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Why do some girls want to be trans guys? Men age like milk and go bald on male hormones.
Internalized misogyny makes them think men lead more enjoyable lives in general, grass is greener, etc etc, they almost always detrans or suicide after they realize they're basically invisible to women and treated like a threat by society unless they're in the top percentile of attractiveness and income.

Men do the same shit when they want to slut themselves out and become transwomen, they think women lead more enjoyable lives, not realizing all their societal value dissipates by age 35 and hinges on having a uterus.
Replies: >>40434 >>40436
*internalized misandry

the second one is internalized misogyny, everything comes full circle lole
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I think FtMs just hate our modern hypersexual culture. They become misogynist after being seen as a sex object for most of their lives and having slut culture forced on them. So they remove their boobs in an attempt to destroy their sex appeal to men. They don't really care if they're ugly because they hate beauty standards as a whole.

Some MtFs hate women for not living up to their concept of the vigin trad wife. They also hate living as men when their whole life's goal was finding that perfect trad wife to start a family. With the pursuit of a wife and family gone they become women to cope with their loss of manhood and male identity. 

That's my theory
Replies: >>40526
are you sure about that? they all seem to have a story like "i used to watch a ton of porn and i always self-inserted as the guy"
Replies: >>40537 >>40542
FtMs want to be the guy who does the raping, and that's perfectly okay!
MtFs have to make excuses for their porn-induced AGP but but FtMs are extremely shameless about it
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Most girls read yaoi just because it doesn't involve the sexualization and objectification of women. You get the same types of girls shipping non-human characters and writing romantic fanfics about them. They want to express feelings of romantic attraction but not as not as themselves or as women. So they use fictional characters as a proxy. Yaoi is just a byproduct of female dysphoria and not the cause of them being trans.
Replies: >>40539
i'm not necessarily talking about yaoi, straight porn comes up just as often in accounts of transmasc experiences
also lol at "romantic attraction" when so much of it is an outlet for frustrations against men (it's good when males are raped and emasculated, it's good when they suffer)
Replies: >>40544
you can choose not to believe me, but i've seen a shocking amount of "i always dreamed of having a girl suck on my dick" from transmen
Replies: >>40542
when i say transmen i mean transmen, not 16 year old girls with a taste for androgyny
it's hard to ignore because it came at a time when i was constantly exposed to Blanchard typology debates and "it's a fetish" "porn made you this way" and they just seemed to own it so hard like it wouldn't even cross their mind that someone would challenge their motivations for transition
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>it's good when males are raped and emasculated
I don't think women read these kinds of stories just to spite men. They like toxic yaoi become it shifts the power dynamic away from the male characters. Some women just don't like feeling powerless is a sexual situation or being sexually submissive. They'd rather be in control and imagine themselves as the dominant sexual partner. While emasculating a male character in the process.
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When men watch harem animes with rape, slavery or mind control it's not because they hate women. It's because they want the sexual power dynamic skewed in their favor. Usually the mind controlled, raped or enslaved woman falls in love with the protagonist. Same logic applies to the abused and raped male characters in the toxic yaoi stories women love so much.
Replies: >>40551
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Maybe porn does ruin people's perception of relationships by skewing the role each partner plays in sex. Instead of seeing each other as people they see each other as dehumanized sex objects expected to fulfill a dominant or submissive role in the relationship. The virgin trad wife being the ultimate example of the submissive female for the man. The bisexual twink being the ultimate example of the submissive male for the woman. It's all about skewed power dynamics in relationships caused by porn addiction. I think people should just love each other in a mutual way that doesn't involve sexual stereotypes or forced power dynamics. Just two people who want to be open, vulnerable and intimate with each other.
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tranny lore goes crazy
Replies: >>40548
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I read stuff like that and self-insert as the girl getting raped and enslaved, what does that make me?

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