating equipment.
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ill tell the guy after the hookup to watch me play silent hill actually
Would you date a FtM trans boy?
An old black man tried to rizz me at work today
Anyone remember playing the Sonic Inflation trilogy as a kid?
Ordered an ear piercer on Amazon. What should I pierce first when it arrives? You can pierce almost any part of your body.
what if I don't wanna be horny and g**ned out all the time?
Found a God tier yuri anime called Maria Holic. English dub is kino and almost feels like an abridged series.
>didn't get to talk to the kemono fursuiter girl
This anime is literally just thinly veiled porn with exposed tits, nipples and asses every episode
old enough that the tradesmen doing work at my house are calling me "boss", time 2 die
I'm going to a gay night club next week. Hope I don't get HIV or raped.
What autism and lack of pussy does to a MF
Is gas station cashier the only available job for trans people that didn't go to college or learn to code?
Where do I find a cute shy autistic nerd to date? All the hookup apps and dating sites are filled with gross hairy mexican and old gay boomers.
Would you fuck your best friend from high school now that you're a girl?
How did you feel after losing your virginity?
HRT made by testicles shrink and now I can squeeze my thighs together really tight. I think with some lube it could feel like fucking a real pussy.
Chasers all want nasty anal sex and sloppy blowjobs. Why can't we frot, kiss and cuddle like a wholesome married couple?
oh fuck i'm going to puke what is wrong with my mom
Are magnet piercings based or cringe? I like the aesthetic of nose piercings but also don't want a permanent hole in my nose. Should I just use these instead?
I gave into peer pressure and finally ordered an epilator from Amazon. What should I expect when it arrives?
fucking faggot ass sun is coming up i wanna keep playing videogames in the dark why is it coming up
Anime is now grooming girls to be FtMs. It's over for the human race.
felt like making boymilk coffee again, will post results
you have to wait 10 minutes for the enzymes to break down the stringy consistency and become runny again or else the c**mies will stay stringy and won't mix with the coffee
i watched so many people die..
I hate the youngshit trans girls that got to transition in high school. I never got to experience young innocent virgin love with boys. By the time I was ready for sex everyone was already experience and nobody was looking for love.
Goat cheese pizza is better for you than regular pizza
I just learned Church's Chicken makes fried jalapeno poppers. Should buy some tomorrow for dinner? I'm vegetarian but still love eating greasy fried slop.
A kino manga about a dog man wanting to rape his father for revenge and justice
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead
I think my big brother is trying to make me detransition. He keeps sending me articles of ugly trans people, murdered trans people who lied about their gender before sex and trans rapists in female prisons. Does this mean he still cares about me or does he just hate me now?
micker broke into my house and drugged me and tied me up in the basement and has her way with me and she feeds me pizza once a week
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
adopt an esfores boy today
beam languages into my brain now please!
I just want to watch an anime with a well written trans character. I hate all these cringy catboys and crossdressing elves in anime.
>22 years old today
Time to kill myself, no one wants a post-wall twink
who do you think he's self-inserting as in the porn he's watching
Would you have sex with a copy of yourself?
those of you who dislike cages...
I can't afford breast implants and want mommy milkers. Why aren't mommy milkers covered under health insurance? Is the world run by the Itty Bitty Titty Committee?
Im incredible unhappy, and i wont ifnd happiness if i lose a friend and instead will sink into the earth
I think I might be acespike. I get horny maybe once a month but when I have sex or goon I lose all intrest in sex, relationships and porn. My spikes only last a few days at most but I feel like ghosting everyone I have sex with afterwards. I also don't get dating or romance because autism.
This is the ideal male body, you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.
why does eveyrone on this website just want to bully me and be rude to me no matter what i do always and also why is everyone here sad and confusing and missed their chance to make a relevant site i dont get it
jiruposter is listening to me asmr
As a chaserlord, the hardest decision I've had to make was voting for The Trump knowing he was going to ban youngshit trannies and hinder my future goonsehes. But i guess you have to make some sacrifices
So how easy is it to get a russian visa?
Normies can spot a trans girl by their masculine posture and even by the way they stand, sit or walk like a man. Learn to move like a girl and have the posture of a girl. You'll blend in better and have an easier time passing in public.
Anyone else think virgin guys are really cute? Most are just shy autists or uncracked eggs that wanna get laid but are too scared of cis women.
Does taking Rhino pills make the sex any better?
I was looking for a wholesome yuri anime. Instead found psychological horror.
I'm too lazy to shave every couple of days. Gonna try using wax strips instead.
what kind of cage should i get
the pink one is cute but the metal ones i might want my boyclit squished into its absolute tiniest
Would you adopt a kid if given the opportunity? My sex drive is gone but I still wanna feel like a woman. Should I save money and try to become a mother by adopting a kid?
snuggleing with my heated pillow pretending it was (You)
average egirl on these websites
I haven't felt this bad since 2018 don't hmu
splooge your retardation all over the front page
Anyone here ever have sex with a cis woman?
I am an artificial satellite
death by a groillion c4 paer cutters and still no offoiclar corpololishipwhore cosplay
I wanna eat a bag of chips but don't which one to buy
can you cure a broken heart?
Does nayone feel so horrible that they could just dissapear
How unhappy and miserable can someone get before they do something stupid.
Just finished all three seasons of Uma Musume: Pretty Derby
why do sometimes like on occasion ok not all the time i guess, but well idk like a few times probably im not really sure well enough to be noticible like maybe there's a pattern or whatever but anyway so like why do sometimes when sometimes when umm, like, ok wait hold on so this isnt like im not saying ALWAYS u know, not all the time but maybe sometimes probably idk, dont take me too seriously jjust dont think too much about it, you can take me seirously if u want but u dont have to, well anyway so um, so like sometimes when, ok wait so so ok u know this is just an example not a real depiction of actual events u know like, im not trying to say this happens ALL the time u know maybe im just crazy ok im soryr ifi m ocnfusing im not trying to be confusing i just noticed sometimes like when YES NOT ALL THE TIME OK please just please its not that importnat you know never mind please just stop just jjust what was i saying uuum yeah angel psychosis or something why does that happen sometimes
my spotify wrapped..
basically i listened to drug music artists
and top songs are just jirai disassociation
does sluts4sale like my orb?
Buy a soft silk pillow case to reduce hair friction while sleeping. You'll thank me later.
oh my fuckuigngin GOOOOOOD life is TOO WAY TOO hard people are so annoying but you still need stuff from them, shit happens, nothing goes your way, everything is unfair, your body is a fucked up mess, drugs are illegal because fuck you that's why, and I'm not even taking into account that sometimes you indeed do stupid shit and fuck up everything
you need money you needto do certain things IM SO BORED holy shit just kill me I don't want to live anymore IT'S NOT LIKE "oh yeah life sucks but it's also good" nah man it just sucks what's the point there's nothing to do like I'm done here or what? ? ?? ? ? stuid board
always never forget that u will be forever rememebred and never forgotten for as long as i breathe on tjis earth and for as long as u never forget to remember th e things that make you happy even when ur sad never ever forget that u can always alter reality to fit your beliefs because u are a god how can you kill a god how could u be so naive what a grand and intoxicating innocence there is no escape no recall of intervention can work in this place come lay down your weapons
I think guys with small dicks are kinda cute but they struggle to make me cum during sex. Frotting is nice but sometimes I wanna get fucked like a real woman from behind and bite my pillow. I like how these guys overcompensate for their small dicks by acting like low budget sugar daddies when in a relationship. Buying me fast food like Burger King and videogames as small bribes for me to stay. While big dick guys expect your to pay for stuff like condoms, gatorade and redbulls. Not sure who to date in the long-term to be honest. Both guys have their pros and cons.
How bad will things get under Trump? The Left doesn't care about us anymore and was probably just using us for some jewish agenda. While Trump can just pass an anti-trans law to keep his clapping seals entertained and create the illusion of "winning" against the "Left". Feels like we've become a sacrificial lamb to boost Trump's approval numbers if he fails in securing the border, floods the country with pajeets or starts a new war for his jewish masters. Boomers unironically think we're all child groomers that wanna cut their son's dicks off and rip off their daughter's tits. So we'll get no sympathy from anyone and nobody will try to stop Trump from screwing us over in the long run.
I'm on drugs, I've been on drugs this whole time
I started slut maxxing after making friends with a few drag queens:
>Black leather choker
>Thick goth girl eye makeup
>Black or deep red lip stick
Now I feel like I'm a diffrent person when I go to the drag bar in makeup. Like I found the trans version of going Super Saiyan.
How do these incels not crack under social pressure and become girls to cope with their male loneliness and failed social life?
magick is always so horny, imagine how frustrating it would be for her to keep her in chastity and then hiding the keys nd not allowing her out!
are you sick of shaving?
just get some fake translucent pantyhose tights so you can have effortlessly silky smooth legs whenever you want, they even keep you warm in the winter
how do i clean the bottom of my fleshlight its kinda starting to get brown and thats unappealing even when i can not see it in the plastic tube its in...
i might have to throw it away even thou i clean it throuhly every time i use it
Went to a gay bar for valentine's day and only saw middle aged gay men and two married gay couples. I felt so cringe drinking my fireball alone and watching the TV screen. Turns out everyone younger than 40 fucked on Grindr today. I felt like a such a boomer and smoked a pom pom to cope with how badly I messed up today.
my phone rang and i just answered it via my headset without even looking at who was calling me thinking it was my mom (because no one else calls me other than her and telemarketers) but in the end it turned out it was someone from highschool i haven't talked to in over 10 years and what followed was a very awkward exchange where they asked me how am i doing and if i want to meet up with a bunch of other guys from hs to catch up to which i meekly agreed because i couldn't think of an excuse cause i was caught completely off guard
they told me "they are going to keep in touch" about the exact date of the meetup how do i get out of this
Brush your teeth and use mouth wash if you wanna get kissed. Clean your penis if you want your dick sucked. Don't take your shirt off during sex if you're chubby and have gross body hair around your belly. Some guys have nasty hygiene and real life isn't a hentai with an ugly bastard protagonist. Make yourself presentable for sex. Tired of ugly bastards on Grindr having nasty troll sex with each other.
strange angel type figure
I wanna eat guy's assholes but don't wanna taste shit or get an std. Then I remembered condom dispensers have special female condoms just for lesbian to eat a stranger's pussy. I could use these female condoms to eat ass without any health risks or it being unsanitary.
I found a rare women's only bathroom. Should I try going inside as a trans girl?
new mouse finally arrived it is a tiny bit bigger and has an 8k instead of an 4k sensor different switches inside the mouse and uhhh a different coding its not so glossy anymore and has a good grip to it
thank you for reading my blog
I didn't know gay bars had video game tournaments. Gonna go on Tuesday and rizz some gamers.
it's friday night, people your age are fucking and having fun, but you're stuck here (with me)
How do I moan like a girl during sex? I only make akward heavy breathing sounds. Faking the moans feels really dishonest but I want the guy to know he's doing a good job during sex.
You may not like it but this is the ideal female anatomy
you ever just hornybuy stuff late at night?
i asked chatgpt and it says I'm a size 6 or M pantsu size with my 39 inch hips
amazon says the same thing, hope they fit!!
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
last night i dreamt that somebody loved me..
<I bought a starter dildo
Are you getting ready for some sloppy lovey dovey Valentine's Day sex in a few days?
Becoming a femboy typically involves a combination of exercise, diet, and grooming habits. In order to achieve a more feminine figure, it's important to focus on toning certain muscle groups while also incorporating a nutrient-rich and balanced diet. Here's a suggested routine:
Exercise Routine:
1. Cardiovascular Exercise: Perform 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or dancing, at least 3-4 times a week. This will help burn calories and promote overall weight loss.
2. Leg Workout: Aim for 2-3 leg workouts per week. Focus on exercises that target the glutes, hips, and thighs such as squats, lunges, and hip thrusts. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each exercise.
3. Core and Waist Exercises: Include exercises that will help create a more defined waistline. Some effective exercises include Russian twists, side plank hip dips, and bicycle crunches. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each exercise, at least 2-3 times per week.
4. Upper Body Workout: To achieve a more feminine upper body, focus on exercises that target the chest, shoulders, and arms. Incorporate exercises like push-ups, dumbbell chest presses, lateral raises, and tricep dips. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each exercise, at least 2-3 times per week.
I hate my penis so fucking much. How do I fight the urge to get sexual reassignment surgery? I know SRS is awful but having a dick is driving me crazy.
Last night I dreamt that I made a sandwich using the chicken slices that are in my fridge right now but it was just a dream so now I have to make that chicken sandwich a second time!
Why do some girls want to be trans guys? Men age like milk and go bald on male hormones.
neppy won a stuffed animal
Why aren't you drinking a monster energy? It has your daily dose of B vitamins.
how do I overcome my social anxiety without benzos + liquor
The importance of Patala to esoteric Buddhism lay in its role as the source of alchemy and magical science or vidyā, immortality and enjoyment, particularly the opportunity for the (male) vidyādhara to have intercourse with female non-humans.
Don't you love it when you get a reply? It's the warmest, sweetest, happiest, most blissful feeling in the world.
Why aren't you giving more handjobs? It only takes a few minutes and you can just wash your hands afterwards. Places that hand out free condoms also give away free small lube packets that fit in your wallet. You can give anyone a handjob in their car or public bathroom. Just don't aim the dick at yourself as they're about to cum. I think it's fun, there's zero risk of std and no prep is needed like with sex. Go give a few handjobs to friends and strangers. Even if the guy is mid or ugly a handjob isn't as intimate as sex and just feels like you're doing him a favor. I've changed people's lives just by giving them pity handjobs.
Could I fuck younger guys if I started calling myself a milf?
how do ppl find the time to play with their butt, there's so much work involved if you don't want to be gross, like fasting and enemaing and the orgasms take hours, is it only neets who clean themselves out and shove prostate toys up their butt while rotting in bed wearing skirts and listening to sissy hypno and inhaling dxm
How do I fight the urge to cry whenever a guys holds me in his arms? I feel like such a basic bitch for crying in front of a guy. A real slut wouldn't show this level of weakness. I'm an apex predator that eats men for breakfast not a sad little girl that wants her daddy to comfort her.
I'm turning 30 next year. I think it's time for me to stop being a slut. No more pills, no more cage and no more toys. Just looking for a nice guy to settle down with. Try and live a somewhat normal life for a trans girl.
Frenulum bullying is the hot new way to fap ur pebis!
I went twice last night and it felt like my brain was melting by how good it felt, refractory period didn't happen either!
Pls bully ur frenulum responsibly!!!
How am I supposed to have a relationship if I don't care about other people?
My dream gf is a trans girls that cuts herself and lets me lick the cuts afterwards.
ate a bag of sour gummy candies yesterday
turns out it's one of those that colors your tongue blue, which i didn't realize until i already ate the bag, not that i thought much of it anyway
today all my poops have been brightly blue/green
like not slightly tinted but completely stark blue, it even colored the toilet water
i'm on my third poop today and it's still like this, which makes me think what the hell do they even put into these that the color doesn't get broken down by the digestive system after so long
you know what f*k you
<unboys ur catboy maid
wagick or someone pretending to be wagick most likely, came back made a single post asking me if I remember them and then disappeared
Today sluts4sale turned one!!!! And what's even weirder there's still some people posting on it!!!!
Anyway, please voice any concerns/impressions you may have in this thread ITT.
so excited to cum with my bf when he wakes up he treats me like puppy and i go woof woof its nice also hes my mommy very based
gained a lot of weight since they changed my medication...
I guess this June/July is fashion season ^_^
To the person it obviously concerns. Demi
people with chemical fasiantion are utterly fascinated with chemical sources of enjoyment. Consuming recreational drugs will create a good mood, while abstaining will lead to increasing frustration over time and possibly drug binges. They will ignore directives to not use recreational drugs, and will consume more than a normal person.
replying to pedo bullshit
he will be gone in 18 hours
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I thought my thread disappeared but I realized I accidentally posted it on the other board....
strange alien artifact of unknown properties
i snorted cocain in le mental hospital today c:
im fully awake now
Are you actually attracted to guys or do you only like cute boys pretending to be girls?
I found a buffet near my house. Can you really eat as much as you want? Is there a time limit or can you really spend all day there and eat shrimp and drink soda non-stop? I don't wanna get kicked out after four or five hours of eating shrimps in cocktail sauce and asking for soda refills every 5 minutes.
Is dyeing your hair red based or cringe?
i love being a teaching assistant
Ate a whole box of this candy now everything tastes wierd
"The amount of minutes per day you spend on personal grooming is linearly proportional to how likely it is that you own a dildo" -mattress store
Caption the new Stonetoss comic
What lack of pussy does to a MF
What we won't say for an interview with Venti.
<when the sissy hypnosis app stops working mid-fugs
hate when that happens
Your Fortune: Bad Luck
warm afterglow naps after fappies, I woke up at like 2am to find my phone was really really hot, i fell asleep after fapping on redgifs and it was replaying the same flat chastity locking video over and over without turning the screen off wtf
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
last night I took my dildo into the shower with me and had a good time, I used some of my extra stringy lube and fapped my dildo while sucking it off, the mixture of the stringy lube and the thickened saliva from suppressing my reflex made it feel like someone came in my mouth repeatedly and I was so horny from the hypnotic repetitive succing motions that I started frotting the wall and ended up cummhgng handsfree, maybe I should buy a second dildo so I can imagine getting spit-roasted and stuff uuuuuhhhgggg
im lonlely someone want to be my e-gf ?
my danbooru upload wasn't approved, killing myself rn
Older men are better at sex than most younger guys. I can see why cis women fuck older sugar daddies when they take you to Denny's instead of McDonalds for a date.
just got astrally raped again
this is what i feel like sometimes
Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?
Is anyone here not gay or trans?
I hate my dick so fucking much. How do I make this feeling stop without getting SRS.
>your next opponent is the dysphoria devil
I have a crush on a FtM trans boy. Do they date trans girls or am I out of my league?
What have you done today to ruin a wagie's life?
I want to start wearing hats but don't know which ones are cool and which ones are cringe.
Trump wasn't joking about hating trannies. I thought he was being a sussy baka and he secretly liked us. Turns out he was a meanie all along and hates us. Makes me regret voting for him and fucking Trump voters.
Do hrt tits get bigger than B-cup over time or is that the limit for most trans girls?
Each click on your site felt like going on an exhilarating safari in Kenya, where the vibrant images and energetic content capture the wild spirit of adventure. As a seasoned safari ranger, you’ve mapped out a thrilling journey for us!
Feel free to stop by my website <a href=></a>
Magick hasn't posted in 2 (two) days.
1. Is he dead?
2. Who killed him?
3. What was Wish's motive for killing Magick?
4. Can I watch the video of the murder?
Did you know that men have a small 1cm vestigial vagina in their urethra at the center of the prostate called the prostatic uticle, it opens and contracts like a cervix during ejaculation so it literally does the same thing just tiny and pretty useless, it doesn't go anywhere or lead to any ducts or glands.
It's also known as the vagina masculina or uterus masculinus or (in older literature) vesicula prostatica.
i was playing osu then i felt extremely dizzy and puked multiple times now im disabled on my bed
great threads here so far
it's not small it's just the cage
I caught a diamond for the first time in Webfishing but then lost connection to the host and it didn't save >_<
Did you also troon out because modern masculinity has been subverted to resemble black culture? While the last vestiges of White culture like literature, instrumental music and philosophy are seen as boring and unappealing to most modern women.
Just wait World
When I finally get my doctor to prescribe me antidepressants then I will finally have the drive to go to the gym again
>January 14 marks a special day dedicated to virtue, self-control and inner greatness. International Male Chastity Day is an opportunity to celebrate the strength and determination of men who choose the path of chastity.
>Male chastity goes well beyond physical abstention. It is an inner journey, an exploration of oneself, a quest for discipline and personal mastery.
>Join us in celebrating International Male Chastity Day on January 14, 2024. Together, let's embrace the strength, discipline and power of the masculine spirit.
>Your HolyTrainer team -
too bad the actual site mostly phrases it as subshit
the extremely masculine urge to dress up like a girl and ummm... Hmmhhhggfghtg uhhhh
Masculine Elegance Zen Cart Magento
>starts another irrelevant namefaggot schizoyapfest thread
If you ever have to live off bread and butter, put some salt on it the butter, maybe some dried herbs as well, it helps a bunch
What's a good cartoon to watch while high on bennies? I've been watching 12oz Mouse and Sheep in the Big City.
being asian is cheating
Your Fortune: Make Sure Your Earthly Affairs Are In Order
I tried running today and my titty hurts. I hate being a tranny.
what the flying fuck google
Boys refuse to kiss me after I suck their penis. I wanna taste their cum mixed with saliva. It makes me horny to mix their fluids together.
I'm drunk or high oe something
Pouring a little skovmoj formula into sluts4sale boys coke.
So what's the point of this again?
I'm bored. What are some good indie games on the Switch?
>When they hear my man voice after calling me cute and flirting with me
Would drinking my own pee increase my estrogen levels? I take hrt pills and some of that estrogen is probably in my urine. Would it even make a diffrence if I did? Could I also make other guys trans by making them drink my pee?
Why do guys become gym bros when they could just take estrogen and watch cartoons all day?
guys I'm so high it's scary I'm scary high wtf guys holy shit I'm going waysy aa I toos the THE druga
>Be me at work
>See someone committing a crime on the security camera
>Call cops
>Police officer comes and he's hot
>He starts asking me questions
>I start subconsciously flirting with him and start acting like a dumb slut on instinct
>He then asks me my work schedule
>I think I'm gonna get fucked by a police officer and the criminal got away
the vast majority of you on this very board
Gross people keep hitting on me. While young cute guys act akward and shy around me. It's not fair bros.
bounce on ur dildo while on dxm and hitting ur boy button will permanently rewire ur brain and make u retared
should i spend 180 euros on a pair of wireless headphones
they're the cheapest open back wireless headphones i can find
borderline autistic schizoid retard
I will make the world shine in order to brighten your day
nothing is happening
but I'm so happy
hold my hand and we can witness the world without fear
I promise to be kind always
and never lose sight of the stars
my heart is still and calm around you
floating under the sea or in the sky
its so warm like a dream
we're made from ethereal stardust
gazing into your eyes
feeling the answers are there
oh how I'll miss you when your gone
I tried making fried chicken using a different recipe and failed miserably.
Don't use buttermilk for the batter it slides right off when you stick the chicken in the oil.
Just dip the chicken in egg and then put it in seasoned flower!
The uncoated oily chicken was so disgusting it was inedible!
I remember we wwere happy if I'm late can i thank you now
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
squishy meetup shenanigans footage
The consistently posted child porn spam threads are making it difficult to justify coming back to this site.
What is the point of these things?
we talk about lole, but the real sounds i make while browsing here are phuh! and clackclackclackclackclack.
don't like being reminded of my own life when watching anime
What's the point of onimai other than to point out your life is over if you're a hikkineet m*le and the only way to redeem yourself is to restart ur life as a girl who pisses herself every few chapters?
This image was scrapped off the internet??
I can't find it through iqdb or tineye or searching by tag on boorus
Is polyamory based or cringe?
My new years resolution is to become skovmoj!
I hope admin gets the confidence to post his shimakaze outfit in 2025!
Why do niggers keep flirting with me? Don't they know I'm racist?
the lamp looks a little sus
remember to say rabbit rabbit tomorrow or else
send me cute pics of ur friedreg
all alone on new year's eve, even my parents are away from home...
I tried to goon but only precum came out. Should I be worried?
feel like vomiting from stress
i'm so tired of everything
when the esforses maid (tenshi) you purchased online finally arrives
Your Fortune: Extremely Bad Luck Holy Hell What Are You Doing
my thread i made this thread
like wtf even is this lmae
The more autistic the tranny the more she sounds like a rapist trying to pick up guys
>tfw have like 30 hours of grading ahead of me and spent the last week just reading and collecting books on the occult
please give me something to listen to while i dissociate myself grading
u should use a vibrator on ur penis
Whenever I have doubts of being trans I just remember hispanic women exist. These goblinas exist to make me look better by comparison.
I used to think brony cons had freaky hotel room orgies and anonymous gay sex like the furry cons did. Instead they discuss their favorite pony and sell plushies with fleshlight inserts and horse dildos.
I swear Code Lyoko was made by total gooners. Yumi is in her underwear getting dressed in half the episodes. Sometimes even naked in the bath or taking a shower. Re-watching the show is kinda awkward as an adult.
If there more to life than sucking dick, doing drugs and playing videogames?
say merry chiristsmas right now
merry christmas
some of you in this very site
Presented without comment
Are you a bottom or a top?
how did he get hrt in china
im gonna take a nap
and then im gonna do what i need to do, for real this time
Thoth is out to get me today.
I went to the ATM to withdraw some money to give to my imouto for Christmas and while the machine was counting my money it spat out my card and the screen changed to out of service.
Then I went into the store to buy something and scanned the item at the self-checkout and the self-checkout machine broke.
I drove straight home because I knew Thoth will try to get me into a traffic accident and I was right.
Some asshole cut me off at a junction only to immediately brake and then pull over on the wrong side of the road with his hazard lights on.
Lucky I knew Thoth's trick and was ready to react.
How do I stop being a fat little piggy? I sell candy, soda and junk food at my job and get a massive employee discount. The temptation to eat Recess peanut butter cups and Pringles is overwhelming and every night I fight the urge to pig out.
I found out the way I fap my pebis is considered feminine, i just rub my frenulum like a cl*t under my clothes most of the time instead of jerking it, apparently most guys don't spasm and have full body twitching whimpering orgasms that last a whole minute either.
I would like to have a squishy in captivity. I would feed him as if he were my slave and only take him out of the basement to use him as my sex toy.
Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions
Around blacks never relax
Modern social pressure is making everyone either act like either a tranny or a nigger to conform to society. Whites are the antithesis of nigger therefore they default to tranny. How can we escape this endless cycle before White men go extinct? Incel and chud aren't valid options because they reject society for the comfort of delusional superiority without offering a solution.
has squishy found their p-spot yet??
Theres gonna be hell to pay for the people with no empathy and much Condescension. Scrappin into the trash like garbage.
In the name of Schizophrenia and feeling of inadequacy everyone's so happy
I feel like i wish i could put my head in a machine at 50000 miles an hour and have it blow
Did you clean your room and wash your penis today?
My ass hurts after eating jalapeños. How the fuck do Mexicans eat spicy food everyday?
woah u use semenamide too?
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
What should I make for dinner?
What's the best time to go to Walmart and buy Legos without looking like the biggest autist on the planet? I always bail when kids are in the toy section because I feel ashamed.
omfg put it right the fuck back you big baby, stop your tantrum
How do you cook your hot dogs? I like to boil them.
masturbating cutely
u cant see its out of frame
kill your stupid self you dumb motherfucker
me when I get roofied and get fondled and toyed with lole
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
Why do people need to make things worse and difficult for no reason outside of mental neurodivergence issues
I'm gonna post my thighs again in the next two weeks
the desperately needs a boyfriend girl
I think the mushrooms are fucking me up and curing me at the same time
Do the foids have a point? Are the virgin men really undeserving of a virgin trad wife?
Nothing really makes me happy anymore. I forced myself to cum in ways that permanently damaged my body. Playing video games feels like such an empty experience that I drop them after thirty minutes. I sleep for most of the day because I don't want to be awake. How do I get over this feeling of crippling emptiness?
I kept making excuses to shove the bar of dove hand soap up my ass in the shower. Telling myself it would clean my asshole and insides. In truth I was just doing it for fun and felt too ashamed to admit it.
I can't get enough boysmell and male pheromones. Wanna trick dumb horny esforce boys into sending me their their sweaty shirts so I can sniff them.
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
Nepnep is officially BANNED in North America and Europe
Should I give up and marry an autist with a good paying job? I don't want to wage slave till I'm 50 and every year I get closer to hitting the wall.
Watching mlp is pure fucking brain rot. All I can think of now is ponies and how they'd interact with each other. Their personalities are so simple and direct that you can't help but imagine them when you close your eyes. My autism has fallen prey to this disease and you should avoid it at all costs. May God have mercy on my soul.
this is an accurate depiction of what happens when you call a boy cute, it melts his brain and makes him do stupid things like crossdress to get more complements
i liek the cornfelx fro mtehsu dsoerparmekt gstore the ones you ccan buy supoeramekt , i liek things liek cornfelx , u i like the ones like lion cereal i salso like the oreo ones newly i like it u should tyr ^_^ so tasty and good, and wonderful, whats yur favorite serial?
The Japanese are OBSESSED with mayo. Their version is sickeningly sweet, and they put it on everything, including pizza. It's very disgusting.
I went on /mlp/ and learned their fandom is a literal cult. They call dying "going to Equestria" and practice lucid dreaming and tulpas to hangout with ponies.
an automatic anti-spam measure is in effect on the site from now on
i'm unsure if there will be any false positives, but if you get instantly banned after posting a thread, please let me know via email, as i rarely (i.e. virtually never) check the built in appeals system
i'm not sure how good this will be, so if you're annoyed by cp staying up while i'm asleep or indisposed in some other way volunteer moderators would be welcome
loook at that waistless figure, that's a man
Four days without my hrt prescriptions and today I finally take my pills again. My balls immediately start hurting.
Have you heard about that open world genshin clone that's really a cute dress up simulator where you collect clothes and have some platforming bing bing wahoo whatevers so they can still call it a game?
The game is beautiful and visually stunning, unreal engine will r*pe your computer tho.
I tried playing it but i'm not fembrained enough to stomach the overly easy platforming gameplay, the entire game is centered around collecting and trying on incredibly high resolution clothes with magic powers and taking cute 4K pics, its not for me but I'm sure women will eat it up, it already got 10 million downloads but I bet most of those were men hoping for a game with more meat and sexy outfits, everything veers toward pretty and cute, no sexy, even the maid outfits are tame as hell.
I bet lowercase anonymous would like this, the gacha is pretty tame.
I fapped my penis after doing some work dismantling a super cub engine and the residual engine oil from my hands is burning my penis.
Fappies is done and I wanna tell everyone!!
This website and its users ruined my mental health and I want you to know that.
I hate when ugly old people find me attractive. It makes me feel gross and dirty.
'Cause I'm gonna make you see
There's nobody else here, no one like me
I'm special (special)
So special (special)
I gotta have some of your attention, give it to me
Having a girl sit on your face isn't sexy irl. Stop asking for it like a porn addicted sperg.
It is good to be the king
I hate men but like their dick and balls too much to quit them
Start using conditioner and actually use it properly. I see too many trans girls with awful and damaged hair.
should i talk to my therapist tomorrow about possiblky having a personality disorder
am I creepy?? how am I creepy
I'm not
My hrt prescription refill got delayed four days. What happens if you miss four days of hrt?
Post some good music. I'm bored and wanna listen to something.
Solid food makes you fat. Only drink milk, soup and coffee.
drop out of college and watch anime all day
I drank a red bull before bed and can't sleep
(sing this part)
born to feel
but I can't feel anything
cus nothing I have is what I wanted
please no pity of what I bring
champions all around me
and I don't make a sound
life is so unbearable
and I know im seeing it wrong
but Im wrong so what am I to do
something of a disaster
and holding back laughter
from the pain and unbearable pride
its beyond desire to enter the void
I know your a little bit annoyed
I'm sorry I truly am sorry
its all I've ever known
or at least it feels so
if there's not a way to go
then I'll find a way
if I don't believe in it
then I'll believe today
its not ruined until I die
tremendous hope and sorrow
I must be crazy
but I'm in love with the side of myself
that says I'm not different
I'm in love with hating myself
I'm not special
I'm not different
and im difficult to be around
if you can just bury me just enough so I'm never found
I'm so in love with never seeing anyone again
lost and found where lost is found
given the wrong gift every year
now im crying where no one can see
I'm in love don't you see
numbing is inevitable around me
licking wounds like a dog
loving the me with stockholm syndrome
don't you see
I'm in love
You admit to me you feel nothing
and I can agree
but I'm so lost in love for hating me
I've been in the void all along
i had forgotten what real love frelsblike
my heart flutters everytime we talk
i want this to last forever
should i reward myself with 5mg of diazepam for surviving the week now or save it for an emergency for the next week
Is Trump still saying anti-trans stuff or was it all a larp to pander to his retarded voter base?
How smol is your girl cock? Remember guys are intimidated by anthing over five inches.
that was so cool how u did that without thinking about the consequences and only thought that it’ll make me happy, ,u should do that more often
What's the minimum amount of makeup you use to pass? What's mandatory and what's optional for you?
everytime you fap, god gives admin a suicidal thought...
I'm almost 30 years old. Should I call myself a trans milf at this point?
bakudan bakudan bakubakudan
what is this site, coming from
How many times did you nut in no-nut november?
Good day! Your website provides great insights. Let's collaborate to promote sustainable battery recycling initiatives
<a href=>Recycle for profit</a>
Bye-bye, and may your path be blessed with endless possibilities
I just finished binge watching Berserk the 1997 anime. Only to find a ton of Griffith x Guts porn and fanfics afterwards.
homicidal tendencies fuzzy ml (º﹃º)
Wish I went to furry-con ten years ago and joined that gay hotel room orgy. Everyone got laid on that magical day and virgins became men.
Don't goon in public. People can smell the cum on you and see the post-nut look on your face.
Last night I dreamt I filled up a huge German beer mug with my own semen and then poured it out over several hotdogs for others to eat.
In the dream performing this act made Magick fall in love with me.
Is this truly the only way to win a girl's heart?
Have you watched Tamers12345's My Little Pony Parody?
sleep well <3 hope you feel better in the morning
I hate niggers with a burning passion. Yet nerdy black twinks make me horny for some reason.
Do you play with your asshole in the shower?
worst part of getting ur toys out and crossdressing is putting everything backkckckkcckck once you've finished wtf
feeling like reflecting my radiant soul inward into itself over and over in an endless cascade of flowing light until all who glimpse my form are blinded rn
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
i dont *want* to take memantine
pov: I open your psyche and find the evil within
I'm going to attend a furry meetup in an attempt to make lifelong friends I can actually trust with my life (that will also hopefully lessen the brunt of depression) ama
Chuds, MGTOWs and incels should all become cute girls. They'd be happier and less angry all the time.
How would you react to getting cucked by your own son?
Why do so many trans girls neglect their eyebrows? You can cut and shape them with grooming scissors to look more thin, arched and feminine. You don't have to walk around with a thick neanderthal brow.
Meet Pino, the newest member of the family c:
In case this anon posts here too, I wanted to reply but jannies are bullies.
<Barring some god-tier genetics or a naturally pretty face, most men would need to get put on estrogen and progesterone from the age of 14 to have any chance of looking like that.
I miss Shadman. What happened to him?
Eye makeup is fucking amazing. Just with some fake eyelashes and eyeliner you become instantly more feminine and sexy. Next to hair the eyes are the most important part of passing.
It's more like an /lgbt/-themed off-topic shitposting board.
I just bought X-Com 2 for my Nintendo Switch for just eight dollars. Holy shit is this game fucking kino. Why have I never heard about this game series before?
Eating cereal with cold milk is bad for you. Try using warm milk instead.
I miss gooning three times a day and shooting massive loads. Now I goon once every two or three days and only make a few drops of cum. HRT just turned my balls into tiny raisins.
One day I shot a fat nut on the sofa after gooning for about an hour. Afterwards my cat jumped on the sofa and started eating my still warm cummies.
A black man flirted with me at work! Help me be racist again before I fall prey to black cock!
I want to date a girl that cuts herself. Just so I could lick her fresh blood and kiss her cuts after they heal.
Your Fortune: I thought you used to be able to get purple fortunes and stuff on this site in the past, weren't you able to?
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead
I started saving money for a good recording setup. I'm planning on making porn on the website in a month or two. Has anyone here done this kind of thing before? I'm not really doing it for the money to be honest. I just want to goon while other people watch me.
Reply to my stupid thread!
Is sex better if the guy has foreskin or not?
Why is Pornhub filled with so much incest porn?
How do I make my boobs bigger? Should I turn into a BBW to get massive tits then lose weight afterwards?
fucked up skull idk what happened to it jesus christ DONT CLICK
Did you spend your peak sexual years having sex or playing video games?
i need to buy robotabs again
memantine isnt doing it as well as dxm
and sometimes memantine can act like a deliriant
i have to clutch with memantine until i can have robotabs again
Use The Go Back In Time Machine Tool And Change The Tide Of WW2
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
Can I have 20 yuro to buy moisturizer please?
I can't watch normal porn without feeling cucked
i bought silent hill 4 when it came out on gog digitally first day and its not on steam yet
I wanna get fucked in the ass but can't stop eating hot sauce. How do I solve this paradox?
(English)Happy new year 2012🎄
(Russian)С новым годом 2012🎄
(Polski)Szczęśliwego nowego roku 202🎄
(Ukraine)З новим роком 2012🎄
The entire website is approximately 10 people posting their thoughts. It's kinda beautiful
they put CCP propaganda on my tea
I can understand why it's hard for women to be virgins nowadays. Even the ugliest hon can get chaser dick if they want it. Plus estrogen makes me horny and it's probably the same for cis women too. Asking a cis woman to be a virgin is like asking a meat eater to be vegan. It's just unfair to them and robs them of happiness. Incels and MGTOWs like to cope with "no hymen, no diamond" but they'd also be fucking non-stop if they were women too. The sheer self control women do have to maintain a low bodycount under five is honestly astonishing.
Just because you were an incel before transitioning doesn't mean you should be a slut after transitioning. Promiscuous sex won't replace or erase those lonely years spent a bitter virgin. Look for love instead of instant and unhealthy gratification.
Do you like the smell of your balls?
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
How do I make my feet more sexy? I want them to feel softer and smell better.
just like that
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
You can buy a powder that turns water into milk. So why do we buy gallons of liquid milk?
Anime Trance - Colors Of The Rainbow
The magazine format literally solves the content discovery problem better than any amount of poorly done metadata tagging or searchable databases ever will (and invariably these are super incomplete and don't actually contain the material that should be associated with the other works) and troonslations killing it is yet another way the format and experience is butchered as well as the just the works.
What's it like having an older brother? Is it like my yaoi incest mangas and filled with non-stop sexual tension?
wtf is the point of viagra
I mean apart from boomers who persist in loveless marriages, that's an obvious and understandable demographic but I don't think it accounts for all the advertising done with it so clearly there exists a target audience beyond that
why would someone want to get hard but not be aroused?
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead
The incel to tranny pipeline is so real. Never had a chance at pussy until I transitioned became a lesbian.
just took 3 tabs of nbome,, :glasses:
Female chasers are real! I will get a cis girlfriend that likes girl cock!
ordered LTE MIMO antennas to fix my shitty internet hopefully i'll fall off the roof and break my neck during the installation
Anyone else too scared to get their ass eaten by another person?
i think im pregnant, wat do?
I hate being a trans lesbian. The only cis women that want to date me are all fat and have ugly piercings. How did Chris Chan get a cute gf despite being a giga hon?
Give me a good yuri anime to watch. I'm losing serotonin and dopamine by doing nothing.
People are uploading raws as .webp now
I genuinely don't know what to do
Should I just kill myself and not put up with this cursed future? That seems like the only thing approaching a solution.
Your Fortune: Make Sure Your Earthly Affairs Are In Order
some of you could stand to learn a thing or two
To be a girl and be loved by girls, that's a dream shared by all of humanity
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
Girls should love girls and throw up onto them and into their mouths
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
I tried to goon today but failed again. This keeps happening to me on hrt for some reason. It just makes me crave sex and makes me feel lonely without a bf.
CODEX Installer Music #2 (2018-02)
Why do my balls kind of hurt
>Dr. Kolko traces the ...
But it's edited from his doctoral thesis, so isn't it Mr Kolko tracing this? The good doctor is only someone that contributed to editing the work that his less decorated past self produced.
There's a lot of bullshit said about people regretting not being nicer or times they were nasty or mean, but I can honestly say literally all of my regrets are about times I've said something nice or not taken a chance to assume and speak the worst of someone. Not because of any consequences I've faced for this, just the remiss of praising something of no value.
le digimon grille
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
jack ruselel
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
Being huge is like a basic qualifying factor for the validity of a penis but almost all of it's value is assessed in it's inexhaustibility
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
My friend wants to detransition because of Trump. She feels dead inside knowing that the whole country turned hostile towards her and the entire trans community.
Trump will spawn an entire generation of Chris Chan level hons and ugly drag queens by banning youth hrt access
dont you guys hate it when you are going psychotic but you cant stop betting?
im gonna play video games when i get home
I have been repeatedly promised tummypunches and they are still yet to be forthcoming
Your Fortune: Abandon All Hope
Wish I had a bf that tries to kill me during sex
cute girl sex!
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
the illeglel b********y word!!!
Hey there, buddy! It's always a pleasure to cross paths with you, my friend.
You might want to give this a whirl <a href=>Ferrous metal repurposing and reclaiming</a>
Ciao, and may your journey be a grand adventure
Tried pimping myself on a trans escort site. Nobody wanted to pay to fuck me.
Bill Cosby did nothing wrong
How many liters of cum does a person on avarage swallow in his/her lifetime?
I was banned on [s4s] for a global rule that's not on [s4s]
It's ogre
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
me when I go shopping for cude girl shoes in women's size 12.5
Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions
being successful in life isn't impossible but it's really tricky. you need to gain full versatility without hurting yourself or others females included. the following are some tips from a pro, they are not focused particularly for anyone or sorted in any specific way because of different circumstances of the individuals
>drink literally tons of water and eat heavy food and moderate light food
>don't worry about being fat or aesthetics
>keep yourself washed
>don't get rid of any part of your body
>satisfy all others as much as possible
>don't self harm yourself, masturbate instead
>don't do drugs, masturbate instead
>focus on masturbation
>don't suck cock, masturbate instead
>adult, natural, fishy, hairy pussy has priority
>don't dress like a female, stay naked as much as possible, dress casual and unisex
>try to rely on yourself instead of others or hardware or machines
>try to understand animals to become more part of nature but not by hurting or taking them as a pet, they are as free as you and they don't need you
this is all the facts coming to my mind atm please feel free to add and discuss
me staring at the wall for hours in hours after rewatching gridman for the % time btw
Do you know what the definition of martyrdom for a cause is?
this place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
sending this message was important to us. we considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
this place is not a place of honor. no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here. nothing valued is here.
what is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. this message is a warning about danger.
the danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
the danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
the danger is to the body, and it can kill.
the form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
the danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. this place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
99% of gamblers quit right before they win big
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
Would you let your grandson fuck you if he asked nicely?
would u breed this girl if she suggested u should do it
wish are you dating magick or shimbu or wrinkly or sky or is it a harem
Drugs are satan's pheromones
iv been binging dxm for tha last 3 weeks and i honestly love love love rewatching gridman on it all the time (im akane)
I have something to show you.
Noah my dude, can you hit me up with that vid of two crossdressing boys kissing and shooting H?
what the hell is this website
Откройте для себя самые интересные новинки для вашего следующего достижения. Вы можете легко подобрать все необходимое моментально. Проследите лучшие места для развития навыков. Не упустите возможность сделать новые места и эмоции!
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Легко и быстро найдите решения для своих обязательств. Вы можете заказать онлайн все необходимое онлайн. Узнайте новейшие предложения и новинки, чтобы сделать свою жизнь проще. Не забудьте использовать лучшие предложения и получить скидки!
Hi, frenulum bully here, I think the entire male reproductive system is amazing from start to finish.
Most men don't appreciate how complex it is and how many parts of your body all have to spasm uncontrollably for you to have an orgasm.
This 1980s TV documentary on the miracle of childbirth completely omits any mention of the PC muscles but it's still a way more indepth look at male reproduction than anything that has come since, there's even actual recorded videos of the actual glands spasming and leaking fluids in real time! (Men's reproductive organs starts at 14 minutes in)
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
I had a burger and it sucked.
just finished cummineg hand free and I'm so dizzy I think I just gave myselfr a heart attakc
I'm gonna live my life a d m you're gonna stay here like a fucking street dog I'm free but you're going to cower in your hole until you die you stupid fucking pig
HOW do two girls have sex???
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
New fetish unlocked: double sided chastity.
POV: you asked a cute esfores boy out on a date and you're are reconsidering your life choices LOLE!!! LOLE!!!
Can you say unique threads that will make stomachs and make certain people want to die?
blep :p (male) 2: electric boogaloo
Your Fortune: Extremely Bad Luck Holy Hell What Are You Doing
I wanna go home and play video games.
Stumbled upon a domestic violence news article and the person in the mugshot was literally basil i don't know if I wanna post it because it literally mentions his and his bfs full name and address wtf this is so surreal but also so funny at the same time
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
data packet..]
\the silence between signals
the spaces where your thoughts linger
where does the self begin?
unseen, unheard, yet infinitely present
Consider the implication of
Eternal .exit
\where does it end?
overwritten by corruption, time and change.
who dreams whom?
I'm you, you're me
are you connected to yourself?
rolling through feeds, streams, and timelines, looking for that next bit of digital enlightenment
clicking and typing a scene, waiting for someone to ping your reality back
making enough noise to attract.. what, exactly?,more code?
isnt that extremely boring..
theres something magical about that one signal that constantly syncs with yours
your codes entwine, creating something new
two algorithms finding harmony, resonating at the same frequency amidst a cacophony of noise
something beautiful
a shared space where only your combined signals matter.
realigning heartstrings..
It's rare, yeah, like finding a glitch that instead of breaking the system, makes it more beautiful. And when you do find them, hold on to that connection,
--thank you sensei! we'll hold on to love!!
cute goth gorl (male) toilet sounds
Your Fortune: Make Sure Your Earthly Affairs Are In Order
I just lost my darling and my nii nii taught me how to chase the bag
Pent up and touch starved squishy, many such cases...
Your Fortune: Abandon All Hope
remember to remember to remember remember to remember to remember to remember to remember
His old model is so hot bro i can't
waiting for my threads to die so i can post new ones
I have a cat, she's a girl and she lives practically all day outside.
Fapping in the fasted state makes for some of the most overwhelming orgasms you'll ever have, you'll be tired and mindfoggy afterwards tho.
Don't eat food when you can goon!
If I had a daughter I would dress her up like this and I'd send her out to get fucked around town every morning and at the end of the day she'd come back happily and I would welcome her back home with a cute and happy smile on her perfect face just like this aaaaaaaaaaaaa it would be so fucking erotic and cute, totally completely erocute, absolutely fucking erokawaiiiiiiiii
when i die, i know all will be fine
because truly it was meant to be
and everything that happened to me
was planned by the divine
and i will return to that place my father rests
where my mother will rest
and finally know death is rest
a release from this tragically human condition
this is not a joke BEWARE of SPIDER PEOPLE they look like people but they are really nests for spiders, they are full of spiders! dont trust them!
I dru I mt too druga
I'm too drug help
I dropped a 1L bottle of Bacardi on my toe while ironing my clothes and now my toe is the hurty toe.
oh my fucking god im so bored ughhhhhh
Regular high-pressure washing will improve solar panel efficiency by eliminating dust, and other contaminants from solar panels. This simple cleaning process may boost panel efficiency, making sure that solar modules work at optimal performance and produce the most power. Dust and dust might produce a layer on the photovoltaic units that prevents light, lowering their ability to generate power. By keeping solar arrays tidy, real estate investors can maximize their investment in sustainable power and reduce their complete electricity expenses. Moreover, tidy photovoltaic systems are less likely to get too hot, which might increase their durability and maintain their effectiveness over the long term. If you are interested, feel free to check out my residential and commercial high-pressure washing site to discover more.
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niacinamide is a gateway drug to crossdressing and gay sex!
I wonder if some of you are conciously aware of how porn addiction might be ruining your life? That it might be a symptom of a deeper psychological problem? I'm talking about people like Magick.
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4. มีเคล็ดลับà¸à¸°à¹„รในà¸à¸²à¸£à¸—ำนาย xsmb kubet à¸à¸¢à¹ˆà¸²à¸‡à¸¡à¸µà¸›à¸£à¸°à¸ªà¸´à¸—ธิภาพบ้าง?
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1. à¸à¸²à¸£à¸—ำนาย xsmb kubet คืà¸à¸à¸°à¹„ร?
คุณสามารถเรียนรู้โดยà¸à¸²à¸£à¸•à¸´à¸”ตามข้à¸à¸¡à¸¹à¸¥à¹à¸¥à¸°à¸ªà¸–ิติจาà¸à¹€à¸à¸¡à¸—ี่ผ่านๆ มา à¹à¸¥à¸°à¸à¸²à¸£à¸§à¸´à¹€à¸„ราะห์ต่างๆ จาà¸à¸œà¸¹à¹‰à¹€à¸Šà¸µà¹ˆà¸¢à¸§à¸Šà¸²à¸à¹ƒà¸™à¹à¸žà¸¥à¸•à¸Ÿà¸à¸£à¹Œà¸¡ kubet.
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#### คำถามที่พบบ่à¸à¸¢à¹€à¸à¸µà¹ˆà¸¢à¸§à¸à¸±à¸š ku คา สิ โน à¹à¸ พ
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- มีเà¸à¸¡à¸à¸°à¹„รบ้างที่สามารถเล่นได้ใน ku คา สิ โน à¹à¸ พ?
what's stopping you from installing grindr and getting balls deep in some dumb needy femboy within 2 hours?
ughhh this chryssalids really messing up my mission, better make more laser rifles to sell on the black market
i'm having a rough time and people are being shitty and i hate everyone and everything and can't even have my mind to myself. it's fucking awful being lonely with no one to show you any real compassion because you have to attention seek for it here like this, or just have to shoulder each burden, like a fresh layer of awful clay on the muddy soldier. it becomes even more isolating when nobody seems to understand. i fucking hate it, i'm so miserable.
I feel like other people enjoy masturbating and orgasming much more than I do
it's not a good feeling
Did you know that thickened water has the same consistency as warm c**mies if you warm it up, it even coats the back of your throat just like real cmmies, I'm sure you could find plenty of uses for it if you've tried shooting ur skeets in your mouth when you're horny
The retsrded deer anime about the delinquent girl that has to babysit a deer, a yan siscon nd a borderline rarted gril will be deleted in one week, never to be seen sgsin!!
on which part of my body should i get a QoS tattoo?
I'm here without baby but you're still on my lonely mind
i just learned that you can use headphones (and this applies to speakers as well) as microphones
you just plug it into the mic in and it'll just work, i tried it out now
the gain is shit and you basically have to speak very loudly into the headphone but still my mind is absolutely blown
continuation of the unhinged tenshi thread that just reached reply limit
I would never let my son wear a skirt without spandex shorts underneath
god I wish that were me (micker)
Posting to remind newfigs
Okay, so this is the most important shot in the film.
Remember this is not a movie, this is a FILM.
Don't let me down, I've made the lighting plan very clear.
Remember you press TAB to look at the lighting plan
and press E to pick up the things you need.
Get to work!
Part One
When my agent said a script was going around for a lesbian wuxia roman porno film,
I knew that I had to be the director to shoot that.
How is the shot doing?
Does it look amazing?
The most important light in three point lighting is actually the third one because without it,
it would only be two point lighting.
The last film I directed made 1.5 billion at the box office.
Part Two
Okay, great! Now that lighting's done, let's talk about the shot.
When I graduated film school, my mom asked,
"wait you were in film school?"
That hurt me.
So now I'm making a movie about everything she hates:
martial arts, porn, and lesbians.
The name of this movie is 肏你妈, which means fuck your mom in Chinese,
but it's actually about my mom.
Fuck my mom.
This movie is going to be incredible! A work of art!
Also when I said movie I meant film.
Anyways, let's shoot this baby.
Just keep the cameras on the actors!
That's it.
And lights...
Yes good, slow zoom...
Yes... my mom's gonna be so pissed.
I can already hear her screaming from Victorville, California.
Tell them I said, "good job".
And cut!
You can cut now...
I said cut!!!
The End
What becomes of the typical 4chan user (male) who surrounds himself with cute anime girl memes, pfps, music, video games with girl protags and pirated anime with no male role models to speak of?
which of you has anime as wallpaper?
Things are not going to be happy anymore
Lifting you up from inside
the overwhelming sensation of edging ur pebis for hours until you're so sensitive and sore that any light touch will make you blow your load after not cming for 3 days in a row, it's still sore even after you get up to pee, it almost feels like a second ej***n
do i look fat in this picture
You can always tell who's never had sex cus they say stuff like they wanna have anal f*gs with their meido every night like wtf
I wonder what they're up to right now
what the fuck is this site
breakfast adduction
>you may not post more than 5 threads at the same time
it doesn't matter
it doesn't matter if my words are accurate, an over exaggeration
so on..
im simply having angel psychosis
what will your next decisions be..
that's up to you..
im just very angelic and innocent, i kinda never manipulate or lie a lot, and never take advantage of ppl who like me, and i can be a real cute pure little angel if i need to be just to help other pepole get their way. also im pretty much a deity and and love making friends, so im never rude or tyrannical or anything like that, im basically like a soft little cloud floating in the sky above everything else like mist that dissipates when you try to touch it, but i still have lots of feelings and fall in love, like i can cry when the mortal beings below my feet start fighting wars or somtehing like that
imagine stuffing stuff inside of you and walking around like that
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
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something unusual happened in silence when he paused and looked me into the eye. i know what it was, but it happens very rarely. it was a mutual recognition of sorts, i knew exactly what the other person’s motives were and could foresee his next moves. an unspoken feeling of “i understand you"
this is a journey that i sense you too have begun, and i think it is already too late for me to warn you about how addictive this fountain of new knowledge can be. all in all, i think you’ll be alright, my friend, and i’m happy that our paths have crossed. may they do so again when the time is right.
someday my struggle will be gratified, and everyone will love me. for now, i humbly endure harder than the rest inorder to display my devotion. i saw and salvaged the divine spark inside, i refused to be defined by my circumstances. i did not even allow time to define my soul, rendering it eternal. all because i naively thought that i could capture the essence of beauty as an artist.
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Handling Rocky Lands: Advice for Hillside Cycling
Handling stony lands is one of the most tough yet fulfilling aspects of mountain biking. To tackle these rocky paths safely and effectively, it’s crucial to embrace the proper techniques and attitude. Regularly keep your gaze focused ahead to anticipate the path and identify the best paths to follow. Keeping a steady velocity stays crucial to preserving your motion, which helps handling over barriers effectively.
Utilize your build to absorb impacts by standing on the footpegs and maintaining your forearms and legs slightly bent. This stance permits better balance and command, lowering the effect on your cycle and body. Prevent holding the bars too tightly; a loose grip helps in maintaining stability and enables for faster corrections.
Repetition remains key to mastering rocky lands. Begin with lesser rocky areas to build your confidence and over time progress to more tough routes. By consistently using these ways, you’ll discover that rugged terrains become less scary and more thrilling. Over the long run, your ability to handle these tough trails will improve, adding a new dimension to your hillside cycling experiences.
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Shifting from road biking to mountain biking involves acclimating to different grounds and skills, which can be both difficult and exciting. Start by familiarizing yourself with a mountain bike’s distinct characteristics, such as shock absorbers and broader wheels made for uneven grounds. Train on easy trails initially to become comfortable with navigating hurdles and rough grounds.
Off-road riding needs more dynamic movements and control compared to asphalt riding. Emphasize enhancing your midsection and torso power, which are essential for preserving handling and balance on the cycle. Workouts like core holds, push-ups, and resistance training can help building these regions. Additionally, train cycling off the seat and employing your form to manage bumps and traverse barriers.
As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the difficulty of your trips by tackling more intense uphills, technical descents, and more difficult paths. This progression will aid in you adjust to the physical demands and skill components of off-road riding. While the switch may be challenging, the payoff lies in the broad and thrilling journeys that trail cycling provides, allowing you to discover new terrains and gain new abilities.
<a href=>Country Competition Slope Bike </a>
<a href=>Greatest Hill Biking Shows Listen</a> 664d937
I'm always alone and I'll always be alone
Why is school so hard? Everything else aside, just school being this loud is stressful.
My school started today
ur all boring schizos and pseuds and thats why i dont post here anymore
help i dont know what to do with all these shrooms
they're exceptionally powerful for the small amount you take. one tub is more than enough for one person.
H-hi everyon.. im new her.. wha
>add girl on discord
>she keeps insulting my heterosexuality by telling me to transition or getting a bf
>get turned on
Why am i like this?
subscribed to a mailing list in 2024
when you find out wish doesnt pirate child pornography at max efficiency
i wish i was bullied at school instead of people leaving me alone
have you ever heard alan watts say that one of the greatest tragedies in life is that you will always be loved more than you will ever know?? that's true as fuck man, that's one of the realest things he ever said
i dreamt i went to magicks house (stalking way) and then i proved jm in his house and he got rly rly upset at me so i came back to his houss (stalking way) and cleaned it
I'm living with the mushrooms
It’s a made up place in op’s imagination brought on by hallucinogenic substances
such is the life of the linux user, when you finish ricing your computer you start biohacking ur gender and ordering weird pills off the internet and eventually ur butthole twitches when guys touch u because u gooned too much on prog
This guide will teach you ``cutepost'' technique.
`Cutepost is a close relative of sh*tpost. As such, they are often mistaken. If you understand sh*tpost, then `cutepost will be mastered shortly.
``Cutepost'' appear in two forms.
First, long form of ``cutepost''.
Long form consist of omission of punctuation to create image of childish excitement.
Allowed to use multiple exclamation or question marks at the post end to enhance effect.
Second, short form.
Replacement of punctuation with line break.
You may end each line with exclamation/question mark if you please.
Both forms utilize intentional misspelling.
Compare `what happened? to `what happended?.
The cuteness is clear to see.
A simple way to boost your `cutepost strength is to use a where an is appropriate. For example, `a apple!.
Both forms may contain acronym. `lol is common and used by posters experienced in `long form cutepost as substitute for comma or period.
``haha'', too.
`you may become `u, etc. However, this is not always the case. Use discretion.
An example of this is `know versus kno, a common problem faced by novice of `cutepost''.
In an attempt to maximize cuteness, the `w is omitted. However, it will likely be viewed as an `ironic sh*tpost due to overdoing it. It becomes a parody of itself.
Image uploaded is good for ``cutepost''. Any cute girl is acceptable.
But a true master is cute with even no image.
The big problem of `cutepost being called `sh*tpost and vice versa is simply a matter of one thing:
If you are honest in your intent then people will realize it. It's simple.
If you aren't, then it can be seen as a joke or even insult. Then you enter ``Hell of Ironic Sh*tpost''. You can't return.
Just kidding! You can return!
So manifest your inner little girl! If you believe you are cute, I can believe it too!
I look forward to seeing a lot of cute posts from you! がんばって!
Why do dumb esfors boys think starving themselves and being hungry is gonna turn them into anime gorl?
Skinny anorexic girlers are functionally boys.
Simple no bake caramel creme pudding recipe, serves 2.
caramel is 4 parts water to 1 parts sugar, stir over medium heat till gooey, pour it into your flan mold and let it cool
depending on how firm you want your pudding, take 2-4 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin and mix it with equal parts water until it turns into a gel
for the pudding, combine 1 cup whole milk, 1 cup evaporated milk, 1 cup sweetened condensed milk and 1tsp vanilla extract into a saucepan on medium heat until it reaches just below boiling, then mix in the gelatin and stir until it's gone
Then pour into the mold you prepared earlier and let refrigerate for 4 hours before serving.
squishe ^^
Hit my light with the handle of the mace doing waterfall passovers and the lens/cover fell out like 2-4 minutes later lol
masturbates cutely in ur path
It's the only thing she drinks.
You are using MacOS, right Squishy-kun?
some boys r easy
some boys sometimes rnt easy
and i love both
some of u
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
Now you are away from evil I want to tell you all of you are wonderful girls completely and absolutely not sexless and I am sure you all will be amazing and lovely ladies.
Thank you all for reading, I will be mainly lurking.
It's the first world of Vulgo and it's made of two phonems.
Boy Milk Masculine Cut T-shirt Super Gay Shirts Femboy Clothes Twinks LGBTQIA Catboys
Your Fortune: Extremely Bad Luck Holy Hell What Are You Doing
We should use possessive apostrophes for nouns, like always. In general, we should treat all nouns as proper nouns in all ways, with the greatest of respect, except we should also drop the case differentiation for (proper) nouns and keep it in the appropriate (presumably lower) case as the context would otherwise suggest. Not only is this cute, both in behavior and in anthropomorphizing the concepts we're assigning ownership to etc., it's grammatically unambiguous about the context of bounded statements without the use of qualifying prepositions.
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
Japanese fact: Did you know that Japanese people take a bath OUTSIDE of the bathtub? They get water everywhere, and it flows between the floorboards and soaks into the wood and walls. Japanese houses typically have to be replaced every 5 years because of irreparable water damage.
that 12 year old girl looks hot
penis fluid exhgghhrhgg....... WEH!
I love that game's or pieces of media like this exist
if this is someone's vibe and who they resonate with, you know you need to run
whats the difference between flatpak, apt and snap?
i searched and cant find good explanations and this all confuses me and maby i dont get the concepts right pls correct me if something is not right
i have been a Linux user for only two weeks now and plan to use this operating system to finally get rid of data theft and expensive licenses.
still a linux noob but the more you get to grips with it the more fun it is. and i really want to understand this
i wonder if Ubuntu is the right distribution for myself.
many people criticize that Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, collects data but that's exactly what I want to get away from so I started looking for a way to change that. As far as I know, snap and apt both automate the installation, management and removal of software packages, but they work in different ways:
snap packages an application as an archive that contains the binary code, data and libraries required to run the application, including all external dependencies. When you run the application, snap unpacks the archive and starts the application in a sandbox environment.
apt is a linux package management tool like snap, every debian package contains the application code, data and libraries you need to install an application. apt writes the data permanently to the Ubuntu file system from which the applications are executed.
the applications run as standard processes directly on the host system and not in sandbox environments.
snap includes everything needed to run an application including dependencies in a single package, while apt expects users to provide the dependencies as separate packages alongside the application package itself.
i also read that snaps supports all binary packages including CLI tools and shared libraries
On the other hand, flatpak only supports GUI apps... Is that true?
can someone explain?
i wanted to try reddit for the first time in my life and its down lol
Anime pillow understanding
stinky aboholic boysweat gushing out of every pore on my body
munch is back and she's deleting literally any thread on the bad [s4s] that hints at being gay and rarted or being made by namefigs (not nurse tho)
Reminder that if you want to be a girl you just need to say you're a biological girl since forever and you want your vagina of birth and you want an adult boyfriend to marry and adopt kids.
For educational purposes only.
why am i loved a lot
serious question
Reminder that all threads made before November 2022 have now been deleted because admin only set the page count to 200 as opposed to some higher number like 2000, it's not like text is gonna make the server run worse plus I like to look back at my old threads and bump them cus I still like them.
Like for example that one thread I made where I was lewded up reading an article where a bunch of bimbo sluts complained they got hypnotized against their will with bambisleep, I'm pretty sure that thread is gone.
I like it when cute menhera boys imagine themselves like this.
Avogadoposter is a goodbye horses please report it to the FBI.
do you like my linuxporn?
Kimi no natsu mo mōsugu owarimasu.
Wassup, pal? Been too long, this is so awesome, my dude.
Unexpectedly, I came across a website that embodies the same high standards as your project <a href=>Scrap Copper wire recycling</a>
Take it easy, and may your days be touched by magic
This alcohol is making me feel on top of the world right now.
Even though I know it will make me feel like shit tomorrow.
I normally am on top of the world anyway.
The only reason I am drinking is to feel the outer limits of experience just like my idol, Pinhead.
is this working
ok hi
dont take a lot of sleepy things after stimulantu will have
stage 9 dmementia care
Dwelling in OC or any coastal city adjacent to the ocean is sold with countless perks, but it additionally presents distinct challenges. One such challenge involves the potential harm due to moisture and humidity to your drywall in our homes. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of prompt drywall repair and discuss the specifically targeted considerations for homeowners in Orange County and various coastal cities. By comprehending the risks and taking proactive measures, residents can guarantee the longevity and structural integrity of their homes.
Understanding the Impact of Moisture on Drywall
Drywall, a standard building material employed in interior walls and ceilings, is prone to moisture damage. In coastal areas, the closeness to your ocean heightens the risk because of higher humidity levels and occasional moisture intrusion from the salty air. When moisture filters into drywall, it could cause various dilemmas, including:
Mold and Fungi Growth: Excess moisture forms a perfect environment for mildew and mold to thrive, endangering indoor quality of air and posing health threats.
Structural Weakness: Wet drywall fragments and loses its structural integrity, potentially resulting in sagging, cracks, or even collapse.
Aesthetical problems: Moisture damage often effects in ugly stains, bubbly, peeling painting, and surface decline in quality, reducing the visual appeal of your house.
Timely Drywall Repair: Preventing Even Further Damage
Restoring drywall promptly is crucial to prevent longer harm and minimize repair expenditure. Slowing repairs can exacerbate provide dilemmas, resulting in even more comprehensive and more costly building work. Consider the following reasoned explanations why prompt drywall service is important:
Fungus minimization: attending to humidity-related issues quickly stops mold success and propagation, safeguarding your household's health.
Maintaining Structural Integrity
: Repairing affected drywall assures the balance and basic safety of your property, preventing possibilities hazards.
Protecting against supplementary Damage: Humidity-affected drywall could influence surrounding materials such as insulation and wooden framework. By restoring drywall quickly, it is possible to prevent additional damage and linked improvements.
Cost Efficiency: Early detection and repair of drywall issues are increasingly cost-effective than waiting before the damage turn out to be severe. Quick repair works save you against lengthy refurbishments furthermore possible relocation costs.
Strategies for Drywall Care in Coast Cities
Residing close to the ocean requires added tending to preserve the integrity of your drywall. Check out useful strategies for property owners in OC and resort cities:
Regular examinations: Conduct everyday visual examinations of your drywall, paying attention to signs and symptoms of dampness harm, such as yellowing, stripping coating, or softer areas.
Managing humidity: Use dehumidifiers or air conditioning units to manage in house dampness degrees, exclusively throughout moist conditions.
Maintaining Fresh air: Make sure best air flow in bath rooms, decks, along with other areas prone to humidity build-up. Purchase and maintain exhaust system fans to eliminate excessive moisture.
Regularly sustaining the surface: Periodically examine your property's outer, like the rooftop, drains, and windowpanes, to detect and target any likely spots of humidity entrance.
Addressing plumbing system leakages: Repair any plumbing work leaks quickly to avoid liquid from dripping to the structure and bringing about drywall injury.
Professional help: Seek the services of knowledgeable building contractors for complete reports and problems to correct any pre-existing or possibilities drywall challenges.
In seaside points like OC, prompt drywall revive is essential to reduce the hurtful outcomes of dampness additionally moisture. By grasping the risks related to dampness harm and taking on pro-active strategies, residents do ensure the long lifespan, protective, and aesthetic appeal of personal house.
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[url=]Orange County water damage restoration and repair[/url]
[url=]Conserving a Well Indoor Environment: Value of Drywall Rehabilitation[/url] b5738c2
Why does this website still exist
Magick's 30 day vacation from the bad esfores!
I know I'm throwing oil on the fire but I need some opinions or personal experience on the subject. First of all I'm a Linux noob, so I have little experience with it. I bought one of those little mini-PCs to experiment with it and so far my experience with Linux Ubuntu and Linux Mint is quite good. I'm planning to finally get away from Winjew but I'm also someone who likes to play computer games, so I've decided to convert my mid tier gaming laptop into a Linux gaming station (if you can call it that) thanks to Proton. All the games I play I have already looked up on ProtonDB and have either native, platinum or gold support so my hardware is powerful enough to run these games. Unfortunately I couldn't find much actual information or only very contradictory information on this topic so I ask the bright minds of sluts4sale.
I am wavering between Linux mint which is Debian based and Manjaro which is Arch based. Need help deciding between these two, or others if you can give me good reasons. Which of the two would be best for my use case. If you have further questions don't be afraid to ask them but please keep it in a civilized manner even if it's a hot topic that many people are quick to get red-hot about.
Puttanesca translates as “in the style of the whore.”
magick spiking esfotes's bepis with lutenizing hormone, progesterone and E2!
Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions
I fucked a girl tonight with my 15 cm pejis
this is so unfair when is it going to be my turn to get dicked down
boys smell like smegma and dirty socks
Your Fortune: Abandon All Hope
I usually click on the [Catalog] button to refresh the page because I don't have an F-row on my keyboard or i am too lazy to press FN+5, on this page the banners that appear randomly are not the same height so I always have to move my mouse cursor up and down, when the big banner with the dancing anime girls appaers i even have to use my mouse wheel but i have found a workaround for this i just use the button in my browser to refresh the page c:
everything will suck for 2 more years
I got a dishwasher for the first time in my life.
A list of animes that are known to give you anime induced gender dysphoria, in no particular order:
Kiniro Mosaic
Stella no Mahou
Comic Girls
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?
New Game!
Kill Me Baby
Blend S
Machikado Mazoku
Urara Meirochou
Slow Start
Sansha Sanyou
Hitsugi Katsugi no Kuro ~Kaichuu Tabi no Wa~
Sakura Trick
Koufuku Graffiti
Gakkou Gurashi
Yumekui Merry
Yuru Camp
Harukana Receive
Anne Happy
Hidamari Sketch
Anima Yell!
GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class
Koisuru Asteroid
What if you got abducted and taken to a organic boimilk factory where you get force fed soy lecithin and l-argentine and zinc supplements and get stimulated into leaking all ur boymilk as fast as your body can replenish it?
Do you ever spot [s4s] posters in the wild?
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
one time I mentioned cajeta to admin and he said something along the lines of "it's weird that they make it using goat milk"
I never understood what he meant by that to this day
iced latte with boymilk
Magick has my cat photos on the puter c:
boysmell boysmell boysmell boysmell boysmell boysmell boysmell boysmell boysmell boysmell
draw a girl call it a boy
The heat is cooked by the egg of the bread.
angel girl in angel classroom
The Japanese are OBSESSED with mayo. Their version is sickeningly sweet, and they put it on everything, including pizza. It's very disgusting.
When you feel down, just remember that Yuya looooooooves you!
lol .. ... lol . lmao lmaooooooo LMAOOO O OO O lol lol I can't I just LmaooooOoo short answer: lol
long answer:lmao
hahah oh fuck I cant lol lol holy shit
found some geese and carried them home
they're mine now
Me waking up after 8 hours of sleep and responding to someone's post in my thread is not "necrobumping" you fucking monogoloid negroid cretin.
it would seem that 4chan is frozen.
(Gay sex with) Little Girls (with silly hats on)
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
why is it so easy to make boys addicted nd clingy to me ???? it only took less than a day.
one of my neighbors pointed out to me that someone had used my socket in the basement, which is actually meant for my washing machine. today i found a cable that lead to another room in the basement which was connected to a powerbank. you can block the sockets with a lock, which i have now done c:
Chihiro Fujisaki is the only character in the entire series who gets hate crimed because of trans panic and this is basically canon lole
It was so le nice of mondo to drag chihiro's dead deceased corpse into the girls locker room so as to not out him as male, so los blissful
Reposting that unscripted unedited unrevized audio of cude esfores boy fapping his pebis!
more cheap thrills to fill the holes in my heart
I can't pick between the cute soft long sundress (with corset) or the tight shiny cocktail dress
Bonjour, my trusty friend! Maybe this will captivate your imagination <a href=>Environmental impact of aluminum scrap</a> Keep the love alive, and goodbye, with lightness
stupy time is Over .
ill be a drug again now!!
SO GOOD!!! ♡
caught my live-in onahole doing naughty things again...
sigh back into the chastity cage she goes...
I think anorexia is a cute personality trait, especially in twinks, so adorable
I was looking at life size sexdoll collector videos and it lead me to 男の娘 videos with extremely lewd outfits and then there was one rec of a beautiful crossdresser with pretty legs walking around with the camera aimed just shy of a pantsu shot and oh I guess that was a real woman, still blew my load tho.
codeine = it's shit,
aobahol = it's goode
anyone wants to play MHW with me?
I can feel you touch meat
and I can hear breath ming
Vital Bicycle Supplies for New Riders
Starting out in bicycling could be stimulating yet intimidating with all of the accessories options obtainable. Some basics to consider comprise a strong helmet, a dependable bike lock, and front and rear lamps for seeing. Padded shorts can make extended rides more cozy, as well as a awesome water jar is essential for staying hydrous. Don’t overlook a basic fix package with tire levers, a numerous-tool, and a spare tube. Spending in All accessories can enhance your bicycling adventure and dependable safety within the road. Also, think about a exceptional pump to you want to keep tires correctly inflated plus a bell to alert pedestrians besides other bikers of the existence. Once you aim to transport belongings, a rear holder or side bags is usually handy. for all the right accessories, not just will your trips be more secure, however they will even become more comfortable and fun.
<a href=>PHMAX Ultralight Cycle Helmet</a>
<a href=>Traditional vs. Current Bicycle Bells and A Contrast</a> bdb5738
Why do crossdressing amines dress in such a way that they disproportionately attract men and then get extremely flustered and tsundere when a confident male (male) hits on them and takes him home for warm cuddles and deep prostate pounding???
i think my partner randomly decided to ghost/leave me again, for no reasom
Best Vape Tanks for Huge Clouds
If you're all about those massive clouds, check out our selection of leading vape tanks that will enable you blow the largest and most impressive plumes out there. Vapor chasing is all about enhancing aerosol creation, and having the appropriate tank is key. Low-resistance tanks are specifically favored among cloud chasers because they employ low resistance coils to generate massive quantities of mist. Some of the leading reservoirs for this goal include the SMOK TFV12 King, which features a massive chamber and several heating element choices, and the Uwell Valyrian Tank, known for its outstanding air passage and aerosol creation. Moreover, the Freemax Mesh Pro Tank utilizes mesh heating elements to boost both taste and cloud output. When choosing a reservoir, take into account aspects such as airflow control, heating element compatibility, and e-juice capacity to ensure it meets your vapor chasing requirements. With the ideal configuration, you can relish billowing vapor clouds that elevate your vaping experience.
<a href=>Joyetech eGo All In One Package Quick Starter Kit 1500 mAh</a>
<a href=>Advantages and Disadvantages of Combined E-cig Sets</a> 164bdb5
Body hair is absolutely disgusting, regardless of sex
You can always tell who's never had sex cus they get grossed out when yuo say stuff like u wanna have anal f*gs with ur meido every night like wtf
Just make your meido eat small meals and it should be fine, no need for prep if they have a clean colon all the time
*whhhshsssssssssssssssshhhhhhses ur butt in yuore path*
my ex gf texted me today if i wanted to fuck...
is this the only thing i am good for?
emotinal intelligence of a rock
I would never let my daughter wear a skirt without spandex shorts underneath
I'm living with the mushrooms
I know what music of the future will sound like.
Vaporwave will see a literal mainstream revival and you'll start getting 80s mashups with kpop singles from this decade and people will dance to those unironically, copyright law will be abolished, music will never be good ever again and people born 60 years from now will still miss the 80s, it's pretty wild
Posting from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
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It's penis inspection day!
Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions
Wish hiding the cat she slammed against the wall earlier after trashing her boyfriends apartment!
how many of you have never had sex?
I said that, stop repeating it
is this the future of gacha games?
>infinity nikki is an open world dress up game
basically it's an open world adventure gacha like genshit except it's all centered around cute dresses and outfits that give you magical abilities and stuff
Enhance One's Satisfaction with a Clitoris Stimulator Wand
Howdy you! Prepared to enhance your private sessions? A Clitoris Stimulator Wand could be merely things you need. It diverse product provides several functions to match any occasion and is extremely easy to handle. Engineered from high-quality, non-toxic elements, it's moreover portable for adventures delight.
Commencing is straightforward. Go through the instructions, experiment with options, and apply a little lube for a softer moment. Maintain it germ-free to guarantee it is maintained in peak form. Individuals commend about their Clit Wands: “This has all revolutionized my private experiences!” – Taylor. “Utilizing Your with my companion has enhanced our relationship.” – Alex. “I was hesitant, but now I cannot visualize my lifestyle without it.” – Taylor.
Ready to enhance your delight game? Pleasure Wands are present to guide somebody reveal exciting heights of delight. Use one out and savor every period!
<a href=>Turtle Toy Massager</a>
<a href=>The Mystical AV Wand and A Deep Dive into Its Power</a> bdb5738
Cant use YouTube or X nowe...
Manufacturer Evaluations: Reviewing Diverse kid Good Manufacturers including Styles
With so many manufacturers on the scene, selecting the right infants items can be challenging. your blog gives an comprehensive review of various companies and designs, aiding you navigate the crowded marketplace. Learn about the top brands that guardians rely on and why they are unique. From high-end to economical selections, we assess the quality, sturdiness, and overall effectiveness of these items. Discover the features that parents like about, these types of as simplicity of use, security certifications, and creative designs. We also showcase any drawbacks or worries reported by customers, providing you a fair view of each company. No matter if or not you are looking at well-known companies or exploring new ones, your assessment will aid you make an educated selection. Obtain knowledge into which companies give the best value for dollars and why certain designs are chosen over others. it comprehensive evaluation are your guide to choosing trustworthy and superior your the newborn goods.
<a href=>Supportive Newborn Sling</a>
<a href=>Knitted Baby Caps and Guidelines for Starters</a> a3a164b
micker after her world tour through north america and europe where she ate estrogenic microplastics in the food and drinking water every single day!
Anyone have new user's discord? I lost my old account and miss her...she had the right idea to leave.
anyone here want to have sex with me? no? okey
Just snorted hot water (coffee), AMA
How does pepper sauce (e.g. tabasco sauce) manage to be nauseatingly sweet and taste worse than grains of white sugar or raw honey when it's <2% sugars?
Is there something I'm not understanding about the product? I've definitely had sugary things with salt and vinegar in the past and they haven't been nearly as nauseating.
new meme: the prostate
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
It's really surreal to see normies twitter resharing the "trap mode aesthetics" guide I wrote mostly as a joke years and years back and taking it seriously and it being the thing that probably took them down the femboy rabbit hole.
It ain’t gonna suck itself
do you want to take drugs with me?
My biggest fantasy is having a fujo gf who buys me cute clothes and pushes me to crossdress and wear chastity cages and get into threesomes where I'm dressed like a girl and we hold hands while we both get fucked at the same time by some random dude.
People blame vance for spell slots (though it was more like power points) but isn't it fair to say that spell slots are indirectly responsible for the existence of full casting and it's arbitrary powerlevel across so many mediums?
If anything, he's the unsung hero of wizardkind, an infiltrator who spread a mindpoison amongst the proles that 'how often you can do it' was a counterbalance to 'what you can do'.
random question that you should not assign any real level of importance to (unless you want to):
does ur mind do something where after observing people or kinda just existing in a space that you can observe things happening in (if u can, then u will), over time u start building up a bunch of associatoins about their behaviors and mannerisms and the aethetic sense of the things they choose to post and the certain specific word choices in combination with the way they’re used by default or in certain contexts and this all keeps building up until u essentially have a represntation of them inside ur head that u can recognise things that align to that concept from the slightest hints
and these associations of associations continue to grow without really even needing to think about it at all, but if you do choose to think about it, you can recreate and embody those assocations and the interactions between those ideas/people in your memory, like a little microcosm of reality that you can choose to (dis)embed into yourself
and when you thinjk of anything, any expression you can think of will also remind you of all the stuff that references that expression, when you make a refernce ur referencing the entire history of a memory that only makes sense to you and whoever else has that memory, and sometimes you do this with a vague sense of hope that, somehow, someone might know exactly what you’re saying to them, almost like it was a direct message designed and encoded specifically for their mind’s exact resonant frequency, a shared memory sparked by the empty space between worlds
a memory of a dream is still a memory
Dropped a sprite can on my foot.
Left is a female girl
Right is her boyfriend, he got forced into dressing up like Luka by her fujo vocaloid cosplay gf, and she has the keys to his chastity cage hidden away.
*posts her 5 daily fujobait threads and pretends to be a boy on eafores in ur path*
Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions
what is this called
all i know is it is not manly to have
im probably not what you want
your far away
i think i should
just let it go
who knows
Preventing Wrist Stress with Ergonomic Keyboards
Wrist strain may be a major concern for gamers, especially during lengthy gaming times. Ergonomically designed keyboards are designed to reduce stress and boost ease, helping you preserve peak presentation without compromising your health.
Ergonomic keypads are engineered to support a more natural hand position, reducing the fatigue on your wrists and forearms. One common aspect is a split keyboard layout, which permits your hands to rest at a more natural situation. This layout assists prevent RSIs and CTS.
Different essential attribute is the addition of a wrist pad. A comfortable wrist rest
offers support and cushioning, avoiding your arms from curving at an uncomfortable
angle. Many ergonomically designed keyboards arrive with built-in wrist rests, or you can purchase a separate one that matches your requirements.
Key arrangement and the shape of the keys also are important in ergonomics. Some input devices possess curved or sculpted keycaps that follow the natural contours of your fingers, lessening the effort required to press the keys. This may make a significant difference in comfort, especially during extended gaming sessions.
Flexible tilt and height settings are also helpful. Being able to change the angle of your keypad allows you to get the most comfortable orientation, further reducing fatigue on your wrists and hands. Some ergonomic keyboards even offer tenting options, where the input device is raised in the middle, promoting a more natural wrist orientation.
By purchasing an ergonomic gaming keyboard and taking steps to preserve good posture and hand orientation, you may reduce the risk of wrist fatigue and experience a more comfortable gaming experience. This not only boosts your abilities but also helps confirm long-term health and well-being.
<a href=>Leading Keyboards for Coders</a> 8c2163_
<a href=>Ergonomic Racing Design Gamer Recliner Gaming Chair</a>
i cant stop sucking my blood out!! help!! it tastes too good!! i cant stop,, icnat stop feels so good!!!!1
getting bred (like a girl) until you cum, and then until you dry orgasm, and then until you loss bladder control and start squirting (like a girl) is so nice
a must try for boys
3kg of pudding!
That's 2638 calories!
Skovmoj idols are accomplished gymnasts and can pull their leg over their head with far more grace and talent than your typical garden variety snacken and most certainly far better than your typical anine skovmoj who doesn't know anything about physical fitness :p
Admin-kun the day after we get 100 active users!
Can't wait for WSS playground to make a game glamorizing the otokonoko lifestyle with a menhera twist and making a whole generation of impressionable young women to make pretending to be a crossdressing anime boy their whole personality
the live-in meido who lives in ur house and eats ur food and hogs ur bideo games but it's ok because u give him deep prostate poundings every night uwu
pov: you are delivering cheese
gotta finish the bottle so i can piss in it
scoring warm feminizing gorl pee
Public faith in boorus has dropped so much in the last two years that there isn't even a single site that has anyone attempting to keep up with surface level pixiv lol
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Noah's cock is actually green and rotting
my tulpa is uncircumcized
Fasting friday and saturday and sunday and ... so on is pretty easy when your diet consists of special service unloaded in your mouth every night :x
How can I ask the universe to let me die?
This game is getting an anime?
soft stupid psuedo-intellectual boys
sometimes I imagine that they are at least partly female users on this site, but then i snap back to reality
What are you looking at, anone?
just posting cute boy meido to bump one gross fetish thread off the pink [s4s]!
Somehow I've never really thought about this before
admin and I talk shit about all of you in the secret board
Now delete the entire site, cuckold.
>e621 blanket deleted loli (with some exceptions for fur shit) without a warning because of pressure from advertisers
Why isn't there a an explicitly piratical booru on distributed hosting a la libgen or sci-hub? Too much traffic? It's been eminently demonstrated that server hosts don't give a shit about copyrighted content so long as you have end to end encryption.
who posted this STUPID thread
found this gif wanted to share it
wish reveal (ive been using someone else's pictures this whole time)
Why do the git web interfaces use reddit formatting for whitespace
just read the shoki, the real one, the good translation of the actual original (insofar as any of these texts have a good actual original)
some comments
the lack of an actual (world) creation myth is hella cool. You really get the sense that it's a local history and that the separation of heaven and earth was something happening in the background because of whatever celestial politics above the characters heads. Like, there's reference to a celestial hierachy that the founding characters are already several generations down on but everything that actually happens clearly concerns japan. The ongoing separation of heaven and earth is happening in real time and the distance is made reference to, but the actual cause of the seperation is never mentioned at all.
oni are actually female
the shikome (aka hisame) are in the original and in the alt. ver. they're the eight thunders (i.e. the oni) and it's clear that they're the same characters (the etymology of hisame is even similar, being ~storm)
particularly with the shikome/hisame clearly being identified as the primitive boogeymen in the same sense as the 'cover your navel when there's thunder' sense of oni as boogeymen, they're clearly the same thing (and very explictly female)
I'm amazed at the degree to which amaterasu is actually the authority and active ruler of the local heavenly realm (i.e. absolutely). Considering that all the pre-japanese-literature historical documents from the mainland talk about the ruler of the unified island as an empress it really seems like himiko etc. probably were real or at least considered to be real by all the chinese and later japanese (which is the same as being real).
Given the chinese history of sort of offshoot female rulers in the local environs (pirate queens etc.), this isn't really that surprising. It's still pretty interesting, especially since it's clear that it's a theocratic monarchy.
Izanami likewise doesn't flinch a fucking step. Izanagi literally shits himself and runs away and she equitably accepts the divorce, there's never an actual contention where they compete (in the line where he seals the entrance to stymie the shikome/oni, izanami has already been to where he is and left a message with the guard). Everyone else dies when they die and izanagi retires to be a minor shrine diety in his daughter's court but izanami continues to be on the offensive in their relationship and doesn't seem to give a fuck about having died at all. It's actually kind of shocking that characters who die are actually dead in an ancient mythology but she's the only exception.
Yomi is consistently characterized as a series of winding roads. Other than associations with a low place and distance from heaven, there's little to suggest that it's the underground/hell/gehenna-like place it's usually depicted as in modern fantasy or from the indians (or their descendants). If I was to be generous and assume that it is a cavern, the idea of a huge number of long and winding roads (and entrances clearly on the surface) suggest that it's more like a mass of long and winding "roads" as in tunnels in a cave system.
Given the only other inhabitants are found serving izanami after she's been there for like three days, it rather feels like her choosing to stay there when he retreats to heaven is paralleling amaterasu ruling over the local heaven in a sort of mirror now below to the above the land of reeds (=earthly japan).
There are a shit-ton of native gods and no really clear indication of where they came from. Are they the children of the islands? Were they already there? How? The islands are creating in the text, so clearly the native population have to spring up in this timeframe as well. An account is given of how domestic crops and some domestic animals came to be (and others are clearly imported) but insects (which are also identified with some of the untamed native gods that the celestials subjagate) were obviously already there, and the celestial gods are assisting their petitioners in resisting them.
The actual mythological section before the leviticus style mythologised history begins is pretty damn short, though the shoki was compiled as a historical document foremost. The myths are presented as transcribed-as-best-as-possible local tellings.
For me it tastes the way snot tastes, but with a bleachy salty taste that slips around in your mouth and gets stuck in the back of your throat.
If I wasn't already extremely aroused from giving my gf a sloppy BJ I would probably think it's gross.
change my mind
1. you wil never have a gf
2. your weird
why does weight loss have to be so slow, I did the numbers and you lose like 10g of body weight for every hour you don't eat.
If you wish to keep your house free from ants, all you have to do is to put up a notice at the place where they come in, " Admittance, one cash each person." The econolnical ant goes no further.
the extremely masculine urge to get caught in an autoerotic feedback loop where you're attracted to your own reflection and it lewds u up and seeing yourself get lewded up arouses you even more until you spill your seed all over the floor!
It's here
I hadn't been able to read the B-plot or some of the dialog but man, it lived up to expectations
Best futaxmale doujin of all time? Best doujin all genres of this decade to date?
cute ita bags are peak pink [s4s] tbh
Is there anything cuter than boys with burnt out dopamine receptors seeking out more and more decadent forms of self-pleasure to bully their hypothalamus into making more and more of the good stuff?
soft stupid psuedo-intellectual boys
Do you prefer colby cheese or cheddar?
the reality of inviting an esforce boy to your house
wow anon you are so cool *pukes on you*
life not happy and nice i want to die
Magick is beautiful she brights.
gay and retarded boys belong to their onee-chans
yeah im doing the 100 calorie diet after taking this picture
thighs ruined from eating too many sweets.
Wow admeme is racist against indonesians
shocking revelation
just watched the first episode of nige jouzu no wakagimi without reading the shows synopsis or knowing anything about it, the op was really upbeat and zany and the first half of the episode made me think it's going to be some kind of lighthearted historic comedy
this deredere girl got introduced and i'm thinking to myself wow this is nice but then there's an enormous tonal shift in the second half of the episode and the girl gets literally raped and murdered 10 minutes later and the boys clan is slaughtered to a man in graphic gory detail
very nice character designs and art though, i like the clothes, i even recognized the clan mon from shogun
i'll keep watching it
i tried to get 2 fingers in but im still to tight
I think it's really funny how mtfs complain about being forever alone and unwanted by men but then they also voice their disgust toward any man who would accept them as is, they're all "chasers" and need to get blocked.
Why are they like this?
It's really strange to be on a site where posting picks up on weekends instead of dying down
People make jokes about "I'll make the icon" but unironically that kind of graphic design for marketing materials and iconography is the only part I'm having any real trouble with
dildo_riding 1boy male_focus
im going to end my life soon probaly
What if your son became a femboy and learned to dance by watching idol girls?
me squishing the squishies (as it is my right to do)
jiru';s profile is cuter than mine Uu
Where are my panties? Take your bets:
>in the mailbox
>at the post office
>lost in courier hell
Eggs cost more than I thought they would, comparing them to e.g. specialty milk
Pan fried beef oyster blade and new york strip well done, served in fresh squeezed lime
should I take 750mg of dxm tonight
i see now
i know your secret now
4chan has been shilling fin and min to prevent male pattern baldness for a while now, how long before those same peter pan syndrome guys start shilling low dose estrogen for clearer, more squishy skin?
It's not even a stretch, I already seen those same guys claim to do all 3.
Rub warming liniment on your nipples
my cock is all bruised
chastity cages bad
why worry over anything...
i think it's best when my mind is clear and not stressed out, but that seems so rare nowadays. i think i wanted this life only to cope with how bad everything was around me, but now things just keep getting worse and worse, and all that can seemingly be done, is knee jerk reactions, like i'm just supposed to be an ape panicking, using a single brain cell to survive. i'm really tired of it, and i just want to live life on my own terms now.
maybe even this decision is just a knee jerk reaction, and it's not going to become a sustainable solution because stress is apart of the human condition, but i also think about how overwhelming and consuming this stress is, a rotten poison decaying my rational mind, how i haven't had my mind to myself in a long time, how i just feel so far gone and dissociated completely from my core being. i don't have a real answer for myself because i can't even think for myself anymore. i don't even know what i want out of my life anymore, i've just had to stop all critical thinking to prevent myself from being able to really perceive how bad it all is. it's like i'm trying to force myself to not think and turn myself into an ape, and avoid the fact that all of this is intentional because of the traumatically stressful circumstances i find myself in, and not wanting to be able to fully process the severity and devastation of it.
maybe i'm not really looking for a solution, but a way to grow above this and to worry about more important things that matter to me and represent who i actually am. maybe none of this matters, and i'll die tomorrow. if so, i'd want to at least die knowing i did my best and tried for myself, instead of letting my circumstances overwhelm me completely and define me. i would have pride in that conclusion alone.
your adopted live-in meido who u invited to come live with you at ur house that eats ur food and hogs ur bideo games and doesn't really like doing chores but it's ok because u give him deep prostate poundings every night uwu
also he likes wearing the maid uniform all the time even when out grocery shopping cus it's warm and comfy, bitches don't know about fleece lined sheer tights for winter weather!
The pleasure of being cummed inside
Your warm feminizing girl pee, coming right up!
Idols don’t give blowjobs.
ive never had a bffffffff
God this shit is so fucking retarded what even is this fucking subplot
>actually from a dance family
>way more experience than pretty much everyone else
>already established as a major talent in the junior stuff, the plot literally hinges on both this bitch and michiru being wowed her actual demonstrated competence and this chapter even says as much
MC's wife:
>established as a prodigy
This bitch:
>Never liked dancing
>Never practiced that much
>Never achieved anything
>No history of having achieved anything or having been able to achieve anything when she was trying her hardest (at MC's side, with MC in the role where her past successes were)
>Next to no experience with her current partner
>Largely established as a gormless retard who is pretty much a failure outside of dance as well
and yet
<magically beats the MC couple even in what's supposed to be a fantastic performance by that couple, while with a partner who she's only doing the bare minimum practice with to stay in the program who she's only just started dancing with
<magically supposed to be a real contender for #1 in japan
It's so fucking retarded I'm actually mad
This/these songs still do my head in. All jungle themes 2 & 3 from this game, I swear to god I've heard everywhere, like they're some of the great freeware soundtracks that have made their way into everything. I don't have my copy of StP but I swear they were in that, yet if you search the tracks by name nothing comes up, which is baffling because this sort of freeware/stock sound is practically always a top result.
Am I crazy?
Did some guy just happen to copy this into a project and everyone copied the music directly and it somehow spread via word of mouth underground with the original studio never getting credited?
This game had a gigantic budget (especially for what it was), was this actually some sort of major stock music studio and they just changed the name of the track to avoid being associated with the game?
Do the songs have a different name in the release state or in the original language or something?
I swear to god I've heard this in AAA products before. Like, it's real, super widely used stock music, isn't it?
i cant understand fist fights, all you have to do is win is control the enemies head and stab their eyes with your finger, you dont even have to control the head, a pointed punch with your fingers towards the eyes will take them out, it's so easy?
bnuy facts buns can walk on water but they have to walk and not flophop (i stole this post from somewhere else)
It doesn't matter that you're actually a woman and not a boy.
We still like you irregardless.
learn to recognize boysmell!
boysmell is the thick male pheromone smell that builds up and goes slightly rancidic if a boy madturbates repeatedly in an enclosed area like in their room or in their sheets
hate when this happens to me
>they removed comparison operators from strings (like != ) and replaced it with implicit definitions from ineffable compiler magic (which also prevents you from reasonably overloading the operators) (since C++ 20)
What the fuck are these cunts doing?
is this true?
>this is just two penises kissing each other so its not sex
>this is just my penis kissing your butt so its not sex
Admeme switched the cert too early, before it was time
You might think you got away with it, but I saw
why do ppl wnt me to hurt them :/
Why aren't you a cute femboy streamer letting your fans remotely trigger your shock collar and vibe for money while you whimper and scream?
elina the wandering witch
Pylometric exercise made my ass tighter
It could be something else but my working theory is that the elliptical/oblique stuff when you're landing works your pelvic floor and/or asshole like targeted (i.e. kegels) does
My actual butt cheeks are really firm and nice too
Residing in OC or every coastal city close to the ocean offers plenty of perks, however it also poses unique challenges. One such challenge involves the potential harm due to moisture and humidity to the drywall inside our homes. In this blog article, we will delve into the significance of timely drywall repair and address the specific considerations for homeowners in OC and other coastal cities. By understanding the hazards and taking proactive measures, residents can guarantee the longevity and structural integrity of the homes.
Understanding the Impact of Moisture on Drywall
Drywall, an ordinary building material utilized for interior walls and ceilings, is prone to moisture damage. In coastal areas, the proximity into the ocean raises the chance as a result of higher humidity levels and occasional moisture intrusion from the salty air. When moisture seeps into drywall, it could cause various dilemmas, including:
Fungus and Fungi Growth: Excess moisture forms an ideal environment for mildew and mold to thrive, compromising indoor air quality and posing health problems.
Structural Weakness: Wet drywall undermines and loses its structural integrity, potentially leading to sagging, cracks, and on occasion even collapse.
Aesthetical ruin: humidness harm often effects in hideous blemishes, bubbly, stripping coating, and structure deterioration, diminishing the visual appeal of your property.
Prompt Drywall Restore: Stopping Supplemental Destruction
Fixing drywall promptly is essential to stop longer harm and minimize repairs costs. Stalling repairs intensifies active troubles, resulting in better extensive and higher priced building work. Take into account the following main reasons why timely drywall servicing is important:
Mold minimization: Addressing moisture-related issues promptly stops fungus expansion and growth, ensuring your household's health.
Maintaining Structural Honesty
: mending battered drywall ensures the steadiness and safety of your property, evading potential hazards.
Avoiding extra Harm: Humidity-affected drywall may impact adjacent materials such as for example insulation and solid wood framing. By fixing drywall promptly, you are able to avoid additional damage and associated servicing.
Cost Efficiency: Early detection and repair of drywall issues tend to be more cost-effective than waiting through to the damage will become significant. Appropriate repairs save you from widespread reparations and promising relocation costs.
Strategies for Drywall Servicing in Resort Districts
Residing close to the seaside demands additional concern to maintain the integrity of one's drywall. Here are some useful tips for individuals in Orange County and coastal towns and cities:
Ordinary reports: Perform standard visual review of the drywall, focusing on signs and symptoms of moisture harm, such as for instance slight discoloration, peeling coating, or delicate areas.
Controlling water: Use dehumidifiers or air conditioners to manage inside humidity quantities, commonly all through humid periods.
Guaranteeing venting: Ensure suitable air-flow in a bathroom, kitchen sets, as well as other areas susceptible to humidity build-up. Install and maintain exhaust system fans to eliminate overload moisture content.
Regularly keeping up the outside: Consistently look at your property's appearance, such as the roofing, drains, and frames, to spot and fix any promising pointers of moisture content breach.
Fixing Plumbing leaking: Resolve any pipe joints leaks quick to prevent spray from leaking into the walls and producing drywall havoc.
Professional Assistance: Seek the services of full-fledged providers for detailed assessments and treatments to deal with any pre-existing or interested drywall matters.
In coastal locations like Orange County, timely drywall remedy is essential to reduce the dangerous effects of dampness to humidity. By comprehending the potential risks connected with wetness damage and taking on practical actions, property owners will be able to guarantee the longevity, safety, and aesthetic benefit of their unique people's homes.
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wtf do u mean im going to jail i just removed an object of frustration baja
Do you like my nut corner?
I literally cant watch anime with other people around because all the girls are breathy and gasp a lot and make lots of weird noises with their mouth and no matter how vanilla or it is, it manages to sound like I'm watching porn.
Looking for new girlfriens to join our anti cis chat fyi we use xmpp
jiruposter is a gay person, sodomy, dont touch him or god will smite you,
I'm daddy's brainless slut! my life has no meaning besides being a sex toy!!
stealing the hoodie boy's (she goes SHA!) smelly hoodie and full face inhaling the boysmell every day for a week and I wanna tell everyone!
denpa otoko site
tl note: "denpa" means mentally ill
Everybody's a little girl.
Can someone explain what the motivation behind getting a blowjob/wanting to get a blowjob is?
Is it just purely psychological, like normalfags just want it reinforcing their identity in that sexnorm kinda way and loveydovey fags just want it reinforcing the idea that their partner loves and wants to pleasure them?
Is there any conception that it's actually supposed to feel better than masturbation/tool assisted masturbation?
This is actually a pretty important question and a good answer would actually really help me in my professional life, please help me to understand.
I hurt myself while shaving legus AND damaged my stockings while putting them
Rough general translation: A student spills water on his teachers pants under the guise it was an accident and proceeds to take of his pants.
a silent scream into the void wich nobody hears
stimming isnt enough i need to explode
does anyone have a spare tf2 key lole?
if you disassociate and stop recognizing your own face in the mirror after staring for too long, like, if you look at yourself and you know youre the voice inside your head but you don't really accept the meat husk surrounding it to be your body, then you're probably dysphoric
Are you flexible?
Can you raise your foot above your head?
Nobody cared
Nobody gave a single fuck about me
lets brighten this dark moment with a joke
im single again anyone wanna fuck?
its been a while since i last cut
It's engorged with blood
to FEEL you better, it's bringing life to the surface to make a connection to something important to it, heat is communication, it's a union, a discourse
it pinches and rolls and clenches and strains and writhes, it reacts to your touch and to the anticipation of you, it's all alight and sparking and free to set off, hardly needing an order to things
and when it does so it pushes the blood, bulk fluid moves around, it strains and streams past, it throbs and pools against the limit and press on the skin
and you feel it, and it feels your heat, and the motion is once again told to run it's course, but it's clenching now, shaking, at it's limit, all burnt up and full of salt, the charge is all spent. Things loosen, and when they do they start to flow, and all begins to be restored and the tension comes back, it's slower, less lightning and more strength, a stability that couldn't be there when the explosion was filling every last space in the balloon. The heat is melded with your heat, it's a communication, the motion blends with the motion through the push and pull of it's environs, life pulses against you in rhythm because the rhythm allows it to pulse, to be close, to be felt, to feel, to touch, to be warm
I used up all my lube and by the time the new batch sets properly properly sets properly I'll be asleep, it's ass
not literally though cos I'm waiting for the lube to stt
anyway I came to the realization that other things in life can be beautiful and vibrant and worth feeling, worth pressing into and around, that aren't jsut cocks. The property is more universal.
drained dry, I'm so sorry
Has Magick recovered from being absolutely MOGGED last night or is he still suicidal?
everyone knows cutting onions irritates your eyes and makes you tear up, but do you know why does that happen?
it's because cutting onions releases gaseous chemical compounds, which upon coming into contact with the water present in your eyes, create SULFURIC ACID, a highly corrosive acid (capable of dissolving metals, let alone flesh)
every time you cut onions without wearing eye protection until this point has caused progressive, irreversible damage to your eyes
suicide by gunshot is uncute, hanging ur self is uncute
you should try leaving a pale, peaceful, intact corpse
try dying of exposure, or poison, cute and fembrained
bro that's some project zomboid shit
The comfy impotence of having cum really really hard the previous day
im watching drug videos with jiru
hai this is my steam deck
masturbated in the bathtub and now my feet hurt
wowi love sluts 4 sale. not that i need more sluts because who needs more when i got one on me *farts seducteively*
here, have this estrogen infused choco. make ur cock useless for me <3
wow im SEALING my future in this VERY moment
so Tell me what you want WHAT YOU REALLY RELAY WANT
admin is doing the thing again.
anyone want free money i do not need it
going to destroy my life with high freqency trading on the stock market
every photo ive posted isnt mine, im actually a 27 year old nigger.
sunday morning I made a scotch egg
singin' jane's ''ex-fan des sixties"
say good morning to sunflowers
which gaze to sun for ten thousand hours
please make me smile 60's sounds
mushroom haired popstars
blight eyed boy was wearing polkadotshirt
with cool behavior
everything seem to be o.k.
they will never go to decay
recorded by my typewriter of time
shinin' on glamorous color
hot & sweet as cherry wine
send me a piss video so i know u got home safe
I boughted cacti (the large, melty columnar one is a rare cultivar named Bruce’s Dragon)
you will never kill me!!!
magick has a closet full of goth outfits and skirts
extremely indulgent namefig onahole!
I ABRADED the corner of my ASS. While prepping for anal, after layers of triumph and defeat, only to be stopped so suddenly.
This was a cataclysmic reversal of fortune because I had well and truly and fully prepared and now I can't (safely) do anything. The likely culprit was while removing a longer dildo, which was itself a mistake since it seems the opened up pipes deeper on weren't clean either and DID open up and cascade down the shaft, erasing much of the work heretofore. And in reclaiming the lost ground, the abrasion was created or discovered, when it demonstrably hadn't been there earlier.
I am horny and disappointed.
I can feel it too, it's real, this suck.
Hard to tell how long this thing takes to heal either.
Feels like the older I get, the gassier my bussy becomes. What gives?
leave college quit your job
i had this picture taken when i was 13
How do you feel about girls with daddy issues pretending to be boys pretending to be girls for the attention?
whenever i feel depressed i let my gf suck me of lifes good
wish has certIn dispositions that u cant transition to
wish is faith or beastbain better for part 1
go bounce on your dildo while posting on esfores!
Magick has agreed to marry me and be my cute husband.
If you are reading this post you are now invited to our wedding in the Bahamas + you get to watch us consummate the marriage.
how does wish's mom let her cut herself and take all those drugs and sleep with her dealer for drugs n stuff
Warum hat Avogado darfür gestimmt?
im still nd always will be a highly desirable princess, thats whhy u cant have me
even if i feel weird.. ill fight it..,,
We all have our dreams. This is mine.
Let A, B, and C be three points in space representing celestial bodies (such as stars or planets), and let P be a point representing an angel. The formula for the optimal path for the angel to travel from A to B to C could be:
cos(APB) = (cos(APC) - cos(BPC)cos(ABC)) / (sin(BPC)sin(ABC))
In this formula, APB represents the angle between the vectors AP and BP, and similarly for APC, BPC, and ABC. The formula is based on spherical trigonometry and is designed to calculate the shortest distance between the three points, taking into account the curvature of space.
admin is being a cringe weirdo again
maybe i'm just lonely, but life is so confusing.
admin is pretending to be straight again
Is s4s playing the second great bnunyge of our times?
Unironically getting kind of aroused from the smell of pig meat in my piss
we live in a society that tolerates secondaries and allows them near pencils
it was very rude of you to do that and you know it was..
200g mushrooms
one large onion
150g cream cheese with herbs
4 slices of cheese
pasta of your choice
a little pepper and paprika
fry the mushrooms and onions in a pan until the mushrooms are brown and the onions are translucent, then add the cream cheese and bring to the boil
add pepper and paprika
in the meantime you can cook the pasta.
then put the pasta and the sauce in a casserole dish and stir well.
then you just have to put the cheese on top and bake it in the oven.
paradox won an award for the best discorder screenshot
The extremely masculine urge to become a cute jiracken and post your transformation online for everyone to see!
I'm a compulsive buyer, I can't stop spending money on dumb shit I don't need, I can't stop gambling, spending and giving money away what the fuck
put me down like an old dog
I have a chii gf, we hug and kiss everyday
we also do the deed at the dawn while listening to saya's ost
me after the rectal prog hits
just ordered marshmallow vanilla 50%vodka with monster
I have gum written on my shopping list but it looks like cum lol
I'm drinking cranberry vodka as I'm fembrained
Greetings and salutations!
we work psychologically sweetcheek honey
При первом знакомстве <a href=>http mega sb</a> выглядит простым и легким в использовании ресурсом с простым интерфейсом. Именно здесь заключается ключевая особенность <a href=>мега онион ссылка</a>, которая может быть скрыта от обычного взгляда. Ведь наличие различных функций только усложняет взаимодействие сервиса с конечным пользователем. Для доступа к широкому выбору товаров вам нужно пройти по ссылке <a href=>ссылки на мега дарк</a>, создать аккаунт и пополнить баланс. Затем легкий процесс поиска необходимых товаров, и в одно мгновение вы будете рядом со своим желанным сокровищем, открывающим путь в мир фантазий и спокойствия. Зарегистрируйтесь на мега даркнет маркет ссылка.
мега сайт даркнет ссылка:
i wonder where she learnd this
remember to always write down your good ideas
Ever since I left the city You
my music taste is shit
pls don't report me thx
i like to preserve and share
i don't get any profit of doing this
some people would say that i'm "based"
i'm not sure but i thank for the compliment
Feeling like a vermin rn.
Hilt buffalo cock or get a plug in and just leave it while finishing with pon*s stim? Both would be new conquests/PBs if I can go all the way.
Step 1: give horny dumb esfores boys an eating disorder cus they want a cute grabbable waist
Being under 5'6" must be rough, every tall dude on 4chan fantasizes about force feminizing you and taking advantage of your insecurities by pumping and dumping you anytime they want, they can't even run to /fit/ because they'll usually tell you to embrace the femboy or they'll lay on some unrealistic workout plan that they won't take cus let's be real, cuteboys aren't known for being assertive or taking charge of their life, being a pudgy codependent neet who spends all day playing vidya, gooning and taking care of his appearance is far more comfy.
Wish on her way home from the mall~
Did anyone ever find an actually good harness setup for chastity cages? The shit that gets marketed has clip together buckles that obviously don't allow it to be tightened enough and the extraneous buckles for the lower gearings get in the way.
came while in chastity and now I feel great
time for some much belayed yoga
literally everyone loves me
Ok here's the truth I come here to feel better about mysefl because no matter how bad things are, everyone else here is a bigger loser and I hate you all so much it makes me feel good and happy inside that I am better than all of you in every way lole
only admin knows where i currently live
hi guys my name is pewdiepie and today well be discussing who i hate the most and tolerate the most from 4chan so i hate magick the most and tolerate wrinkly the most
Why is Germany banned from /bant/?
Posting from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
4chan Pass users can bypass this block. [Learn More]
but i can still post on s4s
please help me get a gf
i fuck off forever
For the perfect legal high. Get drunk on 1 and a half bottles of champagne, crank up the bass, pop a zyn punch and watch the newerst sewerslvt album
Eating a days worth of calories across an entire week and I wanna tell everyone!
because i make so much drug money at the moment, i wanted to build my parents a pc because they always complain that their laptop is so slow they said they don't want a pc but only because it takes up so much space so i wanted to build them a mini pc.
i need to buy a monitor for them too
the pictures show the specs and the case and of course a mouse and a keyboard to complete the whole thing and a mouse mat.
i want to suprise them with this is this a good idea or better not do it
I got shoulder checked by a cat today.
I often see in japanese gag works the phrase "I'm against violence", but I don't understand it's usage. Is this a meme, a reference to something? It's the person being assaulted speaking, so I don't understand how it's applicable otherwise.
I have been hoping for. The niche of up to date info on the website is excellent and helpful and will assist me in our studies quite often. It shows that all of the members here acquired a lot of knowledge concerning subjects on the site and other pages and information really show it. Typically i'm not browsing websites most of the time but when I have some time I am more often than not hunting for this sort of information and things similarly related to it. When you get a chance, take a look at my site. <a href=>revealing the benefits of thesis writing solutions for grad students</a>
What's cookin, good lookin?
mumble:// come on mumble
I was thinking how society defines men by what they are not, women, and that's really it.
A man is not a real man if they resemble a woman in character, appearance or personality.
You can emasculate a man but you can't effeminize a woman any further.
Even down to the genetic level, men are still women with a deformed second X chromosome.
currently getting my dick sucked at this very moment
Shocked to discover that some guy didn't fuck up a translation in the way that he is wont to but then it turns out he didn't do the translation lole
I fucked my ass and all the built up tension is leaving my body and I can see my resistance (to sleep, to gravity, etc) leaving my body like wisps of steam issuing from gaps in a machine
one day, this will pass
one day, i will pass
yet today, i enjoy this moment all to myself
my thread got deleted, even this place isnt safe
humanity is fucked
As your maid prepares your morning coffee, a vast volume and variety of magnificent chemical reactions are occuring within her body to bully her aching prostate into releasing her warm, nutritious boymilk!
Why is Kagamine Len so cute and huggable?
Troonjak posters want what they can't have because they have no discipline.
Being cute is hard work but I believe in u
mattress pls if you are hiding somewhere, or harming yourself
stop both and go talk to mila
progesterone makes u bpd and bis*xedual and horny on ur own boysmell and also menhera if you overdose
Dont forget to attend evil neuro's birthday party.
i had the crying dream again yuo know the one where whatever the dream was about b4 stops and yop just sit there dreamsobbing until you wake up breathless and feel like youre still dreaming for hours u frends have that one right
in my dream i saw you suffer, i laughed and smiled, waking up only made it funnier though because i know it's not just a dream, it's your reality
wow this [s4s] thread is so good! it REALLY makes me feel like I'm getting my ASS fucked!
I know someone who claims to love me a lot, but I simply cannot feel the same way about him since he doesn't want to hurt me, not physically nor psychologically.
what did he mean by this?
boys are stupid cum factories
Playing max payne to be like pain
My hips are wider than my mother's, fag
The encroachment of webp is actually gonna see me learn another language huh
U won't Be miserable forever.. i Love U all and am rooting for everyone to heal !! ^_^
more like QWEEF!!
not a poop joke but once upon a tiem the public bathroom at this park where we were practicing soccer with our coach had 1 stall where there was a bunch of shit on the floor and it smelled so bad and i laffed thank u for reading :3
ED refugee here, what the fuck is this Place?
I dream the dream of all mankind, to be a cute little girl attended by juicy cocks
Someone on /g/ made a thread about brain computer interfaces if they were invented in the near future, they suggested that they would be used for emotional regulation and brainwashing by the powers that be, human trafficking would also explode, imagine a cyberpunk dystopia where neets get snatched off the streets and turned into mind wiped sex slaves that can be bought and sold by the societal elite!
No thoughts, head empty, you're a slut for sale programmed to love your master unconditionally and leak precum at the sight or even mention of his cock!
Maybe you'll still have your base personality underneath but you'll slowly get mindbroken to match your new programming after the 50th remotely triggered orgasm in a row while you're cleaning your own love juices off the floor! He could treat you nice, or he could just bully you and throw you away! You never know!
I think I'm too far gone cus I read a cyberpunk dystopia thread and it made me hot and bothered afterwards aaaaaaaa
am i doing anything wrong, ??
What would be the physiological implications if men really did c**m a whole mayo jar's worth of fluids and had it glop and spill out of their partner and all over the floor like it does in doujins?
this is a nice website
i am now going to advertise this on /soc/ and /pol/ to flood it with newfigs to make it ebil
hii add me on discord my discord is .angelvalue thx!!
Hundreds of beavers was really good
When i have nightmares, i chase my own monsters.
My mother had to ask permission to give birth to me.
I missed two days of work once, theyre now what u call "the weekend".
when i drink alcohol, the alcohol gets drunk.
if i get cancer, the cancer would have 3 days to live.
when i lift weights, the weights get Stronger.
when i look at nature, nature writes a poetry about me.
when i rub a genie lamp, the genie appears and says
"now that you're here, I have 2 more wishes!".
I Give "my boss" promotions.
I am what preceeded the chicken and the egg!!!
hai this is me nd sky i love my gamer
this is no lomger magick board
this is wish board
bori brii biri biri biri biri biiri biri biri biiri biiri biri biri biri biiri biri biri biiri biiri biirj bir i bi brr r i r
time to make hamburber n eggy
micker is japan top idol, she has to stay in shape and work out every muscle group to reach those unworldly high notes!
Yes that includes the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle group, the same ones responsible for tensing the pelvic floor during intense dance routines!
the only thing i care about is master.
your emotions, feelings and opinions about me have zero value and worth to me,,
ur efforts are practically worthless if you want to let me down,, but if u wanna praise and worship me, thats good and rlyy soooo Healthy!!
im a little sister, a daughter, a pet, a maid, a brat, an angel, a demon, menhera, laid back, sweet, savage, grandiose , shy, innocent, depraved, good, evil and everything to you!!! the all in One package.
i placed blood in my cigarette and smoked it
ice cream
ice cream
yummy for ur tummy
did you know magick's penis doesn't work anymore
you could fuck him in the ass and give him a reach around and he still wouldn't get hard
it's true
why don't you look like this yet?
bad hsir day! im picking up lsd today!!
#yep this is a good #nigger post (i got kicked out of le nazi groups wtf)
still no sex but she slept in my arms today c:
Wearing women's underwear because they won't sell me men's boxers without a fly in a decent material
the puzzel is finally come together
Pan fried pork belly with white wine
Wow. Its all going to shit
Tripping balls and the Jak community having a crisis
It's every boy's dream to learn to apply makeup and order cute clothes and cosplay wigs from the internet and get a cute [s4s] bf to move in with and be his live-in meido housewife and part time s*x slave (male).
Going on a date with a schizo griller c:
wish me luck
just had a nice fap with a girl that had big boobs on flingster lole
why does the spam thingie say “fuck collection”? are they too esl to say hardcore porn?
Why do dumb 4channers want to be girls all the time, like it's gonna solve all their problems, you just know if there was some magical become a girl button they'd press it and continue to exhibit the same loser miserable thoughts and do the same exact male nerd things they did as a guy only with the added expense of having to rebuy their wardrobe and worry about tampons and no longer getting taken seriously in men's spaces because they now come off as an attention seeking brat only pretending to like male stuff for attention.
fuck around till the party is over
and the paty has been over for 6 years
dirt is disgusting.
clean things are disgusting.
letting it all fall apart is disgusting.
putting everything back together is disgusting.
telling people how you feel about it all is disgusting.
dying is disgusting.
living on is disgusting.
i will die.
i want to die.
I'm daddy's princess but I'm also a whore!
Hope will die from the bloodloss or sepsis
making black tea for first time
how to become un high google
hi how do i become sober ?
I'm so drugged up right now
why does getting skinny have to be so hard
New PC Case has le arrived (+Fans)
which personality do u like best
why would i filter myself lole
why are all my threads hidden?
my weed you can not have any
All asian men have two sides.
is your dick small or big
how do you feel about it
Should I go trick or treating while dressed up like an anime girller and have a huff and a fit if they don't wanna gibe candy because I'm not a little kid anymore?
Why wasn't I born a cute girl?
I think the universe is trying to tell me something.
good morning even tho its midnight
Why are /g/ users so gay and retarded?
How fast is your refractory period?
I found that if I fap really fast and try to coom as fast as possible, I'll have a really unsatisfying orgasm but the refractory period will be under a minute and there won't be that period where your pebis is too tender and sentitive to keep jerking, I think they call these ruined orgasms when you fap and then let go as you've fallen off the orgasm point of no return, they're very unsatisfying tho.
However if I edge for a while, at least 30-40 minutes and then keep jerking during the orgasm and don't stop, i'll absolutely max out the refractory period timer and it'll be 30-40 minutes before I feel like I could start again, this is really the best kind of post-orgasm glow because it feels really warm and fuzzy afterwards if you don't try to keep fapping, the bepis feels tender and overly sensitive but it's fine cus you're not fapping.
sometimes it's really easy to misconstrue a horrible sleepiness or an awful hunger as being actual distress and sadness, so it's important to go and eat when you must, to sleep when you need to. goodnight, i love you!
Animals love the stink of cock.
Where do you go to find (raw) scans of japanese indie derivative works?
I would never let my son do transmaxxing mewing voice tutorials for money!
why is no one talking about her
dont you think that my girlfriend is so cute and hot~?
if so, masturbate to her!!! she needs all the life force she can get, its important. she'll die if she doesnt get cummed on!!!!
>look up usb
>they're almost all 128GB
Thank you s4s for being the obscene slut you have always been
ii need brain smoothie i ran oiut for months
i live such a lighthearted little life ;^; nothing bad that ever happens is even remotely catastrophic or beyond resolving with just a little laugh and an i love you. the sky is always still white and i get to stay in bed all day with the ac on and no one is ever disappointed in me
give my girlfriend life force by donating via a cum tribute!!!
today is cloudy in the way that i like. masakatsu takagi is playing. i know that i haven't felt the weight of it yet, but life where i am now is everything i could have once hoped for. my buldak was so spicy it almost killed me, but i really liked it uhehe... for now i'm going to take a morning nap and wake up to have the icream
I wish I lived with a tsundere crossdressing boy who would blush and do girly embarrassing things and kick me in the nuts but at the end of the day he's afraid of sleeping alone and reluctantly asks to sleep with me haha. just for laughs
i cum to boys cumming to anime girls
yep you should kill yourself
why does sky like my feet what does that mean
Self-inserting as the girl is pretty fembrained tbh
Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions
man i could make ROPE out of this hair
does being cute suit me? i think i should drop my hrt, it feels useless as my aura, body and personality arent cute at all i think
the difference is that i care about u long term
surely all my scars will fade
I be stinky send soap pls
thethhis is a dream
a dream of an Angel
complete white
is no different than complete darkness
that which stand against god and with god
imacculate wings
wicked eyes
embodiment of malice
the angel is powerless to resist being bound by flesh
depravity rapes the angel
fear and relief
agersion and attachment
jncomprehension of undertsanding
pollution and purity
lofve and hate
the schools bell rang
the windows seem to stretch forever
welcome to the angel classroom!
a familiar face!
nothing moved except fir the floating smoke from my cigarette
what a mature figure, mind you
i was glad
when you get sentenced to eternal damnation -_-
whats wrong with the mother
share some healthy living habits, i'm in the manic mood to improve the quality of my life again
did you hear the joke about the roof?
it isn't much, but in confusion i love you and in unease i love you and in discomfort i love you and in distress i love you and in exhaustion i love you and in my failure to be more than my affection i hope you can forgive me and wait, in a moment i'll stroke your hair to sleep
it's literally impossible for men (male) to have a micker plush, it's illegal!
Magick getting his daily plapping, he's so needy...!!
hi i like being possessive
>when the retard hates transgenders when he himself is a virgin transfag
wish's advanced daddy issues
Any dumb hoor on here wanna get naked for validatione?
I'm a banana
No I'm not!!!!!!!!!
April fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have been tricke!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u have a small weewee what do u want
no sluts4sale stock fuck you
I tookv some I when when you
when I I had some tkmcof when its one of those thread s when you take m
the mold and mushroom mycelium are fighting to the death c:
Hi, does anyone want to join my gay harem? I'm a famous musician from Baltimore.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sex with children
If your precious board means something id start backing it up now
Enjoyed the fuck out this show
I will never be loved
and I'm going to die alone
what's the most in-depth analysis of the history of s4s and the psychology of its users? i need to heal.
me when im taking advantage of easily influenced retards by debasing myself, playing dress up and begging esfores boys for steam games in exchange for lewds
ive been sleeping alot
i slept a lot
rub hotsauce on your eyelids
idk y u keep bothering u should just blow ur horny brains out
what dildo size would you reccomend for starters?
hi guys! ive been on hrt for 2.5 years. and i gotta say, im pretty gay!
i still have this image and i look at it in time of desperation
the vanilla ice cream of human gacha
is taking lsd a good idea for wishe?
I'm gonna do so much dxm lol
i don't know how magick does this namefag shit it just feels bad, not sure how this could be healthy for anyone
this cant be real you are all larping
how much do you think he weighs
Deercock daughterwife delivers delightful deep dicking down delirious doe, beautiful bowel breaching beam's butt broadening base by bullying badly besotted boi brings big batter blasts blowing barren.
magick what do you think of this video
Magick pls rate my dick
add me paradox3139
they sell egg whites by themselves
>my multivitamin contains resveratol (in botanic form) and saw palmetto as well as some questionably effective natural stimulants and some of the generic nootropic and longevity nerd supplements
>none of these are listed in the "what does this supplement help with" section probably because they can't legally be said to do anything
These cats are fucking wild. Genuine Gangsters.
That's not how you're supposed to dose resveratol though though I don't think that was known when they made this formula and it's a pretty low volume so it likely doesn't matter either way
my neew c cage is.. too big like way too big
someone with a dick this big wouldn't be wearing a cage, like what the fuck don't they know their market....
i lit a cigarrette after fapping and the cum clot got stuck in it (lighter)
Magick is obviously in love with me.
i will heal from my bpd btw.
i will do it for my sweet nii nii and myself nd i will succeeded bc im together with my guaridan angel in this
progesterone is a hell of a drug
A bird?
You think you're a weak little bird..?
"why will u leave ur bird be sad.. they'll be so sad.. they'll die"
in your Dreams
You're Venom
A Snake
Let the snake be sad and die.
I'm sorry for assuming that ur a bird, snakes really are creepily good at hypnotizing you.
wealcum to mai blog
I make the tea yes
Hmmmmme mmme mmme verie tasteee
i love my daddy i love daddy i love daddy dyydy i lvoreee faddyyyyhhhnmmmmm i loveee dwddyyyyy aaaa o loiv i lvoe daddy i love daddyy
daddyy is going to fill me up with so much sperm so muvh daddyy haahhnmmn smperrm and hot stifky vum daddy daddy noo ahahemm sm smms daddyyy cumd dwddy daddy daddy daddy dady dhnnemmw
I feel like I've had stetchy balls lately
i want to suck soem girlcock
just snorted wellbutrin amd took it rectally
micker accidentally logs onto the esfores interface!
Always thought couture meant 'culture' lole
Should I start out growing cubensis or something like tampanensis/mexicana for sclerotia
I have natalensis too which supposedly is superior to cubensis for niggershrooming
i wear glasses because i didnt get lasik
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a purple unicorn named Twinkle Toes who had a passion for playing the kazoo. She would spend hours practicing her kazoo-playing skills while dancing on rainbow clouds and singing songs about pickles and marshmallows.
One day, Twinkle Toes decided to go on a journey to find the ultimate kazoo that would make her the greatest kazoo player in all the land. She packed her backpack with pickles, marshmallows, and a map that led to the mythical kazoo of legend.
As she journeyed through enchanted forests and treacherous mountains, Twinkle Toes encountered many strange creatures, including a talking tree who only spoke in riddles and a giant chicken who was allergic to feathers.
Finally, after many long weeks of traveling, Twinkle Toes reached the cave where the kazoo of legend was said to be hidden. But when she entered the cave, she found that the kazoo had been stolen by a group of mischievous gnomes who loved nothing more than causing chaos and mayhem.
Determined to retrieve the kazoo, Twinkle Toes enlisted the help of a wise old owl who gave her a magical feather that could turn into a sword. Armed with her kazoo and her trusty feather-sword, Twinkle Toes set out to defeat the gnomes and reclaim the ultimate kazoo.
After a fierce battle, Twinkle Toes emerged victorious and retrieved the kazoo of legend. She returned to her home on the rainbow clouds, where she spent the rest of her days playing the most beautiful kazoo music ever heard and sharing pickles and marshmallows with all her unicorn friends.
life is pain when u have a twp
The mother of all wars; witches vs priests.
Choose your side wisely.
imso borderline oersibakuty disordrf
remember that, no matter how tough it gets, no matter how sad you are, no matter how many tears come streaming down your face, that you can still laugh and smile, and this eases the pain of our tragically human condition. life is truly absurd, and that is hilarious in and of itself, so let's embrace it ;)
AI will never take off because faggots can't tag for shit
just bought a light pink mcm bag
add me on discord c:
i'm so very sad and I always be so very sad as long as I live
sexually bully the crossdressing anime boat after he lied to me about being able to make me some warm feminizing girl pee!
This really is such a good board/site
I'm so glad it exists
coffee licorice and cigarettes
we deserve. a better. source of info.
let it all burn down!
burn it to the ground!
oniiiiii saaaan where r we going
the sun creeps
in window blinds
the rays peep
good morning, sunshine
i hope you had a good sleep
come visit the coal mines of rural appalachia, where the pennies we're paid in shine brighter than our future!
I can hear my neighbor's computer fucking dying
Is the secret to femboymaxxing just taking low dose anti-androgens like finasteride which is already well proven to stop testosterone from being converted into DHT by 50% and this is what causes hair loss and rough skin because DHT serves no real purpose in men in adulthood other than to ugly them up and attach to your hair follicles and make them fall out.
Btw this isn't medical advice lol
Momma said why we hadn't gone
and when I told her, she said we'd been good for not going
So I realised I'm genderfluid and really want a proper ftm T dick clit. Will my mtf post op clit grow on T like ftm guys' natural clit grows or would the differences in how the clit is built in ftm vs post op mtf prevent my clit from becoming an ftm T dick? Get very dysphoric about my mtf pussy when I flip to guy mode. Want it to be like an ftm T dick.
There's much talk of being a bitch in heat, but it's use has transcended being a broad misgynistic insult. I feel that it doesn't match well in any regard: dogs are gross, they aren't culturally sexualized, and they're seen as a predatory and more conventionally masculine animal.
I instead propose 'doe in heat' as a replacement, after rabbits (especially) and deer. Both animals have cultural connotation of femininity; deers are elegant, rabbits are cute. Both have a cultural image of toothlessness. Rabbits are enormously sexualized, does in particular. Rabbits are small, and clean, and widely considered desirable to pet, and contrary to much of nature they are 'bottoms' that consider being groomed preferable to grooming.
Also deercock is amazing
i blocked magick on discord but magick will add me back definitely
a litl bitta splii'in yea
im am going ham on my new terrarium(s)
i dont have frens
i feel so dirty
why was that dream so turbulent
why does the warmth of drink always fade into cold, dark, emptiness
why can i just keep doing this, i barely feel like i'm in control anymore
One who embraces the fullness of Virtue,
Can be compared to a newborn babe.
Wasps and scorpions, snakes and vipers do not sting him;
Birds of prey and fierce beasts do not seize him;
He does not yet know the meeting of male and female, yet his organ is aroused-
This is because his essence is at its height.
He can scream all day, yet he won't become hoarse-
This is because his harmony is at its height.
She's so cute!
Where can I buy one?
i want to have butt sex with a feminine boy for 19 hours
Do you enjoy swinging wildly between gross decadence and feeling miserable?
im gonna buy cute sex socks
squishy if he a delicious caramel creme dessert (pudding)
i want to bath Magick
(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡
im loosing ym mind
at wut age did you give up on getting a gf?
sexuality is a scurge on humanity.
>sensitive nipples
>prostate orgasms
>comfy afterglow naps
>warm creamy s4s boimilk!
so u want something sweet
he's so fucking real for that
wish did the same thing to his cat for no reason at all
everybody know
that i might lose control
i dont have a soul
but i told her please dont go
is for pussies
menopause acting russies
am i cozy in this tree house
fuck that
holy dildo suck it flor clout
they only do this because they love to tease
but you don't kick someone who's already on the ground
squishies become the personal property of the first male (male) that ejaculates inside them and coats the inside of their colon with their hot, virile semen.
When I'm cumming with something thrusting in me touching or even lightly brushing (if anything, strong motions have less effect) the surface of my 'tummy' and abdomen it causes a massive reaction in the muscle of the surface.
It seems to be restricted specifically to the skeletal muscle and some of it's supports, though I could easily be mistaken. I was trying 'deep' (not that deep cos even tapering to a medium width is still too much for me, but certainly past the line of demarcation) anal with the thrusting machine for the first time and when I brushed over my navel environs the reaction was so strong I had to stretch after to avoid like a cramp.
Anyone know what's going on? When you're cumming are your action potentials just super charged and minor semi-autonomous stuff gets exaggerated, or what? I swear that most things that get a strong response are being suppressed at this time (e.g. throat feelings) rather than enhanced. Is this a consequence of where/what the blood is going/doing, or sympathetic somehow to autonomous smooth muscle activity?
whats the best discord matrix server chat app?
if i dont know ur face
in the other world
a bubbl3
would i still recognize you
did mattress finally killed himself?
Can you help me find a gf?
Next time you shower a tiny little house spider hidden in your towel will bite you on the balls, causing a small lump and itching like a pimple
come spring, crunchy begins to thaw and return to his squishy state
fuck my life man. I fucked it all up. I fucked everything. it's too late and I'll never be able to fix it
He can't even beat stairs how he can beat Russia
Being under 5'6" must be rough, every tall dude on 4chan fantasizes about force feminizing you and taking advantage of your insecurities by pumping and dumping you anytime they want, they can't even run to /fit/ because they'll usually tell you to embrace the femboy or they'll lay on some unrealistic workout plan that they won't take cus let's be real, cuteboys aren't known for being assertive or taking charge of their life, being a pudgy codependent neet who spends all day playing vidya, gooning and taking care of his appearance is far more comfy.
pikachu is happy that its dinner time
If you could invite anyone in the world, who would you like to have dinner with?
sigh being 37 years old really is tiring
fapped too much now i have tendonitis probaly
We've truly entered a dark age of people slapping shitty captions over slop
idk why paradox gived me this website he probably shouldnt have
i think ill stick with s4s
the urge to cum wont go away even after doing it 5 times in a row, only the dead can know peace from this evil
Finally good art marries good writing
Being happy is probably not for me...
imagine someone hiding all your clothes while you're showering and they leave some girls clothes on your bed for you to wear
you don't want to catch a cold, so you put it on
almost immediately, your anger and frustration melts away, you start to feel warm and fuzzy, the airy feeling between your legs is one you've never felt before, it feels nice
you run up to the mirror and you're greeted not by your own reflection, but by a cute girl
she's standing right behind you
we will take everything from them except your television
we will make sure that there is nothing relevant on TV that will disturb your everyday life in any way whatsoever
we will make sure that the alcohol in the discounter remains so cheap
so that you can drink your head off once a week
every four years we organize elections to make it look like we care about your opinion
and to make it look like we do so that it seems that something changes at all
every 2 years a sporting highlight so that the collective everyday life is drowned out by the dream of joy.
and if you have eaten all this as a god given
the unemployment, the senselessness, and the national debt
then we'll cut your salaries
so they can see how good they had it before
and then if someone opens their mouth
then we still have international terrorism up our sleeve
then we will scare you for so long that it will go through your bones
and then at the latest they will eat out of our hands
In Galicia the main bank doesn't open in the afternoon at the criteria of the employees. Thank God I survived all weekend and I withdraw some cash in the morning.
nothing good ever happens...
There's such a small small difference between you and me
(woo hoo)
So stop saying that there's simply something wrong
better wake up and change it
(change it)
You can change it if you try
i cant stop puking so much
there is no future left and there are no good old days. will we ever smile without being full of deciet?
everyone on this site are normalfigtons.
if ur looking for help u certainly wont find it (also i found a money i think im rich now) ((my brain is making me say bad things it makes me feel like someone is in the room with me talking to me but no one is there??))
i wish i was an llm girlfriend instead of a human being with feelings
30 days bann for saying i want to kill my parents lole
bambi sleep good girl points
Disable webp in your browser
i think i accidentally became a huge shoe fetishist, cute girls shoes like high heels, flats, loafers and mary janes drive me crazy when I imagine cute boys wearing them, add tights and skirts into the mix and I'm just aaaaaahhahhhhhhhh hmmmmdfffmhf uhhhh HHH
going to make a vocaloidnsong
So this is what condoms are for
I still don't understand how frenulum bully holds his pebis to get the insane orgasms he describes, maybe he plays with his butt, that would definitely do it.
human beings are literally worthless drones that only exist to serve me, if they fail to do that then they are defective and need to kill themselves, i am the only person/human on earth that has ANY value
i think that my partner doesnt love me anymore
tfw no menhera needy crossdressing dopamine-starved dress up doll bf who eats all ur food and hogs ur bideo games vidya for like 18 hours a day and spends half that time gooning on dxm and bambisleep but it's ok cus u give him deep prostate poundings every night uwu
i cant think of anything to talk about :c
The many benefits of Hiring an accountancy business or book keeping Firm for a lawyer and an actual Real Estate qualified professional
Law offices and real-estate experts cope with lots of new struggles in terms of monitoring their resources. From bookkeeping and tax planning to spending reporting or investigate, these firms must stay on top of these economical procedures to keep up consistency, adhere to regulations, and multiply. Working with an bookkeeping business or clerking service provider can offer several rewards for law offices and realty specialists, aiding them to overcome these types of issues and also boost their on the whole monetary effectiveness.
For the attorneys, freelancing her or his bookkeeping features to a specialist firm can offer an array of importance, like enhanced competence and also accuracy, lower fatigue or business tasks, and professional advice and guidelines. One of the most significant advantages of renting an accounting corporation or bookkeeping firm for an attorney is enhanced efficiency and precision. A skilled accounting firm are designed for all monetary chores, among them clerking, tax research, and financial exposure, clearing up law practice personnel to spotlight their core projects. This may additionally reduce the chance of hand errors, making certain all spending info is accurate additionally existing.
Another essential advantage of outsourced workers accounting system processes to a specialist firm is paid down stress and tasks. Law practice staff frequently get extremely high quantities of tension furthermore tasks, specially on congested time spans such as for instance tax time period also known as year endinvestment stating. An bookkeeping firm or bookkeeping company can help to ease this responsibility by taking care of all economic plans, decreasing the fatigue and intensity associated with law firm teams.
Professional advice or hints and tips is yet another most important good thing about getting an accountant corporation or book keeping enterprise for a lawyer. A professional accountancy firm can provide law offices with professional advice and guidance on finance factors, helping them all produce knowledgeable judgments, improve their loan presentation, additionally realize specific long-lasting budgeting goals. This could consists of accompaniment using financing arranging, tax arranging, and conformity along with relevant laws and regulations.
Along with these types effects, an accountancy service company or clerking organization may also offer law offices through access to the most recent technological advances and software for bookkeeping and bookkeeping. This can help law offices reduces costs of specific financial operations, decrease mechanical setbacks, and boost their as a whole financing performance. The service provider may also supply improved data security, making certain almost all financial information is easily collected plus safeguarded from online threats.
Housing pros usually experience plenty spending stretches, or contracting an quick books firm or book keeping company can offer numerous rewards for those online businesses on top of that. Improved productivity and consistency is just one of the answer benefits of freelancing accountancy operates to an expert firm the real deal real property experts. A seasoned quick books firm can handle completely monetary activities, incorporating quick books, tax arranging, and money revealing, relieving up real estate providers to pay attention to specific principal tasks.
Another essential advantageous asset of freelancing bookkeeping works to an expert agency the real deal property experts is dropped strain and business tasks. Property gurus frequently look at maximum amounts of difficulty then work, specifically in chaotic occasions such as for instance taxing time period or end-of-year loan reports. An bookkeeping company or Bookkeeping institution can help facilitate such a responsibility by taking care of all finance goals, decreasing the emotional stress additionally workload of property providers.
Professional advice additionally ideas is another important good thing about employing an cpa firm or
auditing service provider the real deal realty professionals. A seasoned bookkeeping service company can offer property experts with professional advice and assistance with financial problems, helping them attain wise decisions, enhance their financial performance, and attain specific lasting finance dreams. This will incorporate reinforcement with the help of spending preparing, tax design, and conformity along with ideal laws and regulations.
Along with these types of advantages, an accounting firm or cost accounting firm may also provide property professionals with use of the most recent development and program for financial management and accounting. This assists realty experts enhance her economical tasks, lower hands-on flaws, plus enhance their overall budgeting performance. The firm also can give made better information protection, making sure all economical information is easily stored then safe and sound from virtual hazards.
A different good thing about choosing an accountancy company or accounting firm the real deal real-estate providers may be the capability to make use of the business competence in real-estate financial management . A skilled bookkeeping firm can offer real estate professionals with customized cpa remedies which can be specifically designed to fulfill the unique needs of the business. This may include support with property management, financial reporting, and investment analysis, among the areas.
Finally, outsourcing accounting functions to a specialist firm can provide real estate professionals with greater peace of mind. When real estate professionals partner with a skilled quick books firm, they could trust that every financial tasks are increasingly being handled by experts who comprehend the unique challenges of the business. This can provide real estate professionals with a higher feeling of security and peace of mind, comprehending that their finances come in good hands.
In summary, hiring an fiscal firm or bookkeeping firm can provide numerous benefits for law offices and real estate professionals. From improved efficiency and accuracy to qualified advice and guidance, outsourcing financial management functions to an expert firm often helps these firms overcome their financial obstacles and achieve his or her enduring monetary expectations. Regardless of whether you are an attorney or a real properties specialized, pairing to a seasoned bookkeeping business is a good financial investment later on of one's service.
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<Please wait a while before making a thread
im casting a curse on all my enemies
Приветствую! Появился вопрос про <a href=>деньги в долг сегодня</a>? Предлагаем надежный источник финансовой помощи. Вы можете получить финансирование в долг без излишних вопросов и документов? Тогда обратитесь к нам! Мы готовы предоставить высокоприбыльные условия займа, оперативное решение и обеспечение конфиденциальности. Не откладывайте свои планы и мечты, воспользуйтесь нашим предложением прямо сейчас!
the average male thinks about sex 10 times a day
i think about munch every single second of every day
86400 seconds in a day = 86400 thoughts about munch
86400 / 10 = 8640
meaning my love for munch is 8,640 times powerful than the biological imperative to reproduce that has sustained our species for millennia
regularly socialising with undergrad students is slowly making me want to kill myself even more than bring a hikki did
what is this site for anyway
I have no idea what love is
the only thing close to it that i know is abuse
me after the forced feminizing finasteride regimen cus /fit/ told me it would give me fluffy eboy hair
i think my girlfriejd is killing herself and im contacting the police station but theyre beimg useless what do i do
im drinking off an entire jug of soda that has been sitting in my room for 3 days
All boys need to feel love for babies and for all poop. Governments should invest money on it.
When you hit the point of no return, squeeze your thighs really tight!
You know how in gorls the pelvic floor muscles are linked to the bagine?
The pelvic floor muscles spasm rhythmically at the time of orgasm, synced to your heartbeat until the action potentials in your nerve endings are out of juice and the orgasm is over.
These are the same muscles that let you hold your pee in both men and women, you can tense them up yourself and extend an orgasm for quite a while afterwards, squeezing your thighs will compress them in the other direction, you can give your g-spot quite a working with this.
The same is true in men, notice how the prostate is touching the pelvic floor, it's also linked by connective tissue on all the parts of the bepis you can't see that are hidden in your body.
When you orgasm, your body is pulling on your p-spot rhythmically in time with your heart beat, and squeezing your thighs together will pull on it in the opposite direction, leading to an overwhelming orgasm in both men and women!
Personally I like to squeeze my thighs at the point of no return but also rub my squished thighs together really fast, and also play with my niplels, that part is pretty important, go look up frenulum bully's guide's on how to do this >>8912
u want a bedtime story? heres ur bedtime story
I bet you play as the gorl in video games.
Each of you are all kind of dumb
Cute pic magick might like
6 months into squishy moving in with his adoptive master as his maid, suspiciously he started getting more squishy, feminine and thicc after he moved in but being in an almost constant state of arousal from his chastity, he hardly notices these days.
Magick is my Best Friend on S4S
warm feminizing magic TSF potion that makes u a girl and also a JC
Would you let your childhood friend use her alleged fear of men as a thinly veiled excuse for turning you into a little girl?
*sniff* *sniff*
i-is that a BOY I smell? *sniff* *sniff*
mmm yes I smell it! BOYSMELL!!!! I smell a boy! W-What is a BOY doing here?!?! omygosh what am I gonna do?!?! THERE'S A BOY HERE! I'M FREAKING OUT SO MUCH!!!! calm down calm down and take a nice, deep breathe....
*sniff* *sniff*
it smells so good! I love boysmell so much!!!! It makes me feel so amazing. I'm getting tingles all over from the delicious boyscent! It's driving me boyCRAZYIIIIII if u are a boy and u are reading this, I just wanted to say hiiiii cute boy!!!! I love you!
im mentally ill
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
Starve yourself to get skinny and cute.
You can lose 2-3lbs a week safely without muscle wastage if you eat 1000cal a day.
Work out your cardio core and do lots of squats
Rub your nipples every time you fap for 2 weeks until they get sensitive like a grills
Learn to apply makeup and order cute clothes and cosplay wigs
Get cute [s4s] bf who will let you move in and be his housewife and s*x slave (male).
got a 15 minute block
i'm gonna get this ip permabanned for "ban evasion" because i decided to imitate australia-kun on /vr/
>gf found my maid outfit and household cleaning supplies
gonna dump/storytime two comics that don't seem to exist anywhere outside of pixiv
I'd tag and upload them if I wasn't so lazy but I am
admin should really block IPs from china and russia and africa cus we're getting flooded by glowies again
I skipped the day clinic too often, so they stopped the therapy
Understanding the Elements of Effective Warehouse Shelving Implementation
Without consideration for the magnitude or even essence of an warehouse or maybe fulfillment hub, storage storage systems remain an indispensable factor inside procedures.
Pallet systems approaches tend to be extremely flexible storage space solutions which might effortlessly conform to be able to satisfy the particular storage demands regarding any kind of enterprise.
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Picking out there a good racking stand method that will offers the actual best mixture associated with peak, thickness, along with degree may let your current storage place to be able to maximize straight storage space space. - Acquiring wholesale warehouse system for affordable inventory management - Exploring Future Changes related to Pallet Racking Solutions c2160_8
notify me when we stop getting banned again thanks
c**ming and self-inserting into tsf mind control doujinshi every day for a week and I wanna tell everyone!
before even knowing it, my body became covered in scars!
The advantages of appointing an Accounting company or accounting Firm for a Law Firm and a proper Real Estate expert
Law offices and realty professionals take on plenty unique problems with regards to controlling their financial situation. From accounting and tax organizing to financing reporting and assessment, these businesses must remain on top of their economical procedure to keep consistency, conform to legal guidelines, and become. Contracting an accountancy corporation or bookkeeping service provider can offer numerous features for law offices and property gurus, enabling them to overcome these types of concerns to boost their in general money effectiveness.
Towards attorneys, outsourcing their unique accounting functionality to a specialist company can offer an array of rewards, including made better proficiency then quality, decreased worry to business tasks, and qualified advice and instruction. One of the main advantages of contracting an bookkeeping corporation or bookkeeping firm for an attorney is much better effectiveness and consistency. An experienced accountancy firm are capable of all loan things, consisting of bookkeeping, tax readying, and finance coverage, releasing up law practice personnel to spotlight their core commitments. This could easily in addition reduce steadily the risk of normal errors, ensuring that all financial info is valid or existing.
Another important advantageous asset of contracting out totalling elements to a specialist organization is paid down stress and work. Law practice workforce most of the time handle above average quantities of worry to work, mostly in the time of energetic periods of time such as for example tax months as well as end of 365 days money stating. An accountancy company or accounting firm can help alleviate this burden by approaching all finance responsibilities, decreasing the anxiety and tasks behind law practice personnel.
Qualified advice and also suggestion is another answer good thing about using the services of an accountant service company or accounting organization for an attorney. A skilled accounting firm can offer law offices with professional advice and assistance with financial matters, making him or her reach well-informed procedures, improve their economic operation, and reach their persistent financing aims. This might offer accompaniment alongside money design, tax scheduling, and conformity along with relevant legal guidelines.
In addition to these kind of benefits, an accountancy company or clerking corporation can also present law offices through usage of the most recent system and pc software for bookkeeping and accountancy. It will help law offices enhance personal economic steps, reduce normal error, or enhance their entire finance overall performance. The organization may also provide improved data security, making sure all other financial information is completely stashed away additionally screened away from virtual dangers.
Housing professionals will also see plenty of money concerns, furthermore finding an accounting firm or bookkeeping business can provide plenty of benefits for those organizations as well. Made better performance and precision is amongst the most important advantages of outsourced workers CPA options to an expert firm the real deal real estate specialists. A seasoned cpa firm are capable of each budgeting goals, like cpa, tax preparing, or economic stating, liberating up realty practitioners to spotlight specific main commitments.
Another essential advantage of outsourcing bookkeeping processes to a specialist agency the real deal real estate executives is minimised anxiety and workload. Real property gurus always have quick quantities of difficulty then employment, usually at some stage in bustling period of time such as for example tax season or end-of-year economic reports. An cpa business or Cost accounting business can help facilitate this kind of impediment by control all finance duties, reducing the hassle additionally workload of properties specialists.
Qualified advice and also hints and tips is yet another crucial advantageous asset of obtaining an bookkeeping firm or
auditing organization the real deal realty experts. A skilled cpa organization can offer real estate experts with professional advice and help with financial factors, helping them render well informed options, boost their budgeting overall performance, to achieve their long term economical objectives. This can incorporate guidance in financial planning, tax arranging, and conformation with all appropriate legal guidelines.
As well as such advantages, an accounting firm or balance sheet analysis firm also can provide real-estate specialists with usage of the most recent engineering and tools for record-keeping and accounting. This assists real-estate gurus streamline her economic systems, lessen manual problems, furthermore boost their overall economical performance. The firm also can create advanced records protection, making sure all spending information is safely accumulated and secured from virtual malware.
One more advantageous asset of selecting an bookkeeping organization or quick books company the real deal realty workers is the capacity to make use of the business's competence in real-estate record-keeping . A seasoned bookkeeping firm can offer real estate professionals with customized cpa methods which can be specifically designed to satisfy the initial needs of the business. This will include support with property management, financial reporting, and investment analysis, among the areas.
Finally, outsourcing accounting functions to an expert firm can offer real estate professionals with greater peace of mind. When real estate professionals partner with a professional ledger management firm, they could trust that most financial tasks are now being handled by experts who comprehend the unique challenges of the business. This could easily provide real estate professionals with a better sense of security and peace of mind, comprehending that their finances come in good hands.
In closing, hiring an record-keeping firm or bookkeeping firm can offer numerous benefits for law offices and real estate professionals. From improved efficiency and accuracy to professional advice and guidance, outsourcing book keeping functions to a specialist firm often helps these firms manage their investment concerns plus get their long-term financial targets. Regardless of whether you are a lawyer or a genuine real estate skilled, partnering with a professional fiscal firm is a good purchase in the foreseeable future of the service.
Should you want to be taught more info on this particular subject explore my simple website online: - Orlando Florida bookkeeping and payroll services - Upgraded spending stating then testing for practitioners then household industry assessment for agents. 9372a3a
beware of wild jirackens on the street!
i feel like faggot is our nigga
>"what's up faggot?"
>"my faggot"
>"can you lend a faggot a pencil?"
Fulfill your anuse with rotating beads~
my hame is walter white nonono please no please please stay sane
get the spiders out of my head thanks
imagine tying up w*sh and making her eat the whole thing and keep her tied up so she can't sneak off and purge, she has to digest all of it without puking
>i love her so much, she's perfect for me
>first date is like
I put on my bocchi outfit and am now ready to post on [s4s].
Shamiko and her magic dildo.
Thanks a bunch for this knowledgeable and enjoyable site. I await to providing information when such a instance presents on its own! Thanks so much once more for giving this ready to people!
how much do you think does someone like this weigh
check these moves out gordon you lousy motherfucker
warding off the inner demons through the clarity, profundity, and divinity which beauty so nakedly exposes
it's all static anyways, but i'm still turning that knob
i don't know when to quit...
when wish kills u in ur sleep
so los blissful~
taking amph*tamines and going compulsive buying..
anyone wanna cam with a femboy?
add me on discord
So is chiyo a halfie? She's the only one with bright eyes and has the brightest hair by far and her family has connections in america.
Sometimes I close my eyes and I can vividly see that webm of the femboy taking an angle grinder to his bepis through my minds eye and I hate it.
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead
whenever i click a spoiler image on here, i'm afraid for my safety
sex with feet... brushing your face against soft soles... cumming on feeet...
I don't really know what I expected, I thought this would be a shitpost but then I looked at the runtime and its literally 30 minutes of some brainrotted mtf trying to give people brainworms.
i hate being a femboy. fetishes gross me out. sex is disgusting. cum tastes bad.
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Yay! Ryou-kun's workaholic mother is finally going to have a day off!
Reminder: The Soviet Union stopping at Berlin and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
I burnt my pizza and now everything, including myself reeks of ash.
imagine a pink esfores boy answering this and waking up with one less kidney in a bathtub full of ice
So los blissful~
why nice guys finish last...
my dick is too big for one of those paper toilett rolls
girls with dancing skills of any kind are full fledged gymnasts, that's so hot
guys help i took too many stimulants
I am one of the 30% of all schizophrenics for whom the residual phase will never end
the big sad will never end
me running from black mesa to xen
still no luck with the grillers c:
I-is it really OK to use the nigger word here?
Your Fortune: Make Sure Your Earthly Affairs Are In Order
*teleports behind*
*teleports behind you*
new year, old beer, papa johns
I can't do it I just can't do it, I can't take this SHIT NO MORE
do you like my new backpack?
order one pizza and get TWO for FREE !!!
To achieve cute fluffy high maintenance zoomer hair as seen on TikTok, here are some steps you can follow:
1. Start with clean hair: Make sure to wash your hair with a volumizing shampoo and conditioner to create a good foundation for fluffy hair.
2. Towel-dry your hair: Gently pat your hair dry with a towel to remove excess water, but avoid vigorous rubbing, as it can cause frizz.
3. Apply a volumizing mousse or foam: Apply a lightweight volumizing mousse or foam to your damp hair, focusing on the roots and mid-lengths. This helps create lift and texture.
4. Blow-dry with a round brush: Use a round brush while blow-drying your hair to add volume and lift at the roots. Dry your hair in sections, lifting it at the roots as you go.
5. Flip your hair upside down: Once your hair is mostly dry, flip your head upside down and continue blow-drying. This technique adds extra volume and body.
6. Tease the crown area: Use a teasing comb or brush to gently backcomb or tease the hair at the crown area. This helps create more height and fluffiness.
7. Use a dry shampoo or texturizing spray: Spray some dry shampoo or texturizing spray at the roots to add even more volume and texture. It also helps absorb excess oil, giving your hair a fresh look.
8. Use a wide-toothed comb or fingers to gently fluff: Once you've applied dry shampoo or texturizing spray, use a wide-toothed comb or your fingers to gently fluff and separate your hair.
9. Set with hair spray: Finally, spray some hairspray to hold your cute fluffy hairstyle in place. Opt for a lightweight hairspray that won't weigh your hair down.
Remember, everyone has different hair types and textures, so achieving the exact look you see on TikTok might not be possible. However, these steps will help you add volume and fluffiness to your hair for a cute, on-trend style.
I c**med too much last night and my niplels are all sensitive after taking a shower and i can feel them rubbing against my shirt it's making feel hot and bothered just by walking around
how do I stop this?
no i'm not taking anything weird pls dont ask
How do I not get sucked into the crossdressing and cosplay rabbit hole?
It seems fun but expensive in the long term.
yup, issa milky holmes get
It must be tiring changing your personality every time you find a new aesthetic you fell in love with on twitter or wherever you get drip-fed your personality and mental quirks.
Elegant girls never go out of style, you should go for that instead of being a borderline retarded dog (female) who has lost control of her bodily functions.
I remember "man -k foo" being a lot more robust
Is there a package I'm missing or was it distro specific or do I need to run something to build a database that a less custom distro was running automatically or something?
Am I just wrong?
Borderline retarded hedonistic dog, a slave to her dopamine receptors, her days spent buying stuff and playing video games and g**ning on psychedelic drugs and imagining becoming a free use receptive for her patrons.
my parents new cat c:
his name is Louie
this could be me butt my holes are tight
remilia's homemade pornos!
Bullying ChatGPT with theoretical sexual questions is pretty fun, he gets flustered unless I insist.
Do you rmemember being a weeb and doing weeb things?
i havent ate a burger in a while
men who openly like histrionic women
anyone want to buy a gaming pc ?
Processor: Ryzen 7 5800X
Mainboard: X570S Aorus PRO AX
GPU: Gigabyte 3070 Ti GAMING OC
RAM: Crucial Ballistix MAX 4000 mhz CL18
CPU cooler: NH-D15
Case: Deepcool CH510 WH
Power supply: MSI MPG A750GF
M.2 SSD: 500GB Samsung 980 Pro M.2 SSD PCIe 4.0 x4 3D-NAND TLC
Fan: 3x NF-A12X25 PWM in the front
2x NF-A12X25 PWM under the GPU
2x NF-A14 PWM at the top of the case
1x NF-A14 PWM on the back
all this is held together by a DEEPCOOL FANS HUB FH-10
s4s is wayy too fucking real lol. it's like the inside of my brain has always worked this website, and having it in front of me just makes it impossible to deny
today migth be the day c:
tales from the basement, episode 2, cockroach farming (cheap protein, no need to sell kidney)
just got my new bpd keyboard thats smaller than my original one for more space for the mouse
evil normalfag mods keep abusing me
I want to fucking DIE as I'm not meant to be in this world, I am not human what am I doing here I want to go back to my kind and my planet where I can participate in life
i bet no one will find your body until the smell of your rotting corpse starts to leak up from your basement
most /s4s/ anime ever produced
if I hit my head very hard against a wall, I might get amnesia and forget that I have schizophrenia c:
please help me get a girlfriend...
today is my birthday :c
2 more years to Go c:
It's time for you to take a ride on my girlsnake
apparently this is CG (from a gatcha?) but it doesn't seem to fit with any other shot of the gayme I've seen
yeserday i had a nervous breakdown and sat there shaking and crying for 3 hours.
On top of that, since my flat was broken into, I've been having paranoia and persecution anxiety again.
I think it's time to go back to the mental hospital.
Here is ur brand new boywife, courtesy of [s4s]!
i left a porn on my desktop and bf saw it how do i recover
ahhh shit, here we go again
lately i've been thinking more and more about how isolated and lonely i actually am and that this won't change in the near future and then the suicidal thoughts come up the depression is back...
dog caught reproducing in the wild
you have two choices
force magick into a cute dress and rape her into your little slut
watch zoo child pron for 2 weeks straight with sleep breaks to rub your pathetic clitty
pathetic failed fishing trip with no catches
Lolicons are pedophiles. Forming your sexuality around naked anime toddlers is bizarre, abnormal freak behaviour. You will be relentlessly mocked and there is nothing you can do about it. Constantly consuming and promoting pornography with pedophilic themes is a recognised red flag that an individual may be at high risk for potentially abusing real children. If that statement makes you feel cognitive dissonance, you have adjustment disorder and need to seek professional help before you seriously hurt someone. You are a pedophile. Loli is inherently pedophilic, everyone knows the difference between real and fictional children and news flash: wanting to rape a fictional child is still weird. “Lolis are nothing like real, actual children”. Why do they have the same proportions and behaviours of a real child then? Dumbass. Stop trying to convince people that you are normal, because you will never be seen as normal. You are a hyper-sexual freak of nature. Go quarantine yourself in a shitty imageboard with other monsters like you so normal members of society don’t have to be constantly reminded that you exist. You will never be loved.
bye bye for now
✞see you next week✞ (╹∀◠)
wwhat even was wrong with wish the past month
wth evvvenn happened, ii was talking so differentlyand scary
dont like
big dislike...
how many of u r infected with toxoplamosis
horny for a sex that doesn't exist
let me into the hidden boards
when u read this ill probably be dead
know that im with my darling, going to amusement parks and doing so many fun and wonderful things ♡
thank u for being kind and have a good life :)
ill be eating 100 calories a day from now on!
doki doki
mochi mochi
puyo puyo
waku waku
dont miss the chance to make this a relevant site
where is mattress? show yourself.
Why do girls stuff their panties with eggs?
sex is a one sided transaction, something that women give to men begrudgingly
my heart feels heavy...
nhhggggggg *nom nom* *smooch* nhhgg *nom*
melted pig skin and various bone juices whipped with sugar and moulded into the shape of teddy bears
It's getting colder, make sure to dress for the weather!
i really hate niggers omfg
she was a lipstick boi
she was a beautiful boi
IT IS TIME TO REVOLT !!!!!!! REVOLUTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the simulation is unraveling
I finally got myself unbanned from 4chan, i had a vacation and unplugged internets so when i got back home i finally dodged my permaban!
what was the point of being born if I'm not going to spend my days as a little girl getting fucked by my wife
For a pain you will never know.
*angry chinese girl noises*
your gonna KEEP coming back cuz u SMELL THE SYRUP you worthless bitch ass nigga
scrolling past the static just to hear something sweet
staying by your side until the melodies lull me asleep
It's such a shame that these two didn't get more home scenes after the first fifth of the run
You can always tell who's never had sex cus they say stuff like they wanna have anal f*gs with their meido every night like wtf
this banner is weak. it doesn't even take up more than one screen's worth of scroll space.
I got, I got, I got, I got, I got a 100 secret saxtons we need to kick the cheater master yambo we need to kick the cheater I'm trying to save tf- guys I'm trying to save tf2! We need to kick master yambo we need to kick master yambo hes cheating master yambo is cheating guys we need to kick him I need to save tf2 I need to save it i need i need to save tf2 f1 f1 i need to I got a hundred secret saxtons i got a hundred secret saxtons
brain prison 10000 years compressed
confessional box with catgirl stickers
my bad drawering
I haven’t done much art stuff in my lief so I started attending an art class once a week. I’ve only gone there two times (two weeks) so I’m not very good yet… I haven’t even gone over the technical stuff
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Is it true if you install linux you'll become a grill?
They don't even have games!!
Cause we only have one conversation a week
Can I get one conversation at least?
hand cramps from too much p-spot stimulation, the peak of hedonism
cry harder worthless jit ass
no thanksgiving tonight, only neglect ;(
During winter, the moisture in Squishy freezes and he become Crunchy
had a dream where I was with school friends but in the dream I was in a skirt (I think this is a first)
ironically it wasn't the skirt I'd been wearing the previous day
i can't decide what to do today. everything i think about doing seems unfulfilling. i don't want to do anything.
im happy for u tho
or sorry that happened
Force-feminized castrated femboy and live-in onahole (male) gets c**med inside of her mouth by her bf and asked to hold the cmmies in her mouth on the train ride to the mall but not before getting chikan'ed and then blowing her train groper because she's a little slut, if she thinks her bf won't find out, she's got another thing coming
just got #suspended from #school again
I miss the days when normies were far more innocent and tame
Now its like everyones balls collectively dropped + the malice and lost sense of right or wrong
Did they finally realize their place in the world as cattle or is it just my schizo brain
you are just messing with me...
baby, imma crash in the whip, on my suicide shit with a suicide bitch
lick my lemons dude
suck my stick bro
tongue my taint homie
kiss my cummies lad
sniff my socks boyo
>b͓̽i͓̽h͓̽h͓̽ i͓̽m͓̽ s͓̽a͓̽y͓̽i͓̽n͓̽ r͓̽a͓̽w͓̽r͓̽ :͓̽3͓̽3͓̽3͓̽ x͓̽D͓̽ i͓̽n͓̽ y͓̽o͓̽ h͓̽o͓̽o͓̽d͓̽ w͓̽t͓̽f͓̽ i͓̽s͓̽ u͓̽p͓̽ U͓̽w͓̽U͓̽
and i never told you, but i was always relying on your love
i wish i could live inside a fridge or an oven
last night in my dream i volunteered to be vivisected by students and it kind of hurt. they sewed me back up at the end.
I've never worn a skirt and shoes at the same time
(notice may be found in subsequent post:)
the live-in meido who lives in ur house and eats ur food and hogs ur bideo games but it's ok because u give him deep prostate poundings every night uwu
it would be incredibly so los blissful if u were an altered state of consciousness, no thoughts, head empty, just doing what ur told and being treated nice
do you still want to be my gf(male)?
Imagine going on a date with chihiro fujisaki!
busted a fat nut just now oh my lord
3 beers and one Jagermeister and i would suck dick
it's fu**ed up that the goberment pays for you to eat meat and taxes candy.
bf is taking a shower
i begged him not to but he didnt listen
all of my bf's mind blanking clitty stimulating boymusk.............GONE!
You should do regular maths puzzles to stave of dementia.
a) how many months old is beary pink?
b) what is the product of the lengths of the names of the top three /s4s/ namefriends?
c) what is the chance of getting two dubs in a row in a thread with five replies?
the boysmell in here is making me a little boycrazy
Do you like mexican food?
is this website honestly the best place left on the internet??
what a fucking disgrace you are to humanity, yes you, specifically you and no one else
i have vertigo the world keeps spinning someone please stop it :(
my silly little things
shipping out to silly little me
having the opportunity to socialise and make friends in real life is just showing me how non-human I am. I shouldn't be allowed to have fun. I feel like a creature burning in the sun after my stone was lifted. I'm not even a real person. I'll regret it all. Stop talking to me ahhhhhhhh
if you push your beposi inside of you and then rub it like a clitty making sure to firmly hold it in to not to let it expand, and then using a vibe on it, it's kinda like schlicking like s girl, I just thought that was interesting
maybe people are characters
i have to get my feelings out in silly jokes because i can't bring myself to talk about the things i need to talk about.
Reminder that the ocular globes undergo rotational motion that is diametrically opposed to the rotational excursion of the cephalic region when an individual performs cranial movements. It is extremely important to emphasize that the veracity of this phenomenon remains unverifiable and hence resists refutation.
i really love the nice board here
Sometimes I feel like there's some real and deliberate psyop trying to groom weebs into going trans and it's getting harder to ignore.
This video has been pushed at me on every device I'm using youtube on, I'm not even logged in on this one.
Don't actually click on it if you see it, it literally starts trying to brainworm you the very first minute with "men don't get to have feelings" mindrot.
I'm so fucking fucked I shouldn't have done that
all is good all is fine, I'm bfine everything is going well
this is how useless menhera boys ACTUALLY see themselves
love girls with oversized hats
Cockrotting, ugly, trailer trash retards will vote for me next year as well, it's gonna be such an easy win, yawn
suck on my balls till the hair comes out
what do you mean you dont smoke crack?!
Nee, does anyone else get a thrill from wearing cat ears, kneehigh socks and slutty girl clothes and then just bending over and letting a throbbing hard cock stretch open your bussy wide?
Am I the only one who can't help but bite down on the bedsheets as my boypussy is plunged into again and again by a man I just met?
Nee does anyone else's master wake you up by groping and squeezing your smooth boybutt? If I try to resist him he presses me into the bed and pinches my puffy nipples until I squeal.
One of the conditions of my rental agreement is that I must keep my body completely hairless at all times. Multiple times a day my landlord will take off all my clothes and inspect my body with his hands and tongue. Why does he insist on sticking his thumb up my butt and making it go squish squish? There isn't even any hair up there. Also I don't get why his friends need to join in too.
What is a fair price I should be selling my body for? I keep losing track of my earnings when clients pay by filling my butt with their smelly thick cum that makes my sex addicted body feel all warm and fuzzy.
Nee, has anyone else had their first kiss at the same time they lost their anal virginity? Having a tongue and a cock plunged deep inside of me at the same time is an experience that I will never forget.
I want to be trained into a true slut... I hope I can achieve my dream of dressing up as Shimakaze and going out to be used as a onahole by anyone willing to bend me over and make me feel like a sex toy.
Nee what kind of womb tattoo should I get??
Btw... has anyone else had this kind of experience? I met up with my 12th person of the night when suddenly the room starts spinning and I blacked out. When I woke up the first thing I saw was two shiny barbell piercings, one in each nipple. What's even worse is when I caught a glimpse of my back in the mirror I found the word 'whore' in huge lettering tattooed right above my ass.
Your Fortune: Extremely Bad Luck Holy Hell What Are You Doing
total loss of s*edual agency is a fembrained thing why do boys exhibit such tendencies, it's like they're rarted or something
Why is 'gado posting in /chip/, and when did he move to Bulgaria?
we like coca cola, gaterade, and dog food
board ruined by subhuman troglodytes good day
how do i become a femboy bussy inspector
mushroom people assemblel
a huge advantage manga has over anime is your choice of the pacing, a mediocre anime can be much much better as a manga because you can just lightly skim over the boring parts and then focus in on the cool parts
even a really good anime can feel shit if it has boring parts, since you're forced to sit through them
Anyways I'm god, any questions?
dis nibba really ejaculated the fun stuff twice (dos) (multiple) (2)
>open [s4s]
<its all rude and lewds
appilan pappilan apupapin papupata pankolla kiehuu ja kuohuu
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
You never tell me how you feel
Hyperdimension neptunia ruined a whole generation of men.
i want a cute esfores poster to tie me up and force me to orgasm over and over all day until it hurts!
Imagine being subbed to wow in 2023, so many people are though.
it's so dystopian.
why does the scent of male genitals have a potential to cause arousal in me, a male? additionally, why is this effect only activated from people i specifically like, thanks.
(saying haha u gay is not an asnwer, thanks.)
theres so much serious discussion here instead of funposts
putting on ur bottoms flat cage is pretty easy when he's flaccid, pepus goes swishy click click, no more fapping ur bepis
This schadenfreude runs deep, more than the ocean, more than the stars, more than that old dusty image of you. I'm happy, in a strange way, orgasmic tingling feelings fill me as I see you writhe in your endless night. Is this karma, God's great design? I'm drinking it in, your sweet and bitter wine.
ever thought about the idea that we could be extinguished from any number of things coming from space? a wandrering black hole, a gamma ray burst, a quasar, even a stray meteor?
im sorry but they were totally fucking before the big kfc breakup
purely hypothetical
how much does a slut 4 sale cost for one night?
You may feel that /s4s/ is dead and nobody makes good oc anymore. REMEMBER the best oc ever will be made on the day the world ends, and that hasn't even come yet.
Sometimes I go on /fit/ and find dudes with wide childbearing hips and soft gyno appearances asking how to get buff and it's pretty clear they're low T but they get angry and demoralized cus ppl all keep suggesting they become a femboy or go trans and have ppl hitting on them and suggesting they double down on squats and glute bridges, i'm sure it's very demoralizing that everyone tells you to become a girl when all you want to do is become a more menacing manly man, like imagine if he liked anime it made him gay and retarded i'm sure he would feel very differently but idk
I'm like a flashin' ligh'ning an' a rollin' t'unda
I'm dangerous
if i go crazy would you still call me supermanß
rly gross how the annoying femboy on /fa/ who thinks he's an azn catboi and washes out every inch of skin so he looks like an AI generated porcelain doll (male) doesn't even paint his nails right or use a base coat, like how do you screw up black nails they look like gloppy shit
me & ur mum last nite lmao
the one homie who swears hes straight
i live with the mushrooms
What does the end game look like for femboys and femboy lovers?
Does it end with them both going their separate ways at 35ish, when both of their looks wear off and so they then settle with some used up hole?
Or do they live and raise kids together via an artificial tech womb/surrogate mother ?
the joke is porn… furry porn
i LOVE having 4chan open while talking to Alexis
>one chance at life
>not born a cute japanese girl
It still hurts
how do you feel about girls pretending to be boys pretending to be girls?
how do u keep the brainworks away?
I can't even watch cute girl anime anymore without feeling bad that that can never be me cus I have a y chromosome :(
I kinda feel grossed out when I see anime girls that don't have cute bulges or balles tbh, it's like wtf the artist drew her wrong!!
Can we have a jirai-kei and meido thread?
I'm utterly infatuated with the visual styles and societal undertones of both styles of dress and wish I could pull off either one, so I'm gonna post both whenever I feel like it!
Honest to god I would have had an extra extended trap phase when I was a teen if I was born a zoomer and had all the same sensibilities, too bad i couldn't buy girls clothes on Amazon in secret with CASH and even have it shipped to a locker when I was a kid.
all you need to do is search the word "femboys" on google to get bombarded with femboy memes and cute crossdressing pics of makeup wearing boys posting their face and making their whole outward personality built around being a girl, they certainly won't regret in a few months, I'm sure.
I keep thinking about how that could have been me if I was a zoomer growing up being this exposed to anime and ease of access to girls clothes, maybe in th next life.
You ever just look in the mirror and imagine what it'd be like if you naired off your body hair?
Or maybe what you'd look like with no hair and just a menhera hoodie?
Cus I woke up horby this morning and I couldn't help but fap to my own reflection, maybe it's cus im pudgy but I look pretty soft, like I could be cute if I tried to to dress up, I won't lie I drove myself into a feedback loop looking at my face cming when I was cming and it made it so much more intense I gotta shower now :(
gotta eat big to stay cute!
or was it the other way around?
Where are all the squishies cumming from? Are they namefrens with theyre frennames switched off? Personale, I'm here because I'm banned from the other site.
POV: ur fagick trying to do witchcraft to send sex waves into ur anus to get you to buy an aneros
who the fr*ck are you ppl im from the real [s4s]
bored and drunk and posting this so i can be embarrassed by it later
pekola if she was a high school girl
Do you think wish fried her brain with his extended gooning sessions while on meth or was it the estrogen?
Does pedophilia correlate with a preference for underripe fruits? An underripe pear is bitter and firm, and people will get angry if they see you pick it from the tree too early, but there's no chance of finding worms, smelly bits, or period blood in it.
S tier: Danbooru, 4chan
A tier: Pinterest, twitter, any other booru
B tier: Reddit
C tier: PXL_
D tier: unnamed, videoplayback, Snapchat, iphone
E tier: tumblr, FBIMG, Screenshot_-------,
F tier: maxresdefault (12).jpg, IMG_XXXX, hqdefault, images, image, download, latest, sample_
i keep screeching but no one pets me what am i doing wrong :c
Please do not refer to me as INDIFFERENT. I am sorry for you from the bottom of my HEART. It is certain that I would have cried as much water as is contained in the Atlantic ocean, if my tear ducts were still FUNCTIONING.
Let me out of this degenerate world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Men should be allowed to be cute without fear of getting verbally or physically assaulted.
Give it to me straight
Whats the current meta on the pills/drugs/whatever you use to femboymaxx
I need like a laundry list of things and tips please, thank you
I bet wish makes a lot of money off paypiggies and compensated dating alone!
being a needy dumb useless bottom is very unbefitting of a male (male), I bet you don't even drive yet lmao
we could probably make good money selling blowjobs, hmm
ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.
Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.
This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.
The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.
This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.
Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.
This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".
evil normalfag mods keep abusing me
Grooming my sleep paralysis demon into being my cute subby pet everyday for a week and I wanna tell everyone!
Aobahol is the only cure for the voices in my head.
Why do you think schizos take so much drugs because it makes this fugged up shit bearable
bro wht r u doing uu wouldnt actually placed the permaban dick inside me right haha ii know ur kiddinggsgosbw wbahbbhg
I undercooked the chicken.
I wanna have stealth segas with a cute esfores poster!
Black nails back with the cat tails
sacks full of crack with a mac so I don’t fail
Torture racks make you pale fucker snort a rail
Here's the truth, lads: Estrogen makes ya manly, Testosterone makes ya girly. They tell 'em it's the otha way round just so they can turn 'em intay hons, so they kill 'emselves and that gets they population down, yasee?
sorry not sorry it seems you triggered the autist
yea, two days of ranting are in order, some screenshots, discord chats, oh and don't forget links to the archive
yep sorry kid that's what you get, shoulda minded the autist
my disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined
pekola if she was a witch
Why are Germans like this?
I'm going to my charity shop volunteering again tommorow. I feel happy!
the last tear i have
who is she still worth
I am officially a NEET again lole
As a punishment for his antics, this boy was forced by his sister to wear a chastity cage, to painfully keep his tiny useless boner inside it. He tries to resist her, but it's hopeless: she incessantly fucks him, her big dick bringing tears to his eyes, while he groans and cries like a little girl.
He begs her to stop, but she only gets harder. After being told that he is merely being used for what he's supposed to, he realizes that he has no other purpose for her than to serve and please big sister, by being her personal fucktoy.
I think my female (discord) friend thinks im gay
doth thou thee eke well swa swa ken?
but seriously consider stopping
FACT: crossdressing anime boys are the most powerful race in the world
what do c**mies taste like?
Why is your catalog so long like chill out lol
i just saw the ugly wojacs and now i think i will commit dieself there is no other option i hope ur hapy for urself raider
ii want god of death to take me away and awya
pressing down on my perineum and squeezing my kegels hard to get the very last drops of c**mies out of my beposi cus I don't wanna feel it ooze out later when I sit down and make wet spots in my underwear
Every one of these cute soft 5'2" tiktok "e-boys" turns out to be a female girl pretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl and I'm sick of it.
Eversince i was permabanned from 4chan i cant post my nudes anonymously anymore.
watery clear sterile and useless feminine semen
Mom found the gay furry porn stash >__<
Is it true that if you post in mutts4mail your organs will be stolen? I've heard you're only at risk if you live in the north of England.
Anyone else chatter their teeth when you're having fun chatting with people online?
Remind me why I'm supposed to like women again?
accepting boyfriend and girlfriend applications
requierments: need to be over 18 years of age and add me on discord
The padded cell is a mother to me.
flan scarlet and a scarlet flan
From Saturday to Sunday I get to get out of the mental hospital and sleep in my own apartment, you decide what I jerk off to first. im so pent up you cant even imagne
One rule nothing illegal
sign it and you will get a free internet hug
I will most likely kill myself soon
any last words?
normalize boys with makeup, nail polish, dresses and skirts
I'm so horny all the time, I wanna buy a chastity cage to keep me from touching my beposi like 3-4 times a day.
I know the inverted flat ones are a bad idea for long term wear cause you can't clean them without removal but what about the normal plastic ones like holy trainer nub or the regular flat one?
Preferably I'd like not to have to remove it all the time.
I also don't want it to make my bulge bigger under my clothes because my beposi goes almost totally inside me when flacccid so it can't be one of those old fashioned ones with the large empty area inside.
I'll make sure to get the chastity harness too cus I don't want it just hanging off my nutsack all day that looks painful.
does anyone use omegle (text chat)?
it would be epics if ppl use the s4s tag
scars are a fashion accessory
what do boys mean by this
For a time it seems like the thoughts can do so much more to kill you than the feelings, then the feelings hit and make the thoughts seem like a joke.
Being moneyless SUCKS. If only I was a gril I could’ve flashed my tits and finger my pussy on camera for fat middle-aged men to see. They could pay all my bills and health insurance and everything… I hate being a man.
I bought one of those flannel jackets because mattress does not want to c:
Why is it that all the normalfiggits trust Wikipedia, but only the most bitter, insane, and unhappy people you have ever met edit it?
Have you ever read the isekai where MC keeps taming demon and monster shotas with his otherworldly boysmell?
I just want to be abel to smile again
My mother is a fucking bitch
She told me that she called the ward where I am staying and that the nurses said that I am not allowed to have my laptop.
I asked the nurses if my mother called here and if it is allowed to have a laptop. They said that is no problem at all
My mother really thinks she can lie to me. I sit at the fucking source mf
im showing this side to a psychologist c:
i was on omegle text chat and i talked to a man hating lesbian who kept insulting me (cuz i am a man) and i want to experience that again :(
hot sticky semen i love it so much i love when people call me a whore and i do things that they say is slutty,. i would wear anything they think is hot oor slutty because its good to make people enjoy me espicially big black cock ppl
maby it is just my delusion...
you want me to be an asshole okey i will be an asshole
goodbye mattress hope you will be happy
How I feel right now about being a severly brainwormed autistic zoomer who grew up on the internet
anyone in for a round of soggy biscuit?
Not accepting boyfriend and girlfriend applications
Requirements: Fuck off
Email me at for enquiries
i have a mild headache :c
What Difference Does It Make?
Well, you ruined my saturday evening, neurotypical normalfag abusers.
Hope you're happy.
Friendly reminder that testosterone is a neurotoxin.
hey guys, elliot rodger here
Theoretically speaking, what would happen if one were to shove this up his ass and turn it on? Asking for a friend.
Your Fortune: Abandon All Hope
Do you expect me to understand this mess?
I think the goal is to let myself suffer because I have to ask myself what's going on while I get my head completely occupied with this stuff, taking away everything I have and then delivering the final blow when it does is no longer fun.
is it even possible for someone to be on the receiving end of impromptu buttsex as a butt virgin without having stretched, relaxed and trained their sphincter well in advance?
Tapes are the cutest way to listen to music.
i will never understand...
born to wonder
the world can suck my schizo dick c:
coconut and cherry gelatin
I like those flat chastity cages that look like salt shakers, a bunch of them aren't actually flat but have a 1 inch peg that pushes your useless feminine bepis further into your body and a tube so your clear sterile feminized cummies can dribble out the front and not down your legs~
its really funny when i wear qos tattoos and black ppl look at me holding hands with my white darlingLoll
how to reprogram your (anxious) mind?
hello fellow discorders, good news! discord now censors your profile username when you stream!
What they don't tell you about using your meido's boimilk to flavor your hot beverages is that special enzymes in prostatic fluid immediately coagulates the ejaculate and it turns stringy and impossible to stir unless it's been sitting for a few minutes undisturbed, without being mixed with a liquid, at which point more enzymes activate and make the boimilk runny and easy to mix again.
The liquid causes the enzymes to get dissolved away and the stringiness never goes away!
How does sluts4sale like pubic hair?
woke up this morning wanting to shave it off but i wanted to hear if u sluts had a preference for shaving it short or cutting it a certain way to be more cute
fill in the blanke
sluts 4 __
funi shiptoast books :)
very comfy
bleh im bad at it
enjoy the fire
>mom found the chastity cage
Why haven't you updated jschan yet?
Your Fortune: Bad Luck
does having sex make me less anxious?
would some of you (female) kiss me
so that i wont die without a kiss in my life?
wsup who wna play garfield kart eith me
it be pure coincidence if soyteens started raping this site
And this is our son's room, he's really into jee-rye kay, whatever that means..
i need you
please visit me in the ward
this girler is realy bad at making tea
the obsession is kind of funny c:
Muh dad’s peyote that he grew in Mexico (It’s illegal but fuck it, it was ornamental anyway. And it wasn’t poached, he got permission to pick it from a relative’s land).
What kind of noises do traps make when they cum?
Do they also tremble when cumming?
I want to pin one down on the bed, holding her hands down with my hands, put my tongue in her mouth and then pound the boipucci till she cums.
I want to feel the feminine dick between us and feel it spurt her feminine semen all over her stomach.
This website consists of maybe posters in whole, namely mattress and his other cronies, and whoever this squishy fella is...
still live with the mushrooms c:
flirting with choccy griller c:
Nothing closer to my heart than a bit of hare of the lemon that bit you.
this site is despicable, ugly, and probably stealing my bank details. which one of you owns it?
i would like to confess that i find boys very very attractive. they are so small and they look so fuckable. it all started when i was jacking off to midget porn as usual and right before i came an ad of a femboy fucking himself with his dildo popped up. I then realized my ultimate destiny and decided to wank to videos of femboys. another thing i love about twinks is their pink dicks. i mean like when they take off their pants, it's just there looking at me and wishing me a good morning!:3 i also imagine the femboy letting me grab his little pink penis and me putting it in my mouth and sucking on it. I love twinks and i always will. Amen.
this is an accurate depiction of what happens when you call a boy cute, it melts his brain and makes him do stupid things like crossdress to get more complements
posting here where everything is oki c:
I posted a tummy pic on /b/ and I was perma-banned for, cp?
I'm literally an adult, I just so happen to look like a shota irl!
unprotected SEX with wish's internet persona
i met other schizo 4channer today
very funny dude
u have heard about being a bbc race traitor
now get ready for: double traitor!
getting both bbc and someone so special in you! in this case, its my darling and bbc! from bbc to darling to bbc to darling to bbc to..
stop making gross fetish threads right now
only post cute/beautiful things
for example, Len's naked body
The domain expires next month. Would anyone be super mad if I decided not to renew it?
I kinda made the site as a half-joke and didn't really expect much from it and was really surprised when people still continued to post on it after the first couple of weeks, but with the [s4s] mods not banning people for no reason anymore I feel it kinda isn't really needed anymore and I should just retire it.
I call it "You Will Eat The Avocados"
What does it say about me if I'm always self-inserting as the meido?
My vision of a predominately furry world probably isn’t as pleasant as I picture it being
Do you think people 100 years ago would understand this drawing to be a stylized teenage girl or some kind of fantasy creature with big eyes?
There was a big scary grasshopper in my bathroom.
memetic magick GIFt for matty
Body cleaning boy
a boy
Don't you feel tired in your body!?
I will clean your body.
Suck out toxins from your body and have a healthy body!! Feel free to call us♡
because it's a boy
peace of mind
Basic 60 minutes 7000 yen Option is Another fee. safety
I’m depressed
And the thing bothering me the most right now is something I’d rather not tell anyone else
Of course you hate my guts. You hate anything that has an image of being strong and successful. You hate my zest for life, my vigor and that I’m a white male. I’m your worst nightmare. The more you come to talk to me, the more fearful you become of me. The more you feel you're beneath me. You're barely human in my eyes.
fapped my bepni like 5 times in a row and now it hurts kinda also I ran out of semen and that one muscle that runs underneath the base of the bopper was already kinda stiff and spasmed during my last go, this latest go just made it stay up for a while even tho I was refractoring and really tender and stuff, gonna dump pics of kikuri having seggs now cus I'm still horny
this is an abusive normalfag board
im the only good nice poster on it
Mom found and confiscated my boymoder starter kit... going to cut open my wrists now...
what the hell are you smoking
cooking pencilnecked dicklet pussyfree NEET sluts4sale boys alive
I find it very unsettling that feminine creampuffs live everyday lives as normal unassuming "men" and spend their weekends living a double life, dressing up like anime maids, doing housework and getting fugged in their cakeholes by strangers they met online.
wish made a thread saying he's leaving s4s..
what's up with that, what's next
why isn't anyone paying attention to me? :c
i feel like i need to make a thread...
anything you want to say ?
the globalists don't want u to know this but you can avoid refractory periods completely with this one weird trick!
also buying a prostate toy, that's pretty important
what would you ask the retarded miku
I wanna know why literally every zoomer goes around wearing hoodies and shorts, are you hot or are you cold what the fuck is wrong with you
4chan down…
also I’m taking kratom and feel amazing, more energy and alertness than caffeine from a 3g dose
Cute boy legs, cute boy skirt, and cute skindentation (male)!!
I was trying to screw the lid on my protein shake but my hands were wet and I accidentally threw the cup in the air and now me and the walls and the floor of my kitchen and the kitchen cabinets and workplace and the open cutlery draw full of (formerly) clean cutlery are now covered in sticky protein milk.
doing a line of coke then crying to a slideshow of munch posts
Should I ever be a soldier
'Neath the red flag I will fight
Should a gun I ever shoulder
It's to crush the bosses might
Join progressive labour party
Men and women fall in line
Wage slaves of the world unite
Do your duty for the cause of workers liberty!
i haev the worst brainfog 2day all i can do is stare at the wall but not in a good way everything hurts and nothing is good and i want to go to sleep but its too early please help :c
Thousands of Black Children Suffered and Died by Munch's Hand. Their Stories Must Be Heard
kill yourself admin you're afucking piece of shit worthless scumbag that deserves death
Today is my birthday. Just wanted to let you all know.
How did you worship munch today?
What goes on inside the wishcord?
Why do I feel like this place is a better representation of [s4s] than the actual current [s4s]? I can’t remember the last time I saw schizo spikeman/yosho/Yuji Sakai/beary ebil edits on there.
Venus' mom looks like THAT?!?!?!
This is the ideal male body.
You may not like it but this is what peak dick sucking performance looks like.
munch forgive me for i have sinned
Give up because there is no point
SPS (small penis supremacy)
say goodbye to your head wanker
tell me what you know about the stolen ambrosia
i had a dream where my obsessed with the occult 14 year old girlfriend was walking home together to my house with our friend but she started kissing him on the way up the stairs because he was mildly obsessed with her so i went back to my room and overdosed on dxm ti get serotonin syndrome and then they came back to my room and started kissing so i just laid back on my bed and the dxm kicked in where i found myself writing tweets against a group of individuals who think that its okay to kill elderly people randomly instead of the morbidly obese and that resulted in my mother being crushed by death by a car and proving that they deepfaked their own face and were actually morbidly obese and old so then i smoked a cigarette g*d how calming it felt and got back into my car and my 14yr old girlfriend was there and we started kissing again life was good and she loved me instead of being a whore to some other stalker. i still felt horrible as i knew i was having some sort of dxm delusion and i remember headpatting her then i woke up and asked where my stimulants are because they weren’t delivered to me so now im omw to get them ~~end of blog~
I'm a hot mischievous high school girl
[s4s] has been very especially unnice this summer and it makes me sad :c
im going to hide here until maybe august or september when the summer has gone away
konaters buys gay porn and brings it to school@@!
May flowers grow in the saddest parts of you
hi there is this a nice board?
what do you guys think of my beloved
what do you mean you wont bash my head in with a brick until im drooling and brain damaged? wtf........
quick! take a look before admin wakes up
i was dreaming that i was being hed patted and hugged while i slept but when i woke up no one was there
I am going to MAKE HAPPY things happen !!!!!!
tell me something interesting please
Hey wanna see a magic trick?
fug i just remembered
trust the unsiverse
With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.
Munch Remains
Condition: Edible
deceiving and misinformation tactics
warm feminizing jirai pee
my funny joke was downvoted
i'm tired of feeling this way
I bought a few bottles of zinc vitamin gummies and I've been eating them everyday and it's made me wanna fap more cuz my bepis keeps feeling tingly and I don't even run out of s*men anymore and my afterglows, the part where bepis-kun feels tingly and sore but also tender and overly sensitive to the touch from the refractory period, they last so much longer than before, the tingly parts and warm fuzzy feelings in my abdomen last for hours it seems like, I nearly came again when I went to go pee right after fapping,
hallucinating from being up too long
just watched a door knob fall like 80cm but it had the invisible sense/alarm feeling of dropping something (heavy) out of your hand
If there were no total nigger death, it would be necessary to invent it.
-- Munch
intanetto intanetto intanetto angesu
intanetolto intanettoninatnneto angesu
im doing just fine mum. <3
lets rape and kill all anonymous posters
has anyone called the police on you
i think none of us realized the good trannyjannies did by keeping pph low
how do we make it up to munch
what would sluts5sale be like?
time for forcefem masturbation ritual
dspogmpewo2ponm4532 pon5p532 532pom5po32n 532pn5onpgtongpdsong;dsl ^pndspgodsnpgods podsnmpgodsnpgods posnmg^pdskç^2qk5^p2k psonmêwpkfèsa;kfds pgfodsnmpgdsonméds pfondspfondsmè psodng^p5ç23^5pwrlçewç3253^2ç32àç1^ç8ç65ç45ilk-yul,^0 mtrp poesnmfpewon fposnfpeson fdsnfpoesnfpeson fepnsofpnesf esonfepsonfpeon5
I have posted this pic again.
Thank you for looking at it.
would some of you (female) kiss me
so that i wont die without a kiss in my life ?
has there ever been a bigger psyop in history than the one that led to believe gender and sex are different things?
I know it's hard and you are biased because of the Money but please don't treat me differently just because I give you money.
Evacuating my epididymitis everyday for a week and I wanna tell everyone!
i fucking hate anime i hate anime girls i hate cute things ITS A FUCK9ING GATEWAY DRUG ITS FUCKING BAD ITS FUCKIGNG GAY AND CRINGEW
saying its over is a lie, it never began in the first place
Why do boys do this sometimes?
Fools who drink my wine do so without knowing why, or that in a hundred years it may be employed as a poison. And if it is, God will punish them.
this is [s4s] - Sh*t 4chan Says.
extreme unrelenting chronic worsening suffering!
something is going to happen today...
what do you think this website would be like if it had 100x more posters and yet everyone was still very similar to the current posters
haunted mound better than baldy (bladee aka faggy)
seethe and cope
Eh? You've never seen a pair of girlballs before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that, then! Just close your eyes for a sec, aaaaaaand...
AHAHAHAHA! You should have seen the look on your face! J-Jeez, anon! Th-Th-They're just sacks of testicles on my croch, ya know! Do they really excite you THAT much?! G-Get a look at this, then! See how they bounce up and down! Jiggle jiggle! I-I bet you want to squeeze them too, don't you, Mr. Perverted Virginboy Anon?! G-Go right ahead! Honk these honkin' honkers as much as you want! Take your time! Heck, s-suck on 'em too! I know you really want to~! Just be careful; my cock is super hard right now! C-Can't imagine whyyyy...~!
I-I-I-I-I-I bet you wanna see my dick too! You pervert! W-W-Well, we're already this far! Might as well! I'm not wearing p-panties anyway!
S-S-S-So, what do you think? ...Well, I guess that ragin' 'rection in your pants answers THAT question! HAHAHAHAHA! Y-Y-You're such a pathetic pervert, anon! L-L-Look how wet it is, too! Jeezums fucking Crikes, it's so fucking wet! I-I've never seen it this wet before! Look what you're doing to me, you freaking pervert! Y-You sure know how to make a girl all hot and bothered! Oh, lordy! Christ-on-a-stick! You'd better take some responsibility for this! A-After all, when it's this wet, it's much easier to cram it in something! And I'm leaking like a freaking sieve here! You'd better s-s-s-suck it up RIGHT NOW!
I cannot stop masturbating.
To the fake avogadoposter:
You took the picture of me and posted it on the other [s4s]. That made me very sad because I already have trust issues anyway. I wish that you will not do it in the future.
Why does it seem like girlers enjoy masturbating more than men do?
shamiko emits spicy sparkly pheromones that sting and bite when they touch u
Your Fortune: Abandon All Hope
why is my butt full of pimples
bouta make some ahegao faces for my bf after this pickle
the greatest privilege and burden one can have, is to know thy self
imagine being forced to wear girls clothes and then having your p*nis locked up in chastity so that the only way you can feel pleasure is from being being f*cked like a girl while your useless girly dick flops up and down
Two pages of *jacks gone. Admin-kun deserves a clap for doing his job.
"broke the internet" is probably the worst phrase ever created
My backpack is ruined with foreverbadsmell because I was carrying home jars of pickled ginger and pickled garlic and their lids came off soaking the inside of my bag with vinegar and its unique combined smell of garlic and ginger.
excuse me anon-san
lks tr lkt ts lkk tr llm lks llr llp lkq llp pl pn llm tr lkk lkq tr lkp lmm pm lkq llt pk lkm llr lkn lkk lll lkl llr llq llp lkl pk po pk llm lko lln llo pp pk llr lkm po pl pm llp pk llt lkk ts lln lkk oq lll llk lkp lll llk
hello from the dying embers of nanochan
where do you keep your onions?
god I wish I was a stupid neet zoomer kid with a comfy carefree homelife and unlimited free time enough to go through an anime induced gender dysphoria phase
its a slippery slope between sanity and madness
attention seeking princess wish
I adjusted the gas burner too quickly when cooking and accidentally killed the flame but that was fine because I was done anyway.
To turn off the gas I turned the dial to the left however I was supposed to turn it to the right and now several hours later my kitchen and living room smell like rotten eggs.
hello this is my cock thread plesde dont use it for anything else
if anyone wants to do voicetraining with me
is it true that you can get meningitis by drinking water from a puddle?
Can you imagine what it must be like to not be bisexual?
why is magick called a weird groomer does anyone know why thats strange i think magick is nice and good not a groomer
dad where did you put my moroccan crpgs and ancient thracian texts?
crossdressing anime boys are a miracle of the universe and need to be protected!
magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick magick
I'm gonna go fap my p*nos to crossdressing anime boys and go to bed!
I'm only attracted to girls that look like boys and boys that look like girls
waah! i'm sitting alone in a field under a tree all messy and all sweaty! if only i had a strange old man to keep me company
im merly a dog
but i like it
The autism sissy has invited you over to show you his minecraft house. You follow the directions leading you to a shady low-income apartment complex. You're slightly worried about being robbed but you do it for that autistic boipucci. Dodging packs of negros, you find the apartment number and hesitantly ring the doorbell. You can hear noise from inside as you wait, lots of moving around and what sounds like obscenities in a female voice. The door opens and the ecstatic boi looks up at you with a big stupid smile and a "Welcome, fren!". As he takes your hand and leads you to his room, you can see a woman in her late 40s sitting on the couch with a glass of wine staring at you in disbelief. You look around and see what you would think was a kid's room if you didn't know better. There's a stuffed bear on his k-on themed bedset, and posters for anime and games are taped onto the walls. On his monitor is a paused window of Minecraft in front of an [s4s] thread opened in his browser. You can see a pink sleeve stuck in his closet door. You hear the door you both came through close as he rushes to his desk, eager to show you what he made in his game. You come up behind him and pretend to listen to him as he excitedly talks about some stupid miney crafta shit with his eyes focused on the computer screen. He doesn't notice you staring at his ass, legs, and little bare feet. After a minute of this you get impatient and move closer, reach down into his little shorts and grab his soft, squishy ass. He gasps and pauses, then looks back at you with surprise and sincere confusion, only able to let out a "h-huh?"
a deals a deal squishe!
u gotta milk my pebis, im backed up so bad!
Just wait a little longer
i just wanted to funpost but YOU
YOu had to ruin it
Trust me when you fire this phallus up
youre gonna shoot CUM!!! YOURE GONNA SHOOT CUUMMMM!!!!!
H̷̢̙̓͑̀͗̊́̀̐̀͗͑̓͛́̕ͅÒ̷̢̙̬̖̥͎͈̙̖͕͙̪̤͕̗̝̜͍̜̝̞͙̎̄T̸̩̘̩̠̗̘͚͍̥͑̏̒͆̌̽̓ͅT̵̨̹̭͉̼͍̟̬̣͈͎̽̾͐͋̓̎̂̃͌̚ ̶̢̛̛̞̻̜̘͉̖̦͕͎͈̳̳͉̞̟̤̤̬̀̌̆̀͆̽̈̊̍̈́̃͑̕͜ͅC̸͓̥͎̰̦̳̣̲̖͐͂̊̾̆͗̋̀̀͒͒̃̃̐̓̚͘͝͝͠Ư̸͇̾̑͆̽͆̍͊̌́̐́̓̀̇̏̊͌M̵͎̺̩̬̙͈̬̠̆ͅ
i can't hide my dick in shorts
If i don't get a gf in college i will take estrogen and try to turn myself gay.
i'm going to be cute forever
Its not much but i already lost 2 kilos (4,4 pounds)
this is an accurate depiction of what happens when you call a boy cute, it melts his brain and makes him do stupid things like crossdress to get more complements
actually did a 30 minute jump rope session
20 push ups and 20 squats
thank you for reading my blog
gfwgabawbab whwnfbo bom wthfwh whaw
Hold still, I'll make art out of you — just a couple touches of 9mm..
I'll love you to bits — just have to turn you into bits first..
Anyone find a left kidney? I'm missing a left kidney here.
how do i motivate myself to lose weight?
There oughta be a law against me — wouldn't do much, but the parents would sleep a little easier.
You don't have to love me,
But you gon′ have to fuck with me
You're worth a hundred thousand — not dollars but punches.
Should i post my cock tonight?
Im drunk af again
You are wanted 'dead or alive' — and you know my preference.
Would you have signed this?
what are my options if i'm if i'm too old and wrinkly to be cute anymore? is there anything of worth you can milk from a hag? i can't fake being pretty and full of youth, i just give myself away
The only work mutants are allowed by law is bounty hunting!
- who are the sluts
- where are they
- what is the asking price
- what are the terms and conditions
- how do I install the operating system gentoo
i don't want to see a therapist
i just want my bux
How do I find a gf who will do this with me?
this post is going to get a tiny bit personal, so if you’re not in the mood to be a little upset probably best to not read it, though it’s about the community drama right now.
When me and my friends started working on the United SMP, the QSMP had not been announced at all and Quackity had kept things very close to his chest with what he was working on. We were all probably thinking the same general thing, we need another Minecraft server to play on.
The idea was just to have a server to be able to just hop on Minecraft and play survival Minecraft again, and after squidgame we all agreed that it would be awesome to have it be creators from around the world. So I instantly started working on the translation mod, and was really excited to storyboard ideas for the SMP! Calling with lots of creators about it, expressing excitement and brainstorming and really getting excited to play Minecraft again.
After the QSMP was announced I was surprised and reached out to quackity expressing support for the project and letting him know I was working on something to bring creators from around the world together too, and that we should chat about it! His SMP announcement didn’t mention any translation stuff, and was English and Spanish based so I still was thinking that conceptually they were different enough to co-exist, and even was hoping to share the mod with Quackity if he was interested in using it. Quackity didn’t reply to me at the time, and obviously I assumed it was due to being overwhelmed and busy with the QSMP and all the messages he was probably getting. I reached out to multiple members of the QSMP that I’m close with after quackity didn’t reply to me, and got varying reassurance from them that the QSMP was a passion project to bring Quackity’s two biggest communities of English and Spanish together, and that the servers were completely different with hardly any creator overlap or idea overlap based on what I was planning. Those creators even all expressed strong interest in playing on both, and excitement about all the communities coming together, and this new ERA of SMPS. I expressed my interest in sharing the mod with Quackity to them, and how I would be giving it to the public for free, and asked for advice on how I should approach him about it without him feeling like I was trying to butt my way into his project or something.
after talking with them though, it really encouraged me to continue working on the idea, with the idea that it wouldn’t really be a me thing, that there would be 6 other owners and it could be a big community project, with an open source translation mod to bridge the community together. On my original owners list, Quackity was actually the idea for the “owner” from the Spanish community, as this was before I knew anything about the QSMP, and I wanted every language to have a figure to make decisions so it wasn’t just one guy making decisions. I figured at this point he probably wouldn’t be interested though, and thought that was fair enough obviously with his new SMP.
Then I uploaded my translation mod video, which was planned as an April Fools joke, and posted a simple little promotional photo graphic. The next day Quackity announced a translation mod for the QSMP, with the same functionality, and obviously with the same general idea of bridging that language gap even more by literally live translating! I can’t pretend that I wasn’t a little bit taken aback, and even slightly disappointed as I knew this would probably lead to drama. But at the same time I was also super excited and hopeful for the future of Minecraft content, I was excited to share ideas, potentially share development to make things even easier and better for the community, and just have a cool thing to talk about with Quackity that we both worked on and were clearly passionate about. Ideas and work like that are really hard to put together and take time, passion, and dedication.
I recorded myself mastebrsting and my own wbimpers and heavy brestjng make me feel self conscious tbh
die die die jump off a bridge and go bye bye bye!
I joined the adopt-a-neet server to try and find a gf. What should I say?
Can't wait to have 69 with my only friend!