people with chemical fasiantion are utterly fascinated with chemical sources of enjoyment. Consuming recreational drugs will create a good mood, while abstaining will lead to increasing frustration over time and possibly drug binges. They will ignore directives to not use recreational drugs, and will consume more than a normal person.
magick gets a rush from hurting people, and never minds the sight of blood or death. magick is four times as likely to start a social fight as others.
>>32877 starting another social fight?
>>32880 hurting people (bullying mattress, ignoring wish, demeaning jiruposter, teasing menhera boys, tormenting catfish and munch)
new schizo just dropped
are you that girl who likes cutting and painting deer
>>32895 no im just a wandering grazing little deer hidden in the grass waiting and watching
>>32899 what the fuck yes, yes you are that person
>>32900 no i just knew who u were talking about and saved the image becuase u referenced them
>>32905 oh my god this is so true
>>32907 maybe we could kiss and make out
>>32909 I mean, to enjoy the quiet
>>32911 yes you will like it
>>32924 Welcome I am the darkness and the light. The ash and the fruit, and there is a path to a good feeling that lasts I know. It's nothing really but you'd better stop doing what you already hate. Love is not what you thought. Didn't you find out already?
strange thread
>>40253 If you were my rimworld character I'd take good care of you and cut off all your limbs and take out all your organs and replace them with archotech versions of them.
new banner just dropped
>>40258 thank you for your hard work