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i tried to get 2 fingers in but im still to tight
i got two fingers in my mouth
Replies: >>24652
how are the new drugs
Replies: >>24653
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ask me 2 weeks from npw
Replies: >>24654
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oki c:
you aren't even gay gado what the fuck are you even doing
Replies: >>24677
only god knows
What lube are you using?

I was going to call you retarded but then I realized that people don't all have slender fingers lole
Replies: >>24680 >>24681
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it is called Gleitzeit
Replies: >>24683
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Replies: >>24683
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What's your method? I somewhat suspect you're just trying to go from one to two without thinking about it but the graduation of that is way too course.
Trace the inside of your butthole and gently pull against it with the finger that you do have in.
Ah yes a picture of something to tell me how big it is with literally nothing that I could even look up the size of.
But yes you have meaningfully thicker fingers than I do even just relative to the size of your hands.
>pisiform barely noticeable even zooming in
lose weight
Well, I don't think it's poison. Well done, I'm proud of you.
For stuff like fingering yourself where you don't need it to last very long I imagine it's probably fine. Bad water lubes tend to not actually be all that lubricating either, though.
The best lube in the world is german though so I don't see why you should compromise (the actual invention is british I think). There's a world of difference between better-than-medical-grade lube and the complementary standard garbage. It's cheaper, too, by a crazy amount.
Replies: >>24684
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>lose weight
im on 800 calories a day at the moment i must loose weight yes but i do not think i will ever be at femboy level i have an endomorph bulky body...
the lube is fine it is very viscous i use it for my fleshlight too c:
>endomorph bulky body
literally not a thing hambeast
>im on 800 calories a day at the moment
Do some exercise instead
Replies: >>24689
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>literally not a thing hambeast
pls do not insult me i get even more self aware and then i become sad and eat even more...
>do some exercise instead
Replies: >>24691
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>even his infographic provider is named after food
Replies: >>24692 >>25143
Be nice to gado 
Hes a good boy
Replies: >>25144
He's a whiny fronting bitch who won't take simple steps to improve his life
But yes he's a reasonable and decent person, at least by local standards
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