why do sometimes like on occasion ok not all the time i guess, but well idk like a few times probably im not really sure well enough to be noticible like maybe there's a pattern or whatever but anyway so like why do sometimes when sometimes when umm, like, ok wait hold on so this isnt like im not saying ALWAYS u know, not all the time but maybe sometimes probably idk, dont take me too seriously jjust dont think too much about it, you can take me seirously if u want but u dont have to, well anyway so um, so like sometimes when, ok wait so so ok u know this is just an example not a real depiction of actual events u know like, im not trying to say this happens ALL the time u know maybe im just crazy ok im soryr ifi m ocnfusing im not trying to be confusing i just noticed sometimes like when YES NOT ALL THE TIME OK please just please its not that importnat you know never mind please just stop just jjust what was i saying uuum yeah angel psychosis or something why does that happen sometimes