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Why do dumb 4channers want to be girls all the time, like it's gonna solve all their problems, you just know if there was some magical become a girl button they'd press it and continue to exhibit the same loser miserable thoughts and do the same exact male nerd things they did as a guy only with the added expense of having to rebuy their wardrobe and worry about tampons and no longer getting taken seriously in men's spaces because they now come off as an attention seeking brat only pretending to like male stuff for attention.
i think a lifetime of maladaptive male habits can be unlearned within a week of being showered with unwanted attention and being given the benefit of the doubt mostly everywhere, wearing girls clothes also flips a switch in u, it makes you want to be more graceful when moving around, or maybe it's the thigh femur angle and wider hips that do that
i could tell you but it'd take too much time and you wouldnt believe it
Replies: >>27637
It's simple
Become hot girl, sell nudes on onlyfans, never work a day in your life.
they are attention seeking brats only pretending to like stuff for attention already tho
Tell me and I will appreciate you
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