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go bounce on your dildo while posting on esfores!
micker would never say that!!!
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I have done this but it is, essentially, a wasted effort.
There isn't much benefit to having a computer at hand and hence starter material if you're actually engaged in the process of obtaining good sexo. It's sort of a primitive habit from overactive dick rubbing, since that's a quickly diminishing and largely unsatisfying experience so a systematic way to try to recreate that arousal sense of good fever dream wanks has to be put in order. But buttsexo is a consistent positive feedback loop, so it's much easier to parley it into genuine gratitude and arousal from the experience and work with a more fleeting and decontextualized narrative as a result.
>go bounce on your dildo
Yaoihole tier roasty posty
Take it slow and savor the sensation. Blasting past with high frequency isn't going to be bouncing, you'll probably take it in hand.
Replies: >>29837
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esfores has a disappointing amount of gayness and faggotery

the gay sex is too straggot

0/1 could not get off even with (((pseudogptschizoid)))s help
Idk what your doing but I've only gotten to come from my butt by shoving it in and out really fast by hand like 4-5x per second, even spirited bouncing is too slow, and leads to very sore legs cus I don't rly do enough squats :(
Replies: >>29902
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Well yeah that's what I meant by
>Blasting past with high frequency isn't going to be bouncing, you'll probably take it in hand.
But in addition to things suitable for that I also own other, larger dildos than what I think most people here have that I do manipulate with my body rather than my hand. And again, "bounce" is something that you could do but wouldn't be sensible.
>I don't rly do enough squats :(
I do
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