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ok so what is this place
>>13089 (OP) 
it's where u post about your last fap and also post pics of ur cutting scars while ppl call u cute

the sluts4sale salute!!
>>13089 (OP) 
this is where you get a bf
Replies: >>13100
>>13089 (OP) 
it was created in reaction to m*nch's purges of most all the homosexual posters in [s4s]. posters could no longer talk to eachother because they were caught up in anywhere from a 3 day ban, to a perma ban. people kept complaining, and even reported it in 4chan's feedback section, but not much action was taken, so the site owner asked for $15 and that's how this site was made. it's funny cause munch eventually disappeared and the people who weren't perma'd could post again. 

note: i don't think we ever proved it was munch that banned everyone, but strong suspicions and evidence exists against her that can't just be chalked up to coincidence. it's all in the past though. water under the bridge.
Replies: >>13097
they could very well just start banning people again because the gay meme cabal posters are really overstaying their welcome and are being really annoying again what with wish posting cutting scars over and over, someone tell wish to cut it out

also everyone was sure it was m*nch because she was the only namefig that didn't seem to get banned ever, nor would you get banned for mentioning her name and she would post lots of yuri pics and trap pics where she'd edit pebis out and add cr*nge dialog alluding that it's really a girl (female), she would also make drive by white nationalism posts in every gross fetish thread connected with the people on this board, meanwhile, the other kind of gay posting was bannable on sight, it was MUNCH!!! i hate her so much
Replies: >>13101
I wish I could get a bf (not insane)
it's happening!

wish stop posting cutting pics ur gonna get us all banned again!
Replies: >>13103
then give him attention. duh.
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