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To the fake avogadoposter:
You took the picture of me and posted it on the other [s4s]. That made me very sad because I already have trust issues anyway. I wish that you will not do it in the future.
Replies: >>13510
CTS had his embarrassing nudes spammed all over s4s at least youre not him
Replies: >>13500
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yea i know 
that is why you never get dick pics from me, i have learned that lesson now
Replies: >>13503
you have nice blue eyes anyway nothing to be ashamed of
i have mutt brown eyes
Replies: >>13504
someone said that he masturbated to my picture 
I do not know how to feel about this
Replies: >>13505 >>13508
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wholesome and fulfilled
though I would feel more fulfilled if someone mastercrated to the idea of me in their imagination rather than a photo
Replies: >>13506
i don't know what people would expect if they ever met me in real life....
i am a pathetic piece of shit and not the holy grail or anything like that
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or they are like this but that only happens in anime
they didnt 
ur ugly
Replies: >>13509
at least you are honest
>>13497 (OP) 
Are you new here or something?
People relentlessly spammed the CTS nosehook pic, or maybe it was just one person, either way I wouldn't post face even if I had nothing to lose, you have nothing to gain from becoming a meme on the bad esforcé in the worst possible way, just look at how gutsybird got doxed and dragged through the mud after someone found his facebook.
Replies: >>13514 >>13518
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no one even cares enough about me to dox me or spam my face into a meme
Replies: >>13515 >>13519
you only started namefagging recently
Replies: >>13516
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no idea how long i have been here
Replies: >>13517
i wasn't replying to you avo...
Replies: >>13518
this should go to >>13510
nothing would make you happier
i am really mentally ill and often don't know what i am doing because i have no idea what is going on 
so do something to me my family has nothing to do with it
Replies: >>13522
>i am really mentally ill and often don't know what i am doing because i have no idea what is going on 
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