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the extremely masculine urge to get caught in an autoerotic feedback loop where you're attracted to your own reflection and it lewds u up and seeing yourself get lewded up arouses you even more until you spill your seed all over the floor!
Replies: >>31356
The earlier post has not just a lower filename but a smaller filesize and all indications seems to imply that the filename isn't like truncated unix time with a prefix
Looking into it briefly office 365 (maybe specifically sharepoint or microsoft lists?) seems to generate filenames of this sort (1000XXXXXX) but who the fuck is using microsoft to, what, automatically thumbnail images and then post the thumbnails? Is this windowsphoneposting?
Replies: >>31330 >>31332
did anyone read this poster
Replies: >>31331 >>31335
Posteo dot net
please don't mention o365 or sharepoint  you're triggering me
Replies: >>31334
OP uploading the same image to be recursively thumbnailed in his sharepoint and increasing in filesize every time!
Replies: >>31354
I did I am interested in what he had to say
Replies: >>31337
what did he say
Replies: >>31339
The word of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ
ohhh yeah, chrome for android added this weird image picker thing a few versions ago and it loads much faster than the one I was using, this new one changes filenames and does something with the images, maybe it's re-encoding them, do they look worse than before?
Replies: >>31356
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Looks exactly the same to my untrained eye. But >>30356 (OP)  is a smaller filesize than >>31322
Taking the difference of them in GIMP they're the exact same image to the pixel so I guess it's just a worse(?) encoding of the same data
>it loads much faster than the one I was using
Lossy image encodings (unlike lossless lole) have improved a lot in the past decade, with google in particular giving zero fucks about compression and trying to wring out as much speed as they can in lossy compression (I'm sure that's good for their AI metadata too lolemao) so it's probably google thumbnailing them in some proprietary format that they can convert to/from and they've decided to use bigger jpgs to store things as cos they're faster to open or something.
This has led to a journey into getting a new pet peeve in a 'feature' (being black point compensation) that you would never want that's on everywhere all the time that midwits will literally barge into threads about people asking for help with an issue caused specifically by it saying that you must never ever turn it off and it should be on all the time when it's literally causing the issue and the actual solution that the user did in some cases get help in finding was to turn it off.
Also holy fuck I didn't know I could hate gnome more, you literally can't change the default save/export location because it's hardcoded to an environment variable which means it's always documents for gimp-on-windows.
Replies: >>31372
someone should read this
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