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When you hit the point of no return, squeeze your thighs really tight!
You know how in gorls the pelvic floor muscles are linked to the bagine?
The pelvic floor muscles spasm rhythmically at the time of orgasm, synced to your heartbeat until the action potentials in your nerve endings are out of juice and the orgasm is over.
These are the same muscles that let you hold your pee in both men and women, you can tense them up yourself and extend an orgasm for quite a while afterwards, squeezing your thighs will compress them in the other direction, you can give your g-spot quite a working with this.

The same is true in men, notice how the prostate is touching the pelvic floor, it's also linked by connective tissue on all the parts of the bepis you can't see that are hidden in your body.
When you orgasm, your body is pulling on your p-spot rhythmically in time with your heart beat, and squeezing your thighs together will pull on it in the opposite direction, leading to an overwhelming orgasm in both men and women!

Personally I like to squeeze my thighs at the point of no return but also rub my squished thighs together really fast, and also play with my niplels, that part is pretty important, go look up frenulum bully's guide's on how to do this >>8912
Replies: >>21766
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>>16829 (OP) 
>When you orgasm, your body is pulling on your p-spot rhythmically in time with your heart beat
This doesn't sound right
When you shoot goo, the muscles in your pen*s (base) spasm. I don't believe this is tied to your vascular system at all.
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when did i enroll for femboy college- i'm a damn drop out GET ME OUTTA HEREEE
Replies: >>21796
do your homework
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