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The domain expires next month. Would anyone be super mad if I decided not to renew it? 

I kinda made the site as a half-joke and didn't really expect much from it and was really surprised when people still continued to post on it after the first couple of weeks, but with the [s4s] mods not banning people for no reason anymore I feel it kinda isn't really needed anymore and I should just retire it.
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>>12366 (OP)  (dubs)
I wont be super mad, but I would be super sad. Even if [s4s] is in a good state now, I like this site much more, its a lot friendlier. So pretty please, if there's a way, let the site stay!
Replies: >>12372 >>16023
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I hope you decide to renew the domain. 
Sluts 4 Sale is much more fun than the bad s4s.
Replies: >>12372
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i wont be mad but it has been so much fun posting here would be a shame if it ended
Replies: >>12372
don't worry about it, he's being retarded
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>>12366 (OP) 
It would be a shame to see it go but it's nice of you to post this to discuss this matter rather than deciding to randomly shut it down. I don't know too much about website hosting but if you were to run ads, I would certainly whitelist your site on my lengthy list of adblockers :3 maybe those ads will offset some of the costs of running this site or maybe even grow into a small passive source of income? 
>[s4s] mods not banning people for no reason anymore I feel it kinda isn't really needed anymore
They could start banning people again and idk if it's just me but ever since they started banning on a whim, the board quality steadily plummeted. I used to nicepost anonymously a lot there but now it's like a 2nd /b/ and I feel a lot of us here share a similar sentiment :/
Replies: >>12387
>>12366 (OP) 
Petition from China to not end the site. I can't post anywhere else.
admin HATES your posts
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there's nowhere else to post
I still like posting here cus I'm sure the bad esfores won't appreciate my orgasm voice recordings.

How much is hosting and the domain?
I'll chip in money if it's a money issue!
Replies: >>12387
Okay, I guess you guys think differently. I will either renew the domain or just use a free subdomain, but probably the former. 

I did actually already get a free subdomain so the site is also reachable via this url just in case:

But as I've said I probably will renew the existing one so you won't have to use this (unless you want to I guess) .

It's not really a matter of money (even if I am pretty penniless lol) .

Thank you for wanting to help though.
Replies: >>12389
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forgot my text and pic
uh i don't post often but i like this site
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I'm still hesitant to passpost on esfors just because they could start randomly banning ppl again for lewd blogposting and avataring too much, or even simply using characters used by banned figs or just saying their names, it's only been a few months since the angry homu poster stopped incurring her ebin all board bans and the various wishspawns stopped getting banned on sight, this place is nice and I would hate to see it go espexially if the real munch comes back.
Replies: >>12398
>I'm still hesitant to passpost on esfors just because they could start randomly banning ppl again for lewd blogposting and avataring too much, or even simply using characters used by banned figs or just saying their names, it's only been a few months since the angry homu poster stopped incurring her ebin all board bans and the various wishspawns stopped getting banned on sight, this place is nice and I would hate to see it go espexially if the real munch comes back.
imajine explaining this post to your grandmother
>>12366 (OP) 
renew it and post shimakaze cosplay
Replies: >>12409
this and also post your tummy with the url
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The site that saved [s4s]!
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>I like this site much more, its a lot friendlier. 
Lol these are some of the meanest cunts I've come across on the entire internet.
Replies: >>16025 >>16027
imagine expecting to be treated nice when you're a cunt yourself
look at him bumping several month old posts to hide who he truly is, look at him squirm and attempt to hide behind irony after being confronted lol
that is just precious
Replies: >>16026
See this is what I'm talking about
Replies: >>16035
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i dont idk everyone has been nice to me c:
Replies: >>16028
I honestly don't know what I did to provoke this guy's rage for days on end except post a screenshot of a wish post.
Replies: >>16029 >>16037
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i dont rly get namefig drama either its not nice so i try to ignore it and post cute animlel videros instead :3
Replies: >>16034
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I agree
>post nothing of value
>consistently act like the whiniest and most pretentious cunt imaginable
>demand attention
>be surprised when the attention is negative
Another day in the life of a fat loser
Just stop posting. Nobody wants you. Kill yourself, and take the inevitable recording of your pretend attempt to facebook where it belongs.
Replies: >>16036 >>16039
You're saging a thread that isn't even mine now lol
You can't be a happy person man, hope you get better and stop wasting your energy on this. Sorry for ruining your le epic old internet  anonymous BBS style imageboard secret club by posting one single wish screenshot.
Replies: >>16061
it's not just one guy like you hope it is, take the fucking hint
Replies: >>16038
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Oh I see now, you're THAT guy who repeats these same phrases to everyone on s4s constantly.
Jesus man stop wasting your energy on me.
Replies: >>16042
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who's going to care about me if Mattress goes....
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Me and wrinkly on this site
that's not me but the fact that you went and sifted through the archive on a board i haven't touched ever since it went down the drain to link someone who just happened to use the same phrase as me is hilarious and kinda sad
dude just sits here all day and night, head in his ass, on the look out for anyone talking shit about him to protect his fragile ego lol
Replies: >>16044
One of those was toward seuss actually. Pretty good accolade to be on the same level as seuss, it's an honor.
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Reminder that a real human being sat behind a computer and typed this whole thing up to someone he doesn't even know on a dead alt-chan that gets 2 posts a day max.
Replies: >>16046 >>16047
a travesty someone decided to waste this much time on you
an even bigger one knowing you're wasting this site's bandwidth still
Replies: >>16047 >>16048
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nya nya you two should stop and eat a burger together nya
Replies: >>16049 >>16060
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>a travesty someone decided to waste this much time on you
I agree lol I'm really not that important or noteworthy, you're both wasting your energy because none of this unhinged ranting sinks in or registers with me at all. I don't even post that often here or spam the site or anything so I genuinely don't understand it.
Replies: >>16050
Can you post more of the xatu mug
There could be a million reasons for that, but it could also be that he's just messing with you, or he's just being argumentative or something nya
it is my mothers mug not mine i post a picture tomorrow nya
Replies: >>16051
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>There could be a million reasons for that, but it could also be that he's just messing with you, or he's just being argumentative or something nya
Yeah that's what I figured, he's going through some tough time or some shit in his own life and I said something that rubbed him the wrong way here, and I was just here and present as an outlet for his anger or something. None of it connects or resonates with me at all or makes me feel bad or anything, it's like he's talking to someone else.
>it is my mothers mug not mine i post a picture tomorrow nya
Hopefully you can inherit it.
Replies: >>16052
when you nya marry me nya it is your too nya c:
Replies: >>16053 >>16054
Replies: >>16054
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Replies: >>16058
It seems to me that this is a niche market.
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>I don't even post that often here or spam the site or anything so I genuinely don't understand it.
60% of posts on this site in the last week are you attentionwhoring
If you don't get a reply within like two hours you reply to your own post
You also can't read and just post the same shit again and again so it really is indistinguishable from spam
Do you not understand the concept of sage
Replies: >>16062 >>16063
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You still going?
He's autistic (disabled) therefore he is incapable of self-reflection.
Replies: >>16064
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Neurodivergent website.
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Everyone's an epic online autist neet until a real autist walks in
NTs deserve genocide
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actual autist here yallst bunch of figs and somehow op is not a feggot

Replies: >>16155
lmao did Admin-kun do that?
Squichy, you better explain right now how admin is not a fag.
Replies: >>16156
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