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Someone on /g/ made a thread about brain computer interfaces if they were invented in the near future, they suggested that they would be used for emotional regulation and brainwashing by the powers that be, human trafficking would also explode, imagine a cyberpunk dystopia where neets get snatched off the streets and turned into mind wiped sex slaves that can be bought and sold by the societal elite!

No thoughts, head empty, you're a slut for sale programmed to love your master unconditionally and leak precum at the sight or even mention of his cock!
Maybe you'll still have your base personality underneath but you'll slowly get mindbroken to match your new programming after the 50th remotely triggered orgasm in a row while you're cleaning your own love juices off the floor! He could treat you nice, or he could just bully you and throw you away! You never know!

I think I'm too far gone cus I read a cyberpunk dystopia thread and it made me hot and bothered afterwards aaaaaaaa
Replies: >>19985
>>19983 (OP) 
why would they pick you?
if you're not already taking estrogen you will regret not taking estrogen
Replies: >>19989
the DIY gene editing scene will take care of that
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Squishy wants to get sold into sex slavery and not remember his old life that's pretty hot
Replies: >>21564
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> imagine a cyberpunk dystopia where neets get snatched off the streets and turned into mind wiped sex slaves that can be bought and sold by the societal elite!
Schizoneets are probably in the top two worst groups to do this with (with hardliner classic hippie/raver types, who share a lot of overlap). You don't get that sort of passive compliance, they're loaded up with prejudices and actual cognizable preference systems. Irregardless of whether these are maladaptive neuroticisms, there's a level of honesty and intentionality to how your goals are approached that you just don't find in office drone types whose entire value system is based on momentary context.
If we were in a 100% black dystopia, then squishy-neets would probably get fed into a grinder like a batch of male chicks.Wilfulness has not and probably will never be considered a virtue.
It's cute
bumping to remind newfigs what a quality thread looks like!
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