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we live in a society that tolerates secondaries and allows them near pencils
what's a lucky star secondary
Replies: >>29573
using lucky star as a personality accessory without having watched it
the manga is barebones you're not missing much by not reading it
Replies: >>29575
oh right lucky star is actually an adaptation 
the manga still seems to be ongoing, but i can't remember i actually ever heard anyone discussing it
Replies: >>29578
it always published slowly, the anime was 2007 it went on hiatus from 2014-2022, and then nothing really
I don't think that Konata in her 30s spinoff ever got more than a single chapter
Replies: >>29579
>I don't think that Konata in her 30s spinoff ever got more than a single chapter
That's just a fanwork anyway though
Replies: >>29581
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officially endorsed fanwork
how horrifying, why would anyone want to read about getting older in their escapist media
Replies: >>29584
That doesn't mean anything. Authors don't own their works, there is no such thing as endorsement in any coherent sense.
Also, it's only a "fanwork" in the most oblique possible sense since it's a total discontinuation from the themes and plot and characters of the original. Indeed, the authors of these kinds of things are precisely the people I'm complaining about in the OP.
Are you going to tell me that flcl has sequels next?
cus it's so relatable I guess
also is it really escapist if you relate to konata for being an otaku and you do the same kind of stuff anyway
Replies: >>29585
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>is it really escapist if you do the same kind of stuff anyway while escaping all your responsibilities and limitations
Do you have brain damage?
>cus it's so relatable I guess
It ain't, it's some crusty roasty's random bullshit that they've slimed their way through some bureaucracy into having rights to publish under another name. It's as relatable as some soccer mum's shitty blog.
Even good official spinoffs are exceedingly noncanon and have terrible representations of original work characters.
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