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4chan has been shilling fin and min to prevent male pattern baldness for a while now, how long before those same peter pan syndrome guys start shilling low dose estrogen for clearer, more squishy skin?
It's not even a stretch, I already seen those same guys claim to do all 3.
>low dose estrogen
Fin et al. actually do this already to some extent
Replies: >>26742
its been happening for a while
can confirm, my skin has gotten way softer (male) since nuking DHT, if estrogen didn't pretty much guarantee tiddies I would probably experiment with it too.
Replies: >>26776
i wanna try out finasteride because  i think i've started to bald but you can't get it without a prescription here and it seems to be proscribed only for prostatic hyperplasia
Replies: >>26746
if getting a prescription is too hard, I would get it from indian generic pharmacies with crypto, the same places /lgbt/ uses for their hormones, it like $30 a year if you split the 5mg pills into quarters, and some people too scared of side effects take it like 2-3 times a week and it still seems to halt their hair loss.
You still need minoxidil if you want to see real significant regrowth tho, over the counter topical minoxidil is food safe and you can take it orally, but if you have dormant caveman genes you'll see rapid stimulated hair growth all over and not just your head :p
Replies: >>26752
>over the counter topical minoxidil is food safe and you can take it orally
i don't think things work like that
Replies: >>26753 >>26776
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you can look it up if you want, the FDA approved liquid (not foam) formulation is Minoxidil, ethanol, propylene glycol and purified water, also known as drinking alcohol, vape juice and water.
My understanding is that one of the ways that testosterone is removed from the body is by being turned into estrogen and finasteride raises serum testosterone by about 10%.
I don't think it'd be a significant increase in estrogen
I didn't think so either but from what I saw that is a valid off-label prescription yeah
Replies: >>26788
my understanding is that DHT is what contributes to male skin being rougher and what grows your skeleton during and after puberty, the thing responsible for male puberty, and twink death aka second puberty, so while it might be vital in adolescence, it just sticks around forever and makes your hair fall out and makes you ugly.
Replies: >>26805 >>26815
Ah yeah I was just talking about how fin could raise estrogen
I do know that DHT is heavily present in skin and has some influence on stuff to do with melanin
>skin being rougher
What even is rough skin anyway, from a microbiology standpoint? Larger individual cells?
Replies: >>26815 >>26833
holy shit DIE you fucking nerds
Replies: >>26818
what being ugly does to a person..
Replies: >>26819
blah blah blah do you ever shut up? fucking boring ass shit UGHHHHH
Supposedly male skin is 25% thicker, tougher because of the increased collagen linkages which prevent men from looking like spoiled milk at 35, but you also have increased sebum production which makes your facial skin more oily and gross, at least, I notice this if I fap multiple times in one day.
Replies: >>26838
supposedly ur a dumass
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