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where is tenshi
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im tenshi!
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tenshi tenshi tenshi tenshi tenshi tenshi tenshi tenshi tenshi tenshi tenshi tenshi tenshi tenshi
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diagnosis: degenerative, drug induced schizophrenia  
prognosis: poor
where is tenshi though
where is tenshi
tenshi post your slut body
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everywhere and nowhere
why the hell should anyone care
the blank jaded stare
an eternal reminder to be more aware
forget the projections that cause pain
we're all insane
but occasionally there
Replies: >>39278
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if tenshi and i ever look in each other's eyes
the whole simulation dies
Replies: >>39278
where is tenshi
where is my girlfriend tenshi
Replies: >>39277
in beddd silly
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Replies: >>39279 >>39343
big eye
Replies: >>39280
sleepy eye
Replies: >>39281
are you sick and tired
Replies: >>39282
yes but not of you
Replies: >>39285
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post the selfie in which u look like this
Replies: >>39286 >>39289
ive posted a few like that um, did i ever post it on this site or
Replies: >>39287
do you like taking selfies
Replies: >>39288
somteimes randomly if i feel like it
Replies: >>39291
im trying to remember if this was something i posted here or not
Replies: >>39290
um how else would I know about it
Replies: >>39292
it's so cute that you do things when you feel like it
Replies: >>39292 >>39294
iisn't that like how most ppl do things
idk my memory isnt workign properly right now
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i rememebr posting this but the phone is sideways
Replies: >>39295
when is your greasy groomer spic ass joining wish's rotting corpse
OD on some mystery drugs next please
u look so fluffy here
Replies: >>39296
it was right after i got my hair done i think
Replies: >>39297
what does your hairdresser say about your hair, does she like it
Replies: >>39299
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i remember posting hair selfie also 
yes she’s always like woww it’s so long and pretty and healthy
it is really pretty
does she think ur a girl
Replies: >>39302
Replies: >>39304
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lol l o l really lol wtftwgwtwgtgwg why????
you must sound like a girl
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no way you're basically a girl
Replies: >>39307
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im shiny!
Replies: >>39308
do u starve urself sometimes
Replies: >>39309
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yess do u not know this already
Replies: >>39310 >>39313
no I didn't know
Replies: >>39315
I mean,  ur thin but that doesn't mean much
like what do u do? do u simply not eat some days
Replies: >>39315
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what do you do when you're hungry
Replies: >>39315
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didnt u ask something like did i starve myself or did others starve me and i said "both"
well yea but ive been doing it a lot less lately becuase i accidentally made myself way too skinny a few months ago, so ive just been trying to maintain a healthy weight without getting too obsessed about my body appearnce but it also means im shy right now
if i was starving then i would just drink water or sugar free drinks or something, or just distract myself i guess
after a certain point ur body basically decides that ur not gonna eat and stops getting hungry and tries to conserve energy, and stays this way for a while even if u force urself to eat again
yeah and when I asked who starved you you said it was not important
what happens when you get too skinny?
Replies: >>39319
it's better when ur healthy I guess??
you look good you're pretty
it's not important!
if u get too skinny then ur bones start poking out and ur body stops functioning proprely and u become weak and frail and tired all the time
normal levels of skinny are good and cute though!
Replies: >>39320
yes normal levels are ideal, you look sexy
Replies: >>39324
how is it not important I mean
Replies: >>39324
do you like your bones
Replies: >>39324
do you ever feel like hurting yourself
Replies: >>39324
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this was me at a normal weight i think i'll look like this again soon maybe >>34644 
it just means i dont rly wanna answer
yes i think?
ummh maybe i guess probably anyway um ur asking a lot of questions again and i have to go!
Replies: >>39325
bye ten ten
Replies: >>39326
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im tenten!
strange alien courtship ritual
Replies: >>39328
tell me about it
>do you like your bones
who the fuck says that
Replies: >>39329 >>39331
do u like yours
Replies: >>39330
go dust your spaceship
Replies: >>39332
the bone collector
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Replies: >>39333
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do you like your skin?
Replies: >>39334 >>39335
ominous and morbid question only an alien being would ask
would u suckle on my genital warts tenshi
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Replies: >>39350 >>39361
they're eyes 👁️ are big and sweet when they eat I don't know wjy
why can't I be a cow 🐄 anyhow cows never cry

my heart was broken cows are so open. broken it was broken open cows are open
every heart that's been broken it's a heart with a hole every heart that's still open it's the seed of a soul
Replies: >>39360 >>39385
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Big kawaii squishy eyes ^_^
You have the same thousand yard stare as Gado though
Replies: >>39351
they have the schizophrenic retard stare, you have the autistic retard stare
Replies: >>39352
Which is hotter?
Replies: >>39354
none, you're all retards who huddle together on discord or something
Replies: >>39356
You're just mad you're not part of the discord cabal
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mmagick are u ok what does this mean?? hi
Replies: >>39362
also we kinda have similar eyes, makes me think about the post where u said i have a relatable personality 
eyes are windows to the soul after all
it's pretty self explanatory? ?
Magick deleted one of his posts in this thread
Replies: >>39368
I saw it. 
The post had an image and the picture featured an alien standing in a desert setting and there was a large cactus next to it.
Replies: >>39367
this was so popular on x years ago
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where is tenshi?
Replies: >>39379
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Replies: >>39382
do you play games
Replies: >>39407
I love you so much when you're cute
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yes sometimes
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