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Each of you are all kind of dumb
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who cares i will die alone in my flat anyway c:
Replies: >>19001
i think he meant it in an endearing way
Replies: >>19002
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the boccher seems kind of serious
idk about that
Replies: >>19004
i think you are just confirmation biasing a negative outlook on your life, and this is making your reality out to be a negative, hostile place. snap out of the delusions, brother. walk into the light.
Replies: >>19006
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what advice would you give to a hiki like me?
maybe my parents are right and i should really go to this institution where you live together with other mentally lel people
Replies: >>19013
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i am the smartest
Replies: >>21767
i thought you worked a job at a warehouse. i don't really have any answers for you, avogado. only you really know. it's your life. life is short, so live it the way you want. not in a recklessly hedonistic way, but just put trust into yourself and follow your heart wherever it leads you. don't let people deceive you into straying from this path of pure passion, as again, it is your one life, so you're going to live it the way you want, and be okay with it. it's hard to explain any of this without these words being able to be misinterpreted and twisted into something that it isn't, but all i know is that nothing's really wrong with you. people will try and convince you there is, maybe you yourself will try to convince yourself that you're defective, but nothing's wrong with you.
Replies: >>19014 >>19021
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I have been dismissed when i went in the mental hospital was my own fault because i am a retard tbh
I currently live on sick pay and after that i will get money from the state until i can find another job 
but my parent say that i am not abel to work anymore they want to send me into a nursing home for mentally lel people
let's see what the future holds thank you for your kind words i am trying to look at life a bit more positively now c:
Replies: >>19021
KILL yourself essay fags, unironically
my post
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no i am
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