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I dropped a 1L bottle of Bacardi on my toe while ironing my clothes and now my toe is the hurty toe.
Replies: >>33659
why were you drinking rum while ironing your clothes 
also why were you ironing clothes seems pretty fem are you a homo?
Replies: >>33627
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I wasn't drinking it, the cable from the iron wrapped around the bottle and pulled it down off the counter and onto my toe killing it instantly.
why were you ironing your clothes in the kitchen
where is your power outlet even located so something like that could even happen
Replies: >>33629
My kitchen is too small to house alcohol, I have to store it in the living room.
Replies: >>33630 >>33633
don't you have cupboards? 
why do you have a counter in the living room
Replies: >>33633
you know i'm starting to think this guy is bullshitting us
love this character
Replies: >>33661
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It's not a counter it's a freezer. 
It's in the living room because it doesn't fit in the kitchen.
I have my alcohol stored on top of the freezer in the living room.
Please stop interrogating me about the furniture layout of my home.
Replies: >>33634
why did you say it was a counter initially?
i'm still not convinced, could we have a photo of the living room freezer as well as the ironing board in the same frame?
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>>33625 (OP) 
can you shatter me too
I love you
Replies: >>33662
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The hurty toe is now the blue toe.
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Years ago, my dad was working on his Monte Carlo, and had the crankshaft standing upright, on the floor, in the kitchen. 
I opened the cabinet door, and it was knocked towards the floor.
My big left toe was in the way, and the nail remains cracked till this day. 
My dad was mad, but still felt bad, and he bought me Popeye's Chicken. Hoo-ray!
were you ironing on the kitchen counter? what??
Replies: >>35584
i think this the same guy that was searching for a towel for 16 hours and gave himself food poisoning from homemade mayonnaise he made on a counter on which he also irons his clothes
Replies: >>35527
yes it's obviously him lol
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I was ironing on an ironing board that was next to the freezer with the alcohol on top of  it.
Replies: >>35585 >>35705
the freezer that's in your living room right?
and if the bottle was on top of the freezer that means you have an electrical outlet at the height of a freezer? for the cord to become entangled with the bottle? what
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The power cord did not become tangled. 
It's a steam generator so there's a unit that sits on the ironing board that's full of water and is plugged into the wall and then there's a hose that attaches to the iron. 
The hose of the iron looped around a bottle and pulled it down.
Replies: >>35838
that makes even less sense since why would the hose be anywhere near the top of the freezer if the unit itself was on top of the ironing board
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