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For the perfect legal high. Get drunk on 1 and a half bottles of champagne, crank up the bass, pop a zyn punch and watch the newerst sewerslvt album
Replies: >>28950 >>28959
I'd been chasing that dragon for so long. 
Now that sewerslvt is making music agaon it feels sooooo goooodo
just got an email saying I won a small amount on the lottery #alwayslucky
I wish sewerslut was dead
Replies: >>28936 >>28953
Why is that? 
I don't really get the drama that kiwifarms brought up over him. 
So a troon acts like a normal 4channer.
What gives?
Replies: >>28938 >>28953
I think many people hate how drum n bass got co-opted and completely taken over by gender dysphoric depressive imagery designed specifically to appeal to 4chan troons.
Replies: >>28953
>>28932 (OP) 
mattress thread
Replies: >>28956
I mean there's a legitimate complaint that dysphoriacore which was previously the domain of pedophiles got taken over by troons but like
Sheldon isn't the guy to blame for that though, if anything he's one of the few positive examples in the community of someone actually just making shit and not caring.
There were trannies that got assmad because he used samples without asking permission
I'm not even joking that was literally it. Yes, it's what you're supposed to do. It's posers complaining about a sellout but there's never been anything wrong with selling out if it doesn't also come with posing. The actual troon that's done the most damage to the scene was himeko katagiri. He basically co-opted a western imageboard scene that had sprung out of the japanese underground without ever even setting foot on a message board or knowing anything about what he was trying to kill and wear the skin of.
So go to his house and kill him, he's in south australia and does concerts and shit
Mattress works at Tesco he can’t afford champagne
Replies: >>28960
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>>28932 (OP) 
Sparkling wine is like eight euros
that sounds awful
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Replies: >>29007
let me hangover deez nuts across your face
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