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i think my girlfriejd is killing herself and im contacting the police station but theyre beimg useless what do i do
did you make them do it
Replies: >>21780
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>i think my girlfriejd is killing herself and im contacting the police
What the fuck is your problem
leave a niggy in peace
Replies: >>21776
i have
im holding off redialing them
im hoping shell be ok
i dont know what to do
i hope she rests and doesnt do snythint weird
she has a will to live and i admire it
harming herself or death is something shed never desire
she isnt acting normal
i dialed them only because she hinted at doing something resembling suicide and i just wanted her to be safe
i dont want them to take her away so im holding off
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>harming herself or death is something shed never desire
>she hinted at doing something resembling suicide
So your entire basis for trying to strip away their autonomy and have them tortured for the rest of their life is that it hurts your image of them? Could I ask you to perhaps consider that the fact that your first instinct was to call the fucking police the second they deviated off your imaginary script might be the reason why they might not feel comfortable confiding in you their thoughts about suicide?
>i dialed them only because she hinted at doing something resembling suicide and i just wanted her to be safe
If she is pursuing suicide, then it's not her desire to be safe. You're a fucking piece of shit, dude. Are you completely incapable of even theoretical empathy?
Replies: >>21782
you realize its just them calling and telling her to vent and supporting her right
i didnt dial the emergency number
its like the police station where they could make a suicide hotline call her, if anything theyd go just go check if shes ok
how is that torture
from the looks of it it seems like ur single
since when are you straight brody..
Replies: >>21786 >>21788
girlfriend (male)
women roping themselves? in this free range cock carousel timeline out of all?
Replies: >>21789
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cherish your loved ones in the moment, let them know how special they are to you. share these precious moments together because it's all you'll have to remember when they're gone for any reason. treat them especially well, at least to the best you can, because they not only deserve it, but that love is like a prince rupert's tear drop. seemingly indestructible, but also infinitely delicate. it's something you gotta work towards together to achieve and to benefit both of you, and you can't force it out of either person, or you will end up destroying it. 

as they say, if they truly loved you, they will come back. that's not to put pressure on the other person to come back, but just to trust them that they will find their way back to you. who knows what they're up to, maybe your partner just needs time to herself. these circumstances may seem extraordinary, that it may feel like they may never come back, but if there's truly nothing else you can do, hold out hope and don't fall into despair. you may grieve, but do not succumb to the despair, otherwise you become susceptible to attacks from your inner demons who will say alot of nasty shit to you and steal your hope away. your mind is a garden, choose what frottage- i mean bloomage needs to be watered, what weeds gotta get ignored. anyways, all the best, Wish.
Replies: >>21799
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thye came back
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Everyone is connected except when they're driving through a tunnel.
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