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sadness and medneeding, and alt making, and fantasy creating all in the name of the end i guess
Replies: >>33864
you're funny
>>33862 (OP) 
explain what this means with context or i’ll ignore you forever
I dont know i feel like i wanna dissapear. I wish you wouldve just opened up and let me get to know your new friends in april instead of putting me through the guantlet of whatever the heck this was.
Replies: >>33992
You couldve just let me get to know your new friends in april weve known each other for so damn long you couldve tried to help instead of whatever you posted doxxing the argument to every single new friend you made in april.
Replies: >>33992
You said you were gonna go froever in the text chat for whatever reason
Replies: >>33992
You will get the liberty to watch someone disintegrate in a month and a half.
Replies: >>33992
 leak all names/identities that you’ve used, all the names of the person you’re talking to, post a few screenshots with undeniable evidence of the fact, also make a timeline with concrete details/situations to refer to and post that here, give us the whole story dont leave anything out
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let it be known that i am in direct communion with the DIVINE, and your death is preordained
give up your soul, or forever know the world itself to be your enemy
this about vlad?
Fuck you
Replies: >>34001
fuck YOU!
Replies: >>34003
By crumble i meant want to dissapear myself
Why would you do that?
Replies: >>34004
do what lol, you said "fuck you", so i said "fuck YOU"
retard, shut up, im closing this site, no one here is capable of using their words after all
Replies: >>34005 >>34011
Who are you?
What do you want, you want me to post x saying that they’re gonna leave forever? No
I mean i can do that if this was S but im not gonna dox other people.
Replies: >>34012
I mean i can do a shoah for myself
you dont have to dox
i just mean alts they had and stuff, messages, make it public, stir up the waters a bit, do something
Replies: >>34015
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>for an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had.
Only for S if they werent told everything and not on this website.
Replies: >>34018
okay and who is “S”
Replies: >>34020
Replies: >>34089
Not saying
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Tell -***- that Yuji Sakai, Kappa, Saucy, TacoKid, Oro, Real Real Real Suebi, Shiro Poster 2, Butte Sniffer, a/u/tist, Renko, Magick, Wagick, Alcoholic Neko loli, Akari Akaza, Boii, jellysquishe, CTS, Cakemaestro, The Voice, Snugs, Spicmaster, The Hotwing Man, Knux, Potato, yoogee, cute poster, Tomoko poster, Sucy, Bulgogi, Radical Edward, Kekkats, Bumstead, lurk, Nodoka, yesdoka, friendly mean person, g8rh8r, NameFig2018, Sewkasa, jungle is massive, Shiro Poster, Dandy, Catfish, Avery, Tragick, sillyhead, rip in pieces akari ;_;7, Akari Akaza, BBHC, fortune, vaporeon, soda, smiley dude :), git, Arulson, Kekky McDubberson, ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)\_(ツ)_/⊂(◉◉)つ, le shit nigger, Kaonashi, git, Sekiro, Alexander the Seeker, , swaglord, HE, Bulgogi, le monke, AnonPrime, bum smiddly boobop twiddly boperoo, Boii (drunk), The Black One, q-ie, Akari Akaza's Phone, Yuiposter, yoogee, DuckTits, ■[^_^*]●¤TACO KID¤●[^_^*]■, le patt e, Catfish(Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl), C'MON CRANKY TAKE IT TO THE FRIDGE, Polly, le piss cracker, end my suffering,12Damdo, Jewwy, Garlic Salt and Doremi Poster said:

Replies: >>34092 >>34118
Replies: >>34094
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i bet jewwy is cute
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