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this bunny DIED
Magick don't play this video
So is there a bugman slamming down on the corner that's out of frame?
Replies: >>29500
i posted this thread as a joke but thinking on how you guys told me how fragile bunnies actually are it actually very well mightve died from this
wtf he got flattened
My initial thought was that it bounced off the rabbit's head and then someone pressed down on the corner but looking at it frame by frame it seems like the wireframe actually misses it originally.
So the wireframe is actually pretty heavy, it's iron or whatever instead of just hollow aluminium.
The question is after it gets hit, is it throwing it's legs out behind itself? If it is then it's just a weirdo bunny, they do lie flat like that. The closest thing to this I've seen is when my folk's rabbit pulled a chunk of a straw bale onto herself, but she went with it and landed on her back rather than letting go. Rabbits do lie down and get small when you cover them like with a towel, so maybe it's just getting small? Really hard to tell what's happening behind it.

Tiktok account seems to be korean
actually it didn't die at all cause i saved it with my powers and gave it 111111111111111gorilloin carrots
this can't be real
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