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Goodbye better esfores 
See you whenever
Replies: >>16894
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>>16892 (OP) 
come back soon we love you gado
Replies: >>16923
If you really loved me you would tell me what is going on, i hate playing these games
Replies: >>16924
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Says the one who faked a suicide again yesterday
one day it will be like that 
i just try to get you ready then it is not so hard for you when i really do it
You can't guarantee that you won't kill me anyway.
Then I'd rather do it myself and you won't get the pleasure of killing me.
I don't know what I'm up to, but someone I know will take care of it soon.
Someone will die even if I have to put all my money into it.
then i can finally life in peace
Amazing how I’m the one who gets hate on this site and you just get coddled when you do scummy stuff like this
Replies: >>16930
because you have more information than me you know what is going on 
i know nothing about these people but you you know something
i dont know why they do not tell me and you wont tell my anyway 
so keep playing these games with me until i am gone forever.
Probably have their reasons....
i shouldn't be so angry about something like this
but i hate it when i know something is obviously going on and no one tells me. 
you are just wasting time 
my mind wonders and wonders and i just stagnate in a state of stagnation because my mind is just dealing with it all the time and cant rest because i always have some shit stuck in the back of my head 
you dont know what you are doing to me with this
im in the deathloop again
if i could finally occupy my mind with other stuff that would be great. 
but it will never be like this i am stuck here i can't get out of this prison by myself someone has to finally tell me what is actually going on. 
but it is always like this dogs, women and babies always get unconditional love. Men have to work for it, so much for equal opportunities.
Why do you always have to suck everything out of your fingers. 
I would have reached the goal you want me to reach long ago if you would just put together a list of things I should do. but it's too late for that now the operation has already started and someone is going is probaly going to die
it's just unfair
i finally want to be released from this permanent thinking, nothing good ever happens anyway. so why should the surprise be good?
omg mattress you're so attention-seeking and spam the site
meanwhile avocado:
Replies: >>16942 >>16968
I'm going through a bad time right now I hope they forgive me
Replies: >>16945
But I'm not one to bury my head in the sand - at some point I will free myself from this prison and rise like a phoenix from the ashes, even if I have to set myself on fire or something. 
I would do anything ANYTHING I just need to be explained and told
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You're always 'going through a bad time', you need to change your nihilistic apathetic attitude about the world like I said before. You need to solve the problem at the root, not scream into the void about it.
Replies: >>16947
And listen to more people like me who challenge you and don't enable you, take on criticism. You have too many enablers around you who just say "everything is alright fren!!! we lub you!" no matter what you do.
Replies: >>16948
World is a shit
I've been living in the abyss for far too long I need something to get me out of it a straw something to bring me forward again something worth living for but that doesn't seem to exist anymore
The people here at mental hospital say exactly the same thing I am a very accommodating nice person just a little confused from time to time. The confusion is because my head is completely fucked I don't know what to believe anymore and I don't trust myself either. Trust Nobody can't even trust myself
Replies: >>16949
Enablers are some of the biggest abusers in the world IMO. Just watch any episode of My 600lb Life where they have a coddling spineless relationship partner.
I will just go I hope you have a nice life. Maybe I'll kill myself and then you'll have what you wanted.
My gun is still in my apartment. It's in the goddamn drawer.
But then they say again, "Oh, no, don't kill yourself, we love you."
If you really loved me, you would have told me long ago what's going on here. But they won't do that for whatever reason but I'm going around in circles all the time and I'm not getting anywhere. As if I didn't have enough problems of my own
Replies: >>16951
>If you really loved me, you would have told me long ago what's going on here. But they won't do that for whatever reason
Because there is nothing "going on". Enabling your delusions and psychosis is not a loving act, that's an abusive act.
Replies: >>16952
My kindness was exploited again, I expected that something like this would happen but I will still be nice to the people where I think they deserve it or have enough problems themselves so that they are a little better off than before my means are also limited. Why is this world so godforsaken.
I will still come back because I just can't finish with it. It just spins around in my head again and again and again and then the delusions start again because it all makes no sense to me.
Until i can't stand it anymore an pull the trigger
It is a ticking time bomb 
I wouldn't behave like this if I didn't suspect that something was going on. 
Why is it so bad when the stupid schizo doesn't know what's going on?
The things you write burden me I hope you show a little mercy towards me and help me get through life a little better.
Hi Matty, can you please enlighten me about what happened yesterday?
Replies: >>16956
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Here you go.
Replies: >>16960
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I'm getting myself discharged from the hospital tomorrow and will finally get it over with
I'm just tired of it
Replies: >>16959
Im so done with this shit
Thank you.

to avogado:
I don't have the time rn to answer all of your writings, maybe later today I can, depends on things. But I recommend you to talk about this with a psychologist. All of this, just tell them. Everything you written here, and on the other s4s. They can probably help you better than me or Matty, even though he's almost 100% right.
Replies: >>16961
I have no conversations with psychologists here, the standard treatment for delusions is medication and what am I supposed to tell him?
I do not know what is going on.
wishe also say nothing 
I don't know how else to say that I'm depressed that you're playing your little mind games with me. What will he say that all this is not true and that I should stay away from these people, but at the same time I want to support these people.
Replies: >>16968
I will Go to the Kiosk and Drink some beer then they kick me out 
Im so done with everything
Replies: >>16968
i feel stuck and hopless...
in this situation
Combine transaction analysis with Schulz von Tuhn's 4-sided model and you get my view of the world
use with care
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I thought we are friends...
>I have no conversations with psychologists here
You definitely have to search for a better psych ward, what the fuck
I advise you to search for a psychologist, and try to solve your problems not by medication, but by psychotherapy, because meds are definitely not working. Just search the web, like
"*your city name* psychologist"
Search for people who are professionalized in schizophrenia and depression. Tell them that medication is not working for you, and what you just said here. I'm pretty sure they can help you.
And quit that shit already, alcohol just makes schizophrenia and depression worse (by a lot). If you can't do it by yourself, try a rehabilitation clinic. 
Also: If you fake your own death, people will get angry, really angry. You play with their feelings, and nobody likes that. If you scream wolf too much, people will stop caring about you even more. Nobody wants you to die, especially Matty and me, he's trying to help you too, and as far as I see, he's losing all his patience towards you because of your behavior. You really need to get professional help, and I say it again, not by meds, not by suicide, and not by alcohol. I understand that its really hard, but this way you only push other people out of your life, and making your own life even worse.
I have to say it, because I see this way too much: Everybody needs love, care and attention. Every single human being. Just like children: If they don't get the parents attention, they will do bad things, like shitting on the carpet. Same with adults. But you have to learn what is a proper way, and what is not. For example, its a really bad way to get attention by hurting others. But if you just try to talk with them, and start caring about them, they will care about you too. Ofc not everybody, but some will do. Matty cares about you, thats why he said what he said. And thats why I'm writing these wall of texts.
Replies: >>16971 >>16976
Maby i want to push everyone away so they do Not have to deal with my Shit anymore
i am safe
no one pursues me
there is no group that wants to harm me
no one is spreading falsehoods about me on the internet
they are not in my PC/Cellphone/Walls
just a bunch of people sitting infront of a screen
nobody wants to harm me
they are just trying to help me
have no expectations towards anything
no one is going to save you
you are all alone
nothing good will ever happen out of here
don't stay so long on this site and do something productive
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Look how cute this is
>he's losing all his patience towards you because of your behavior
This is true, we used to get along a lot better
Replies: >>16977
I have the illusion in my head that you are keeping secrets from me that would benefit me if I knew them. I already have problems opening up to others because my friends were all narcissists....
But I also can't ask questions because I won't get an answer anyway or Mattress will avoid me again.
I just have to accept living with the mushrooms but I don't want to live there so what do I have to do?
Give me a to do list.
Replies: >>16978
I'm havin trouble hearin ya bud I'm on a cellphone
Replies: >>16979
What kind of a response is this
What does this mean
Probably something from a movie or anything Like this
Just type it Here they can see everything anyway keylogger Style Type vibes gut better
but better*
The doctor has allowed me to go to my apartment am just on the way there
when i die you will have a better life
Replies: >>17029 >>21769
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can i take your place as serval poster number one?
Replies: >>17039 >>17079
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I wonder if Gado has actually watched Kemono Friends sometimes
I know I haven't
yes you can
take the serval pill
it the recepie for eternal love
do it figgot
this is the real one
what kind of website has downtime
Replies: >>28242
nevermind lol it's just a problem without typing boards. first
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