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Demi can we play vidya?
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Where's the full nugget
Replies: >>36613
in the sauce
Replies: >>38024
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Demi Brownie
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Sewer Pickle
Extreme Caution
Replies: >>42346
Replies: >>38193
Replies: >>38254
squishy chicken
nigggy nooo
Replies: >>38353
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Replies: >>42321
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Replies: >>40788
el croat
were you really going to kill yourself over that person
Replies: >>40797
why ghosting
Replies: >>40798
i'm interested in stories like yours they make me feel less alone
Replies: >>40800 >>40801
I am miserable
I dont feel well
Replies: >>42316
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Nothing as good as gmod yukitheaterrrrr
Replies: >>41578 >>41995
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>>41146 (OP) 
>>41146 (OP) 
So who calls dibs on Wish being a malicous character?
Replies: >>41158
>>41146 (OP) 
maybe i should call dibs on sug being a malicious character
Replies: >>41158 >>41316
The "right choice" by sug
Replies: >>41154
or was it just a choice out of paranoia?
>>41146 (OP) 
Everyone is gone and everyone will be totally happy
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Wat is an alt sockpuppet and what isnt?
God i remember begging someone in feburary to go on mic so we could vent to each other
>>41146 (OP) 
Replies: >>41162
schizo thread
Replies: >>41162
Hello anon
Hello anon or jackass
Replies: >>41163
did you delete your MAL?
What would that matter, ive doxxed myself on 4chan 20 times over.
Replies: >>41343
oh god someone see the mal name
its like whooptie due anon , i dont care and all you can see is the empty profile
Replies: >>41168
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too hard i give up
Replies: >>41169 >>41171
i do it for fun
What would you give up anon?
Star wars the old republic, fallen earth, classic wow, project zomboid, risk of rain 2, risk of rain 1, i sugguested playing ss14,
Replies: >>41172
So wish sock puppet 2xxx94 what are you giving up?
Replies: >>41174
would you get mad if we played together and i was a noob
Replies: >>41173
I dont know who you are anon
Replies: >>41176
i don't understand why so many people call me wish we're nothing alike
Replies: >>41175
same posting style and this board doesnt have alot of people on it anon
Replies: >>41177
we don't know each other
do you get mad at noobs?
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Replies: >>41178
I dont text much to anyone now and only feel unhappyiness since mean message and false promises
Replies: >>41179
i hope you find your spark again someday
Replies: >>41180 >>41181
Thats nonsense, i'll only find my spark if demi will be nicefren again
and tbh i think you dont understand how miserable i feel anon
Replies: >>41182
i've been where you are i think
Replies: >>41184
one day you'll be able to look back at it and feel nothing
except my sadness will be in perpetuity. Tell Shiro Poster to kill and sacrifice his mexican child to Californian Satan.
Literally not true
its going to be forever
its going to be forever no matter what you tell yourself anon
manifesting happiness and growth in your life rn
Replies: >>41188
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not going to happen and if you knew how i felt before i got a job you’d understand what forever means
Replies: >>41189
this will probly devolve and get worse for everyone and time passes and the world as you know it gets worse
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get better get better ha ha ha it will happen and there's nothing you can do to stop it
The funny thing is that your wrong, and especially after the message that was sent with god luck at the end of it... no way... its an anon telling themself things are gonna get better when they arent
i waited to play epoch wow since october of 2024
ha ha ha lole
lol u r wrong
IM so miserable way more than  before the job so i know its gonna get rly bad and rly not better
That litterally wont happen anon. Are you mental or lack empathy? I wont be able to look back at it by the time that comes cause i will be dead
Demi can you plz just come back onto discord and have kot blogging so i dont feel miserable
It should be okay
Im tellin ya demi, if you dont try to be nice and be a fren then i'll take matters into my own hands for txting people.
Replies: >>41211 >>41212
Epoch wow servers are online todauy
The way you've acted since april is cryptic and stupi
Its like calm take a holdol pill and watch some animu and blog some stuff
Replies: >>41213
no no its false promise stuff and make some alt account sock puppets in march and act cryptic and wierd to the point it gets me up the wall.
Thats more likely a projection cause i will always look back and feel sadness about watchin someone fall to bad stuff and acting paranoidy.
Replies: >>41217 >>41234
>>41215 Some blogging and anime watching would have went a much further way t o making everyone happy and having your "partner" you made litterally from a cryptic thing whatever understand that its okay for you friendly with me. TBH i dunno how you broadcasted me to that person but the false promise stuff occured since april.
Replies: >>41218 >>41219
 and your wish posting stuff happened in march
my misery from your choice sure as well will be heard
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i am projecting, because i recovered and i believe it can happen to somebody else
i don't know your story but it's always going to be painful for me to see somebody deal with a situation like that, especially when the response you typically get is something like "it's not even real lmaooo just get over it like close your eyes my negro it's not that serious" and you're made out to be defective and problematic for having the nerve to hurt and demand a crumb of care or respect
if you think it's all over for you you must know better than i do
Replies: >>41240 >>41242
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croat you are a disgusting rulecuck
day of the serb rapegang rapefugges soon
You claim to know better
Replies: >>41241
not really
>you must know better than i do
you just realized the reason this guy is so insufferable
Replies: >>41244
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idk i think i'm just trying to tell you what i wish someone would have told me when i was at my lowest maybe who knows, i may be using you in that way
i also admit i know nothing about you or your story and i may be 100% off the mark about everything
if that's the case then i hope you get even WORSE
i don't really care or take it personally, if it's not what they need to hear it's not what they need to hear
Replies: >>41245
your kind genuine words won’t reach him because he thinks he knows better than you and will just assume you’re a sockpuppet and continue to spam meaningless nonsense
u're very likely a wish sockpuppet anon
You're full of it anon
ive been on s4s much longer than you wish sockpuppet
"your kind genuine words won’t reach him because he thinks he knows better than you and will just assume you’re a sockpuppet and continue to spam meaningless nonsense"
So how much of it is meaningless nonsense?
i dont know who you are anon but i'll let my pain from demi's bad choice be known you son of a bitch
see above
its not meaningless nonsense sob
if you're a wish sockpuppet than you're a meaningless human being
Some peoples paranoia is meaningless nonsense
i love demiposter and his tragic existence
Replies: >>41297
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I bet your so cold hearted that koshkas are meaningless nonsense to you
Replies: >>41301
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evil mascot character
Replies: >>41313 >>41314
no koshka
I wish demi would get over the paranoia and come back and eatch anime again
i already told u but i dont want to be friends again and i hope u understand one day and dont try to intefere into mine or my partners life
it seems all my efforts to explain to u that its whats best for me fail to reach u bcuz u have ur own vision of whats best for me, but its my wish for u to move on or at least leave me alone and not drag my partners name into this
i dont rly go on here but i think i wont visit anymore maybe probably i dont really like anonymous imageboards
i wish all the best for u and its my final message please dont cause more drama if u can
i know i shouldnt have replied but u dragging my partners name into this is dumb they have nothing to do with u so please stop thank u bye
also u dismissing my final wish to stop being friends on good terms as paranoia and mental illness is hurtful and weird i dont know why u think u know better than me about what i want but its rly getting old now and im sorry for leading u on when i responded to ur messages i just felt bad for cutting u off and thought letting things fizzle out calmly would be a good choice but im rly dumb so im sorry
damn i wish my jerk had been this reasonable
Demi you know damn well you can just be frens or at the very least be okay blogging and what your doing now is litterally paranoia and no you dont wish the best for me because you would stop the crap and just be friendly enough to be able to watch anime and play games on occassion.
You dont have to let things "fizzle out" at all, you could just be friends and stop the mean nonsense and you know you can and there is no final wish about it cause you've said idk for however long and have blogposted about your schizophrenia so much that its not  even funny some of the stuff you posted about.
You didnt leave the friendship on good terms demi, dismiss that little notion from your brain right now. You left the group and made an alter ego discord account for a month and started posting cryptic shit on a s4s server i invited you to in october
300 hours into drg with you 100s of hours playing vidya with ya and buying you games and planning to leave russia last november.
Do you just forget the messages you sent to me between october and january 28th?
BTW your partner has everything to do with this too cause you've blogposted about them in cryptic mean "wish" like ways since may
You should feel bad about cutting me off and it would be ignorant of you to assume i would stop texting you especially when i dont have a job. Its like you have memory loss of 1.5 years of frienship we had.
You yourself have said your doctors think you have onset schizophrenia and everytime you've gone off your meds has been a disaster.
I have no vision for you, that left the instant you started acting schizophrenic in march n april. I just wanna be friends like we used to be and we were gonna watch anime on my birthday and i dont know what you wer ethinking on that
And yes i did have depressive fits about you acting this way and just being tired of the fucking job.
The vision thing with you was always a you thing and it was alwaysyou asking about what vision i had for you in march or some shit anyway and it was all because i was being completely depressive about how different you were acting and tbh you wasted 1000 dollars on that renovation when you coulda gotten a different apartment or save up to leave russia. To think you  used to say you were staring at my from out the first floor window as a joke.
Good god me wanting to go on mic so you could vent and i could vent in febuary and march and then in april and may you probly go on mic with random people
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Imagine you were promised you were gonna watch an anime on your birthday then they kept pushing it off for 4-5 days straight than you wakeup to this message over discord. Thats leaving on "good terms" to them.
i had to deal with someone who deliberately tried to give me separation trauma and i still coped better
Replies: >>41335 >>41336
The getting old now is the "correct Choice" and the consequences of leaving on such kinda salty callous terms is you getting to see me being miserable as hell. You leaving the s4s server after me posting on it was so callous to our friendship and to the frienships you made on there.
Oh jesus ive been under the impression demis been maliciously messing with that stuff on and off with that since may
Replies: >>41337
They'll promise something then say idk on the day it was supposed to happen and they act suprised when someone gets depressed as shit over it as it goes on for months or something.
Replies: >>41345
maybe they were clumsy about it but i see someone making a genuine effort to let you off easy
Replies: >>41338 >>41341
They can still be friends, they dont have to do that.
is that really the worst you can show me? man
i was milked for drama for months
i'm going to stop replying now
this makes me feel less insane about what i had to deal with at least
Replies: >>41342
What did you have to deal with?
Replies: >>41343
bruh they've posted wild stuff since october which is not reassuring stuff at all
Replies: >>41344
So in what way?
yes im sorry for that but i thought u would see that i dont want to spend time with u im sorry 
i just saw ur reaction when i tried to just cut u off so i thought maybe u would come to see that i want to stop talking to u by urself somehow
i dont know much about human interactions so yea
Demi can't we just be friends. Why all the humdrum.
Everything can be okay demi you dont have to disappear darn it.
I know you dont cause when you did go on mic your all flustered and schizzy. Remember when you played phasmaphobia with leafy and we both got laughed at
basically im going to leave forever and not make it worse by replying because i wont come back but i hope u can see my side of the story and not hurt as much and not hurt other people too
thank u for supporting me through bad times and being my good friend but it changed and i want to move on and wish for u to move on
btw with you have made many false promises since may and i have seen you act malicously towards people on discord.
And you getting into sam hyde and the harrassment stuff wasnt a good sign at all demi.
Replies: >>41352
i never harassed anyone actually im actually good
Replies: >>41354 >>41355
take them up on their offer to leave without resentment and move on, dummy
do it for me who was never granted this much
Replies: >>41356 >>41374
We dont have to move on demi we can be frens and we can watch anime with gudako and maggy on occassion.
Then why did you blogpost yourself posting like wish and acting somewhat malicous .
anyways sorry for replying that was the last time i hope everything will be okay in time that is all goodbye forever
No because things dont have to be that way and its not the correct choice.
You dont have to leave demi
Things can be all okay and everyone can be friends
Do you even care at all about the kot?
Or about oil , gudako, maggy, the group server you were on.
Replies: >>41363
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good luck demi
good luck OP
are you still friends with these people?
Replies: >>41365 >>41367
are you still friends with anyone
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That fact that youve forgot about them when we used to do group activities is rly silly. We watched Movies and games as a group demi.
Replies: >>41366 >>41368
focus on them and be grateful you're surrounded with people who want to be with you (i hope)
Replies: >>41369 >>41375
Terrifier, that weird possesion movie, we watch an entire season of gundan, on the hob it was hard for me to do anything
Replies: >>41371
and wipe your screen too
Replies: >>41370
Demi we can be frens
Demi plz come around
wtf this thread is still going?
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Demi, you dont have to go and you dont have to do that
Too much of my life ruined
I cant summon myself to do anything right now and i yold maggy i felt as bad as i did before i got the job for the first time.  You could be frens and blog stuff and be nice and frenly again.
We dont have to move on from watchin anime
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i am actually perfectly sane and rational and neither obsessed nor an abuser, all of my grievances were real and valid and morally just, all of my misconduct can be reasonably excused, and i'm strong too i can solo him
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true tbh
Replies: >>41381
Yeah, thats why demi started posting like wish on discord servers and being cryptic and malicious
wish garbo
Replies: >>41382 >>41385
is that the only insult you can come up with
Replies: >>41383
Well it is wishbabble
I remember Forsens minecraft with demi for an entire year
Replies: >>41386
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never fucking lucky
What horrible thing do you think is going to happen? Oil failed their exams and is gonna get drafted? Maggy’s staying in russia with probably no chsnce in leave. You’re stuck in russia woth no chance in leaving. Im sorry for any spazzy stuff but you need to go and yes it would have been much better to tell me about the partner you made in july than telling me right before playing final fantasy theough some wierd cryptic thing about a sub and an emoji and im sorry for that depressive fit. Also you went from having a polish male partner to a female  which is odd. i had a video but its too long.
Replies: >>41388
literally what r u even talking about i dont rember having any polish friends. even
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demis kot
The friends with benefits person
Dont you remember that person you talked about from the femgen server?
Replies: >>41393
I also still ahve the pin of the drawing with you a as a furry, i dunnu why you thought that drawing was so wierd.
oh i think we were friends but yea i rember calling him something funny that was literally a joke i think
but yea can u stop doxxing me or do u not care anymore its not like i care about people knowing something about me but it shows the value u give to our friendship i think
also why ill never be friends with u again is bcuz u always hurried to expose my info on any outlet as soon as i disappointed u like why i quit ur server maybe and i wasnt comfortable around these ppl anymore because u badmouthed me
anyways sorry i got mad
Replies: >>41396 >>41400
anyways bye for real now im sorry i just got mad bcuz u rly have no dignity at all u never even asked me if u can post pictures i took and sent u i would get it if it was ur purpose but if ur trying to be my friend and ur acting like this it juat shows one of the reasons why i cant be ur friend anymore bye
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Me posting your kot is so drastic or me being extremely depressed and making my misery be known?
We can be friends again and i litterally promise not to freak out about stuff. >>41394 I think i mostly just doxxed myself tbh and i freaked out.
Are you mad about posting kot images? You were posting your face to random people on that femgen server and s4s server and i dont know if you still do that or not.
I freaked out over that and lost my cool on how that was revealed and i promise not to freak put again… just dont keep information like that hidden then be so emoji laize faire about getting gifted final fantasy to someone you planned on leaving russia with in november. You saw me upset and crying over it and auto ghosted me then i freaked out on the server that your deleted account owns.  The burn from that is gone and you know that its gone by now. We can still be friends and just play some stuff.
Replies: >>41403
Im depressed as shit about the friendship, we could be discussing this on discord instead of here.
Im not dissapointed about anything with you. And i said that at the time in march because saw someone who was probably going to just stick in russia while saying they wsnted to leave.
And you were on sertaline in march and you did start to say you didnt care about anything or much and youve said that repeatedly about your meds and etx
im sorry but i dont want to and i cant force myself to be friends i rly want u to see that its just. how it is
we had fun in the past but we wont have fun anymore bcuz i dont enjoy being ur friend anymore and its not even about some particular event i just cant 
i value our friendship and i just wanted to leave it on a good note even if it wasnt that good near the end so goodbye and i hope u live happily
Maybe stop ghosting people at a drop of a bump of depressiveness.
You dont have to do that demiiii, stop finalising stuff! Just be chill and we can be chill frens.
Just give me a a honest to god chance woth no wierd random  hidden stuff and we can have fun again. You would have fun playing drg with me and gudako  and your partner.
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You would, you coudl, you should have fun and yes you should remmeber the good frienship we had and i promise with all the autism in my heart that you will have fun and we can just do stuff again.  No odd hidden info drops plz.
You havent tried to see if u could have fun with your partner/r9kfren and gudako/oil
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You wouldnt be forcing yourself , you have to see that we can have fun and that you can play vidya with other people and not be focused in on one person.
Well, your a 20 something yr old man with heavy identity issues and schizophrenia. Give me a chance and i promise you will have fun again you just gotta try. I value the frienship and i care about what happens to you and sometimes you dont care about what happens to you or anyone or anything and you say that.
We could go on mic right now and talk on discord. You just need the bravery to do it and iyou’ll be nervous but by the end of that you might be able to talk to other people.
Plz value our frienship again…. im begging you that if you trust me as afriend again and open up on steam just dont throw wierd cryptic stuff into it or emoji wish stuff. We could play that mmo you mentioned requiem or ror2 and drg…
Its paranoia is what it is and its paranoia that hurts me and hurts the friendship we did have. I want to make a valuable friendship again and i will throw my smash my heart into the ground to do it. Just dont do info drop wierd wish like stuff which would hurt my feelings hard and etc etc.
im not gonna be happy demi, i already said it in october that i was worried to shit about ya from the medical stuff and i wanted to actively try to be friends again.  I dont know whats going on now
Youve said it yourself that you dint know what you want multiple times throughout the months since may and you and i both know you changing meds and going meds isnt good
Replies: >>41420
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Do you have the aaaa anime gif?
this is grim
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What are you on about
are you proud of yourself?
I still wonder how much of the false promise stuff was maliciously on purpose since may
You said you were his partner buddy which makes me think you are more malicious than you let on sometimes
Did you ever tell the r9k person about emulating wish or sluts4sale or the fact that you used to own a small server then you deleted your profille?
Yeah it is whats your opinion on it anon?
its horsemanure and daisy is someone who focuses on single people or something
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this is grim
Do you have happy gappy happy kat?
Do you still have the autism gifs?
Hows the wpoch wow beta?
Are you still awake?
Is your mom still gettin drunk?
How much of it was intentially malicious since May? Anytime i cried was legit.
How much of the false promises of playing bidya and idk from may to july was intentionally malicous?
How often do you put on a character in other discord servers now?
Is your mental wellbeing better now than it was in early January of last year?
Are you taking meds again or not or did you forget?
How many new “friends” you make do you ghost and dump
Why couldnt you just play classic wow with me gudako and oil and go on mic in march?
How many times did you ragequit zomboid, classic wow, and runescape
Do you think that im happy you’ve made false promises since may and your mental well being is evidentally shown to be degrading on discord servers?
How many times did you say idk from april to October?
Are you still dying from pneomnia ot was that a fake story?
How many times have you had depressive fits while changing meds?
What things did you badmouth about me to random people in april/may?
Why do you have to be so paranoid about little things llike stram accounts?
What dignity do you claim to have by all the new friends you make and ghost?
How much of the blogging in the past two years was fake stories?
Are you still off your meds?
Are you actually ever going to leave russia with a mental health diagnosis?
How happy are you going to be throughout the next year?
Sry for going on and on with the questions but you made the wrong choice and from what i can tell im gonna believe you made malicious choices in march and post april
Why did you have to di that stuff and delete your main?
Why not just try to be friends instead of making someone have depressive fits with false promises?
Replies: >>41462
Your correct choice?
Your oozing choice of empathy?
So why do you take some philsophy from that sumb game you have a poster of in your room?
like false promises throughout months and months abd months
The grand choice!!!!!!!
Replies: >>41464
ughhhhhhhh i feel like dyin
i feel like im dyin
We could be friends
Why wish you never deleted ur main account and went on mic
Replies: >>41468
You make brainfeel unwell and me feel unwele by leavin and now i must poop ns feel poop
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why why why couldnt u open up and try to enjoy drg
You make me feel so poop by how you left u stilm gace no diea
You made my brain feel bad why why why you brain feel bad
My brain feel bad
u mad evrainfeel bad by being fgone
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa brain hruys
Openness with people shows more dignity than what you've done
Happy reqiem epoch into mosrry cause demi wants to make brain hurt
The old kots condition is getting worse as youve seem from the vdieo the worlds going to elll and you wot mlbr russian oh no
Demi is grim and mean
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brain hurts from dummi
theres fluid coming out of my neck under the lef ear
Replies: >>41525 >>41526
its like stop sayin sorry and just be a fren again instead of the paranoidy crap and i’ll wont be as spazzy dummie . introduce the people you knew to your partner and stop docusing on single people
You’re a built in part of a bomb called making people miserable. The bomb is guranteed to go off cause of you. A being with  No empathy, no love, no likeness to history. Your hopes are guaranteed to fail because of your own nature and asylum guranteed. You could stop the sadness for me at anytime by being a friend but instead you cause suffering and hone in on paranoia. Crying and Spazziness is just annoyance.
the false propagation that things will be okay, the fake hopeful happiness thats everythings alright, its not going to be olay and i will never experience happiness or relief again because u wont be a fren.
People that end a friendship like that since december of 2022 dont value shit.
You can stop thereferencing to wonderful everday down the rabbit hole… thats not how it is and thats not how it needs to be you fucknut.
if you read this, i feel like i could self destruct after a month and i probly am going to unless you can show some openess again.
Oils gonna be dead soon sometime, maggys screwed, adas in a bad spot, ades dead, ayas schizo, demis possibly dying and schizo
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i'm going to die too and no one will miss me not even in discord world
Replies: >>41533 >>41534
Im pretty sure im going to russia with a visa immediately
that or self-destructing via a manifesto that considers all 4channers met
Well im going to go off the deep end then i think
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You used to say your lookin a tme from the first floor window
70 replies post lole
Replies: >>41550
this is grim
I feel liike dying nad will
Theres litterally fluid coming out of my neck from my lwoer ear
Replies: >>41582
blood no less
Replies: >>41582
Im goin to russia cause i know where the guy lives cause there were plans to meet up with him anyway before he went dickhead
And this he values the friendship stuff is a joke considering how he changes his brain everytime hes goes off and on meds and he changes personality with each new med or off med
When i say he ruined my life i mean i texted daily with this person for 1.5 yr sstraight and played vidya everyday whenever icould and he changes personality on new meds after destroying his apartment off meds. I told him he needed to stay on haldol cause he was alot better on it
Then by the time he went rly wish schizo by the end of march and went full on disrespect to me i finally had a fit over it and just the stuff with his depressive fit crap in the past month and a half then the guy goes ghost and uses some alt sockpuppet account. Basically destroyed the small group server cause he owned it.
Now i have my own depressive issues with that group server but i wouldnt have left it with a ghost at the helm of a deleted account. Also hes very callous with the wish alt personality that he adopted.
Replies: >>41583
I shove it into him on this board cause hes so wishy washy and crapola and he acts like playing a video game and blogging cats on discord is going to kill him.   Values any friendship he does not if you seen him leave random servers and how he texts to people.
The guy litterally comes onto this board to look at wish posts cause hes moderately interested into wish for whatever fucking reason and that rly came to a head in march when he started posting like them again and found wish on s4s
23 yr old man whose not a tranny and wont go onto hrt acting like a fucking wish clone on random servers to the point where even the epoch wow mods called him a schizo.
There is no good luck cause he has no chance at leaving russia while pretending he does. He made some r9k friend that he attached himself to in may while probly just chewing through discord friends. Guy went from gay to straight, a point of comicality. Everything in his past is a joke to him now and he has no empathy
he talks about dignity, deleting his main discord account and treating people he would do stuff with as strangers is about the most undignified thing he ever did and hes probably done it multiple times.
Sry doesnt cut it jackass, time to interfere into your real life.
Me and demi on gmod
Replies: >>41941
You definition of a kicking donkey
Replies: >>41582
[Hide] (63.2KB, 600x600)
are you okay?
Replies: >>41584
what does he do with the wish persona
Replies: >>41585 >>41587
Right now its a big scab with clear brain fluid under it
Replies: >>41597
Posts like wish with this r9k person on random servers. Copies their phrasing i mean i already asked wish about it and posted an example and they're like thats like me.
Replies: >>41586
can i see?
Not that wish is any person to aspire to cause they're not and their personality change from 2023 to mid 2024 was so disgusting
Its in an old thread on this board i imagine, i could go to the stuff they blogged about on some forsencord. Its like them larping and saying im innocent or skinwalking wish.
Then its a bunch of angel blogs and references emojies u know the 9 yards with wish
Then they'll say no thats not true while skinwalking wish on some server
Replies: >>41591
Replies: >>41593 >>41594
i know they must make friends and chew right through em. I dunno what their dms are on that but from the odd stuff they've posted its like make new friends than drop em after two weeks. Treat me like a damned stranger and badmouth me to this r9k person and we txted daily and played vidya daily for an entire year.
Replies: >>41596
and this false promise stuff has been going on for way longer than what their brain thinks. They're just refering from october to january when in reality its been mostly since may
i feel your pain anon
Replies: >>41601
sorry but i didnt badmouth u i just showed ur chat to them i actually only said good things about u and that we were good friends but u r acting like this and it shows
and also i only have one friend and also its none of ur business sorry
also me being gay or straight is none of ur business sorry
also i had all ur personal info and ur credit card info but i wont post it here bcuz my parents didnt spoil me for 28 years and cater to my every fit
basically u can try but ull never find me and also u will have trouble with the police if u ever follow me with bad intent and also i hope ur manifesto on ppl u want to kill also goes public so that u cant actually harm them bcuz u think they have evil personalities
[Hide] (136.6KB, 800x802)
uhhh maby see a doctor anone
Replies: >>42490
also i went on here not bcuz i think good of wish or try to be like them this is how i am and ive told that several times but everything thats uncomfortable to u fails to reach u unfortunately
i dont even know them
basically u r displaying lolcow levels of selfish autism and u can do whatever but u will not be my friend or see me ever again unless u want to be in jail
u r "doxxing me" about things u dont even know for sure by the way so yea
i rly do feel for the ppl u consider evil but im not trying to get through fits like these ever again so i dont care how much it hurts u anymore and how much the other ppl feel for u wanting to harm real life people for deciding not to be friends with u and politely explaining that to u
Replies: >>41600
basically u r a mentally sick person and im saying that just as a matter of fact not to try and excuse forcing something onto me like u do
An example of what they used to do is basically they would be okay with playing risk of rain 2 on a given day. Then on the day that would come up they would play it with someone else and treat me like a stranger
Replies: >>41603
You obviously did and you said you did that you badmouthed me to them in a blog you made on discord
what did i say to them thats badmouthing u
Replies: >>41606
Yeah you would save something like my credit card info and you obviously would save where i lived cause i posted where i lived to you
Replies: >>41605
i didnt save any of that btw and i know some from memory but i wont ever use it to doxx u or do anything bad to u
Good question, but considering how you would say lets play X on agiven day then and Play X with them instead on purpose and in a blog on discord you said you told them bad things about me.
Replies: >>41607
what bad things can u say
Replies: >>41608
all i did was literally show my partner a stream of our chat and we both agreed me leading u on adds to ur pain and i decided to come out to u that i dont want to be friends with u anymore i was just scared bcuz this is what happened when i openly did it
Replies: >>41610 >>41612
Oh shiet than how you posted on that forsen server you blogged about with that r9k person wasnt you posting like and skinwalking like wish?
Replies: >>41611
Your discord partner never saw anything before march on the main account you deleted and they probably dont know how much we chatted and played vidya. You jsut posted me being depressed that your basically handing out false promises litterally repeatedly
Replies: >>41613
what does skinwalking mean
another example of ur mental illness is thinking im deliberately trying to be someone u dont like or someone im not (not that it would be any of ur business anyway) after ive told u several times that this is what i am and yes other people may have shaped my way of talking to some degree but its what happens to everyone or almost everyone im not sure
Replies: >>41619
a stream of our chat of basically you promising something then breaking that promise repeatedly
they do know bcuz ive told them all about that bcuz u were still the only friend i had
Except you had oil, gudako, maggy, fuckikng nina.. or do you just not view other people as friends
we did stuff on and off but u can ask them about that actually
i think our interactions were what normal friendship is like and no one demanded anything from anyone
I think even you knew that oil was failing their exams in march you cared not worth a damn did ya?
Thats why you blogged in may about how you only text one person and go on mic with one person on cord and would do the false promise stuff litterally months on end.
We watched at least 3 anime movies as a group and you rly didnt even try to care did ya?
You are the one that discussed wish and made wierd obscure blogs about wish on occasion buddy. Then posted like them in may
Replies: >>41620
The reason your here on this board that you blog posted about was about fucking wish
did they ever reach out to me but no i dont rly text them at all before that either
i think u dont even want to know their side of the story and ur thinking up ur own
basically this whole fit after me accepting my mistakes leading u on and avoiding u but still pointing out that we cant be friends and just wanting to leave on good terms is what made 
u want to remember u want to kill several people,, so u get to decide who is malicious
again i dont believe i can stop u from doing anything dumb at this point but u will never interfere into my life even if i cant guarantee that for other people u hate without them probably even knowing who u are
Replies: >>41623 >>41624
There will be no ill intent, im just going to that bustop and take a piece of paper with your face on it and plaster it onto your face if i see ya
I do want to know their side of the story but on mic and not from some purveyor of truths in text that only posted here cause of me shouting and texting nto the void. I wouldve gotten to know this person way back in may as a friend but you again have to treat every person like fort knoxx or some shit quite literally at the end of march.
Replies: >>41625
BTW me shouting and texting into the void occured on MAL too. Also did you not say you've wanted to kill your mother to me etc etc etc commit suicide in discord and did you destroy your apartment in feburary and have you had suicidal fits to your alcoholic mother?
Replies: >>41629
they have expressed they dont want to talk to u but u can ask them urself unless they have already blocked u
there will never be any people in my life anymore other than that person regardless if theyre friends or not and its been a long time since i posted anywhere which is actually normal btw but u dont consider it to be bcuz its ur little game and u get to decide
and yes i apologize to u for avoiding u but theres nothing i can do to mend it at this point other than not do it ever again
and i cant talk to u anymore
i hope u get to understand that some good things end sometime maybe
I would ask them but it seems to me they block people automatically and are really paranoid or clingy about single people hmmmmm do you two even play with other people?
You've said idk how many fucking times since may?
You can fucking mend it at this point, just by being a friend watching some anime doing some stuff with me oil gudako etc etc instead of ghosting off end like that
thats what i trusted u with and i still wont betray ur trust for other ppls excitement 
u r disgusting really
im sure theres no use in pointing that out im just mad
whatever might happen ive done what i could at this point so bye
So what did you post on this board numnuts?
Replies: >>41632
You shouted into the void of this board about what on mal?
u can ask the admin that if theyll answer 
dont ever come near me
Replies: >>41634 >>41635
I cant trust your word that you didnt badmouth and just share some very particular stuff to your r9k friend demi.
Are you a 24 yr old man?
Replies: >>41636
Im going to that street and its all because you couldnt just trust me to play with some friends in april and may and instead led me on malicously. Your word isnt trustworthy anymore.
Replies: >>41638 >>41641
u dont even know how old i am so embarrassing for a best friend btw
(thats how i would act if u were like u)
Replies: >>41637 >>41640
ironic cause that was on purpose
i dont care where ur going as long as its not in my face u can go anywhere u want rly
not that i think u will even come through with anything but maybe ur capacity for hurting other people is more than for hurting urself
it does seem that way
Im going to that trainstation bus stop
also says a lot about how u r in general
Because of all your bullshit nonsense and hurt since april and my spazzy tism, im going to that bustop in general. 
I dont ghost people on discord or steam like that
and if i have for a temporary time its probably out of pain and seeing it done by someone else
Im shouting my pain into the void, so i ask you would it have been better just to have been a genuine friend like you used to be or this leading me on crap and wish posting and etc etc etc
Replies: >>41645
do u not understand a simple fact that i cant be ur friend anymore because i tried to feel good spending time with u and i just cant
Replies: >>41647 >>41648
You apoligize for being very disrespectfully avoidant for months and watching me begging you to play somethin and crying and having depressive fits, while im exhausted as fuck throwin in a truck on the job btw,
and all that comes out of trying to be ur friend is false promises because i really dont want to spend time with u and i was just scared to say that upfront before right now
You could be a friend and you can feel good spending time watching anime with me, gudako, oil, and maggy... you rly could
You could try and youve say idk and been back and forth on it so much demi
You could play some drg again
you could play risky 2 with em and maggy and gudako and ur partner and whichever new friends you created
Was the medical thing true or not?
The messed up thing is that just like before with final fantasy if you were toi give me a chance and stop the false promise crap and open up again with no hidden info
Im the only one mentioning oil, maggy, gudako, ada btw which is the fucked up thing... you just lost all care for them or maybe you didnt have any care for htem to begin with
btw streaming chats to some random r9k discorder is betraying what?
and so how many times did you stream chats to other people?
Replies: >>41661
Over me spazzying out over vidya cause im on the job dying and the reason i went to that shift in the first place was for you and you asked for it
Replies: >>41659
and you acted like you had memory loss and treated me like a stranger when i mentioend it
Demi, go onto steam right now and unblock and friend the steam acccount and we could chat over steam or sky instead of here
Replies: >>41662
once because its my partner and they asked me to
What was the follow up to that then and is your trustworthy
What was the follow up to that then and is your word trustworthy after that
Replies: >>41666
btw at the time that wouldve been r9k friend so there mustve been a follow up to that
You could be a friend righty now again and just have fun and we could ance in drg with our beer cans
i told u we discussed about me leading u on when i dont want to talk to u and that it causes more trouble for us both and i agreed and it was when i blocked u
i wanted to keep it like that but u found me through a literal wow server,,
We could be friends again and you could be friends with oil ada maggy again
and we could watch girls last tour or made in abyss, and gundam
Replies: >>41671
How about changing that course of action and trying the other way and not attaching yourself to one person and playing some vidya with a group
There are times when your more than okay with talking with me
i cant do that anymore and i wont feed u false promises because i realized how hurtful it was and all i want is for u to leave me alone
u literally have friends and if i hurt u to the point of ruining ur life as u said it with ghosting u then im not sure what can be done
Replies: >>41673 >>41675
You could just not ghost me and we can blog cats then
Replies: >>41674
you could just not ghost me and we blog kots, gundams, and other stuff over discord and no vidya and anime then
do u refuse to see me telling u that i cant do that and i wont 
not after what u just did either
I would rather have that than you ghosting and being completely upfront
So was your intent in october to leave it on mal with you dying from that illness
Replies: >>41678
The ghosting stuff which started in april is what hurts my feelings more than the false promise shit but whatever thats what you chose.
no that was actually true 
i still have a scan of my lungs actually but i hope i will be alright now maybe hopefully
Replies: >>41680
you could just say no to everything then although i think if you tried to play stuff again we would have fun.
Replies: >>41681
Hows your immuni system doing?
Replies: >>41682
i was scared to just say no bcuz im indecisive and bcuz u react like this and it had started even before with u antagonizing me and shaming me
its more or less okay now thank u
Right now we could try playing drg on steam and you can have your prognosis whether or not you would have rfun
you are indecisive and you being indecisive means that its not just cause your scared but because you kinda do wanna play stuff again on occasion
Would you rather take this to discord and we can txt over discord instead of me shouting pain into the void, you accept the friend request without changing the setting and than theres no spazzyness
Maggy and Ada are on mal demi and they were your two of five friends on mal
Are yo usaying i was being hurt and starting to have dperessive fits and spazzyness over that stuff going months on end with the paranoia aaa
You being indecisive on it litterally means you kinda do wanna play stuff again Demi! ITS NOT JUST CAUSE YOUR SCARED AND THATS THE THING and thats like is this malicious or not
You said it yourself you would be okay with playing stuf fagain if the r9k person was okay with it in a blog
Replies: >>41690
theyre not okay and im not okay im sorry its not even about them i started avoiding u before that bcuz i want to stop talking
Replies: >>41691 >>41694
and i dont understand what malicious means ehen it causes me pain too
Replies: >>41694
So do i continue to shout into the void and probably visit 3 different people in russia.
Replies: >>41693
u can do what u want but my final answer is we cant be friends and talk and id rather u leave me alone
Replies: >>41695
Demi please can we just post on kots and stuff on discord
Replies: >>41696
But we can demi, we can and you could try for it and play some game with oil
no im sorry
please move on the cat pictures arent worth it
Replies: >>41697 >>41698
Plzz just lets post kot images right now
Replies: >>41699
They are worth it and bgeing your friend is worth it,
text me on steam
Replies: >>41700 >>41701
but only for me to try and explain once more that we cant be friends and u need to stop being obsessive
100% oj the other one isnt working
We can be friends
Demi im still going to your street
Also i dont believe you on the ghosting friends thing because 3 people said so
I dont believe you on half of what you posted
Im going to your street and im going to meet you
Replies: >>41708
but u wont meet me bcuz i dont want u to
Replies: >>41709 >>41710
Also you know damn well we can be friends and that last little emoji wasnt nice
Replies: >>41711
we coudl be friends on discord and steam and we could post stuff and such. What stresses me out is your ghosting and again here we are here instead of steam
it was me actually crying
its so retarded how u hate me for using emojis 
u wont meet me so dont bother 
i gave it my best u can keep drama posting and ill leave it up to time
Well were you actually crying or not?
Replies: >>41714
Cause i was actually crying
actually yes but u wont believe me
i dont want a friend who doesnt believe me bye 
just bye
just leave me alone
im leaving this website and i can only hope u dont end up ruining ur life just to blame it on me
and like we could friends and play some drg and grimdawn...
Then you dont have to do this
You dont have to do that then, we could still be friends demi
So your crying cause you know damn we co0uld still be riends and your indecisive and you do this
Replies: >>41721
You could just stop the ghosting stuff demi
And you could stop it and we could be frens again
no i cried bcuz its tragic and u r doing everything to keep being selfish and not let me even speak my part or listen to it
Replies: >>41723 >>41724
You and i both know you dont have to stop being a fren and what your doing now hurts me and you
Replies: >>41725
good job with ur doxxing effort but none of these people know u or me
We could still be friends and we could ha ve talked on mic
u keep talking and u never listen u never consider anything i say why do i get ppl like this in my life
Replies: >>41726 >>41727
You said it hurts and you said your indecisive
Replies: >>41728
and the ghosting stuff hurts me and it hurts the other people youve done it to
Replies: >>41730
i said i was in the past but now im not
what i want is for u to have peace and leave me alone
And in the past you did the exact same thing anyway
i hope u can talk to these people and find some peace in ur situation
you mean lovei? and the s4s server people?
goodbye forever i hoped for a normal outcome but its up to u now
Im going to your street probably at a bus stop?
I know your live on a first floor apartment
a normal outcome would have been one where we were friends and you didnt false promise and continually  ghost people and paranoid out about stuff
Its sad to see evidence going against what you say
So i dunno if its just little lies or if its complete lies
and yes i will still view you  from a malicous perspective cause if you werent malicous you'd see how much it hurts me and you would just be a friend and intoroduce me suga
way back in fucking may
The normal outcome is im going to your city in russia to that street and then im going to plastic  a paper onto your face with tape
So after screaming into the void and you say all that in the steam chat and you fully know you could just be friends again and some guy is freaked out about you in another steam chat, i know your not
Steam chat recorded just like you recorded our stream chat
Its not up to me and you know exactly what im going to do now
Im going to go into your town of russia where you live and take tape with an anime face to ya
Just like that message, GOD LUCK
Yeah you were in the past until like you fucking ghosted me as you were dying in teh fucking hospital
And withheld information on purpose about the r9k person and sectioned them off or some shit and badmouthed to them about me or some shit while claiming dignity
And all the other people you've fucking ghosted on that /s4s/ server and such and destroyed the server you owned
Fucked up thing is you'd blog about them to me and blog about the /s4s/ people to me as you indecisive on shit
You were way better on haldol and less less and you went on sertaline in march and in november blogposted about not caring a bout anyone or anything on sertaline ... fuckin genious
I know for a fact your gonna have a personality change or somethings gonna happen and your gonna end up hurting that person
The question is when not if and your ghosting stuff has hurt me since the start of all of this crap
and theres evidence of you just dropping people to ghost
Your schizo blogposts about wish and typing like wish and i doubt that sugarrush would even know that that you copying someone wit hthat stuff
April 6th, you deltete your main account and go onto this sockpuppet account you created in mid march
After I heavily argued with you about how i you shouldnt have ruined your apartment and that the renovations were a bad idea if you wanted to end up going somewhere else
And that you not caring about anything or anyone in march was fucking dissapointing and sad
Its just sad how you dont care about oil or gudako maggy etc etc ada  people you have on fucking steam as friends still
no no its focus in on one person for a year and a half or 5 months than dump em
Replies: >>41762 >>41764
Well im certainly gonna be at that bus stop
Its like demi could just stop being paranoid and post on discord/steam and fuckin and they wont so im going to where they live
holy fuck
Thats not how you are and you did that just because you found wish on here and started skinwalking them
yeah one friend that you focus in on jsut like me for a year nad half when i was trying to get you to see the group of people as friends and do stuff
I gifted 500 dollars in steam games to you in may
I posted my credit card info as proof of how much the ghosting stuff hurt and you could have used it anyway cause you need the money
Im a goob so i you see me you will be 3 inches taller than me and your a 23 yr old man so i'll just hug ya.
Replies: >>41801
Theres nothing crueler than what youve done for a month and everytime you've ghosted out of paranoia, and what your doing now is beyond cruel.
So you can be visited by that train station in a three months and i have no ill intent anyway. Im a pacifist eco nazi after all with suicidal ideations
So yes this "freakout" is going to continue to occur repeatedly as i cry out in pain in the void on r9k/bant/lgbt/here/etcetc/in forsen's twitch chat/ epoch wow when it releases
And the beautiful thing about it is arguing with you and trying to even discuss anything with you is having to be cry out in the void on an s4s alt board and me railing into what your doing doesnt count as dox to me
You never valued our friendship because you made a promise that you would never leave and you made a promise to go on mic in march
You obviously didnt value our friendship or relationship by the end of march and you obviously dont now.
And one time you'll go on your meds and have a personality change and you wont value the friendship of that r9k person sugarrrush and just wont care and maybe you'll something drastic again
Replies: >>41812
as far as the mal thing you have no idea what that would look that and probly would be an immolation and like trump or something
Replies: >>41817
You could've texted on fkin mal four days ago while i was saying i really didnt feel good and wanted to vomit
i went on and off my meds with them around and we have always supported each other and they never berated me
they r my partner and u were my friend but i do treat ppl depending on how they treat me and btw theyre not from r9k they just happened to be on that server like me from disboard and we only found out its an r9k server after the owner was outed as a pedo lolol
dont bring them into this and leave me alone
all the info ive ever shared to u was because i trusted u and i shared us becoming partners as soon as we confessed to each other after which u had a massive freakout so i didn't withold that from u it was actually my choice to tell u
idc if ur going to harm me or not i dont want to talk to u anymore sorry for stoking it but it pisses me off how u think u know better than me or anyone else of what i am
also i didnt text u on mal because i dont go there iften and also because i didnt want to text u i wanted u to get past it but u r going after me so i have to answer
u have already betrayed my trust by dumping all i trusted only u with more than its possible to betray someones trust with flaking them bcuz i know ive been flaked before so to me u r malicious now and i want u out of my life forever
even if u want to meet me as a friend i cant feel like that towards u anymore
basically if u had reacted normally and supportrd me as a friend u claim to be we maybe would have been friends still but ur so obsessive and controlling and demanding that u had to act like a spoiled child for whatever reason and do the same ur doing right now on ur server
u wont ever support me ull just demand from me as evident by u dumping my breakdowns as if i targeted u when all i did was come to u for help and comfort
i tried to make it as nice as possible and tell u i dont want u in my life because u stress me out always and im aware u wanted to give me money but i refused them because i know id be indebted to u forever and i didnt do anything to earn them and as for the games i can refund all that to u in money when its possible if u want but we wont talk anymore
i still wouldnt want u to die so please dont immolate urself or hurt other people but if ur going to blackmail me basically and say that i only need to become ur friend for that to not happen it wont be a reason id ever be ur friend again
i just dont understand how u apparently care for the state of the world but r willing to add to the violence and deaths that r going on in it just because ur feelings were hurt
and yes i know i used to be like that too but im not anymore im past that and i dont even take meds or anything i just dont wish any more suffering onto anyone but i need u to live ur own life and let me live mine too im not sure how else someone can leave a person ive tried everything
Replies: >>41819
and btw that person that texted u was actually the one who blocked me due to their own life circumstances and i dont hold any grudges against them but now they texted me again just yesterday and we agreed to talk like before bcuz they r good and i still remembered them too i just figured it would be best for us to part but i didnt know why they did it back then 
basically learn to get over please if u can and i know ur hurt but i wont let u ruin my life because of that
Replies: >>41834
and btw u did say u have a list of ppl u want to doxx/shoot which was a plan since long ago and i would be included in that list which btw i didnt even know so i have no intention of being friends with someone like that either
Replies: >>41821 >>41834
basically ill try and not monitor this board to see what ur saying about me anymore so hopefully all will be well in time
Replies: >>41834 >>41843

1. You did not share that as soon as you confessed to each other. You shared that about 2 months after right as we were about to play final fantasy in a very crude fucking way. 
2. You betrayed my trust as soon as you made a sockpuppet and texted random people about me and like sectioned off new friends for whatever paranoid reason. 
3.  Since april all you have ever done is acted like a ghosting child that has said i dont know and posted like wish on random servers and you had you just valued the friendship it would have been fine, do the idk thing for 4 months straight. Me crying over this shit and having depressive fits is just an annoyance to you. 
I thought i already said that im going to meet you outside your apartment and im saying you ought to try to be friends and play vidya on occasion instead of this asshole tier ghosting shit that you've done since april. 
dunno but they freaked out anyway and the /s4s/ people still text ya like you dissapeared which you did over, i was actually tempted to give them your steam handle since they were obviously worried
I dont have any list like that in terms of shooting people or any list in terms of that just abhorrent people to mention if i do feel sad enough to do that.
Like i said before for months was what you were doing malicious with the fake shit and the sectioning me off shit while literally promising me to play some vidya on my downtime on the job? Everytime my feelings were hurt from that and than you would act like a 12 yr old girl.
Replies: >>41874
I think you berated me and showed how much you trusted me in mid march demi and that was before i had the massive argument over the fact that you threw 1000 dollars away on a empty white room with a door and poster of the game maggy plays.
God if i didnt delete my main i could pull up some of the wierd mean cryptic shit you were sayin while im on the job exhausted to all high hell We could frens right now and play some vidya whenever just like past april and your just a ghosting person. You still dont have a single care about maggy, especially oil, ada, or nina. And you said yourself here in this thread you have one single friend you attach yourself to.
Have you ever told your partner that you destroyed the apartment and screamed and was violent at your mother to the point that they actually went sober 2-3 months and when they did have alcohol over new years you broke that promise about alcohol  and had some with em.
Replies: >>41842
Again we could be texting on steam or mal or anywhere right now and things would have been fine
Demi, you litterally destroyed that server by deleting your account and not coming back onto your main account. There is no fucking server anymore you destroyed it. You promised not to leave and in march. Imagine if you had just acted normal and let me watch avatar or play with other people. No you had to say some crude cryptic mean shit
We could have just continued blogging on discord and things would've fine
what...... literally retarded
Replies: >>41845 >>41846
No things will not be well in time because im beyond hurt and depressive as shit more so than when that war started.
We made gay little promises to each other and they broke em
but yea i did tell them but the alcohol part is retarded if u dont understand the difference
basically bye u dont even know that much about me
We could still be friends
I remember you promising that we wouldnt have any alcohol and you ended up just having some anyway even after all thats done to you
Replies: >>41852
lets see, i would say i know everything about you and im moaning on here depressed as shit wanting to be friends
Wanna tkae this to steam again
thats called alcoholism and also i trashed my room i never break anything i didnt earn and also ive never raised my hand at anyone in my life literally
i dont wanna take this to steam and u can talk all u want ill just leave u alone until maybe u reflect and realise my point
You said you were screaming and tore down the door to scream at your mother.
We could have texted over mal or steam or anywhere but its shout my misery into the void
Shit we could take this to mal on new accounts if it would make you feel better
Because i still care about ya and with some of what you've said over the past 6-7 months it doesnt sound good
You already know i dont believe in debt at all. I seen you miserable with your mother and you couldve took the bravery to take some of the money and saved what you had to change apartments away from your mother.
Also its crueler to be doing ghosting type crap and ive said that before in april then march of 2023 so your entire reasoning for dissapearing falls flat and blogging kots and gundams on discord and watching nynapire woulda been way bettur
Im always a blunt type person when it comes to this stuff and i'd rather you have let me play with newfrens instead of you being so cryptic about it. You know im an asexual eco nazi
i quit grim dawn once because you were overleveled and i guess we did that with oil in terraria.
i quit lfd2 twice cause of the latency
I already told you i wasnt trusting of new people and didnt understand what you even meant by /s4s/ people and what s4s  you were even talking about
Then i see your posting your lifes story and cryptic stuff on some emoji server i invited you to in october of 2023
It was like /s4s/ the nice den emoji server and not /s4s/ off the fucking board
Then when i posted on there you ghosted everyone just cause talking was tabboo and it was the first time you decided to break the promise to ghost
We could absolutely 100% still have been friends if you had let us be friends
Dont think for a second in your mind that you didnt do what you did for months and months while we couldve been friends
And by mid april i would have been more than okay with playing with other people
NO you had to make it some wierd choice of sectioning them off for whatever reason
>sectioned off new friends for whatever paranoid reason
Replies: >>41884
Which isnt nice to be doing that to people. Having people compartmentalized like that is no good and not healthy for relationships. The fact that they have one friend trued friend is a compartmentalization.
Replies: >>41934
We could absolutely 100% have been friends and have did stuff again and talked on mict ovent
and i will moan in pain and visit russia
Replies: >>41891
and i can go to that station and tape a anime on your face
u nuke brain, brain unhappy, make brain happy with kot photos and blogs
if u become friend than we can meetup and have chicken with maggy and oil
Chicken nuggies with bbq sauce and tomatos
We could have made a bigger guild on epoch wow with 7-9 people in it
including gudako, oil, your partner, then some people from the epoch wow server
Do ou remembert on turtlewow becoming dwarves and killing wolves?
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nobody wants to play the orc game with me i have let me count, 14 characters i would consider "serious" and i've been a little bitch solo pve guildless friendless loser the entire time i've been playing
Replies: >>41904 >>41909
they completely killed the social in turtle i will never get over that
Replies: >>41905 >>41908
in my defense wow nerds are a really unpleasant bunch
demi plz can we
play epoch wow with many people
Its fucking silly demi
the chinese people?
Replies: >>41910
Why so
no, they made tents boring
Replies: >>41911 >>41912
how so?
Did they remove the buffs to em or somethin?
Replies: >>41914
they made them unstackable (like physically stackable)
it sounds really stupid but something about tent towers in goldshire and crossroads just made people want to hang out and chat and fuck around together, now people put one tent up at a city entrance and they all stand there in a bunch and say nothing and get their buff and leave booooring it's DEAD even gen chat is dead now
Replies: >>41917
the game just feels so empty now without that unofficial social hub it was the best never had an experience like that in a mmo before or since
Replies: >>41919
i guess the inn in goldshire is still the futa giantess muscle mommy erp hub in retail? but i've never played retail and never will
it was my first time meeting a "puppygirl" she would demand to be /pet and she would /bark bat, mmo gamer nerds never exploit that stuff enough
duuhhh no time to pet im working on my clownsuit
Replies: >>41924 >>41930
What are you talkin about willis
Demi can we play epoch wow
What is a clownsuit
Im visiting in 2 months
yes it's very grim and silly tbqh
Replies: >>41939
I remember everything about you and everything we did together.
So you signed up for a 2025 3 russian meetup and witnessing major stress and depression instead of just blogging kots and watching anime for 24 minutes.
brain hurt
Demi, youve litterally texted bad stuff about me to people without any knowledge on my part
Again you flaked trust alot in may
Nobody knows you on here outside of a anonymous psuedoname and the only thing i posted was kots and some shit about how you acted when you’ll reveal what i post to whoever and again your word does not mean much when you lied as much as you did about doing stuff. Tbh how you acted on discord and then you reveal shit to people just so you can sealclub me or some shit and tbh you wouldnt text in the first place; We could have posted this on discord or steam or mal but you decided to be a 8 yr old girl.The reasoning for ghosting me falls flat on its fucking face and you wont admit to that.
If you had acted normally instead compartmentalizing/sectioning off people and only having one friend for whatever reason things would be okay. Wook hoo im spazzying and worried and trying to see what the hell is going on with you. You knew i only had the little group of people and wasnt entirely trusting of random people off discord and in march you smashed that on purpose. You take one argument i had at 3 am in the morning while i couldn't sleep and ghost everyone with it and destroyed the server ownership.
I think i was crying and doxxing myself and you couldnt give a flying fuck.
And like I said before i would cry my ass off if you died throughout march april and may. You wouldnt give a poop in late march/april if i died
You feel bad for me while judging me off of some god damned visual novel game that maggy played that sugguested to you from maggy playing it
You’ve always been welcome to play with the group and do fun stuff with the little group of people and text with them instead of random discord server.
and you will always be welcome to play vidya with everyone in that group and me including with sugar (which is not their real name so get that internet fantasy that people’s anon names matter out of your head)
You didnt have to do this shit demi
and i didnt have to have depressive fits either but damn the cryptic stuff in april wasnt nice.
When it seems like people i really like  are playing games with me it really hurts my god damned feelings.
You cannot realistically say woth some of what you posted on that s4s server that you were of good intent
Like ive said before im willing to be friends no bullshit
and if you think what you've done since may as trustworthy than your fuckin crazy
Replies: >>42192
And tbh the fact it took you 9 months to realize the most cruelest thing you did was the wierd ghosting shit you started in april and having these false bullshit promises to play stuff for 9 months is telling. I readily admit that my depressive fits arent nice and ive apologized 1000 times over.
Replies: >>42024
Maggy has not been playing a visual novel for 9 months straight btw
and your solution to cruelness is cruelness ghosting
Replies: >>42025
friendship instead of no bullshit
op can you leak demi's alts
Replies: >>42040 >>42042
the only intent of this thread was to moan in misery and to try to get demi to be friends again while trying to make them realize how bad and miserably depressed if eel
i will visit demi as fren
Demi, so where are you gonna be when i  arrive in russia?
You shoudl feel bad about cutting me off and like not texting anything for probably malicous reasons
emulating happiness while not caring about anyone
Express to russia completed see u in month
Whats tragic is that you cuoldnt just be fren
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Demi, can we be textfrens again and watch anime on occassion and go aaa a a and post kots
Replies: >>42155
this guy has been doing this for months
look at this thread >>41146 (OP) 
Replies: >>42156 >>42159
yeah, he misses his friend
Replies: >>42160 >>42157
it's kinda sad and grim tbh
Replies: >>42158
People do it on s4s ajnd africkaner countries
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omg ur the guy who came to my thread ( >>33890 ) trying to find demi while i was going insane from angel psychosis, um, sorry for being rude to you, honestly i completely blanked out that whole time period from my memory
Replies: >>42164
then you must know my thoughts on you
Replies: >>42165
wait please dumb this down for me becuase im dumb, why would i know ur thoughts?? do u mean u dislike me becuase i was rude? i just had a bunch of weird paranoid thoguhts in my head idk sorry
Replies: >>42168
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marios a
u should check threads
Replies: >>42170
im assuming you're the person i was directing my post to (OP) becuase if not, this is the same thing that annoyed me last time when there were like 3 different squishies replying to me in a vague way (like ur doing right now)
WHY is it so hard for you to provide context within ur reply instead of assuming i have any idea on what ur trying to say ????
Replies: >>42172
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are u doing this on purpose
because outside of demi doing their whatever the fuck it is i make it very apparent i dont like you
Replies: >>42173
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WHO ARE YOU DO I KNOW YOU? DO YOU EXPECT ME TO KNOW YOU DO YOU EXPECT ME TO KNOW THAT U DONT LIKE ME? what part of your "very apparent" nature is supposed to be so self evident that i'm expected to recognise you on sight?
Replies: >>42175
fucking rainbow text oh my god
retarded discord exhibitionist
Replies: >>42176
every single line that comes out of your mouth has so many concealed assumptions that it's impossible to communicate with you
Replies: >>42177
"concealed assumptions" of what you do on this board, discord, and -s4s- with magic doing whatever
Replies: >>42178
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let me make this very simple
your reply "because outside of demi doing their whatever the fuck it is i make it very apparent i dont like you" contains the assumptions that:
i know who you are (implicit in the fact that you reply to me as if i was familiar with you)
your attempts to display that you dont like me have been noticed by me
that i have connected those messages to your identity
that i even REMEMBER you at all
Replies: >>42179 >>42180
Why do your bullshit on an s4s alt board anyway?
Replies: >>42181
Why not go onto the main s4s
Replies: >>42181
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i have no need to justify myself to the likes of YOU
Replies: >>42182 >>42187
eventually they'd probably tell ya to fuck off to /lgbt/
hi hope you're doing well :D
hi, fuck u
Replies: >>42242
So demi why cant you watch any anime and have no empathy towards anyone while emulating it for singular people
Replies: >>42242
gmod ptsd
you have no empathy
Replies: >>42242
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angel bullying
Replies: >>42310
the lole s4s naked man
brain hurts fromeverything
half a nuggie
Where r u demi
Ive been crying for days and i feel like k/oing myself
brownie kitten
sewer pikle
Replies: >>42410
Replies: >>42409
Replies: >>42412
half brownies
Replies: >>42432
pickle sewert
Replies: >>42487
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Hi d and S hows life going, is the correct choice causing more or less stress while making me depressed and miserable as fuck? O got drafted by the way
Replies: >>42480
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ade's gone too  as you know dmei
I wonder if sug browses this board?
Someone's psuedoname causes so much butthurt
>o got drafted
is he a zigger or a ukie
Replies: >>42484 >>42485
Does't matter cause demi litterally cannot care a bout people except singular entities and they have no empathy
Replies: >>42486
Its hilarious how half of demi's friends on steam are from the group ser ver they owned and refuse to do anything with
you haven't answered my question
Replies: >>42489
sewert art le pickle
Holy shits thats a genuine fucking sewer pickle that i have never seen before in my life people should try to destyroy that pickle in the name of jesus
it doesnt apply to you
poor avogado pusster
Replies: >>42491
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wha why
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