what dildo size would you reccomend for starters?
gado ur a manly man stop debasing yourself like this
>>25593 i already shaved my legs let me at lest eb cute once in my life
>>25594 keep up the motivation! i'm proud of you
>>25594 stop it you don't really want this
>>25596 why not
>>25600 ur ugly nigga
>>25602 :c
why are you so mean
>shitty skater skirt lmao >>25594 You're still going to be a gross old fat man, not sure how you think this could make you cute
my plump shaved ass will look good in those tigh hights mhpf
>>25611 Mein plumpf shaved arsch
gado has decided it's time he tries to compete for most insufferable poster I see
Nitro Express .700