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>scrot filename 
average linux user
the micker poster
gross fetish thread
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Replies: >>17187 >>17192
Autist displays his inability to recognize faces by confusing Hatsune Miku with Sucorse.
Replies: >>17188
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Ppppppo is a mikuposter namefig you fucking retard
And I'm not the one who made the image
Replies: >>17189
You have autism.
You are the same as Chris-chan
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Amazing how these faggots keep provoking me even though they get slapped instantly every time lmao
you haven't been right once lmao
Replies: >>17193
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ppl will really pay $200 for that bottom right micker like it's nothing wtf
Replies: >>17196
The was a guy here who wrote a whole thesis against me because me misunderstood me referencing the “fuck all of you right now” meme as me actually saying “fuck all of you right now” lol
You’re legit retarded and evidently don’t fit in here at all
Replies: >>17195 >>17199
are you drinking or are you just mad
Replies: >>17197
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I got this for like £20 because I’m smart with my Miku simping
No I’m totally sober, it’s just very frustrating that every single post I make on this site has to have some deranged chimp sperg come up to it and spew out yet another low effort snarky response. It wears me out.
Replies: >>17199
Was he wrong on a single point or are you just obsessing over some arbitrary excuse to pretend you 'btfo' or 'slapped' the latest person who called you out on being an ugly waste of space?
>It wears me out.
Then stop posting
Replies: >>17200 >>17204
>Was he wrong on a single point or are you just obsessing over some arbitrary excuse to pretend you 'btfo' or 'slapped' the latest person who called you out on being an ugly waste of space?
"He" meaning you of course, I can tell by your posting style. Your whole argument was hinged on the 'fuck all of you right now' thing so it crumbles apart based on that alone and you're still mad you were embarrassed about it. That's how easy it is to pull apart your impotent seething.
>Then stop posting
Nope, not leaving a community I enjoy and that I've been a part of for a long time because of one or two unhinged schizos no matter how many times you say "stop posting". Keep throwing your rage at the wall, man.
Replies: >>17202
>everyone I disagree with is the same person
lmao this guy is just gonna keep going and going isn’t he
Replies: >>17206
mattress posts are pretty benign and friendly actually until u provoke him with pointless drama
you keep complaining about him shitting up the site but its you thats doing it
Replies: >>17209
why did you deleted me in discord ?
mattress is like a belligerent drunk that goes from one bar fight to another reacting to every single provocation why can't he just let things go for once
i feel like the whole site has been basically reduced to him just having an argument with someone it's tiring and boring to read through
Replies: >>17208
thats why i dropped my name on 4chan lole 
bad atmosphere when I'm there
as soon as there stops being an argument he posts flamebait next to a facepic or nudes or whatever to start another one
None of his benign posts have hostile replies (or replies at all tbh)
Replies: >>17210 >>17216
he has adhd 
His behavior is no surprise
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lole cummies :3
he deliberately chases the negative attention from spamming his facepics and calls it "masochism"
this hurts him more than it hurts you, you know.....
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I've been meaning to eat my own cum more but I always have the urge really strongly not to if I haven't showered like right before
Replies: >>17218
what would showering change?
Replies: >>17219
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lint mostly
dry sweat/cum/piss
Replies: >>17220
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keep your dick clean sister
Replies: >>17221
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Well that's what showers are for
I wish it was 2pm in the middle of summer all day every day so having a shower and drying in the scorched air was instant like it always is but it ain't so I don't. I'm also wearing clothes so even if I wash myself unless I get a new set every time it feels like all four concerns still apply
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