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>January 14 marks a special day dedicated to virtue, self-control and inner greatness. International Male Chastity Day is an opportunity to celebrate the strength and determination of men who choose the path of chastity.
>Male chastity goes well beyond physical abstention. It is an inner journey, an exploration of oneself, a quest for discipline and personal mastery.
>Join us in celebrating International Male Chastity Day on January 14, 2024. Together, let's embrace the strength, discipline and power of the masculine spirit.
>Your HolyTrainer team -
too bad the actual site mostly phrases it as subshit
Every femboy must be caged.
Replies: >>21284
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It's been like five years of development since I bought a cage
I wonder if they still pinch your balls
Replies: >>21285 >>21286
Your penis is a guinea pig in the chastity cage technological arms race.
All you gotta do is get one of those chastity cage harnesses so it hangs off your waist and not your testicles because that would hurt after just a few minutes, especially if it's metal.
Replies: >>21287
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>so it hangs off your waist and not your testicles because that would hurt after just a few minutes
Yeah. Wearing more robust underwear also helps but I don't really want to be wearing underwear most of the time I'm wearing chastity.
Also either my balls are a weird shape (or large) or I'm measuring wrong somehow or something about the environment or overworking my gentials males them less ductile because I consistently measure suggested ring sizes that are literally off the chart, and I'm pretty sure I've got a very average C&B besides the scars.
>All you gotta do is get one of those chastity cage harnesses
That's the obvious solution yeah, but I've only even seen ones that are built for specific systems, usually nasty metal cages made by those weird oldworld brands that produce garbage that's super overpriced because of how hard buying adult toys was in the preinternet age.
I'm looking again now and it seems there are just generic ones that are getting decent reviews, so I've bought a three strap one. It may be some time before I can give a review, though.
Replies: >>21289
cant wait for the review

also what's your opinion on cage styles?

1. flat chastity (bonus points if you shove it inside your foreskin)
1. inverted flat chastity (runner up cus it sounds hot but I bet it's painful)
also only the ones that go an inch inside you, anything more seems like torture
2. pink or white holy trainer nub or extra small (cute!)
7. inverted flat chastity with urethra tube (looks painful!!)
10. old fashioned long cage that shows your whole dick (gross!)
Replies: >>21292
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I don't understand your list numbering
>also what's your opinion on cage styles?
Pretty sure I've only ever worn standard/small HT. I don't really care about the aesthetics in 3dpd terms, I'm not showing it to anyone least of all myself.
To my intuition flat cages seem like they'd cause blood clotting or something. Bed sores at least. I'm no expert though.
With regards to the sounding cages, I'm not a fan. That kind of CBTish stuff is boring and uninteresting. If you want point stimulation touch the back of your hand to a hot kettle. A cage is to counteract the features of a dick that make it draw your attention and get in the way anyway. What's the difference between having a dick flop around and demand unsatisfying attention and having a pinching cage stand rigid and demand attention? I'm trying to have a full body experience here.
In the words of a korean futa
>I just love how boys sweat when they're being pounded
Where's the power fantasy of getting squeezed and ground out if you've got a vestigial flagella that totally disconnected from your pelvic chain and the line sof strength and tension in your body?
When it comes to the aesthetic in amines, I do have to say the flat cages have grown on me a lot. I'm to a lesser extent a fan of just having a cute little flaccid dick and to a great extent a fan of having something like pouch panties (I didn't realize that jockstraps are basically this. I actually own a jockstrap without realizing that's what it is and I have worn it to keep a chastity cage in place but it's fare from ideal; it's just the cup holder from when I was fighting and it's not that tight or supportive of something closer to the body. Realizing this, I bought a new one but it'll arrive before the other pieces.) which don't show any change from sexo besides getting moistened from the inside when cumming maybe. In that regards the flat cages are pretty perfect, though they can sometimes still emphasize the balls/cock&ball sock profile depending on how they're drawn and I hate that.
That's what I dislike about traditional plastic cages.
Absolute worst garbage tier are those oldschool metal cages where you see the whole cock and it basically looks like it's a halfchub bent down. Just teh worst.
chastity cages are grosse
Replies: >>21298
Put it on, twink.
Replies: >>21303
free the D
Replies: >>21339
how else are you susppsed to tame your bratty femboy harem?
Replies: >>21340
>posting fat ugly men in a nice thread
Why are you like this?
Replies: >>21341
Spoiler File
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idk it looked better from the thumbnail from the waist down
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Why the FUCK does holytrainer use UPS
I genuinely don't know if I will ever get my cage
Replies: >>21402
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Holytrainer owner responded to my bitching about UPS but it also seems like he's getting involved with the case of the specific package. I kinda feel bad about the latter since I'm pretty sure it's just been handed to an independent contractor and where it is and what's happening to it are basically unknowable and I don't want to drag him into this kind of nightmare delivery issue (I probably have like 10k total in deliveries in permanent limbo that nobody will talk about except in circles on the phone) and waste his time.
At the same time, UPS home office doesn't pick up the phone so I can't get contact details for my local and you can't use their email or complaint system without an account (and you can't make an account, since the EULA involves signing away dispute rights). I would like to know wtf is going on and if I'll ever get it, so I suppose I'm glad.

Either way it seems like he's considering alternative carriers so my main point did seem to get across.
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Cage arrived (harness hasn't)
Bad news is it's unwearable.
Good news is it's clearly because the ball ring is too large. This is the largest ring I've bought and it's the worst case, so it's very clear that that is the issue. I was also able to confirm that I don't understand the measurement (how tight you are supposed to make the string). I know I was way off but I still get numbers that seem too high, but I'm also unsure how you're even supposed to tie regular string that tight with a double knot.
I should have 2x smaller rings + the nub (all v5 so modular) before the harness gets here. Actual review won't be able to happen until next month though
can't wait for the full review magick!
post pics though
Replies: >>21420
Replies: >>21421 >>21425
Replies: >>21432
We need to see them.
Don't want to
Don't like 3dpd
Not looking for that sort of attention
Replies: >>21463
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The box.
You opened it.
We came.
Your penis is a means to summon us.
Replies: >>21471
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Hopefully closing the box on my pon*s won't revoke my ticket to the BDSM angel internship program
Should be in the next week if nothing goes wrong
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Issues in >>21417 were mostly a result of not having a harness, though not entirely.

Alright. Three rings, two cages, one harness.
No harness:
Regardless of ring size, get the massive hangdown, even worse with the nub. The smaller rings actually stay on and are probably wearable, but it's fundamentally not what I'm looking for.
With a tight harness:
(nub, 40mm, 45mm) Tightening the harness with while the nub is closed on 40mm or 45mm rings causes testicle genocide either instantly or after 1-3 minutes. Absolutely destroying the skin, possibly the actual nut, and also seems to be cutting off bloodflow, though the flagrantness of damage means I didn't keep it around for long enough to really tell. With a less tight harness, both can be attached but they shift until you either get into the no-harness hangdown situation or shift until the harness is tight and it starts to pinch/chafe, probably also hanging out of position.
(small, 45mm) Despite that the extra squashing of the nub having a much thicker section where it's actually inside the ballring (being head rather than shaft) is absent, this is still unwearable. Pressure seems to be specifically on the top of the pon*s more than anywhere else, though it's also pinching the balls.
(nub, 60mm) With a very tight harness, this stays on well. The biggest impediment to long wear is an extrinsic: the gathered balls apparatus gets squashed/driven up in some positions where my thighs are together and I pull my legs into my body.

The harness I have now isn't ideal for this, because getting it to actually be very tight rather than vaguely supportive  requires screwing around with single-twists using the 'bottom strap' from behind. I'll try other harnesses.

A cage like pic rel honestly looks super ideal. Having the pon*s section fully terminate before the ball ring would solve most problems and allow the ring to be way tighter, and the ring isn't really doing anything structural for me other than serving as means for the harness to attach to the head more reliably (which seems to be how you'd want it, since the balls are so much less robust than the stick). Unfortunately, outside of cheapnasty shit from china I haven't seen any evidence that they actually exist.
Replies: >>21606
Turns out holytrainers are just outright unwearable
>New style heads literally always cause exposed skin so your urethral exit gets squeezed out and pushed against clothing after you've worn it for a bit
>one thousand and one problems with the fucking moronic "shaft that goes into the ring" design (head that goes into the ring on the nub)
I'm actually mad
What a fucking waste of time. What a fucking waste of an opportunity. This shit seems so fucking simple to implement too. The HT base ring is such a fucking abortion it's insane. Literally the placeholder steel rings that came with the harnesses fit better than they do.
Fucking insane.
Replies: >>21684
squishy trolled by a chastity cage
Replies: >>21606
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unironically the victim of gay europeans
There's a >>21562 style chinese (seller, anyway. They seem to be some kind of business-to-business ecommerce representative a la a merchant of record) cage that has reviews (and afaik legally enforceable product claims, not that that means anything if nobody calls them on it) suggesting it's not a poorly machined cheesegrater, but I guess I won't know till it arrives.
In any case I've learnt a fair amount about penis anatomy.
are you winning son?
Replies: >>21608
not yet
Replies: >>21615
do a video review
Replies: >>21694
They deleted my fucking review lmao
Replies: >>21831
In order to understand squishy's problem with the device I need to see a video of him wearing it and making himself cum hands free.
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>Chinese cage was returned to sender
for FUCK sake
Replies: >>21829
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Ordered a german cage
Wasn't going to bump till it arrived but I found this in their marketing materials when I was looking for the steel standards.
Simply incredible
Replies: >>21836 >>21849
found my v3 when I was looking for my metal plugs
It's super fucked up how you can tell at a glance that it's an actually reasonable design. Now that they only sell v4 and v5 there aren't even HT products that humans can wear being put out. If they're going to delete the review and not respond to criticism are they purely just trying to run a scam and sell on hype?
It's bizarre that they're like, changing the design and shit but there's such a clear lack of any sort of craftsmanship or desire to produce something of value. I don't fucking understand these 'people'.
How can that cage be the product of German engineering? 
Without the sounding tube there's only 3 parts. Not 300.
Replies: >>21837
The lock is almost certainly multiple parts.
On some of the chinese knockoff pages for other flat cages I saw people complaining about that give you can see between the two parts, I wonder if it does have consequences or not.
>How can that cage be the product of German engineering?
Not all german engineering is terrible, just most of it.
Why does this have dad rock music playing in the background like its trying to sell me a ford f150
Replies: >>21850
I especially love the first two beats being vaguely but not well timed with putting parts together
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dadrock cage arrived (also, though it is a german cage, it was made in china as well lol)
Initial thoughts:
hangs down a lot without a harness. Still probably wearable, but I'm not that interested.
With a harness, balls stick out a lot. It's perfectly comfortable, but it's kind of funny - with loose pants it looks like I'm packing . Currently wearing a 2 point harness (over-body, resting on the hip just under the outermost protrusion of the bone).
Immediately, it's infinitely more wearable than any of the modern HTs. I'm wearing tight thermal boxers that would shear my dick right off at the urethra on the holy trainers with their retarded fishlip design and didn't even think about it. No problems doing jump-tuck-squats in it with/without the harness. I was able to do a full workout in the HT before but it beat up my dick some (actually I clipped the cage with the mace a few times lol) and there was a big problem with the bar scrapping the exposed part of the head on the deads etc. so we'll see how this is. Initial outlook is optimistic though. Even though the balls are very forward, there's still a decent amount of give and I don't think they're likely to get pinched or anything.
With an erection my whole taint up to the balls stick out like as much as a dick's width or maybe more. Does this always happen, like, without a cage? Maybe a tiny bit. It was a lot. I still got the cock/high ball area berm/plateau as well, I'm not sure where all this cock was coming from.
Replies: >>22770
When you say your whole taint sticks out do you mean that it's pushing your cage forward in front of you? 
I've had this issue with cages but I thought harnesses were supposed to prevent this.
Replies: >>22785
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>When you say your whole taint sticks out do you mean that it's pushing your cage forward in front of you? 
No, I mean that by "the cock/high ball area berm/plateau". That part is unavoidable. There's erectile tissue behind the extruded weenus so no matter what you do to your external member if you're physiologically capable of cumming/etc. you'll be able to clamp down on the veins and make that inflate.
What's different here is that some more of that erectile tissue or someething seems to be getting displaced further with this cage. It does seem to be dependent on how the cage is hanging and on gravity, so I guess it is just getting pushed back, it's just surprising how firm it was, like taut muscle (it may even have been taut muscle, with whatever was getting displaced behind it).
>I've had this issue with cages but I thought harnesses were supposed to prevent this.
If you don't have a harness then when this happens it totally destroys the cage position; it gets pushed super far forward no matter what, and then stays there after the erection. There's erectile tissue inside your body so it's not like you can cut it off by pressing with a flat surface from the outside. If you had a sufficiently tight harness then maybe, you'd probably need an inverted cage or something to make that work. Turgidity clearly has enough force to displace soft tissue so so long as the muscles and nerves work I don't think you can avoid erections happening.

Being able to rub/bang the cage against things with no fear at all is crazy. I'm like traumatized so I'm thinking about it more than I should have to. I'm genuinely livid about the HT. How the fuck can you sell that?
squishy chastity up!
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