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why does getting skinny have to be so hard
Replies: >>27252 >>27277
Do you mean losing muscle?
Replies: >>27252
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>>27248 (OP) 
quit eating
Replies: >>27255
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Okay yeah that is pretty hard
My understanding is that the best route is basically with cycles of severe fasting and overwork with a close to all animal (supplemented) diet but obviously even that's kind of risky. I've also heard basically no accounts nor experienced it myself since all the successful anorexic chicks I've seen have been that way since they were lil to some extent or more.
I'm not sure that going from toned->skinny rather than bulky->toned is even possible without massively injuring yourself in the process (RIP forever my X shaped silhouette unless I get a wasting disease).
Replies: >>27257
post thighs so I can provide accurate advice
Replies: >>27259
pretty sure doing nothing will make your muscles atrophy
Replies: >>27259
My thighs are fucking huge from pylometrics and yoga
That's really bad for you and you get third world fat though
Replies: >>27260
what's third world fat???
Replies: >>27261
I think he means that stomach distension bloating you see in starving African kids from not eating but also having a parasite
Replies: >>27263
It's not just limited to looking like a preta, you get fat in a weird kind of way when your metabolism tanks from being less active.
You'll see athletes become strongfat when they retire usually but if you eat even less and it's enough to see atrophy you'll still put on the extraneous fat from stuff your homeostasis intends to put to use.
>not eating but also having a parasite
I don't think that water bloating from malnourishment is related to elephantiasis from worms but I could be wrong.
Replies: >>27265
just move as much as posible and stop eating, that's it
do stimulants, cigarettes
keep moving, stretching, running, squats, etc
kill yourself dumb bitch
not eating but also doing lots of exercise is how you pass out and have wish threads complaining about the world spinning
Replies: >>27280
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>>27248 (OP) 
It's easy after the first day or two, whenever I fast I don't even feel hungry and feel bad about wanting food so it gets easier, you're free now you don't have to eat 3 times a day and become a fat pig, everyone around you is a fat lard on their way to chronic health problems and you're too smart for that, have a coffee and don't get hungry!

Remember what you're fighting for!!
Replies: >>27281 >>27288
not doing lots of exercise, justt keep moving
lol I assumed he had an active lifestyle
walk a lot, stretch, keep active
Replies: >>27283
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So just vision quest stuff
That does sound right for what grillers do but doesn't that fuck up your bones good and proper
I can't imagine your immune system is working right either though skinny grills don't seem to stay down when they get sick either
I always have trouble sleeping when on a multiday fast
I mean the solution to that is just to not sleep but still I always end up getting sick if I let it run for long enough
Replies: >>27284
you don't want go into hard workout session with zero nutrients wtf
I mean I'd rather have to eat than give up doing exercise tbqh
Replies: >>27285
drink milk, eat eggs, take biotin
bruhhh I just meant that you should have an active lifestyle
is walking around considered workout??? wtf lol
Replies: >>27286
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Replies: >>27287
Oh it's another "Magick projects the fact that he's a loser" episode where he sees fellow losers responding in kind and infers that their shared situations and views must apply to all participants
>I just meant that you should have an active lifestyle
Your idea of an active lifestyle sounds menopause-tier m8
It bothers me but not as much as the restlessness if you go two or three days without going through your paces
i did keto once, I felt miserable the first 3 days but then it did get easier, most people just give up and don't look any further into it but when you fast, you're unintentionally going into ketosis and once you start burning fat instead of the 25 hours of stored glycogen (from carbs) in your muscles, eating carbs at all while on a low calorie diet restarts this timer over and over and you are perpetually hungry and miserable because your body keeps switching between the energy source it really wants (glycogen) and the one it absolutely doesn't like using unless you refuse to eat (your fat stores).

So basically, fasting and completely abstaining from food is much easier than going on a low calorie fast unless you make a concerted effort to eliminate all carbs from your diet.
I wouldn't do this for more than a few days at a time, /fit/ likes to claim keto is utterly damaging to your body and makes you age a lot and lose your hair if you stay on it long enough, who really knows though, I haven't noticed that from doing 3-4 day fasts myself.
>I wouldn't do this for more than a few days at a time, /fit/ likes to claim keto is utterly damaging to your body and makes you age a lot and lose your hair if you stay on it long enough, who really knows though, I haven't noticed that from doing 3-4 day fasts myself.
lmao what
There's more than a few accounts of people living on keto in perpetuity, including without supplementation (eskimos). It was an anthropologist living with eskimos on an all-meat diet which started a lot of the 21st century diet fads, actually.
If you get ketoacidosis you should get out of keto to stop the acidosis but that's usually more to do with you eating too much protein (and the wrong amine sources at that) rather than getting energy from fats. Without keto you'd still be heading towards kidney stones since you're not drinking enough water etc.
Acidosis doesn't sneak up on you either. You'll fucking know, you'll have acid reflux all hours of the day and your sweat will genuinely burn your eyes.
"Keto flu" for the transistion period is a thing yeah. I think a lot of people are huge pussies about that kind of thing in general because you hear real horror stories about going cold turkey on caffeine when you're resetting your tolerance and I've had intakes literally like 8x what these cunts were on and you get like a nasty headache for a little over a day and it's like oh wow how terrible how could I ever deal with this.
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u can do it!
Replies: >>27311
we are the same person
Replies: >>27320
It's not for you. 
You're built for gymmaxxing
unlock your potential.
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that's  so cool actually
Replies: >>27321
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Replies: >>27323
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iim innocent i’ll get in trouble
Replies: >>27327
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you'll do it when no one's looking...
Replies: >>27331
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ur gonna give ppl the wronggg idea.. waaa..
Replies: >>27332
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you will do it because you want to do it, the moment the desire to do it entered your head it was decided that you had to do it because you're the most important person to yourself and your desires must be satisfied no matter what
Replies: >>27343
ur talking about bpd/factor 2 impulsivity 
sky fixed me and im having primary psychopathy traits again! but thankfully she puppycoded me so thnings dont become bad!
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sky wouldnt mind reckless behavior as long as i listen to her though,, so even if i dark triad myself, as long as i Listen thats all that matters!!
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>sky fixed me and im having primary psychopathy traits again! 
sorry Shimbu, i hope this explains things!
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though,. magick, ur not the same as sky. u have schizoid traits desu
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in the end, bpd was something i had since i got my tbi. i was the same as sky beforehand/mindset/thoughts, except that we process reality as either summoning or becoming
i wouldnt change much online!! im still me, because im able to summon the me that you know. able to "become" as long as i desire it.
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"do you want to have bpd traits again?"
no, see the good bpd traits can be had by anyone, including extreme love. they just dont understand love, they think they have empathy but really its only about their triggers instead of loving if that makes sense
"what about the cool bpd aspects? wouldnt it be ""fake"" if you just summoned a persona with it?" 
no, everything is fake in a sense. but i do have dark triad features, so it doesnt really matter anyway
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in the end, i am everything i desire to be. being in a relationship makes me want to remain obedient to my partner. but if so desired to not be obedient, im allowed to! and if its too much, ill get shocked..
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i havent lost my aura, its why my partner hungers for me! im thankful for sky to have handled me when i had brain damage and bpd, its as if they knew the end result..? its cute! or maybe my aura was too irresistible to quit..? eitherways, im sure theyre in total bliss and so am i (when i feel it or think about it)
~end of life progress~
Replies: >>27354 >>27357
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i wanna ask sky about this actually, its puzzling.. perhaps it was because she had hope i'd be the same as when she met me, before i fell down the stairs
Replies: >>27356 >>27357
it was a private answer, i cant shar eit. but it was really sweet, sky is wonderful and i love sky
together forever
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Replies: >>27358
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docile bpd would have still given u trouble
reverting to psychopathy was the best solution
Replies: >>27360
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it was all part of my super super long term plan from a long time ago leading to this exact moment in time and basically it's part of the story arc but i cant spoil the rest (im not allowed)
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Replies: >>27372
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hhwaawaa,, iim screwed
Replies: >>27373
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my hands are litrealy so weak and delicate and skinny  but it's ok cuz i can still crush ur windpipe until it shatters!
wattpad type relationship
Replies: >>27375
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ull never understand the layers of sillynese but basically theres s.o.s ane 
is that a boysmell
i dont want to be distracted by boysmell and it makes me dumb like a cat on catnip when cat is catnipping the boysmell i love boys.. boysmell amen
i thought black men were the real, classy men but when i saw a fat black man with a tiny penis i have since looked down upon both black and white men, but sometimes something happens in my heart and body that makes me love all cute boys all cool boys every type of boy i love boys boysmell boy si love boys so much i love  b o ys i love boys i love you i love boys i love yo
but not if ur  u have a tiny and also if ur weight isnt cool 
u dont have a boysmell anyuway if ur like that u have another smell i dont like
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my iq is 137 i took a test today it proves that liking boysmell is a smart thing to do because im smart and i love boysmell but i just retook the test and its 23 iq i dodnt know whath appeneed buit im smart and i love boys.. i love boys.. i love boys..boysmell...boys..,,,,,,,,,,,
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Replies: >>27386
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hat does that mean i dont understand i dont know
Replies: >>27388
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Replies: >>27389
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Replies: >>27390
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