>People who are self assured and functional aren't going to affirmatively seek out a relationship, ask stealth gay niggas who seem like cool and nice dudes out on dates.
not him, and idk if this is cope, but this makes me feel more comfortable with being who i am, and not feeling pressured to seek out romantic interests, or pursue relationships. i like the idea of nothing being forced, just having stuff happen if it wants to. lately, a lot of men around my age, who i don't even know, act as though we do know eachother, and are very brotherly in the way they treat me. it comes as a surprise because i still think of myself as a kid, being dependent on my mother for a lot of things, and though this isn't a bad thing, i just find it interesting to see myself through them in a new light. it's like returning to that young age as a kid, where everyone was my friend, but now, it's become that every man is my brother. i suppose now, though i still am that kid, i have also become a man.