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This/these songs still do my head in. All jungle themes 2 & 3 from this game, I swear to god I've heard everywhere, like they're some of the great freeware soundtracks that have made their way into everything. I don't have my copy of StP but I swear they were in that, yet if you search the tracks by name nothing comes up, which is baffling because this sort of freeware/stock sound is practically always a top result.
Am I crazy?
Did some guy just happen to copy this into a project and everyone copied the music directly and it somehow spread via word of mouth underground with the original studio never getting credited?
This game had a gigantic budget (especially for what it was), was this actually some sort of major stock music studio and they just changed the name of the track to avoid being associated with the game?
Do the songs have a different name in the release state or in the original language or something?
I swear to god I've heard this in AAA products before. Like, it's real, super widely used stock music, isn't it?
did anyone read this
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jschan 0.11.4