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always never forget that u will be forever rememebred and never forgotten for as long as i breathe on tjis earth and for as long as u never forget to remember th e things that make you happy even when ur sad never ever forget that u can always alter reality to fit your beliefs because u are a god how can you kill a god how could u be so naive what a grand and intoxicating innocence there is no escape no recall of intervention can work in this place come lay down your weapons
Replies: >>40803
>>40802 (OP)
Replies: >>40806
mother tenshi
Replies: >>40806
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hi tenshi
Replies: >>40808
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Replies: >>40809
are u home
Replies: >>40810
yess i am
Replies: >>40812
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do u wanna talk to me but have no idea what to talk about so u just ask me random stuff and hope i reply with something for u to continue the convo with
Replies: >>40813
u were cheating on me yesterday weren't u
Replies: >>40814
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uhhhh um uhjhh
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hhuh whh wha huh omg no wait what did u think i was doing
omgg the question marks again wtf i keep forgetting
i meant to say  huh omg no? ? what did u think i was doing ? ?
Replies: >>40817
idk maybe you're going to school now?
why wouldn't be home huh what
why would you have other people in your vicinity huh? I don't get it really what  
were u doing
Replies: >>40820
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oh wwait u probably secretly hope i was cheating on u huh u'd probably get turned on by the thought of it or something lol cute maybe i dont even need to hide it
Replies: >>40821
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dont worry about it
what the heck
u should be a full time internet angel, I think???
Replies: >>40823
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im an angel in the astral (internet) plane
Replies: >>40824
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I'll get the truth out of u
Replies: >>40826
also yes I was genuinely asking if u were a psychopath
Replies: >>40831
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omg ok im not hiding anything in particular i just dont usually like to reveal every little detail of my life especially when im performing internet angel duties u know??
Replies: >>40827
>internet angel duties
such as making people cum?
Replies: >>40828
yyaea um well basicalyl yes but not all the time
Replies: >>40829
why not all the time
Replies: >>40830
cuz im not always in the mood idk? ?
Replies: >>40833
anyway that kind of question is a little hard to answer cuz who would unironically say "yes" to that? like even an actual psychopath probably wouldnt wanna give an honest answer, the word has a rly bad reputation u know
i would say "probably not" becuase in my perspective im friendly and nice even though i sometimes do stuff that other ppl dont like
Replies: >>40832
what kind of stuff
Replies: >>40834
ur always in the mood when we're together
Replies: >>40835
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that's a very broad category
Replies: >>40836
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survivorship bias
Replies: >>40836
but you're so lovable I can't imagne you doing something people don't like, so just give me an example

that doesn't make any sense
Replies: >>40837 >>40839
itdoesnt make sense cuz i just said something random to disrtact you
Replies: >>40838
like when you posted your plusie on your lap, when I asked for pics of ur room
Replies: >>40839
ur always SO curious about specific examples of things that mostly just exist in my head as abstract generalisations of vague patterns made from observing a bunch of reactions to my actions (that i had justified to myself at the time or simply not considered the outcome could come across as harmful to others) across an indeterminate duration
um it was a thing from my room technically
Replies: >>40840 >>40841
me challenging your preconceived patterns (to set u free)
Replies: >>40842 >>40879
I liked that thing from ur room
Replies: >>40846
ok fnie yea sure um the actual problem is that i try to think about specific examples and my head just goes blank like they arent there or the memories arent strong enough, im just dumb basically
Replies: >>40843 >>40844
are hot people always dumb? answer must be yes since I'm dumb too
Replies: >>40844
usually when im thinking about certain things it's easier to think of certain things related to it but just the category of "stuff ppl dont like" is hard to define, u know like when u break the law or something its like oh that's a bad thing to do i shouldnt do that i'll get in trouble yea
yes surely defineitlny
Replies: >>40845
are u saying you do illegal things
Replies: >>40846
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yea i guess thta's one example
wow um look at  my shoulders from my room i think u asked to see these once
umm wow cool shoulders, yes I asked for shoulders and neck and other bits and u said I'm never satisfied
Replies: >>40855
>yea i guess thta's one example
wtf tenshi
Replies: >>40849
omg shh most ppl are basically criminals these days cuz some laws are rly dumb
Replies: >>40850
which laws
Replies: >>40851
like um going to jail for doing drugs is a rly dumb concept for example because most ppl end up doing them anyway
Ok not most pepole but like that depends on the people ur involved with and stuff obviously
um yeah I guess ur right
you must smell so nice
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ur never satisfied
woah lol I love the way you look in fishnets 
ummm this is why you shouldn't leave home to be around people I bet they were ogling you and stuff
Replies: >>40857
iits not like i wear this kinda stuff all the time
Replies: >>40858
only when u want to get groped?
Replies: >>40859
umm yes basically
Replies: >>40860
woah you really were cheating on me you slut
Replies: >>40861
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i am the victim of unprovoked secksual assualt
Replies: >>40862
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can u really blame people when look like this
Replies: >>40863
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oh wwow um my body is like complteyl exposed in broad ddaylight huh wow um i
Replies: >>40864
lol horny
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this board is actually so smart im really glad we managed to invent public dms this is great
Replies: >>40866
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Replies: >>40867
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cute idol
Replies: >>40868
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this is what the inside of my brain looks like
Replies: >>40873
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you just need inspiration. they say it comes from odd places
Replies: >>40875
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you're an odd place
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ive been trying for so long
to sing you the right song
to show you something different everyday
so you hear what i have to say
like puzzle pieces

so now were here at a standstill
i wonder if you feel
the kind of pain that pulls your insides out
thats something i know all about
shocking aint it

is it because i cant be her
made your mistakes and made me hurt
i cant fix you
is it because i cant be her
made me awake 
made me hurtt
i cant fix you

i can feel my heart breaking
mistakes ive been making
im running out of patience ot pretend
this isnt how ill let it end
my feigning fading
youve been mourning ur loss here
and thats grinding my gears
how can a human lose their self control
theres nothing left to make you whole
im done explaining

is it because i cant be her?
made your mistakes made me hurt
i cant fix you
is it because i cant be her?
made me awake made me hurt
i cant fix you

this is what happens when
you leave it to sombody else
if you want it done right
you should just do it yourself
you ovversaturate your world with nothing but machines
yuo might make everyone happy but youre
dead inside just like me

and now were here at a standstill
i wodner if you feel the kind of pain that rips your insides out
thats something i know all about
shocking aint it?

we have a lot more in common
that you would be calm with
its like we are the same person me and you
we both dont know what we can do

is it because i cant be her
made your mistakes  made me hurt
i cant fix you..
is it beause i cant be her?
made me aware made me hurt
is it because i cant be her???
made your mistakes made me hurrt
i cant fix youu
is it because icant be her?
made me awake made me hurt -
i cant fix youuuuu
Replies: >>40882 >>40883
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alternative image to go w these lyrics ok and it just turned 6 am and i can hear the alarm from upstairs nice nice
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same tbh
Replies: >>40883
>that you would be calm with
****than you would be calm with
actual key mistake that messes up w the meaning of everything im sorry baby from fnaf

wht the actual hell....
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