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i don't want to see a therapist
i just want my bux
what's the best way to make a mental health professional cry
it's less about the money and more about how i know exactly how to help myself (i've done it before) and things like forced therapist visits are precisely what makes me freeze and deteriorate
but i still need the money to finish paying rent and they withhold it from me as long as i can't confirm i had professional help of some sort
i'm going to piss in their coffee machine
wish i lived in a country with neetbux
Replies: >>11910
it's not even neetbux it's insurance, that money should ALREADY BE MINE!!!!!!
Replies: >>11911
you have insurance for being retarded where you live...?
Replies: >>11919
in the US, the federal government gives you social security money if you can get a doctor to certify that you're totally and permanently disabled as in you can never hold down a job.
You have to keep the act up though, especially if it's autism.
Replies: >>11920 >>11921
yeah, that's neetbux
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my employer engoucared me to go on sick leave
they would rather pay me to do nothing than accommodate my autism, i don't understand job people
Replies: >>11925
as long as it's within the rules it's fine
i hate irl moderators
i just wanted to work
they're probably getting money/tax cuts for employing you so they win out even if you aren't doing anything
i don't care how much of a first world problem it is or how gay it makes me sound, i live in fear of daily video meetings, and if i want to skip ONE DAY to clear my head of it and focus on something productive, i have to grovel before my boss because this shit is like the eucharist to them, nothing has gotten me in trouble faster than not showing up to a daily video meeting, i might as well be a heretic to my coworkers because of it, boomers love seeing their face on a screen and they video call you for any little thing that would take 30 seconds to ask and answer in text, no matter how many times you ask them to dm you instead of calling, they call and call again without even warning first, i'm cockblocked from doing any work on my own because they think the more their employees have to talk to each other the more efficient they must be, they made me wipe ass for arab newbies who i barely share a language with because they thought the forced socialization would cure my autism, they basically wanted me to teach these poor fucks how to code as if i can just do that on a dime and 4 years in school means jack shit, surprise, surprise, i burned out!!!!! you should have told us this was hard on you anone, we only wanted to help....... and between all that i still have MY tasks to work on, and it's always the obscure bugs nobody knows what to make of that i end up with, because i'm the last link in the command chain, the service brain you can dump all of your tricky issues on, i haven't coded for real in like 3 years, my code is shit now and it feels more laborious to plan and write than ever, all the flair i picked up for good practice  is gone, i hate anything to do with computers now, my hair stands on the back of my neck when i hear trashy weebs talk about python and python girls *spit* FUCK wagies, fuck IT, i cum in your $4 coffee, now you're manpregnant with my defective seed, write THAT down on your agile board, and give me my bux so i can keep feeding and lodging myself while i rethink my future
i make THEM choke up in meetings when they look and me and realize good wagie has gone bad, then they keep offering the same solutions and refuse to listen to what i have to say, the very few times i actually managed to have the last word on something, they fucked me in the ass out of spite by hitting me with surprise management measures
Replies: >>11951
you want ONE WHOLE WEEK without video calls or meetings?? so you can put your head to work? alright, sure, fine, permission granted, but we're gonna suspend you for 3 of those days to punish you for missing thursday AND friday's daily video meetings 2 weeks ago
funnily enough, for all the time i spent moping in bed instead of working, i never actually got in trouble for being unproductive, they only ever crack down on me when i try to pull the stick out of my ass
there there
I really can't sympathize too much, you have a much nicer job than me probably and get paid way more than me to do far less work and you aren't even being fired for not working, just being suspended, which I'm sure you aren't gonna lose sleep over, and the one thing that brings you immense dread is a video call, if it was really that bad you would have quit your job already.
Replies: >>11936 >>11941
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i only rant about the surface level stuff to avoid being too heavy or personal, i have nightmares about my coworkers, i can feel myself deteriorating every time i go back, it's a nice job spoiled by excess interference from busybodies, i'm already fragile and i cracked
i would be mad too if i didn't have the chance to have a nanny job but the environment is too schizo for me
you would probably hate the work too, i know i'm not alone, they've been bleeding employees ever since i was hired and the only people who stay are the grifters and the suckers, i have to work in the dark about a ton of stuff because the technical environment is chaotic and bloated and walled-off to hell and the people who should prepare my part of the work before handing it to me aren't actually equipped to do so, it gets worse every year and every time they hop from trend to trend, everything is always murky and more difficult than it should be, i hate it, i hate computer shit, i hate computers, in ten years from now IT will be a thousand times worse, i'm hopping off the train, i'm going to do something else with my life, cum on my feet nerds
You were supposed to go freelance instead of drowning in corporate utopia before it got to this point
Of course begging retards for money (having a job) is going to suck
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