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i think that my partner doesnt love me anymore
Replies: >>21910
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is it really fair to do that right after ive started being good and improving all the time? i dont know
didn't you make them try to kill themselves and then called the cops on them recently
Replies: >>21901
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they made it sound like they’ll kill themselves and turned off their phone. I asked the cops to check on them. 
Apparently the reason as to why they said that was to make me scared..?
By the way, I couldn’t contact their family. When I myself was suicidal my partner would message my mother via my account.
Replies: >>21908
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why do you enjoy torturing people so much
Replies: >>21909
i don't think wish is the torturer here.
Replies: >>21910
>call the police as soon as they do anything to try to get away
It's not an exclusive or situation but wish is obviously in the wrong here
>>21893 (OP) 
Gee I wonder why
Replies: >>21911
this individual threatened suicide. could've ghosted wish instead
Replies: >>21913
>could've ghosted wish instead
>turned off their phone. I asked the cops to check on them
Are you trolling or just simping for a fat gay man?
>threatened suicide
That literally never happened
Replies: >>21914 >>21920
how do u know it didnt happen
Replies: >>21915
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Let's see
>no mention or implication whatsoever in previous thread
>post hoc claim (by the abuser lel) about the internal motivations of the victim, again with no reference to a threat of any kind.
Even the most generous possible reading is that you were summarizing an interaction after the fact and no claim was ever made of a threat being made. There's no way in hell you wouldn't jump on any sort of threat as something to parade around to try and make yourself look better and/or victimized, as is happening right now that some faggot has swooped in out of the ether to suck your dick in public and by making shit up purposefully misreading the thread.
You'd think you'd be able to see that since this bullshit is exhausting to even see in third person it must be soulcrushing for the girl in question that's been suffering from your bullshit.
Replies: >>21917
so anyways it did happen
i'm the fatso, not him.
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