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Did anyone ever find an actually good harness setup for chastity cages? The shit that gets marketed has clip together buckles that obviously don't allow it to be tightened enough and the extraneous buckles for the lower gearings get in the way.
Replies: >>28387
>>28386 (OP) 
this wouldn't be an issue if you just had wider hips
Replies: >>28388
My hips are wider than my mother's, fag
The problem is that the lines aren't solid, there's a ton of give on everything I've tried running through the sides and they deform under the tension.
I had to make my own and adjust it, and works okay
Replies: >>28447
What did you use?
Replies: >>29111
elastic cord
doesn't look sexy but it's fine when you're cumming by yourself
Replies: >>29112
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Ah yeah
Been having some success with a, I don't think it's actually a shoelace, a cord from some tights I had from wrestling/kickboxing. Not one of the cylindrical laces, one of the broad and thin ones. I had trouble getting anything useful out of this kind of cord at first and was trying the harness straps but I've been having some success tying the knotting infront of the cage.
All the cording I've got is like camping/naval/workout kevlar stuff so it isn't really useful and my fabrics are all thin and weaker fibers but I'll try some other types. See if I can get an adjustable clasp that actually holds together for tightening it too.
Nice digits.
Replies: >>29117
no one cares trash
Replies: >>29125
I am interested in boys and their chastity cages.
Replies: >>29126
what about boys without chastity
Replies: >>29128
They will be captured and caged.
Replies: >>29129
Yeah, everyone loves being freaky so depressing
Replies: >>29141 >>29155
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Sadism is how I express my love.
Replies: >>29148
Yeah sadism here,
sadism there, then you will end up crucified
u sound boring lole
Replies: >>29158
nah, I am pretty interesting if you do try and be friend I just don't like too much sadism
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