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Battered and fried
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Is microdosing a meme? I want the antidepressant effects of shrooms without the trip itself because I honestly don't like being under the influence of drugs. Not saying that I wouldn't be open to trying other psychedelics like DMT, mescaline, and LelSD, but for the most part, being sober fucking rules...
Replies: >>34553
why are you depressed
Replies: >>34538
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I'm profoundly lonely, probably have childhood trauma that I haven't quite pinpointed yet as well. I've been meaning to set up an appointment with a talk therapist; the problem with that is that my social anxiety makes it much harder than it should be. 

I have no friends, a somewhat shitty job, a controlling sister who bosses me around... The only way to forget the pain of severe isolation, knowing that nobody is empathetic enough to care about your suffering, is to look at furry shit and to excessively use social media sites (including 4chan). I don't know if I've told you all this but I NEETed and self-isolated for six years prior. It was the worst depression of my life. There was practically no reason to get up in the morning except to meet my biological functions. It's a difficult cycle to get out of.
Replies: >>34541 >>34553
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I was repeatedly called "lazy" by my own father for being depressed; my dad eventually gave up on me and let me rot without ever intervening. It's not something you "get" without ever going through it yourself. Not to mention that I'm a bean and bean society stigmatizes mental health issues very heavily.
Replies: >>34541
i rotted for a decade until i got a job myself
well i still rot because it's remote and nothing really changed except that i'm far more stressed now and feel like i have 0 free time during the work week, i really, really hate my job too
i think that my family situation is better than yours but that's about it
at least you're young (i think)
Replies: >>34543
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>Is microdosing a meme? I want the antidepressant effects of shrooms without the trip itself because I honestly don't like being under the influence of drugs.
The antidepressant effect is the psychedelic effect. Why not try microdosing and find out if it works for you instead of asking?

>I have no friends, a somewhat shitty job, a controlling sister who bosses me around
One of these isn't a problem, one of them is something that's hard to solve clearly but should improve slowly over time if you actually try to find new jobs where you're able, and the last is something that can be solved in a day by just not talking to her ever again. You'll always have some degree of anxiety over being attacked by these people again but it's just the face of abstract anxiety that'll manifest in some other way if you don't have hostile family to rep it.

Your Fortune: Make Sure Your Earthly Affairs Are In Order
Replies: >>34554
that doesn’t make sense
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