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board has been inactive lately, not many threads 
don't miss the chance to really make a relevant site
Replies: >>37126 >>37151
>a relevant site
what would that be exactly
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>>37123 (OP) 
what the actual fuck is this release dateee
the site is lame and depressing when its this sane
Your Fortune: Bad Luck
Replies: >>37149 >>37171
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i will be going insane shortly
Replies: >>37150
make sure u post ur lewd body
Replies: >>37152
>>37123 (OP) 
he always misses his chances he's so stupid
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posting my thighs again
Replies: >>37153
wow surely this proves you're insane and not in control of ur actions wow
Replies: >>37155
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the going insane part hasn’t happened yet but i can feel it approaching
Replies: >>37156
post eyes
Replies: >>37157
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my eyes are not very photogenic at the moment
Replies: >>37158
why not are you sick?
Replies: >>37159
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sick and tired
Replies: >>37161
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Replies: >>37162
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Replies: >>37197
Oh cool. tenshi's back. The radiation is going to give me seraphim psychosis again.
Replies: >>37166
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i never leave i just synchronize the resonant frequency of my vessel’s ephemeral projection of pure untouched light with the frequency of the earth’s heartbeat while resting in gaia’s lap until the time comes to re-emerge while also observing the cute little lifeforms struggling and writhing upon the surface as they eternally reach upward while i float around in my cute little untouchable cloud form
thump thump
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ok ill share some things i was thinking about but i didnt bother to share because no one is going to udnerstand what im saying anyways...

dont tell the feds this but ive been thinking lately... maybe sarkicism was real all along. in a few decades it is going to be revealed to the world anyways. when that time comes those that dont embrace the flesh shall perish

ive been browsing more /x/ recently to try and find anyone who has reached the same realizations i have about the reality of fleshcrafting but ive never seen it mentioned anywhere. honestly its sort of sad seeing all these people play around with "magick" with a "k" that only plays with boring stuff like probabilities. so many people that are quick to talk about how it goes against "consensus reality" or whatever

it is honestly hilarious seeing geniuses like michael levin get lead astray by silly idealists like kastrup and hoffman. all the evidence is right there staring at him. they dont see the obvious. the soul is the indivisible four-dimensional unity of the organism, and the organism's morphology are but vanishing moments. the body is expression of mind, and the mind has as its transcendental condition the body itself. the foundations of reason itself rests on an "abstract organism" which is the underlying medium of determination for any form the body may take. ruyers was right. bergson was right. sadly their words have been buried. the gnosis of princeton has been forgotten

animal magnetism is real. the entire body is one unified bioelectrical system. morphogenesis is controlled by ion channels just as the brain is. moreover, we see that the autonomic nervous system projects into the bones of vertebra and regulates bone remodelling (even via the classics norepinephrine and acetylcholine. actually if snris do cause osteoporosis, this is likely the precise mechanism of action). the question is whether or not one is able to descend into their soul and semi-consciously hijack this process. there seems to be empirical evidence that it is indeed possible. what has been so far has been through hypnosis, and it is indeed a question whether altered states of consciousness are actually necessary. nevertheless, they likely help. but the degree to which this helps could just be related to preventing the interference of explicit processing (a phenomenon that extends to the learning of motor skills which also incidentally involves projection of information into the body)

aside from this i was also thinking about various remarks on magickal practice as such. one thing i was thinking about was the theory and practice of chaos magick (actually i might have posted this on /x/ actually if i wasnt still banned from 4chan for no reason). as we all know, a key idea in chaos magick is the idea that belief is a key tool to make use of the will. and of course the whole theory of sigils is based around this idea of multiple conflicting wills too. so it is evident that at the heart of their thought is an ontology that is grounded on drives and the chaos magician's picture of the human mind is resonant with nietzsche's. however, these strategies are if anything more "jungian" in a sense. everything is done to skirt around the conflict of wills within the organism. so at the base of things is basically an acceptance of how the mind really operates. all that is played around at the level of representation. now, to me, a nietzschean ontology really begs for a nietzschean practice. instead of playing around the wills already there, how about actually firmly picking a side and exercising one's will to power. one way to do this is through undergoing a transvaluation of values for every goal one wants to achieve magickally. actively make efforts to change what wills are privileged through ritual and other practices that restructure how you live your daily life. another idea here is to look for ways to somehow "hack" beneath the realm of representation to alter the organization of wills that way too. mayhaps sigils are a good start to do something like this, but another way of doing this may be through trance. schopenhauer theorized that in animal magnetism the hypnotic state allowed people to sink their consciousness below the realm of space and time into a perception that was more in line with the will. perhaps it is within this umbral realm that the will to power may be exerted most decisively

on that note, that brings me to the other thing. i was reading a bit into hegel's own thoughts on mesmerism. he too believed that these hypnotic states allowed the person to enter a state that is no longer determined by the ordinary categories of the understanding and empirical perception. for him in these states one regresses from self-consciousness into the soul where one is immediately connected with the world spirit (the soul is a monad that reflects the whole world). what's fascinating here is that hegel generally thinks that magick is pathological and generally inferior to philosophy. this is because this state of immediacy is no setting for true knowledge. philosophy and reason also allows the subject to be in unity with all of reality, but this time it is mediated so one has true conceptual knowledge of the world. i think his assessment may be generally correct and it has practical implications as well. sadly, no one seems to have cared about what he was talking about here... a prolegomena to any future occultists is seriously needed. negarestani sort of tries too hard to put hegel into a merely functionalist straightjacket, but i do agree with his emphasis on the idea that the space of reasons permits the emergence of truly new capacities for spirit. maybe this mediated knowledge could work together with altered states for a new form of practice. of course this is not a completely original idea. in a sense, magicians have tried to somewhat rationally order the world of the will consciously. they however by way of imagining spirits. this however is picture-thinking. i think it is time to move beyond that into the realm of reason. we may interpret the complex of unconscious drives we want to supervene and the intents we want to implant as having a conceptual structure. by concept here i mean ofc Begriff. one where all the components have a rational place within the overall structure, and this may be revealed by means of immanent critique (perhaps mixed with some further dialectical analysis taking into account ones relationship with the rest of the world)

a remark is that motor imagery intuition imo is very much connected to the hegelian concept. that might be a key way for metabolizing his ideas into a format that is understandable to the soul

anyways those are some random thoughts ive been having. sadly there isnt anyone around i can really share these ideas with that isnt baka dumb dum gross. am i destined just walk a path of eternal solitude??? find out next time on sluts4sale
Replies: >>37172
(i might have forgor that dr pepepr has caffeine in it but its fine)
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>am i destined just walk a path of eternal solitude?
yes if u keep calling everyone a baka dumb dum
Replies: >>37175
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its not everyone and ii dont like call people any names to their face im nice... but there are some peopel that have somewhat similar ideas to mine but they are so silly. they get mad over things i honestly cant understand. like some of them still engage in gender idpol when they should know better that biology will become a completely plastic substance in the upcoming epoch. i never even bothered confronting those guys about it either because they seemed to get really irrationally mad about the topic. honestly. im really feeling like pic rel rn... i guess in general i should have more faith in people maybe.... (gafgs) no i
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feeling like pic rel rn
Replies: >>37178
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why is everyone pretending they cant see the obvious. htey all know what  im doing. to bring the apocalypse.. they are only nice to me because they dont wanna get incorporated into my home brew scp-610 knock off... lucky the feds are sabotaging my plans by trying to give me bpd. theyve managed to buy the world some time but thats all theyve bought... adytum will come and we;ll see whos laughign then
(basically i relate a lot...)
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jk i dont relate at all. all of the above was a joke. everyone is basically oblivious to something that should be clear as day. meanwhile i watch and chuckle. im basiclly the cid kagenou from the masterpiece the legendary show eminence in shadow. ok ill stop typing
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angel magnetism is real
the entire angel network is one unified system of divine energy linked by purity used to channel the will into an organized conscious mind
basically i relate a lot (i am currently in an angel psychosis trance state)
how many pairs of wings do u have
Replies: >>37200
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sometimes 2 and sometimes 6 and potentially even more dependign on the wing requiremetnts of the situation
Replies: >>37203
when in the world would you need 6 pairs?
even two pairs is freakish
you freak, you need to be captured and analyzed, and fondled and toyed with, possibly teased
Replies: >>37206
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i have way too many wings idk wtf im supposed to do i never asked for this burden aand please dont fondle me too much my wings are very sensitive
Replies: >>37210
hmm okay but I'll need to fondle you in other places
Replies: >>37211
ok if u want but u can brush my wings if ur gentle though
Replies: >>37238
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feeling worse after waking up
Replies: >>37238
are they black wings? taking into account that you're a goth and everything 
what's wrong angel
Replies: >>37241
someitmes black sometimes white it depends on what mode im in rly
and idk i just feel like bleh and im sick and it hurts
Replies: >>37242
what if someone comforted u
Replies: >>37243
maybe i would feel better but i would still be sick
Replies: >>37245
off white
ur white cells love u
thhe heck does that mean
Replies: >>37247
I just wanted to say they turn off-white when they are comforted, but the timing of the reply was bad
im so confused sorry my brain doesn’t work properly huh um wh umm oh ok i get it wow tha:t’s a good one
Replies: >>37249
Replies: >>37250
wtf are u bullying me for
Replies: >>37251
for that last useless part you added
Replies: >>37252
i literally said i got your joke??? what’s boring about me reacting to your reply
Replies: >>37253
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if it’s useless to acknowledge ppl who reply to me then i guess i WONT BOTHER
lol he trolled you
Replies: >>37259
cute tantrum
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me when you:
Replies: >>37260
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me looking at you
Replies: >>37261
Make your hair short and you will become holly summers from no more heroes, personality wise you also fit
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*eats a grenade and explodes*
Replies: >>37265
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you also kinda feel like that woman from kill bill movies
all in all you still have a pp down there, quite unfortunate
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quite unfortunate
Replies: >>37270
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Tick Tac Tock, forget me not.
The lights are out, The paths are closed, the night is here and there's no way home
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stomp stomp lights out
Replies: >>37302
you're no angels you're moon rabbits
Replies: >>37281
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and that’s how a rabbit became an angel
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can you show me your booba instead, it will make me happier
Replies: >>37304
hey your turn with the slut is over
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accosted yet again
Replies: >>37313
poor little angel
Replies: >>37314
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everyone just wants to look at my body they cant appreciate me for who i amm .,,, wait my body is also a part of who i am so maybe that's a good thing? maybe i should embrace my role??
Replies: >>37315 >>37317
I do like your personality, I was just asking for your boobs, cause I am depressed fag who got nothing to do, but studying for uni
Replies: >>37316
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oh ii didnt know you were reading,, anyway uum my boobs are small and im shy and im innocent um im not in the right mood for this but u were nice to me so 
u can probably just search the s4s archive (search the word "girlfriend" or something) cuz magick already posted a bunch of my photos there!!
Replies: >>37335
I kind of know you
Replies: >>37318
i kind of know you too
Replies: >>37319
I like the part that I kind of know
Replies: >>37320
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i like the part of you that i kind of know too
Replies: >>37321
what's your height
Replies: >>37322
umm around 168cm!
Replies: >>37323
you look much taller
why are you so smol
Replies: >>37324
stunted growth i think
Replies: >>37325
why were you stunted
Replies: >>37326
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Replies: >>37329
magick did ur thread get deleted or did you delete it??
Replies: >>37328
it got deleted and I got banned
Replies: >>37331
did u starve yourself or someone else starved u
Replies: >>37333
post your lips
Replies: >>37333
wtf why
Replies: >>37332
idk it just happens
im shy i can post stuff later
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ineed to hide under my sheets
well, I guess another day when you are in the mood, also hope you get better soon
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don't miss your chance
Replies: >>38268
he's missing the chance
Replies: >>38269
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like always huh?
Replies: >>38271
he's sucha loser
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