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Hey squishies, have you ever wondered what would happen if we replaced all the leaves on trees with marshmallows? I mean, it would definitely make the world a sweeter place, but would the birds still be able to nest? And what about the squirrels, would they become marshmallow addicts? Just a thought, let me know your opinions on this important matter.
I spend 5 hours masturbating before my prostate exams. I edge, and edge, and edge, until a butterfly sneezing on my taint could bring me to orgasm. I tactfully shuffle my way down to the doctor’s office and when he lubes up I nearly cum every time. But I’ve trained my keggle muscles enough to the point where I can hold in Mount Vesuvius’s wrath. then as soon as he puts the smallest bit of pressure on my prostate I unleash with the fury of a lion hunting it’s prey. As the room gets covered in my hot sticky juices the doctor looks on disgusted and leaves the room. I always go to a hospital far away from where I live to get it so that I don’t have to go in for surgery under the doctor that I busted to. Best thing is we have free healthcare here, so the doctor gets me off and it’s covered by taxpayers. That’s my fetish.
Every leaf mimic insect on earth eaten instantly due to camouflage failure.
Replies: >>33353
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i think thatthe tree would die -because- photosyndehsids
not to mention childhood obesity would skyrocket
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