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To the person it obviously concerns. Demi
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>>40067 (OP) 
also to demi
Replies: >>40078
wish someone would validate my abuse
>>40067 (OP) 
demi is a cute name
>>40067 (OP) 
oh cool you’re back 
fuck off and stop invading this place with your attempts to contact someone who doesn’t want to talk to you
Replies: >>40079
>>40067 (OP) 
omg are you hurt???? shut up loser
Replies: >>40082
now you’re mad for being called out
Replies: >>40083
i'm not them
you should talk
Replies: >>40084
lol it’s obvious that you’re assuming i’m someone specific just because i told op to fuck off
guess what, i’m not, i just think he’s pathetic and annoying
Replies: >>40087
the pains of anonymity
Replies: >>40089
i just felt like taking op's side
nobody acts like this unless they were pushed to
Replies: >>40089
clean up after yourselves, losers
Replies: >>40090
i remember op coming here trying to find this demi guy, shitting up threads, spamming posts trying to get demi’s attention, replying to random squishies asking if they were demi or whatever, it’s fucking annoying 
Replies: >>40091
you mean OP and not me right
their stress matters more than your annoyment
Replies: >>40092
the only reason i recognize this guy is because of how annoying his spam was
i recognize the name demi, i don't remember "spam"
Replies: >>40095
you will stop being annoyed when people stop being weird dicks to each other
the post you’re currently posting in is spam because it’s been months and op is still upset about being ghosted
Replies: >>40096
it's not okay for op to be upset because it annoys you?
Replies: >>40097
no and that’s not what i said, it’s about the way op went about the situation that annoyed me
op is right to hurt and mildly inconvenienced randos making them feel insane and defective over it only makes it worse
Replies: >>40099
never said it was wrong to feel hurt, i’m saying op handled the situation in a way that just made things worse, by being annoying about it
Replies: >>40100
being under stress doesn't leave you much room to think about optics
Replies: >>40101
speak for yourself
some people hurt more than you do and they don't have as many tools to deal with it
what faggots!
Replies: >>40137 >>40158
Op here, the only post i made was the OP opener
Demi where are you?
What r u talking about?
Replies: >>40158
jewish ways of life
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i remember being called demi for some reason
can i see examples of this schizo demi orbiter spamming my le emotional health depends on it or whatever
Replies: >>40167 >>40168
wtf are you talkin about
if this is wish, magick, avogadoposter, or sky than the poster is probably retorded
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i havent seen so much potent cope and ell in a while,,,,,,,,,,
я на котchan
Replies: >>40218
Whats a tomato
I wish demi would be nice and let me blog stuff to em
Replies: >>40249
I wonder where the jew is at
cool beans
i dont know how anyone would think being that manipulatively cruel for months on end would end well instead of just being nice and empathetic.
Replies: >>40261
it's your fault, actually
They're the one that went ghost over a depressive fit and God forbid i would never do that with any fit they had.
Anything in april and all the vague wierd wish copycat type posting was my fault, and past may its point to be point to op post.
Which they did have fits that were out there
especiallyt into march
Can you imagine asking someone to speak on mic so they coulld vent to me and then i could vent back about being in a 100+ degree truck for 8 hours of the day. Then for half a month being told no cause they had anxiety then they get on mic with any random people after saying for 10 months that they have anxiety to the point where they would text no one and they already knew i didnt trust 4chan people out of the blue.
if i knew where wish lived, they would be hit in the head.
with a golf driver
For whatever ksenia/reiko type shit they have runnin over discord. the /s4s/ people are probly loling at em
Course Demi was the one that wanted to drop o for their depressive stupid shit which is ironic
see how insufferable this guy is?
Replies: >>40274
fuck off wish/sky
Replies: >>40275
Theres only 3-6 people that use this board buddy
Replies: >>40277
Replies: >>40282
nothing delusional in expecting that to be posted by one of 3 posters
Replies: >>40279
Replies: >>40282
Lets see there were plans to get demi out of russia by november and they threw that all away with vague bullshit and the op post
Demi is pretty much halfway screwed at this point
>i can only say one word to b cool
Theres nothing funny about any of it if you knew thd half of it.
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