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Just wait World 
When I finally get my doctor to prescribe me antidepressants then I will finally have the drive to go to the gym again
Replies: >>38606
antidepressants aren't magic motivation pills, all they're gonna do is remove the guilt you feel right now for being a flabby sadsack
Replies: >>12198
being a gay tranny is a better way to get started, my workout goals went from "i will be trim enough to fit in girly clothes" to "i will look handsome enough to attract men"
you think that, by taking pills, you will finally become motivated to become the success you've always wanted to be? i don't think forcing your body's neuro chemistry to do what you want it to, will do anything more but tire you out from going against your nature, and that you'll inevitably end up right back at square one. man's temporal ambitions always end up submitting to nature's eternal plan.
Replies: >>12198
Imagine Happy gado
Tell me more about natures plan
you have to look at meds like rpg consumables with a tradeoff, there's ALWAYS a tradeoff, antidepressants wipe out your debuffs but they also wipe out your buffs
Replies: >>12201
I take Neuroleptics already they buff my concentration 

What are the side effects?
I don't feel any
Replies: >>12203
i never took those, don't they turn you into a fatass?
Replies: >>12205
stimulants buff stam and perception but they make you jack off like a devil
Replies: >>12205
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im fat already
Thats a good thing
i need sex with men
Replies: >>12208
i don't even care about the sex, just le me hold a man in my arms
Replies: >>12208
You are even more touch starved than me
How is that possible
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how do you meet lonely gay weirdos in your area? grindr and gay bars are too normal for me, /soc/ has nothing but proudly antidegenerate straight dudes, there's this local discord i found full of poopdick chasers cheating on their wife but i don't think they're the right crowd for me, i have no idea where to turn to next, the most painful part is all the best boys must be stealth gay and rrally good at hiding it
everytime i think i find a match he turns out to be addicted to league of legends, is this what i have to lower myself to for male affection??
Replies: >>12213
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They don't really hand out good antidepressants cos it turns out the thing most people need the strength to do is kill themselves
Just take a ton of acid and take apart your preconceptions and deal with the root cause
>i have no idea where to turn to next, the most painful part is all the best boys must be stealth gay and rrally good at hiding it
You're getting blasted by the same consequences of anomie as the (other) hoes are. People who are self assured and functional aren't going to affirmatively seek out a relationship, ask stealth gay niggas who seem like cool and nice dudes out on dates.
Replies: >>12212
>People who are self assured and functional aren't going to affirmatively seek out a relationship, ask stealth gay niggas who seem like cool and nice dudes out on dates.
not him, and idk if this is cope, but this makes me feel more comfortable with being who i am, and not feeling pressured to seek out romantic interests, or pursue relationships. i like the idea of nothing being forced, just having stuff happen if it wants to. lately, a lot of men around my age, who i don't even know, act as though we do know eachother, and are very brotherly in the way they treat me. it comes as a surprise because i still think of myself as a kid, being dependent on my mother for a lot of things, and though this isn't a bad thing, i just find it interesting to see myself through them in a new light. it's like returning to that young age as a kid, where everyone was my friend, but now, it's become that every man is my brother. i suppose now, though i still am that kid, i have also become a man.
Replies: >>12214
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Do women actually know what power they have over men?
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i'm in the mood for love because i stopped masturbating
Replies: >>38587
coincidentally i just moved back in with my family and i'm desperate for a (boy)friend i can leave the house for, need romance because i have a hard time warming up to people i can't be touchy feely with
Replies: >>38589
Replies: >>12224
i already hit on you all the time
Replies: >>12226
Really? I'm probably just too inexperienced to realise that
wtf that's me
if only you knew how bad things are about to get
Replies: >>38591 >>39736
ominous and morbid
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>>12194 (OP) 
The gym is gay and filled with black people. Just eat less and sleep more. You'll lose weight doing nothing.
i'm so sorry i did this to you, 2023 me
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