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me squishing the squishies (as it is my right to do)
God bless the constitution.
The government owes me squishes and there'll be hell to pay if they're not soon forthcoming
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this was a very nice anime
Replies: >>31066
dreams are messages from the deep
Replies: >>31065
The deep is telling me to eat a hamburger
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Lol the art is fucking terrible wtf
Post the screencap of this shot I wanna see how bad it is
Replies: >>31067
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what are you talking about it's very nicely animated
Replies: >>31068
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Looks like 2012 cg lol are you kidding
It's a somewhat fun manga about a privileged superhuman winraring at highschool which you don't really see presented straight very often, and even if it is basically just (whatever the cultural/medium appropriate equivalent is to) oscar bait in a lot of ways it's still quite good but unfortunately one of it's biggest detraction is that they randomly made the main girl/love interest have a backstory of being a hetslut even though it doesn't make any sense given her upbringing/context and it massively lowers the value of the undertones.
The fact that you're unwilling to do shot by shot comparisons even though the manga is basically sketched in for the sake of time says a lot about how bad the anim me must be.
Replies: >>31071 >>31157
ur dumb
she's hot
Replies: >>31160
I'm not even horny I'm souless
I'm under psychic attach
Replies: >>31160
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that's kind of the idea
You're just in that intermediate burn where you easily accessible reserves are depleted but you haven't made the mental leap to really digging in deep yet
It's the same whether you're working or lusting, you have the fortitude to keep going and really do it right but you just have to force it out of yourself and overcome this wretched trapped-in-the-mud stretch before you can really hit your pace
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Holy fuck I want to be squished
every time I see this thread it makes me want it
when I was a kid there was a time I was like sitting on a trampoline getting dribbled like a basketball with someone pressing down on my head
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