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you should all live happily. i love all of you. every single one of you.
you're dead wrong if u think ur not included. you, reading this right now, YOU are included in the list of people i absolutely fucking love and wish to see happy, fulfilled and hopeful.

Your Fortune: Godly Luck
it's not your responsibility to make sure everyone feels loved. i sometimes find it hard to love myself, and even go so far to reject it when others offer their love to me. i've tried to look for the love i'd deprived myself of, but then became addicted to it because i despised myself so much, that i needed that love to keep me from continuing to hurt myself. it just spirals out of control.
Replies: >>42887
it's not my responsibility, it is my choice, and i chose to make this post
Replies: >>42888
i'm just offering a different perspective. i understand the intent, but you also can't take that other poster's blatant negativity at face value. that specific post was posted by someone who also happens to likely be going through withdrawals. it's like taking a pacifier out of a babies mouth, of course there is bound to be a tantrum. we all have our pacifiers though, i can't put myself in a position to judge.
Replies: >>42889
a different perspective on what? what do you think my intent was? you're making it sound like i'm doing something wrong
Replies: >>42891
i could say a lot more but your reply is honestly gives me a headache from trying to understand what made you say the things you just said
i guess maybe u see it as mocking because i used the wording of wish's negative post, and because you see it as mocking you think i don't mean it, and because i don't mean it my post isn't not genuine, because it's rude it means im being rude to wish because wish was rude, oh god stop infecting me

i still love you though
you seem tense, i'm sorry- i didn't mean to come off that way. it's ok if you don't understand, it's not important anyways. i hope lots of blessings come your way, you're a very lovely squishy.
Replies: >>42892 >>42895
im tense becuase i tried to make a postive post and then i get your reply and it makes no sense and you're confusing me
Replies: >>42895
came back and you didn’t even try to answer my question. i’ll go through the list on my own.
>it's not your responsibility to make sure everyone feels loved
this is you saying that i made the post out of a sense of responsibility, to make everyone feel loved. i denied this by saying i chose to post it  
>i'm just offering a different perspective
this is saying that you wanted to offer me the perspective that it isn’t my responsibility to make people feel loved. since i had already denied this, i am saying that your perspective was already known to me at the time. this means your perspective is not opposed to mine
>i understand the intent
headache begins here. i can assume this extends from the previous thought of me making this post as part of my responsibility to make everyone feel loved. you could also be saying that the intent was to be opposed to wish, because of something confounding you wrote later 
>but you also can't take that other poster's blatant negativity at face value
this statement continues from the previous thought, where you say that you understand my intent for making the post. the word “but” means you disagree with me or that i’m wrong. all together, you seem to be saying that the intent of making this post comes from a perspective of taking wish’s negativity at face value, causing me to feel responsible for making everyone feel loved. you are offering me the perspective that i’m not responsible. since i had already denied this by saying i chose to post it and didn’t feel responsible, you might instead be saying that my post was retaliation/punishment against wish for being negative. i only say this because of the next part
>that specific post was posted by someone who also happens to likely be going through withdrawals. it's like taking a pacifier out of a babies mouth, of course there is bound to be a tantrum. 
this is you saying why the negativity of the other post shouldn’t be taken at face value, because it’s the equivalent of a child throwing a tantrum.
my question is this: what does that have to do with my post? why should their reason for posting their negative post prevent me from posting my positive one, unless you’re saying my post is retaliatory.
>it's not important anyways
it’s not YOUR responsibility to decide what is or isn’t important for everyone else. 
i love you.

Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings
im acoustic and i shouldn't have been born.
i wouldve taken the advice if you didnt post an ugly image
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>>42885 (OP) 
Thanks squishy, wish you the same
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>>42885 (OP) 
i wish i could believe you...
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>>42885 (OP) 
I wish someone actually loved me
>>42885 (OP) 
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