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deceiving and misinformation tactics
Replies: >>14238 >>14240
>>14234 (OP) 
Hi Magick!!!!!!! nice animes.  They're always up to something, huh?

I was wondering if you would explain why you chose the name Magick and how long you have been using it? 

I am asking because I used to have a high-energy friend named Magick and I thought I might take a long shot and see if it was you. *hugs*
Replies: >>14243
>>14234 (OP) 
le jewish anines
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it was not me
Replies: >>14244 >>14246
What kind of magick do you like? Have you changed your type of magick  over the years?
you were my fren .........
PLS BE MY FREN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you ARE the magick I knew  I KNOW IT !!!!!!!!!!
Replies: >>14247 >>14254
I have no friends and I've never had a single friend
Replies: >>14259
why do you larp about having a girlfriend who brews kombucha then
Replies: >>14249
she was my girlfriend not my friend, and I met her on [s4s] and it was very unhealthy
Replies: >>14262
you were my fren AAAAA
ano hi no yumeeee~
ima deMoOOoOOo
wasuretenain deshou?
Did you use to live on irc when you were young?

I guess I don't really know anything about my old fren except the nickname anyway...
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my bf used to say I was his best friend so girlfriends are friends
Replies: >>14264 >>14269
that's really sweet, i really wish i had someone like that 
why did you break up
Replies: >>14267
He had a big breakup speech about me because he's one of those histrionic bpd british twinks (he broke off a 3-year relationship with me over discord lol) but I can't remember what he said now
It was a distance relationship and I used to have to travel 40 miles to get there every single weekend too so that put a strain on it
Replies: >>14272
We still talk on discord occasionally. He was just telling me yesterday that he reached diamond rank in dead by daylight
lmao you never had sex, friends can't be love/sex interests, that's why many people get friendzoned
and your partner can't be your friend, it's a completely different dynamic
if you try to be both you will be neither
Replies: >>14272 >>14273
well 40 miles doesn't seem that bad, that's like around an hour by car isn't it? 
how did you meet? 

why can't they, especially when it comes to male/male relationships? what's the point of a partner if they aren't someone who you intimately trust the most and and can confide in for everything
Replies: >>14273 >>14275
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not true by the way
he literally was just a best friend I had sex with. that's the perfect ideal for a relationship.
I didn't drive then and I still don't, I had to get two trains there every week, about an hour journey yeah
We matched on tinder and then we met up in person after like 10 days of chatting and ERP lol
Replies: >>14275
she was a girl
also you don't confide everything even in a friend wtf
uhhh yes your EX that WAS and is no more so you're disproving yourself at best, it's like saying something works by showing the broken pieces
Replies: >>14276
Most relationships end in 'broken pieces', like literally 50% of marriages end in divorce. doesn't mean they weren't good at one point ever.
anyway how can you comment on what you are/aren't supposed to do with a friend when youve never had one. you should be able to tell a close friend anything.
Replies: >>14278
Like that’s effectively like saying “you quit your job after 3 years therefore it always sucked and you never got paid”
Replies: >>14278
you suck at logic
your silly little brain is so scrambled, so you will try the same thing over and over knowing it ends in disaster
Replies: >>14279
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Replies: >>14282
I schemed AGAIN and it caused CHAOS
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