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im blue dabadeedabadai
is this the drug plant you've been growing in that agar plate 
it's gotten pretty big
Replies: >>31693 >>31694
Growing plants on agar plates? You certainly can, although it's only useful for germinating seeds and keeping seedlings on the short term.
Replies: >>31695
World's biggest blue meanie lol
i was making a joke by implying those fungi you were growing grew into a cactus
Replies: >>31701
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Looks like one of those fish that crawl into cucumber butts
Posting with exif data is kinda rood
Replies: >>31701 >>31704
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I have these two at muh parents. Peruvian x Bolivian Torch cross.
Replies: >>31702
You just know.
Replies: >>31711
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rate my army
Replies: >>31713 >>31717
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Cultivars from left to right:

Juul's Giant, Eileen, Jiimz Twin Spine, SS02, Baker 5452, TBM-B, TBM-B, TPM

All known to contain higher than average levels of their main alkaloid (mescaline), except TPM which is known to be about average in potency. Sorry for my drug autism.
Did you take a bite out of the 4th in the middle
Replies: >>31714 >>31715
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I purchased it as a cut mid section. You can get new tips when the stump pushes out new growth out of its areoles. In fact, that stump is pushing out a new tip right now.
Replies: >>31715 >>31716
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moved it inside for now because it can rot from excessive rainfall (the root system isn't very established yet). and the new tip is discolored from a lack of light, it grew when I stored the stump in a dark area.
Replies: >>31716
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If you think about it succulents are basically just erect penises, they're flesh tubes that plump up and become stiff by trapping fluid.
From right to left, rated by estimated dildo design quality if they were despined:
A) Protuberances seem somewhat sharper than you usually want, vents being that pointed is fine but not amazing. You would have to do this in something like ultrasoft silicon, but then it would be too floppy. If anyone ever figures out how to do firm-core-soft-exterior, this is a great candidate for it, otherwise it's probably a firm-base-soft-shaft/head design. Somewhat rounded head with the tapering in the middle of the shaft that expands out again makes this very much a horsecock style cactus. Significant base really gives you that anchoring and attachment point that's so conventional with the flat-balls design on a lot of dildos. Ultimately, the biggest limitation here is that the eyes seem like they'd be too rough on sawing your sphincters if you put this to heavy use. 8/10
B) Head too fat, nonsense of structures beneath this. One of those 'kind of like a plug but you sit on it' sorts of things. Head texture looks fine for the most part, but the side turned out seems worse and that means that the best use of it the head is slanting off in the wrong direction. 3/10
C) Ugly little egg plug with protuberances that make it difficult to even actually use. 2/10 because unfortunately this isn't that much worse than a lot of real designs.
D) Concave eyes, nice standard rounded head, very gentle taper as it widens to the base, nice defined veins. A good and pretty standard design. 6/10
E) Notwithstanding the present state of the head, this has a gentle sawing on the veins, better veins than (D) that create a more even profile, bulges luxuriously out one direction as it proceeds towards the base, not so much of a general taper besides the bulge so it's very much defined by the actual shape rather than aimlessly getting wider. Seems to have a slightly rougher and more natural texture in general than (D), again less extreme gulleys, great stuff. Somewhat limited by the exaggerated blunt head at the moment though. 9/10 depending on how it caps normally, 5/10 right now.
F) Thicker easier eyes. More defined shape, less of a general rounding that (D) or (E), very much the kind that has an emphasis on penetration and follow through rather than passive movement while stuck. Very gentle taper. A pretty conventional modern freeform design, overall, but the texturework seems quite above average. 8/10
G) Short squat ugly little plug, no flared base (unlike (B) or (C)), not long enough to have a point being that shape, just kinda at odds with your external sphincter with no staying power. 2/10
H) Very nice rounded head. Gentle convex eyes, exquisite texturework. Head->shaft transition has the little plates for each vein. Seems to taper gently towards the ground, very much a design that wants to stay in while it works. Gentle thinner head with a wider shaft that does the work and this kind of texture is a time tested design, the transition actually being good here is a rare example of how it could be done better. This particular example has a bit of spalling that could be detritus from a bad mold or damage during manufacture, but otherwise with regards to the design it's a 9.5/10.
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