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is this from 2021
Replies: >>36018
wish before becoming completely incoherent :(
Replies: >>35660
that's tenshi
Replies: >>35661
idk how you can keep up with wishspawns it's so confusing, it was easier when she went by neppy
Replies: >>35662
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neppy is completely different though, he's much more thin and from finland I think???
anyway I'm not on any discords so I only have to keep up with the menheras that spawn on the board, that makes it less confusing
Replies: >>35663
I'm very sure neppy went trans and became wish tho
Replies: >>35664
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if u say so
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i am a timeless eternal immortal pure ageless spirit
Replies: >>35674
you're a looney
Replies: >>35675 >>35843
ok and why do u think that
Replies: >>35676 >>35678
give me an actual reason that doesn’t involve wish or neppy because im not either of them, i am my own person and have my own life, etc
Replies: >>35780
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i was making a reference to the black knight scene from monty python
that said, you still are a crazy menhera for the same obvious reasons wish is
Replies: >>35679
Im sorry for not getting the refercne it’s because im innocent and pure so i dont get references 
but anyway what are those reasons!
Replies: >>35680
it's from 2021
Replies: >>35681
im an ageless timeless spirit like i said
Replies: >>35682
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yeah okay, you shared ur videos with someone who doesn't trust u

but hey is getting groped a fantasy of yours lol cuz I keep being asked if I would grope u
Replies: >>35683 >>35710
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huh i shared my videos with a lot of people
is the year thing because it’s like, old? im still me my eyes are still the same (they look a bit more tired now but that’s because im sick and tired), most of the other stuff was from 2023-2024, i haven’t worn the cat ears in so long though
and umm, maybe? weren’t you the one who brought up being molested and stuff
Replies: >>35684 >>35914
yeah I figured you shared them with entire servers or something so it's not important, don't worry about it

lol the cat ears look so cute, is your hair that black naturally?
ur eyes do look more evil (angelic kind), I thought you were frowning on purpose or something, but they're still the same eyes you just need some rest??
Replies: >>35688 >>35710
I just asked if you've ever been groped??
gropes in public
with people watching how ur shirt and skirt are lifted showing ur tummy and a nefarious hand reaching under ur panties
it’s dyed black but otherwise it’s kind of a dark brown, andd i miight be frowning in some photos but umm, i need so much rest it’s actually crazy how tired i am of being awake right now
ive gotten through it before so it’s ok i’ll be fine i just to pause time for a bit
Replies: >>35690
also woaw are u groping me? in public right now???
Replies: >>35690
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how do u pause time
no, I'm just asking what would hypothetically happen um
Replies: >>35693
why are you so inhumanely tired, haven't you been able to rest correctly?
Replies: >>35692
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it’s getting better it’s just one of those things that happens sometimes u know 
and its also the the result of having my mind subjected to the equivalent of a lifetime in the energy draining ritual array with no chance to rest peacefully, it adds up i guess (don’t ask what this means)
Replies: >>35694
its when i stop caring about the passage of time or everything around me so im basically paused and frozen until i thaw again 
anyway hypothetically cums
Replies: >>35695 >>35696
oh okay, at least you've gone through it before and you'll be fine
okay that'd be detrimental if you were in school or had a job, thankfully you're an ageless timeless being so it's fine
but it is comfy being careless like that
anyway remember when u went to the fridge naked
Replies: >>35698
ur such a quickshot
Replies: >>35698
yes i do..
Replies: >>35699 >>35700
ur so strange
Replies: >>35701
have u ever used a magic wand vibrator
Replies: >>35701
Spoiler File
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UR strange for asking all these questions about me!

anyway lifts skirt and exposes myself wow can u grope me hypothetically or whatever
Replies: >>35702
uwg wha your waist is so well defined and your legs are so thick lo l wtf what you're hot 
and  nice girl underwear maybe I hypothetically want to see more of it
Replies: >>35703
Ok ask me later cuz i have to go somehwere oops sry
Replies: >>35704
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ok sure it’s not “important” but im curious
there’s a reason u asked that question, and the wording is interesting cuz u say “shared with someone” in a way that’s like, referring to someone else
I guess it could also mean like you went and checked the exif data and noticed it was recorded in 2021, but still, 
 anyway, in 2021 i uploaded the video somewhere, to some random server (the most immediately relevant places i can think of for that time period was the freezer and some other server called “no willingness”, my name there was goodbye, some s4s people were there, but you also say you don’t use discord...), and maybe someone else saved my video in the past? someone who didn’t trust me? someone could have remembred that same video being sent in the past and been like huh woa that’s from 2021, what the heck, but how would u know about that and how is any of this relevant to what you should realistically be asking about 
obviously you could just be trying to compare my answer with what you know, but what exactly do you know?? what goes on inside your mind huh? all uve been doing so far is asking me questions!
Replies: >>35727 >>35756
that's the process of mind breaking
Replies: >>35731
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the extremely evil and sinister process of mind breaking me by... asking me a bunch of questions
Replies: >>35756
I saved the video but couldn't find it because my file manager buried it under old files (2021 files) that's why I asked
I figured it was reading the exif so I read the exif of the video and yeah, but I felt weird doing that, that's why I said you shared them with someone who doesn't trust u, I was referring to myself
and I told u it's not important because yeah my file manager was just confusing date of creation with download date for that file but I figured it out
<but what exactly do you know?? 
idk anything I just wanted to know if it really was from 2021 or if it was a bug, but then I checked the exif and figured it out 
you don't have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to

but no I don't use discord idk what the freezer is
yeAh I ask you questions because you're interesting, you clearly have an overthinking bone but it's fine you can ask just like u did now and everything will be ok maybe I didn't communicate correctly
Replies: >>35757
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>that's why I said you shared them with someone who doesn't trust u, I was referring to myself
omg i kinda guessed it right at the start but it’s good to have a confirmation!
anyway im mind broken now
Replies: >>35759 >>35913
it all makes perfect sense now
 the way you word things is funny, it’s like the past version of yourself (the one who didn’t trust me) is treated as another seperate person
u should glue together ur brain
unless it melted due to drugs then it's too late
Replies: >>35762
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I can keep picking what's left of your brain right
Replies: >>35762
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the drugs are the glue holding it together actually (especially the stimulants)
if u want!
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also i saw ur reply to that person asking if ive taken mdma (kinda cute?)
Replies: >>35764
lol wtf
it makes no sense, why the mdma would cause something like that it's insane Inwas just playing along
haha unless
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drink my milk?
Replies: >>35771
Replies: >>35773
idk why I even said you did mdma I don't know if you even have taken it
Replies: >>35774
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wwoa omg really cute reply ???
Replies: >>35775
well u were right, idk maybe i mentionted it when i was plushie or something
i took a bunch of other random experimental chemicals too
Replies: >>35775
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u love urself more than anything
like what? wtf did you use to just order away on white house or something
Replies: >>35776
i love having fun and making friends and enjoyign myself and experiencing things that feel good and making myself feel really good and nice and happy and all those pure innocent things
also that's top secret ii cant tell u um um  but um maybe possibly and also other places  but basically yes theres like actual labs that synth this stuff its kinda awesome if u wanna consume a bunch of research chemicals for fun
Replies: >>35779
also the fact that u mentioned white house by name makes me curious
are u a criminal or something do u use this stuff often
no white house is a household name I was just wondering
do you like doing all of those things online? because you mentioned raves before?  lol
I remember one time as plushie you said u were going to take meth wtf idk if that would even feel good for u? like what did you do
Replies: >>35781
you are you
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well the research chemicals are mostly online yea 
most ppl wouldnt even wanna take them unless u just lie and say it's something else

also lol
Replies: >>35783 >>35786
you are in my 500m personal space
Replies: >>35784
did u get horny from the meth
Replies: >>35785
team exhibitionist wins yet again
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yyea something like that....
why would you take them then, do you just get bored
because that's a perfectly good reason
Replies: >>35787
that's exactly it!
Replies: >>35788
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so u get bored, do meth and then go outside to your porch naked 
but now you're the girl who's always tired
Replies: >>35791
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image deleted from my thread
Replies: >>35790
u found the easter egg
Replies: >>35793
yea im in the recovery phase! then i can do it all over again!
im drinking so much water and taking supplements and being healthy and stuff to prepare my body for next time
Replies: >>35795
ur the easter egg
Replies: >>35794
you found me!
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just don't be bad ok?
Replies: >>35796
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im innocence personified
Replies: >>35797
are u
Replies: >>35799
I don't think ur a psychopath
Replies: >>35799
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yes sometimes
im an angel like i said
im just misunderstood sometimes but i try my best
i think it's easy for ppl to define whatever preconception of identity that they wanna assign to you
and once it's made, it's hard to change
Replies: >>35802
you said "I kinda know you" to me
Replies: >>35803
and you said "i kinda know you too"
Replies: >>35804
I kinda know you
Replies: >>35805
i kinda know you too
Replies: >>35806
I kinda want ur milk?
Replies: >>35807
come and take it?
Replies: >>35808
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u hh um uhhh I'm mentally disabled and possibly retarded whhgagwa hm?
Replies: >>35809 >>35814
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i don’t mind!
do you wear high heels
Replies: >>35813
i wear boots to crush your skull
Replies: >>35822
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Replies: >>35815
magick is cute and innocent!
Replies: >>35816
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Replies: >>35823 >>35912
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Replies: >>35826
uhh keep ur boots clean and crush me with ur thighs??

are you a goth lol
you dress like a goth
Replies: >>35865 >>35869
maybe what
im not happy
im worried and i dont feel good
Replies: >>35832
i rot in bed
Replies: >>35835
my new pc broke so i had to return it
Replies: >>35836
TL note: PC stands for plastic cock
Replies: >>35842
shut up
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Replies: >>35866
what causes this effect
Replies: >>35867
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im not sure exactly
Replies: >>35868
you on the right
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the boots are off and it’s time to crush you
Replies: >>35870 >>35993
uuuhhhgh fuck nice skirt
stop making me want to worship u
Replies: >>35872
umm but u already...

Replies: >>35873
um yeah I would soak your socks with my saliva
Replies: >>35876
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Replies: >>35878
tbh I'm so feral I would probably just jump at you and lift ur skirt and idk
Replies: >>35876
wtf omg 
keep going
Replies: >>35877
no, you have a  boyfriend
Replies: >>35879 >>35945
i can’t believe santa just got away with manipulating the whole world and no one even knew until it was too late
im I’m huh who
Replies: >>35880
idk you tell me
Replies: >>35881
i never said anything about having a boyfriend idk why ur saying that
Replies: >>35882
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um so you're just gonna ignore the lelephant in the room
Replies: >>35883
who what elephant huh ??
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Replies: >>35885 >>35886
he forgives u every time?
yea ur literally a princess, do you you like rape roleplay? have you seen in JAVs how the actresses act like they don't want sex
maybe I could try to shove my tongue into ur mouth while u try to push me away or something like that
huh but that can't be
Replies: >>35887
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maybe but omg, why can’t it be, stop hesitating and retracting ur statements just type all of your thoughts turn ur brain off and let it all out or something, it’s ok it’s fine dont worry
Replies: >>35888
you're debriefing me
Replies: >>35889 >>35890
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this is me right now
Replies: >>35891
um explain this statement ?
Replies: >>35892
I want to boop your nose
I'm not retracting anything I guess I'm just shy or not good with people, or maybe my brain isn't comfortable for some reason, people in the other thread called u a slut ass pedo idk wtf is going on??? your buddies are so complicated

you want me to turn off my brain idk why
Replies: >>35894
ur eyes are huge
Replies: >>35896
>you want me to turn off my brain idk why
so u can stop thinking so much and being uncomfy, and ur brain feels more comfortable after ur head feels clearer
idk maybe u even felt something just now 
>slut ass pedo 
llol did that one in particular confuse you?? those ppl are really silly, idk who they were (but i can guess), they’re just rly mad at me for being too friendly and angelic or whatever and came in my thread to try trigger me

does anything else confuse you?
Replies: >>35899
i dont want you to be shy or confused or hesitant!
Replies: >>35902
*stares at you*
I'm not uncomfy I think, I worded it wrong

why would people be mad at you for being angelic and friendly trigger you to do whaT? ?
Replies: >>35903
omfg the formatting supergay
cute formatting
why not wtf this is something I would say maybe
I think I would say I want you to be confused and hesitant, to be sarcastic wtf
idk what goes on in their minds magick, idk why they’re so mad at me either, but i can guess (maybe you can too)
Replies: >>35905
why are you paying attention to me
Replies: >>35906 >>35907
no I can't?? what's your guess
Replies: >>35906
that’s classified...
Replies: >>35909
but also because im interested in you or something along those lines
Replies: >>35908
what do you mean "something along those lines"
Replies: >>35913
um who sent you
Replies: >>35913
I'm just going to kill u how about that
Replies: >>35913
what did you get from the fridge, that one time
Replies: >>35913
Replies: >>35913
it’s a phrase that means something in the same line of reasoning of ( “yeAh I ask you questions because you're interesting” >>35757 ) omg Magick ur going back into the mode where u question everything and get rly confused 
no one sent me!!! i sent myself, im a solitary angel under my own authority 
u could try?
when i was naked and bending over??? idk a drink or something but that’s not important idiot
ur hair looks so soft and probably smells soooo good
Replies: >>35915
it smells like flowers and shampoo
how is that not important, lol
that was really funny wtf you're so wacky what did ur mum say omfg tenshi
Replies: >>35920
I'm not interested in reciprocal meaningful relationships
Replies: >>35921
you question everything and get really confused and tired too
Replies: >>35921
post ur panties?
Replies: >>35922
iwent to the fridge naked to take a photo of me going to the fridge naked, that’s the important thing
idk she just walked in and looked at me and then walked away
Replies: >>35925
that’s ok u don’t have to be..
yea sometimes
Replies: >>35927
Spoiler File
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Replies: >>35923
why are you so comforting in this weeird way
um uhhhhhhhhhhhw whaaaat lol shimapan? lol someone ought to stuff your mouth with them, maybe
Replies: >>35926
I imagined black goth panties with mesh or something like that since you're a vampire
Replies: >>35926
um she's probably very used to you doing insane stuff?
whyy is it weird? it’s because u said ur brain isn’t comfortable for some reason
yes i posted this one to surprise you and shatter ur expectations
Replies: >>35928
I don't?
Replies: >>35929
no I am comfy but I'm just getting to know you I guess I am just not used to get to know people
I think those panties are sold in a pack of two? one pair blue and one pair pink
yeah! u don’t have to reciprocate with anyone, u should just do whatever u feel like, literally do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable, if u don’t wanna get into a relationship then just don’t
it sounds so easy when i put it that way, right?
Replies: >>35930
yes it does, makes me wonder if you follow your own advice
wanna get to know each other and make my advice into a reality
Replies: >>35932
lo l
Replies: >>35935
Replies: >>35935
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what’s wrong?
Replies: >>35936
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Replies: >>35937
Replies: >>35938
ur cute
Replies: >>35939
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worship me then!
Replies: >>35940
so you're a lost lonely angel looking to be worshiped is that it?
Replies: >>35941 >>35942
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Replies: >>35943
lonely? aren't you stripping them off from their partner in the first place, cuz you got too jealous cause they dumped you over in the past
Replies: >>35943
um ok
Replies: >>35944 >>35947
then why are you going after sky and not someone else?
Replies: >>35945
I'm not going after anyone aren't you reading the stupid thread >>35877
Replies: >>35946
nigga, reading the thread is something and the way you have been acting for a month is something else
Replies: >>35953
worship me with a load of cum
Replies: >>35949 >>35955
you could be saying that, but clearly have other motives inside you hidden, not to mention that you keep dying and coming back at certain points to cause chaos
Replies: >>35950 >>35951
Replies: >>35954
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can u explain this im a bit confused
how is magick dying and causing chaos what does that even mean
Replies: >>35957
im very innocent and vulnerable right now
potentially a victim even 
help what is this scary evil magick guy gonna do to me!???
Replies: >>35959
nigga if I wanted tenshi in my DMs I would already have her in my DMs
we're just happy to be here and clueless, and asking a lot of questions to each other, and doing whatever we feel like 
arbiter of cum
Replies: >>35956
goth black lace panties
what it means, that each couple months he doesn't post for weeks, then when he's back he keeps abusing and using the shit out of this site and 4chan
Replies: >>35958 >>35970
how can I abuse a website wtf lol
Replies: >>35960
he can't do anything, he is pathetic (not like you are any different) and there's also a virtual barrier, the most he could is just cumming on your pics and people already did that
Replies: >>35961 >>35966
oh really? go check 4plebs I bet you have made more threads than your entire lifespan
Replies: >>35966
>cumming on your pics
this is hot though
Replies: >>35962
yeah it's hot being a slut for sure until the guilt trips hit you one day, and nothing is gonna be hot or even fun to you
Replies: >>35963
that’s hot too
Replies: >>35964
I guess you might be mind broken already Idk
does this person not understand the hard wired abnormality present at birth which results in emotions being processed differently
 I'm in bungendore literally rn
i was born with my mind broken and i had to fix it all by myself
Replies: >>35968
Replies: >>35969 >>35971
are u saying you miss me when I am gone
Replies: >>35972
sticky cum glue covering my brain all over
Replies: >>35974
the total opposite unfortunately, you just make 4chan full of porn thread making it less entertaining
Replies: >>35973
I saw a screenshot of u saying "they cum so much"
Replies: >>35975 >>35990
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Replies: >>35976
Replies: >>35977
glum on my thighs
Replies: >>35978
no I want to glum on your panties
Replies: >>35979
Replies: >>35980
no wait, maybe on ur face it would be better
Replies: >>35981
bbut my face is like the most vulnerable part
Replies: >>35983
no matter where I go, coomers are everywhere I shall never find peace
uhh h h yeahh, and the prettiest part too
also if I glum on ur face then I can have your panties as a souvenir right
Replies: >>35984
yea sure!!
Replies: >>35985
um beg?
ur so silly
ur silly too
Replies: >>35988
wow im you and you’re me
Replies: >>35989
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Replies: >>35991 >>35992
image of you looking at your tributes
do you paint your toenails too?
Replies: >>35994
wouldn't youu like to know..
Replies: >>35995 >>35996
yes I would like to knowww
I just had a weird thought 
like I was thinking about you and your body specifically and I felt bad that you're finite
like I was thinking about your feet and then ur legs and then ur tummy and chest and I thought about headpatting you and then I realized I wish there was more of you... like where's the rest of u, I need more? ??  ? more sky ?
Replies: >>35997
um that’s really really cute thought!???
Replies: >>35998
you should be a shapeless infinite shoggoth for me to kiss all over
Replies: >>36007
do u wanna know everything about me, are u interested in everything i have to say,  do you want me to be infinite and inexhaustible, do you want my body wrapped around yours whispering to you for all eternity
Replies: >>36000
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u have a boyffffriend
Replies: >>36001 >>36005
omg why are u even assuming tjis
Replies: >>36002
because I know you through him, and you guys are practically highschool sweethearts
Replies: >>36004
because you know each other since you were like 16 and I've always thought you deserve each other
Replies: >>36005
what if i didnt
Replies: >>36006
what would you whisper to me for all eternity???
Replies: >>36009
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anything you can think of (the whispers come from the inside of your skull)
Replies: >>36010 >>36017
what stimulants do you use
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silence whisper
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It is impossible to communicate to you a conception of the trembling sensation, half pleasurable and half fearful, with which I am preparing to depart. I am going to unexplored regions, to “the land of mist and snow”.
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white lies dont make me happy
Replies: >>36014
what does this mean
Replies: >>36015
means your gay
do u really read such obscure luciferian shit omg marry me?
>>35658 (OP) 
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