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<I bought a starter dildo
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Now all you have to do is stop being fat
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im not gado lol
Replies: >>26415
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I almost bought the bigger one thinking this one looked too small in pics, it's fine.
7x1.25", smol and cute!
Replies: >>26411 >>26419
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Buy a butt plug
Replies: >>26412
maybe later
Replies: >>26413
What lube are you using?
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you know that i was larping right?
Replies: >>26416
You were roleplaying as a fat guy?
Replies: >>26417 >>26418
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about buying a dildo and sex socks
Replies: >>26420 >>26421
Ano... that's bigger than I am, how are you going to enjoy sex with me if you get used to something like that
Replies: >>26420
>how are you going to enjoy sex with me
begs the question of it you're capable of putting out enjoyable sex
>sex socks
I actually bought a waterproof skirt for masturbating in lole
Replies: >>26421 >>26423
yeah well you were pretty convincing and your larp made me want one, it's actually bigger than the listing stated at 7x1.1" it's a nice starter dildo

I was kinda looking forward to seeing gado in a catboy maid outfit one of these days lol

wearing clothes in the shower is pretty degenrate
Replies: >>26425
>in the shower
I've got waterproof oil massage mats that I masturbate on. Not only are clothes warm but waterproof clothes stop you from the cold feeling of laying down in a puddle after there's a bit of a pool of lube
Replies: >>26453
What have i done
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do you even know what i look like im pretty ugly...
I just fap in the shower, no gross cleanup and you're warm the whole time with the running hot water.
Replies: >>26457
I see
It's not really a thing for anal cos it washes away all the lube. The most you can really do is put a plug in while standing back and facing into the stream then wash your hands in the shower so you can have your plug in then go touch food or whatever.
Replies: >>26462
i get what you're trying to say but all you gotta do is plug the dildo on the wall farthest away from the shower head and the lube won't wash away.
Replies: >>26477
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So I used it tonight but I don't think I used enough lube, getting it in was easy enough but it took a while to loosen up and then without really noticing I took all 7 inches pretty easily but then it was firmly stuck in place, forcing it in and out was really hard and kept feeling like I wanted to poop which was clashing with any erotic feelings I was having so I just fapped that way for a while with it inside me all the way and then it got pushed out when I came, it was kinda disappointing.
I was left wanting more so I took the condom off and just started tongue kissing it and kissing the tip and sucking it off imagining I'm pic related and that did something for me probably because I came much harder the second time.

Hopefully I'm just doing it wrong because I've had far more intense orgasms just edging and frotting in bed.
squishy finds out anal stimulation isn't like in his doujins
Replies: >>26475
gotta buy more lube!
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Not really in the shower then at that point are we
Also you'll fucking die if you're using real lube because it'll get on the tiles beneath your feet
>but then it was firmly stuck in place, forcing it in and out was really hard and kept feeling like I wanted to poop which was clashing with any erotic feelings I was having
Probably should just stop at that point.
Penises are pretty weak anyway. I don't think that there's a lot of merit to that kind of dildo.
>then without really noticing I took all 7 inches pretty easily but then it was firmly stuck in place
Presumably you reached the end of the rectum. Aimlessly bashing it is more a way to get hurt than anything else.
The reason you see so many videos of guys in that kind of crab walk straddle is because the meta with a dick shaped dildo is to basically have it push against the front of your rectum where the prostate is. Obviously you can lie on your side and work it with more control or you can arch your back getting doggystyle by a machine but either which way you can go more or less as far as you want with it but it's great at it, it's a lot of work to get it to act as more than just a glorified plug when you're actually cumming.
>I was left wanting more so I took the condom off and just started tongue kissing it and kissing the tip and sucking it off
<Ass to mouth with a cheapo jelly(?) dildo
Why are you like this.
>Hopefully I'm just doing it wrong because I've had far more intense orgasms just edging and frotting in bed.
To be fair the strongest orgasm in my life was purely heterosexual jerking off to my daughterwife tulpa while caught in the throws of fever dreams from a flu. Prostate orgasms or just enhanced penile orgasms are pretty good and moreover they're very reliable, but it'd be disingenuous to claim that they're in a category of their own or anything like that.
Buy Xlube off amazon and a squeezable sports bottle or two that should be recommended with it and use that.
I cannot possibly stress enough the difference in quality between real lube and the stuff that people send you with products.
I forgot to buy lube, guess I'll using cooking oil.

Please hope!
Replies: >>27411 >>27728
use soap
Replies: >>27413
won't that burn my insides?
Replies: >>27728
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Cooking oil really sucked, I made the mistake of using condoms with it and they broke and a tiny bit of poop got onto the dildo and it smelled really bad at the tip for a whole week but the smell went away, I guess this was my fault for not going to the bathroom right before, the slippery nature of oil makes it horrible to use in the shower so im not doing that again.
I will note the oil made it really easy to shove it in and out effortlessly, it made bouncing on the dildo really easy, it really felt like I was getting fugged!

The next time I felt like stuffing my butt (yesterday), I tried soap and while it didn't burn going in, it dries out really fast so you end up with the same problems as >>26471 where it got stuck inside and I couldn't really shove in and out easily, and its so sensitive inside so I just wiggled it with all 7 inches inside and rubbed around the spinchter and imagined i was getting fugged and came really hard, but then when i tried to pull it out it kinda hurt, I'm just gonna buy some jlube I wanna feel good all the way through!
Forgot to note, you get rid of the unsexy "urge to poop" feeling after a few tries so if you're ever disappointed with anal in the future just keep at it, it goes away!
>I'm just gonna buy some jlube I wanna feel good all the way through!
It's not bad but why not buy xlube instead?
Jlube always felt itchy after it dried for me
Replies: >>27737
that feel when you're kinda enamored with the metaphysical concept of boy fucking but then you read things like this and you get reminded of how inherently disgusting the concept of anal sex is
Replies: >>27736
fantasies usually skip over the prep, just empty your bowels and don't eat like shit before you do the fugs, what they really skip over is a total anal virgin getting his first anal orgasm this way, that's never gonna happen
mostly cus it's available on amazon prime and the liquid lubes seem kinda expensive for 5oz
Replies: >>27738
Xlube is powder lube and I bought mine off amazon.
Xlube is literally just the active ingredient of jlube in 100% concentration rather than 25% active ingredient and 75% corn starch.
Replies: >>27739
are you in europe?
i don't see it on US amazon, there's an official store that sells it out of germany for $39 after shipping and it's still gonna be 9-20 days unless I splurge for DHL, kinda feel like using corn starch in water.
Replies: >>27740
>are you in europe?
No, but we mirror their permits so you're probably getting cucked by the FDA.
>i don't see it on US amazon
I thought I had but maybe it was a different amazon. I've seen it in both my country and others.
Jlube is fine then. Buy xlube as well and just use the jlube while you wait for it to get there. Xlube powder lasts basically forever and jlube lasts basically forever if the bottle isn't opened and a long time still if it is so you don't need to worry about having too much and not using it since it will still be good.
Replies: >>27743
I was looking at jlube being almost entirely sugar which seems gross and would prevent me from making a batch and making it last for weeks and the cutoff for same day delivery was coming up so I got astroglide for $5, maybe I'll get xlube when I run out, because I don't even know how much I'm gonna go through yet
Replies: >>27744
In my experience you go through liquid lube really fucking fast
>maybe I'll get xlube when I run out
Shouldn't you order now since it's going to take three weeks to arrive?
Replies: >>27747
yeah probably but i've also been in the mood for butt stuff probably 3 times in 3 weeks, maybe the water-based lube makes it so good that I wanna start doing it more and i'll run out in 2 days who knows
Replies: >>27748
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You need to constantly reapply most water lubes and squirt a whole bunch inside and just keep reapplying them, that's the way to avoid the kind of experiences you had in >>26471 and >>27728 but it means that you can go through like 250ml or more in a single session even without it being an especially long session or anything. But yeah, if you're in no rush you're in no rush. I wish you'd buy a better dildo though, but unfortunately I can't give specific recommendations since the stuff I started with is out of production and the stuff I buy nowadays is while not outrageous, certainly not beginner stuff.
They're a little better lubricant than ghetto moisturisers or soap or whatever but they don't really last much longer for much the same reasons.
>the slippery nature of oil makes it horrible to use in the shower so im not doing that again.
One advantage of the powder lubes is that since they are water soluable you can wash them off (tiled/porcelain) surfaces with a jet of water. I've almost killed myself stepping into the shower though. I've got round doorknobs so I have to leave the bathroom door open cos I've learned that it's fucking hard to open if you've get lube on it.
Replies: >>27867
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that's pretty wild that you can use 250ml of lube in a single session, my water based lube came today, I didn't even use that much, probably like 20ml (yes i checked lole).

Anyways it was still enough to completely slip in and out easily while only reapplying once, it's probably the anticipation, but feeling your insides get pushed around during the first insertion is really hot, the suction power on this cheap ass dildo is amazing, it always sticks on no matter the surface, even in running water, bouncing on it while it sticks firm to any surface, even the floor, i got greedy and fapped my pebis toward the end and felt waves eminating from my pelvic area, my legs turned to jelly afterwards and it was hard to stand up, so I lied down for a bit, my pelvic floor muscles both in the front and also the inner sphincter felt the way they do after I've fapped several times in one day, like a warm fuzzy soreness but also kinda like a painless muscle spasm, they get stuck basically and don't really respond when you flex them for a while, all in all it was pretty nice, far better than the previous 3 times, maybe one day i'll get a prostate-only orgasm
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my bussy is still kinda sore but it feels really nice when I press down on it, like it unlocks the feelings from last night
in this thread you see squishy in his native habitat grooming himself in real time
Replies: >>27886
Not really grooming is it retard
He literally has his own informed consent and has only done things because he wants to
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So I took advice from the other [s4s] that I should just keep thrusting in and out really fast when I start feeling that i'm gonna lose bowel control and it went pretty hard, it was so hard I think I got a muscle spasm in my lower back.

Basically, I felt like I came twice in a row within 15 seconds of each other, first anally, then I jerked off because I was already rock hard and came again.
Maybe jerking off the second time was a mistake, was what I felt a prostate orgasm?
It's so hard to tell when shit happens so fast
I shouldn't have to point out that both these things felt really good and were utterly exhausting too.
Replies: >>29441
Buy a better dildo jesus christ
Replies: >>29443 >>29461
do you mean bigger or better material?
Replies: >>29446
Better material
If OP buys a bigger dildo (in a better material) it should be in addition to a higher quality replacement for the current size anyway.
Replies: >>29450
what's wrong with TPE?
It was cheap but it's not falling apart or anything, and I'm pretty sure the poop smell from the last time was just unpleasant rubber smell from the condom I used
Replies: >>29452
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It's porous
If you get poop on a piece of bodysafe stainless steel or good silicon you can just wash it off and it makes literally no difference but if anything gets on TPE including from dust in the environment it's fucked forever. It'll trap shit in microscopic pockets including a local colony of bacteria or fungi or whatever.
It's worth noting that even with platinum cured silicon mold is a problem (if you store it wet or more particularly if you leave it in the bathroom) because the fungus will dig into it a la plant roots digging through concrete. Since it's ~not possible to clean TPE I have to imagine this is going to come to a head at some point pretty much no matter what you do and anything you're putting in your ass has basically direct blood exposure.
As an aside to being porous, TPE can also dissolve depending on what you put on it. Water based lubes are safe in abstract (though you'd have the specifics of their contents) but who knows about the condoms.
I don't know anything about condoms but I'd hazard to guess that their quality is probably pretty fucking subpar especially with the coatings that get put on them. If you had a decent dildo you wouldn't need to use them. I don't think any kind of research or knowledge base surrounding safe condoms exists because they're only ever used for unsafe sex anyway.
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Is this silicone?
I can't really tell, all the other silicone ones come in overly detailed flesh colors which I don't really like.
Replies: >>29462 >>29466
it says right there you... you...
Replies: >>29463
the tpe jelly ones say silicone too
Replies: >>29466
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I refuse to believe that this post is real
Don't buy sex toys from third party sellers what the fuck
>$14 for 7.7 inches + balls on a fairly standard circumference
>transparent, altenative model is fully see-through
>like twelve colors, in tiny fairly coherent squares
>listing is some chinese bullshit
Come the fuck on
>the tpe jelly ones say silicone too
Because they are
Being silicon =/= being bodysafe
Replies: >>29467
looks like the anti-chinese "buy local" crowd got to you too, nothing worse than someone claiming chinese dildos are all toxic and telling ppl to buy the same stuff from western toy shops that ends up being the same chinese toys dropshipped at like a 6x markup
Replies: >>29469
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>brick and mortar sex shops
>big name western brands
Now this is shitposting
>telling ppl to buy the same stuff from western toy shops that ends up being the same chinese toys dropshipped at like a 6x markup
Pretty sure I'm telling you to do the exact opposite, mr botman
Buy sex toys from the manufacturer through a first party portal. If you're buying something from e.g. japan then find a local to act as a proxy for you (or fall back to the tried and true s4s tradition of blackmailing a twinky weeb to do it for you when he visits japan)
Replies: >>29557
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i kinda assumed all dildos are made in china and if it costs more, then you're just paying w*stoid reseller markup and that there wasn't any point getting particular about dildos unless ur furry or something

btw I found a sealed bottle of real made in japan folded over 1000 times peepee lubricant at a bin store for $2, this stuff is thick and sticky, the strands won't separate no matter how much you try and they somehow get even more slippery when in contact with water ^^
Replies: >>29561
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>i kinda assumed all dildos are made in china and if it costs more, then you're just paying w*stoid reseller markup
I mean if you go to a brick and mortar store or a marketplace then that is going to be the case, yeah. As I keep saying, you're supposed to buy from the manufacturer.
>there wasn't any point getting particular about dildos unless ur furry or something
Not sure if there are any decent furfag dildo manufacturers left, tbh
>the strands won't separate no matter how much you try
Pretty sure it will dry out though.
>they somehow get even more slippery when in contact with water 
Cos the active ingredient is a super absorbent polymer.
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heh heh heh heh heeh beh
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fuckinng faggots
Replies: >>29565
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does stuffing ur butt really feel that good
Replies: >>29587
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Depends on what you mean.
It feels exactly as good as has been described in this thread, no more and no less. IMO the best part is no how good it feels, but how bad it doesn't feel compared to the alternative.
In terms of peak quality in the moment there isn't any difference between good anal masturbation and good masturbation or good sex (though the accessibility of good examples is in that order so on average anal is superior). Orgasms aren't really a localized experience, it's all driven by mental factors and hence independent of method; if this wasn't the case, then normalfags wouldn't even be able to cum. That said, anal masturbation feels a lot less bad after the fact than jerking off. It's like getting tired from doing exercise instead of sitting in one place and getting stiff and getting tired just from exhaustion.
Replies: >>29594
Go stuff yourself with a man's cock instead of toys
Replies: >>29595
The bad sex and weak dick is all yours, fagtron
bumping to remind nefigs what a quality thread looks like
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