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Replies: >>15614
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>>15613 (OP) 
I have a feeling you lurk here still and this was indeed one of your posts
Have you considered that this person never meant to hurt you but did so after having been attacked and put down by you at random and completely unprovoked? 
I do feel bad and I am sorry that I hurt you back but are you?
Replies: >>15615
dunno who you're talking about but usually things arent random and unprovoked, it's just you cant recognize what you did to set off the other person
Replies: >>15616
Typically yes I would agree, unless you're dealing with someone's bpd like mood swings coupled with a superiority complex and bratty attitude which makes them think everyone is below them, I did not start insulting until he did, I was nice to him 
The things he said activated in me some awful memories from past experiences, clearly some mental issues going on there on both parties and I feel bad for blowing up on him, I shouldn't have taken him seriously and just let him be
I think I might have unknowingly chatted with either wish himself on his discord alt account or some wish's clone, given recent events and all the clues that I see that are quite obvious from the way that he talks or the pauses in between posts having checked the archive, this has to be one hell of a coincidence otherwise
Replies: >>15617 >>15637
>bpd like mood swings coupled with a superiority complex and bratty attitude
are you a doctor or are you labeling someone as something to protect yourself?
Replies: >>15618
I don't think you need to be a doctor to tell someone feels superior to you like a narc when they call themselves a princess and you utter trash out of the blue
Replies: >>15620
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people acting like they're special for getting a random unhinged unprovoked rant from a BPD queen lmao
often times people will use these terms and 'diagnose' someone without understanding the 'patient' or even the full scope and definition of the term itself.
and like i said before, you may have instigated them into acting like this, plus i have a feeling that you aren't presenting all the facts, which is normal, people often portray themselves in a positive light when bashing others.
now could you stop posting in my thread?
you too matty, no one cares about your weird namefag drama.
You're the one who mentioned wish actually
Replies: >>15623
no i didnt, that was the other squish, hold this L bro
Replies: >>15625
Also I know no one cares, I was posting that to show how dime a dozen these 'hurtful rants' are. You people are so bad at picking up on irony and sarcasm sometimes it's unreal.
Replies: >>15626
we dont pick up on it because we really dont care to read your posts in the first place, L
Replies: >>15627
big L bro ratio and doxxed, mid post big mood tho, fr
go back 2 twitter matey
Replies: >>15628
more like go back to sucking my dick you attention-starved ninny twat big chungus drongo mcdonald  britbongald
Nah I don't feel special since I don't orbit people, I only feel bad I might've driven someone to suicide
I get that you feel lonely and crave interaction yourself which is understandable but what were you really expecting when half of this site is just namefag drama
Replies: >>15631
Damn he was spitting straight facts
Replies: >>15632
yeah me
>spitting straight facts
more /r/blackpeopletwitter nigger lingo. yawn, say something different.
Replies: >>15652
you people all use the same stock twitteroid zoomerspeak and have the gall to call other people bland and boring lmao
Replies: >>15634
it's cute when you seethe
Replies: >>15635
you can tell i'm seething when I break out that naughty combination of letters
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seriously sick of BPDemon drama tho fr no cap. wish creates no OC for the board other than blurry sliced up epidermis pics yet he thinks he has some kind of cultural hegemony over it and a say on who does/doesn't belong there. why bother trying to cultivate a relationship with such bottom of the barrel dregs, shame on you for even complaining about it or expecting anything different.
Replies: >>15639 >>15640
wish being a boring attentionwhore faggot has nothing to do with the fact that you're a boring attentionwhore faggot who nobody wants to see post
Replies: >>15643 >>15644
As if i knew it was him when he contacted me and it's fully established that it was actually him, at least I ended it as soon as I picked up on his narcissistic behavior which really didn't even take a week for that to happen
No need to take out your sorrow on someone who doesn't even have anything against you
You're wasting your time and energy feeding into his desire to be noticed and constantly talked about, just filter him and let it go
Replies: >>15643 >>15699
I'm really convinced you people are confusing me with avogadoposter sometimes when you say stuff like this, like you have some brain defect that interprets our name fields the same somehow. 
Explain how I'm an attentionwhore/blogposter or whatever go on. I've been on s4s for a decade and only started using a name like 3 months ago so I can't be that bad
this is my entertainment time, I love arguing with you guys, there's no sorrow
>who nobody wants to see post
most of my threads get lots of replies actually lol
also I make actual OC for the board other than photos of my cut up arm
eagerly awaiting the epic 'you're lowkey boring and hella malding deadass, big L, and I'm spitting straight facts here fr' comeback
niggerbrained zoomers are truly insufferable
lilbro really triple posting in someone else's edrama thread (about a turd party) because people won't give him enough attention
>I'm really convinced you people are confusing me with avogadoposter
>also I make actual OC for the board
I've seen literally zero OC from you, not that anyone ever said anything that would make this comment relevant. You're literally just some random loser that namefags empty posts whining about not getting enough attention and occasionally posts selfies.
>more /r/blackpeopletwitter nigger lingo
nigger it's a pun, it literally could not have been more spelt out
Replies: >>15655
you're highkey boring
>I've seen literally zero OC from you
i assume he thinks his vocaroos that nobody listens to is OC 
thats sad lol
Replies: >>15712 >>15716
what did he do
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see thread for continued argument (where the guy had no response and left in shame because he got owned LOL!)
Replies: >>15719
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I also made these back in the day
and there was a few catfish/cts memes but they're lost to time
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people love my vocaroos how dare you you scoundrel
lilbro quadposting non-sequiturs in someone elses edrama thread again after getting btfo
I can't believe this is real and you were right
What a pathetic existence
Replies: >>15719
Replies: >>15724
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"bro ummmm you made 4 posts"
"quadposting bro"
man you totally btfo'd me good job on that scathing comeback
I could probably crush your little head like a grapefruit irl lol let's see a pic of you
Replies: >>16167
no doubt you're nonwhite too which explains your arbitrary hostility toward me for no reason
Replies: >>16167
But that's not the same guy retard
>everyone on the internet who doesn't love my random selfies is the same person
ye sure bud
Replies: >>15726
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I've linked music I made for the board, OC art and vocaroos 
Do I have to make an ice sculpture or a wall mural for the board for it to be considered a 'non-blogpost epic OC' in your book or what
Whatever I'm done with this argument unless you're willing to take it outside and get physical bitchboi
Replies: >>15736
This Mattress fellow seems somewhat like a faggot, pardon my French.
Replies: >>15740
>Do I have to make an ice sculpture 
Replies: >>15738
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I just made this what do you think of this
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Replies: >>15745
Imagine a British attempting to sound intimidating. 
Is it even possible?
Replies: >>15746
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new OC just dropped
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no response to this. says it all
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