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random question that you should not assign any real level of importance to (unless you want to):
does ur mind do something where after observing people or kinda just existing in a space that you can observe things happening in (if u can, then u will), over time u start building up a bunch of associatoins about their behaviors and mannerisms and the aethetic sense of the things they choose to post and the certain specific word choices in combination with the way they’re used by default or in certain contexts and this all keeps building up until u essentially have a represntation of them inside ur head that u can recognise things that align to that concept from the slightest hints
and these associations of associations continue to grow without really even needing to think about it at all, but if you do choose to think about it, you can recreate and embody those assocations and the interactions between those ideas/people in your memory, like a little microcosm of reality that you can choose to (dis)embed into yourself
and when you thinjk of anything, any expression you can think of will also remind you of all the stuff that references that expression, when you make a refernce ur referencing the entire history of a memory that only makes sense to you and whoever else has that memory, and sometimes you do this with a vague sense of hope that, somehow, someone might know exactly what you’re saying to them, almost like it was a direct message designed and encoded specifically for their mind’s exact resonant frequency, a shared memory sparked by the empty space between worlds
a memory of a dream is still a memory
Replies: >>31785
i do this!!
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Yeah. Still sometimes have dreams that take place in chatrooms which I used to use. See shit that reminds me of people I used to know in that function all the time.
>sometimes you do this with a vague sense of hope that, somehow, someone might know exactly what you’re saying to them, almost like it was a direct message designed and encoded specifically for their mind’s exact resonant frequency, a shared memory sparked by the empty space between worlds
Language is as it does, there's no meaning to things being said besides the immanence of being.
>a memory of a dream is still a memory
A memory is a wont rather than a photo, though.
>>31770 (OP) 
ur pathetic
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