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progesterone makes u bpd and bis*xedual and horny on ur own boysmell and also menhera if you overdose
Replies: >>28457 >>28513
horny thread tbh
Replies: >>28451
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yeah I' horny and worked up I might just lose shit myself from fcking my boyhole so hard
Replies: >>28496
why do boys do this kind of thing
same reason why you do it
Replies: >>28489
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It's good
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my nippels wr so sensitice rn Ive been tweaking them the lsst 10 minutes and involuntarily twithcing, like little jolts of elxtficity aasaaaaaaaaa
Replies: >>28496
are you using your phone while dildoing urself wtf
Replies: >>28496
>>28449 (OP) 
i think thats just u btw i take it regularly and all it does is improve my skin and hair while being mildly sedative without doing any of the problematic things u mentioned.
Replies: >>28458 >>28464
orally or anally?
Replies: >>28459
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Replies: >>28460
most progesterone gets destroyed by the liver, you're probably getting like 2.5% bioavailability, taking it anally will go directly into your bloodstream and probably make you hot and bothered all the time like wish lol
Replies: >>28461 >>28464
wish takes progesterone anally?
Replies: >>28462
Replies: >>28463
Replies: >>28467
i dont have a partner so that sounds really inconvenient + progesterone has alot of benefits even orally like >>28457
also.. >>28460
what happens if you use it topically? i normally use it topically but have used a higher dose orally recently because i couldn't find a topical i liked after the old one i used was discontinued.
Replies: >>28473
its not really a waste...
Replies: >>28468
why would i take it orally and waste it
Replies: >>28477
it kinda is unless u wanted a sleeping pill
Replies: >>28469
i did ^-^
Replies: >>28471
whch reminds me anon i rly have to go back 2 sleep
take it the way u want but ur honestly really wasting lots of its potential orally:(
aha!! then its perfect
i already sleep 16 hours or somethinga day so i probabysh9uldnt twk3 more sleepy stuff also i had lucid nightmar3s so ill go back to thwt now! πŸΌπŸ‡πŸ§ΈπŸ«§βœ¨πŸŽ‘πŸ”†
It doesn't sound that hard to just shove the pill with a little lube when you're showering, you lather up your butt right? Just tease ur spinchter and shove it in there with soap if you need rectal administration.
Replies: >>28474
i'd feel the pill in there and that would hurt + im not using progesterone for breast growth im just trying to improve my mood, skin & hair
Replies: >>28475
prog causes breast growth?
I thought it was just for smooth skin and the mind altering effects that put you in heat when taken frequently
Replies: >>28476 >>28485
i think so atleast from what i've heard
is it a suppository or are you just putting a pill in your butt
Replies: >>28478
i think they went to bed mister
Replies: >>28479
he spends more time "going" to bed than he does asleep
Replies: >>28485
im so hard i have a boner its throbbing and its so sensitive because idk why it just feels so good and i cant stop wanting to rub it
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i wouldnt say breast growth
lol wth shut up dummy @_@;;;;
Replies: >>28498
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i woke up cuz m on my way to pick up a shipment
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Replies: >>28536
i thought u died
am i jsut a computer
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How it's started:

How it's going:
am i just a mtoehrfuckign compurter
Replies: >>28499
is true
Replies: >>28500
you're an enigma, computers can't crack the code
you're just really fascinating
Replies: >>28501 >>28502
u r gonna give ppl the wrong idea sotp
Replies: >>28504
awww <3
sotp what
Replies: >>28509
shut the fuck up
Replies: >>28514
Who said u can (you) me
Replies: >>28514
>>28449 (OP) 
kill yourselve pedofag
Replies: >>28519
Replies: >>28520
shuddup chud aasshole
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idk what to do with you
Replies: >>28522
ask me if i like jazz
Replies: >>28523
Replies: >>28524
Replies: >>28535
ya like jazz
Replies: >>28561
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I can see the resemblance
Replies: >>28538
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not printing the birthday cake cuz ur a traitor!!
Replies: >>28539
I am sorry
Replies: >>28542
restocking progesterone 200mg today!!
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going to sleep more!
apology denied! i saw what u said about me, everything. goodnight!
Replies: >>28543
I don't even know what I said
I say a lot of things when I am out of my mind, but goodnight
Replies: >>28545
i saved all the screenshots! u told them that u pretty much hated my guts!! so ill never forgive you.
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Heres one for ur viewing and memorization! enjoy. ^-^
Replies: >>28547
I apologize that was also a lie, I lie when I feel desperate, depressed or simply afraid
Replies: >>28548
Replies: >>28549
It is fine, you don't need to forgive me
I am deeply sorry once again
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silly af
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