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Why aren't you giving more handjobs? It only takes a few minutes and you can just wash your hands afterwards. Places that hand out free condoms also give away free small lube packets that fit in your wallet. You can give anyone a handjob in their car or public bathroom. Just don't aim the dick at yourself as they're about to cum. I think it's fun, there's zero risk of std and no prep is needed like with sex. Go give a few handjobs to friends and strangers. Even if the guy is mid or ugly a handjob isn't as intimate as sex and just feels like you're doing him a favor. I've changed people's lives just by giving them pity handjobs.
Replies: >>40387
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i gave him a handjob because nothing else felt right i didn't want to make him feel self-conscious about his phimotic micropenis he enjoyed it so much his cum hit the wall behind the bed
Replies: >>40374
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get beaten to death speedrun
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I think virgins with small dicks are kinda cute. They're just happy to get their peepee touched and are easily satisfied. Like a puppy that gets a belly rub and gets all excited afterwards.
where could i find someone to give me a handjob
Replies: >>40376
Learn to flirt and hang around coffee shops
Replies: >>40377
any ways that don't involve leaving the house
Replies: >>40378
Download Grindr and get fucked by Big Bubba
>>40368 (OP) 
I wish it only took a few minutes, my bf is so desensitized from being a degen coomer I can't get him to at all
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