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is shimbu alright?
no i killed him (murder)
Replies: >>27417
:c he said he would stab himslelf...
pls anwere  shimbu
shinbu here i was killed by the squishy who posted first
i get the impression you care about people who don't care about you back in return. why waste your energy? put it back into yourself and start giving a fuck about yourself because from my eyes, you seem to be doing the worst out of all of us. seriously, what do you seek to gain out of any of this, other than a stronger impulse towards self destruction? ¿que pasa contigo?
Replies: >>27466
You're retarded then. He doesn't care about other people nor himself. He's just a low effort attention whore aimlessly playacting out what he thinks is a popular narrative.
Replies: >>27467
Maybe he'd be happier if he actually bought those femboy clothes instead of shaving his head.
You gotta indulge in carnal pleasures sometimes, you know?
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