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should I take 750mg of dxm tonight
Replies: >>31010
>>31009 (OP) 
probably not
my caretaker has been giving me alcohol since the day before yesterday because she knows I'm going to get fucked on DXM, yesterday I was about to begin drinking syrup and she gave me alcohol
now she offers me to drink again
she does not know I'm a fiend and will take dxm anyway
Replies: >>31057
your CARETAKER pfffft fucking manchild loser AHAHAHHAHA
Replies: >>31043
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haha lol
gran gran's on the benzos again
yeJ you want
you guys think benzos are somehow fun or recreational?
Replies: >>31079
different braisn i suppose
downers dont really do anything for me
theyre probably made for oji sans
Replies: >>31079
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I haven't tried benzos but deliriants are fun yeah
It's cos you're too fat, gotta do em while you're fasting and have been up for a while already
Replies: >>31080
you really think i dont fast and stay up for a while already
>I haven't tried benzos but deliriants are fun yeah
opinion dismissed
i suppose
deliriants are better than benzos despite the brain damage
see ur fight or flight mode activates and u can be semi stimmed while on it and smoking cigs from the hat man
dont take my opinions seriously as well
i do smoke weed but thats not a full downer 
ill get to try kanna mx8 soon
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Replies: >>31085
Replies: >>31087
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this was so close into me relapsing into my previous behavior it makes me wanna puke
dxm sucks
Replies: >>31088
How are you able to have fun teasing someone as pathetic as jiru?
Replies: >>31089
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he sends me videos of him peeing
Couldn't say that with a straight face huh?
Replies: >>31092
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hes rly cool to me in dm so i like talking to him tho
i said that in a tired way accidentally
Replies: >>31095
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i stream to him things nd he always gets into vc with me
i dont think a pathetic person would try their best for me
when im sad he tries to make me happy
hes normal in a sense, but i like that about him,, its not bad at all
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lmao so jiru is as simp as well as everything else
how droll
Replies: >>31096 >>31097
im his friend you retard
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what do u mean
he doesnt give me money and goes uoouh wish wish wihs
he enjoys being my friend, i consider him a friend as well
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im kinda tired so i dont know how to express things
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i would be in a difficutl situation without him around, he saved me from kaiju multiple times
im just thankful for him as a friend
its a good thing to have positive energy when u strive in darkness most of the time
Replies: >>31102
i feel like hes a baby sometimes, its cute
not sure if I should be sad or happy about that
cause in reality I think I did the same, I just needed time to reclaim myself
Replies: >>31105
maybe I am just not worth mentioning, which is really fine.
things are better this way I believe
Replies: >>31105
but you reclaimed yourself didnt u?
be proud about it
dont say that
Replies: >>31107
im switching to this style, alongisde my room
I did not, in fact I think I should have just stayed and watched your streams like usual rather than deviating into many paths at once like a lost kid
Replies: >>31108
everyone makes decisions that they regret later on
otherwise regret wouldnt be an emotion.,, u just have to be better than to sulk on it! im sure that ull find happiness eventually,,
Replies: >>31109
happiness on the other side
Replies: >>31110 >>31111
Get moving then if that's what you really believe
Replies: >>31114
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u know thats not true
our world is the other side
your world is every other world
heaven and hell are already part of ur world
ur the administrator of ur world,, dont forget that
be a cool and smart admin/player if u think its stressful to be an admin,,
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the gameover screen that ur sulking on has a continue option u know?
Alright then, I guess you won't see me again after the beep
Replies: >>31115
See you tomorrow retard
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